NOT HOT AIR 1OURCOAUSpiCKEp) Wo pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and-best prepared coal. We make It a point to ptet coal for you that will give the most heatfj with the least waste. It no have your order for dftUKerjT' now. a:'.1 Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, - fnarten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our lion us. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire mt and I shall call personally. Remember, it you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootles Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue ' LlNKiSAY -S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing- Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In IMnno and Furnltum Moving. SILVER WEDDING AT SKIDEGATE Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ituss (iave Large Dance in Town Hall to Celebrate Occasion SKIDEGATE. Jan. 30. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rum of Skldegate Mission, cel. brated their silver wedging a few days ago by a dance In the town ball at which Invited guests osme from all the country round to the number of 180. The hall waa beautifully decorated with white and mauve and McKay's twelve piece orchestra provided the music. Quests were received by the host and j "i w nwv u m wiwouib Wni i of beaded georgette. Many beautiful l gifts were received. I It was .recalled that Mr. and Mrs. Bubs were married 36 years ago at the mission by Rev. B. C. Freeman of what ;e uow the United Church of Canada. The following were among those at-, tending frcni outside points: Miss O. Haan. C. Haan and P. Haan of Band Spit; from Queen Charlotte were: Mr. and Mra. O. D. Beattle. Mr. and Mrs. OUleaple. Miss D. Barge. Mr. and Mrs. A. Christenson. O. Joins. C. Miller. Capt. George Newberry and Capt. George McRae. from the stoat coast Iwcre: Mrs. C. DeBucy.Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Richardson. Mr. and Kirs. N. Schafer. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Emmcrson: from Skldegate were Mr. and Mrs. Stevens,' Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. O. Cbastney. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bcharfla.l Wat B. Stevens. H. Young and P. BAXTER POLE CO. A considerable slackening up of on the Queen Charlotte Islands la to be noted according to arrivals from there on the Prince John yesterday. The Baiter Pole Co. at Port Clements is about the only concern carrying on There seems to be an air af unter- tainty as to when the Mawett Timber c. null at Buckley Bay wUl be reopened oy toe Ma Angeles Lumber Products Oo. OoaaUrerable preparatory work has been OOM and word la now being awaited from the south before work proceeds further. IS CARRYING ON ttord From ftenlli llrlnj Awaited IV-fore Work Continue at Buckley lUy Nawmlll SMITHERS BOARD OF TRADE CHOOSES HEADS OF VARIOUS BUREAUX MTTHgjm, Jan. - j h. Oroat. president 'of the Board of Trade, has appointed the i heads of the bureau of tXe onraaUaaUoR as foiinwi rmiim ' V(H.tjiMMHs t.,.;- , f Publicity- -If. B. Warner Public Work -K. M. Salet. Railway and RaUway Rates - chss Re Id. Mining- L. 8. McOlll. Agriculture Oeorge Oulton. Pur. Game and Plsherles Jss Oroat. Lumbering- Wn, 8. Henry. Retail Trade H M. Mathews Tourist Traffic- J o Stephena. ntertalrunent H. P. Noel. SKIIWEGATE Mr. and Mra. C. Bruce of aWnd., H. have moved to Bkldegste. Mrs. Bruce Is visiting for a few day with