Save Money Boston Grill i t way to buy the to subscribe by the ,.,t is 15 00 snd your ,.,-i-ci to your address junt figure out the . you (or this dally ,w!ve month I 11 . V... 24. Derailed When Only a Few Miles from Ottawa STKKAL, January 30. President Cosgrsve of the Irish who was on his way to Ottawa today, had narrow es-ii the train on which hf was travelling from New York to v.,- derailed. The derailing took place at Limoges, 23 in Ottawa. Arthur Boyd, road foreman, who was on the . mortally injured and died later. 1 1 Miii was a special provided by the Canadian National i the Irish pn-Mdent and party. I'.WVA", January lit). News of the derailment caused a mild -enemetlon here and Hon. Charles Dun HAD POLICY FOR SEASON Am Will In. In Prnvlnn AerHi In Virion- Centre and to do Repair Work vm Jan 30. Tin Oorrn-j ;icy this yrni mill -r u of the rlghtrcn million ii'-llned Of eii(ll:eei t or r uUOtver of years. Hon iland said here Saturday . i (instruction this year are - HM" mW ttUM UMT wtu permit ;ullcy represented eapan- r, We have planned the. n a eeiertuir ta . t: urgent needs The aim ;mride access to provincial ever possible so that rural . ''fi'illl. Considerable DISAPPEARS Ha Not Reported Since Saturday Hut Vet Expected to Turn up PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN CLERGY,?" immendatlon Helng Made That They be (ilreti nil Rights Ex-tept Communion 'Hl;i I i.i i'MilON Jan 30. Submarine r.hip of 8-4 vruch sank re- . i lou of the ship's company not yett been raited, ws 'i (rain ibsnartnt control hen M l) Jan. SO -Admission "" " " nc raiaiatry of the' United ning staled that a thorough and immediate Investlgstlcn would be held Ints the cause ol th trouble The president and party were not very mu-h delayed, arming here two hvurs and hall later than scheduled. ",n" recommended in the report ; wlnd nght "in. Which will ha snhmltiad to ,,y' K'-neral ootincll of the church. nimend that women be em-" u "i ail the duties of a minis-"x- l'' administration of com- MURDER PLOT FOR IRELAND I EBl VANCOUVKR K.CHAN(iK B.C. Sliver Big Missouri Cork Province Daly Alaska - Dun well JOtorge Copper OladsUiue loolconda ' l- v Nt'w Governor (lenernl Was SlntclJ,ndl" le Victim Hut Will be ltll,ilk t Guarded Lucky Jim K'NDON. ,), 80. -The Dally Mall 'Marmot Metal" " lite Irish Free