Mrs. Schafer. Southeast. Harbor. Oordon JoUnT of Queen Chartettsfii put on a show at the Skldegate school nth his moving picture machine last Saturday and this waa much enjoyed a targo number who attended. Rev. J. Olllett. Indian Aaent. sum hr on the last hna m t.iinu. IL. nected with the mtatton and after atlf. wree uays niKed back to Port Clements. Capt. j. Haan of Bandaplt who la looking after the timber limits for the Ocean Palls mill, called In last week sfwr giving the clalma the once over. Capt. Bill Streseman Is at the Atllrts and Rotaghton camp on Maude Island. Jra Calvin sailed laat night on the Camosun for Alice Arm Me expects tn mum to the city tomorrow. "HUILD B.C." Two Good Facts BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM!.,,. Our 71 TO BRING PLEASE THIS MAGGIE. GUY tTLL 'REALLY- T'6 JOLLY NICE. OH! BY THE VJAY,I PROMISED YOO BY JOVl". - CI HOME TO OF YOU TO INVITE, ME- .re i'n eoMr. m MFR THE NEXT . . n,IMER- I HOPE HE OOKl'T I ill -. I 11 ri .1 -j - j 11 n 1 1 ' eanmg Oh ' I! : TlMEt VISITED- vi-311 w WILL. wiuu WU w-u w... I , GiT amy I L. . - Js T m&, Sw-'v 1 5TfV- til TTTiA MINUTE UNTILIGtT . M n mi v' cvjsvj' 1 rices On and after Feb. 1st, 192S Suits steamed and pressed Suits cleaned and pressed $2.00 Coat and vest $1.25 Trousers 75 Trousers, white 91,00 Overcoats, steamed and pressed 7- Overcoats, cleaned and pree- ed v $1,75 Trench Overcoats .. $2.50 Raincoats $2.00 Fancy Vests 50c Boys' SoIt $1.00 Caps Silk Shirts 7,v Mufflers 5 Tie 7.7 I.V Sweater Coats 7,";J Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone 118 ( WE 01V YOU FACT5 " ' I ' SPEED SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS Contestants From Ottawa, London, anj Other Points For The Annual Event TORONTO. Jan. 38. rBv the Can- bSliaU . Praas I . The umaunint . ot 1 Wm - SM9 Pi .iMNWaTit, r A chef who has Hred twenty years in British Columbia writes he is impressed by the fact that Tav'fic Milk is 100 per cent British Columbian. It means something to the people to have such an industry in Canagian 9pm& Skating Wtiwarsla to TMDt &nd tst' try nattonai event will be hold oa Saturday. Pebruarv 4. at thei r-arslty Rink has livened things up tn We sports in Toronto. The absence of Ross Rcblnson. who han left for the Olympics to represent Canada, means test a new senior champion will be made on that occasion. Roy Pendral. of Toronto who la skating batter than it any time in his career, wUl probably rule as a favorite so far as local entries are concerned. Pendrel is a speed sped. alHt and has a habit of winning every- (iung at hla favorite distances, tew Davis, former Old Orchard skater. now with the Toronto Club, is llkoly to b a serious contender. Re Is a long stroking skater with mote than the average turn of speed. Fred Brooks and Van isarkanen shooM be heard from, while there is s possibility that some of the l-year-old assy stop up and make It interestln foe Va Mtsmm The most promising of the JuiUor brigade are Aiex Hurn of London. Curtis and Charlie Bodle of toe Toronto. Mile. Deabeina. of Ottawa mtu cored sonsstMnaai tn M jetfWseV cim wu, year, nen ano oaas STSsfuw1 owtse. is Ukaly w be tMk again. J. T wan or mat city also aastms that he will have a string of bfatdo muhera front tktt eaottal who will mak M-fetaaatine mums Otlasra VBniil2V"VtiK ftai tended the last eouple o ohompkonshln meeu. will not be In the fan. He met with a mishap Uua fall whleh may keep him out ot sports for some time. While ex gaging m Jumping competition he landed on a hiddci ram unci badly Injured bis back. i There wlU bs no competitors fron Canada In the "Silver Skate" event at , Chicago this month, hi the meet al I the Windy City is being held unaet the Jurisdiction of an association with which the Canadian body la not !Jrjir;hUfaCasPahtlCU,ar" S"n OP" Yesterday Ly. SSr,", f,1: , 8 ' uh6 !25 ith 2 Goals to 2 ABain,t imin. PACIFIC MILK tlrad Office. Vancouver rartnrlet. at Ijiilnrr and AMxiUfont. "UUILD .C." FOOTBALL GAME WAS PLAYED ""v " in bucii a kuvu owalnliy The first aa of foctball of the Mt-on was played on Sunday afternoon st i o'clock between the grain boat Bualnby and Prince Rupert, resulting u a draw;,. About two minutes after the kick sff. Dickens made a beautlfu goal from awttsdt the k-engjtrea tot .-tupert. Thenjhere was ome very good ulaylng and combination on both sides. About ten nslnutet before half-time B. Hunt scored for Rupert. Score at half-time was 3-0 in favor of the local boys. Iu the second half the seamen broke away for two hard tttlght goals. Players I (! Tgggjj II bm 8am Eratn. Hunt. Seiggpansi oherty There WwlSeut spectator, prr- MRNS1AKE WON FROM r FRAJPS AT HOCKEY tir Ms luio tine la -or of the Itallwor Town Team BURNS LAKX. Jan SO A r..t .nrf "icltlng hocked game was staged st rrsncoia Lane laflt Sunday when Bums Lake and Francois Lake teams met for the first tune Ih s season: The score was 1 in favor if Burns. Joe Kerr waa t) first to score, slipping one past the oalle about the middle of the first period. In the second ixrtod Dr. J. T. Steele carried the puck up the lee from his dslonoe position nd shot in a hard oat which scored for the visiting team Toward the end the same period Hubert Donaldson slipped In two gisls in quick auccessV u. Tommy Jeffrey iiroke the luck of the Praacols Lake bo. I. In the last period and slipped In a pretty goal. Line p Bums Lake -J. MeKenna. centre; W MeKenna. left; a. Dj'naJdson. nht 'Joe Kerr and Dr. Steele defence; Taylor usstf sost. g Dsok. spare. rrsneola LakslT. Jeffrey, centre; W JrttMf. Tight: t. lllokey. toft; R. Pro., -or and1 Bud Peterson, defence: Jimmy Jeftref. goal; Rugs Peterson and Bruce UttIC snarc. r ' - i. "I say. old dear, what's eood for biting finger-nails t" "Sharp teeth, silly." .4 gsav J gea sji ' esw BW mrm e I I i J US asr, aa . s . u Ti saas w 1 1 sgsasssWL-ut":1 imintH' k aw i it i2 i a yr First the Boy -then the Man Y0UR W can start life with a balance in the Bank. A Many a boy has $100 or wore savpj jront his pocket money and is proud of liie baiik boolc.' A thousand dollars saved at 18 may mean a college education or a good start in business. The Royal Bank s" e qi- Canada Piince Rupert Crunch Y E. U Mar.yge. " . a .1. Y anted" For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. , 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTED PURNI8MTO . ROOMS. ITOt'3I preferred. Apply Rev. Hanson. tf MAID WANTED APPLY MRS. L. Palmare. MISCELLANEOUS APTTAL POMDS rTBOOTlATXD, OEN-eral Corporation Service. Confidential; Address P.O. Bos 156J. Prince Rupert. 2$ - i SPORT CHAT . . Events scheduled for the week are as cllowt: FOR SALE POR 8ALR. Old 30 H P. PR1SCO Standard in first class condition: recently overhauled: with full equipment. Apply Ward Electric and Mar ine Supply. m sronday lttnlght,--Crlbbag, Utps:-;, baLBLd NgW8PAPR Knight of Columbus vs. New Empress Hotel: Moose vs. Native Sons of Canada: St Andrew a vs. Orange Lodge: C N Mechanics vs Canadian Leg:on; Prince Rupert Hou-I vs. Grotto Elks' Whist tournament, fuesday Ladles' Whim: Canadian National Lad.ea vs. English Ladles: Moose Ladles vs. Oranse Ladles. Billiards Ovum vs Maple Lea (a Basketball: Klncollth vs. Prlnc Rupert. hursday -Men's whist: Seal Cove va Oddfellows: Native Sons of Canada vs. 8t. Andrew's: , St. George's Society vs. Orotto, 'f Kr.tKhts o; Py- imas vs. Moose. Basketball Klncollth vs. Prince Rupert. Friday Billiards: Cold Storage vs Orand Terminals. Basketball league stanUlnfts-S'to date follow: Kenlor Iracue W. D L. Pts. Ratlve Sons 7,1 i 13 Ms 3 1 s 7 Terminals 3 0 7 a Intermediate Iagne High School 8 0 3 16 Big Pour S 0 4 10 Elevator l o 8 3 ladle' league High Bcliool .... 5 0 3 10 Drill Team -3 0 B 4 Jnsfor lagar Tusla Boys B 0 1 10 Stsr 1 o 8 2 Individual averages to date In the Billiard League aa officially announced y the secretary. W H Long, follow: P. Williams (ML.) 3 Howe (ML. I 5. '6k. Pylt ia.T.) ...... 1 My (CA) A Msodonald (C3.) D. Brown (Orottoi W. H. Long ICS I C, Totingnian. (Ol Played Total Av. ... 1 300 300 ... A. Mnnay..CB.) W. J. Nelson IOC) ... O. Wausb (Orotic i J. Been ley iOT.i Ben Self (O T ) C. Balagno io.c.i Mayor McSlorrlle (ML.).. Ad M. McUchlan (ML.) M. Andrews (ML.) A. Donald (O.C.) J. Hillman ICS. i 0. A. Woodland IO C ) . . W. E. Wllltscrort (OT.) . . J Judge (Orottoi B. Morgan ID S ) J Hamilton (M.t. i 1. Andrews IO.TI O P. Tinker (O.O.I P Zleman (O.T.) .. R Young (Orottn) John Bulger (C.8.) O. Krause (O.T.) J. Brown (Oi ... : , 1180 uas 048 4IW 271 438 198 588 186 us ita 1184 104 1183 1M 987 191 1143 198 6 1141 0 II 10 749 917 1091 1088 887 1080 348 1039 8S8 001 ,891 B33 008 972 904 190 1ST 187 181 183 181 179 177 174 173 173 187 ISO 1A3 181 181 158 150 138 107 While some- of the boy. here were trying out the temiin miirn for the first time this feaT. a few othre High were sUtlng on the , Of 10 . pond ,. in I aaorse creek hu,..bha' loo was, rsthsu ,JLow siusna. . , 1 . . 1 ' Union steamer Camosun, Capt. James High Plndlsy. arrived In port at 8 o'clock Low last night from Vancouver and way-1 points and sailed at 10 for Anyox. I Stewart and other northern points of High call. Passenirer aboard the Included Capt. Larry Th mson. M Alva- low Ton, W. E. Richardson, Frank Conwny. j L. H Htnton. Inspector Wllllnni Spillcr, ' Mrs. J. Pos. Mlsa R Jscobsen and S Hlch Prterson for Prince Ruiiert: w r PC SALS 91800 BUYS A NBWLT finished house. 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry and baement. Handy to saw-mlll. Phone Biark 831. tf FOR BALE -UPhlOirr ORAND CIUIO Piano nearly new, with bein!i aij other furniture Apply 240 Egi.:;i Avenue W. 34 I'OR SALE. SECOND HAND CARPET In good condition 18 ft by 12 ft Apply Dally News. tf Till RSI1AY. FKRfH ARY t 10:34 am. 93:48 pm. i.K.,1. 4:30 a.m. n-34 pm. rnill.iV, FERRt till 11-39 a m 8:30 n 111. 18:19 p.m. ATI RDAV. FKimt AIIV 4 Two large bundles for Toe. tf FOR KENT POR RENT - ONE GOOD APARTMENT with three bedrooms. Down town. 8tork block Apply Stork's Hardware. TX)R RENT -PUBNI8HED HOUSEKXEP-ing rooms by the dsy. week or moiuh Phone Red 807 tf OR RENT ROOMS WITH OR WTTH- i"'t board Central location Phone Blue 158. tf HOUSE FOR RENT ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. 11 iOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE. Apply 31 B Fourth Ave Bast tf riirnir. wn ranoen WE HAVE IN STOCK BEDS SPRINGS, mattress, linoleum snd linoleum rugs, carpeU. window blinds, curtain rods, curtain foods and drapes, dining room auitra chesterfield suites, chairs, tables, floor lamps, blanke'a. sheets bed-ir. reads, qullu. ranges, scuttles, kitchen hardware and mostly all household articles. All new 'goods. A. MACKENZIE Furniture Phone 778. CHIMNEY SWEEP H. t. ZI'MKEHH fleneral Hand; Man Furnaoss snd Stoves Cleaned and Re-paired Ohtmnlee Swept. Cemetery Plot Cared For Phone Bad 348. Prtnoe Rupert, BO EXCHANGE NEW AND SECOND HAND Ft BMTI'Rr bought and sold and exchanged Player Piano and Two.iJasn Reeltert tn stock PAPIMnnrt4Ht nUn CHIBOPSMt'Ttr. ft, tk Jaf, flVSMMM rhleonrarlor 833 Third Avenue. Telephone for appointment now to' Blue 8S Residence phone Black 359. Evening calls made as arranged. Make your appointment now. PKINCB 111 l PERT TIDES MONDAY. JAM AMY SO 171 H'Kh 7 28 am. tos n 173 on -en . .. ' 0'48a m. 14:03 pa. 8.3 " Tri:SB4Y. JAM ART II Hlh 3J am 30.1 ft 31 48 ujn la iUt I '53 a.m 84 - IS 17 p m. 5.8 " W'KDXKNIMY. FKIIKI ARV 1 9-38' a m on a m ' aa ai pm. iT.i I'ow 3 07 a.m. 0.1 - is 34 p.m. ijt - 0:39 am. 18.0 ft 13 : 20 p m '.:!) a in. 10 rw p m xi miiv, i himt uv 1:34 am. 13 Wl '"' pm Walker for Ammdale iind II. M unil W Iw 1 10 51 pm 31 1 ft. 180 " 9.3 " 38 " 31. ft. 8 8 3.8 " 81.9 83 IB 19.0 21 1 7 I 16 Artie!,, Lett rut ound.&t STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT For Vaneaove Tuesday- as. Cain Friday u PrUn . Saturday- ts. Canx , " as. Prlni. h ... Feb. 1 Prii.. - -.1 Feb. IB Prii. . Feb 39 v Prm. . I ram Yanrouver Sunday m Ca'tio- Wednesday as I't Saturday, as Csr:. 8-lurdsy m Prir. 1 Jsn 3S aa Prii' v Feb. 11 s Pun. Pb 36- Prlnr Far Port Simpson and v , ,. g , , Sunday -at. Oamcu I rant Ptirt Simpson nn .1 , Tuesday -a. Cain'. . for Anyox and Siindsv is. Ctmiv Wednesday as IT, I rota Antnt and Mru.m Tuesday . Cmim'i Pld:iy Prin-- r qaren liar Ini I. Jan 38 Prinrr Feb. 11 a Prime Feb i' n Prln som Q Brett ('aatrtotir- Jan 38 as Prinrr ' Pib 9 a Prince ' FeS 3S- na lhur- 1 tw llnakit Jan. 78 as Feb 11- aa Feb 25 as tram Ala-afca From Vasoesirr Prince. Prlnr- Prim r- Fet) 1- aa. Prlnc-v Feb 15 m Prlno Feb 39- at. Prlncef MAIL SCHEDULE JAM AR , 1 Far Ine Kaat Mondays. Wednesdaya CloSSa I'rom the Baal- Tuesdays. Thursday duo ' 5 Ta Vaaxuaver Tuesdays ' Fridays Saturday CPJl- Feb 1. IB an' Trains. Mondsia. Saturdays Sundays Wednesday Saturdays CP.R -Jan 38, Feti 1 Trains. Sundays, Tue 1 rtavs To Anyas, ANiw Arm. ' Premier UIHJ.IH ill" 1 1 wenuesoays From Inyo. AMre Arm. - "" Premier Toesdaye Fridays ' To Nart Hirer Poliils Sunday From Kims River Point- (lsesoay " To Amaks Potnls Jsn. 38. Feb. 11 snd 35 From Alaaks Pots! Psb 1. IS aiut SO To Qseett ChsMottp Wsnd 1 ' - Jan. 88: Feb II and T. rrmn irseen CTMrMte ii" Jan. 38: Pen. 9 snd n lor the Ksa: CUR. TRAINS Mondsja. Wednesdays, ai st 11.30 in. Irom 'h una-. . Tueadaya, Thursdays. ' st 3 90 p m "GOVKRNMRXT MJI ' notici: or application 1 ' LICI1NCI) MftXT fytt t SB UBoe-a tor ni' thsl Rlh itaaas M SSWl r ,uru I'JT a lipen i""raisos oeing part ut known aa "Commercial Hnf tns mrtM, n . . Street, City of Prince Rui Prnvlnee of Colim.i. lanciii described as LuU l nnd.Poutieen (I4. Bl'ick n il''il"' '" MP M3. l.anrl Reels: ration Dlalrict vincn aloreaald. for the s,,i-tne. giaas or by the oi.t rWiil"""" on the preni DATED Ilt pr,, 'til day of January A r IDA h ' ,9 ,,i mt . I 1 1 . 1 1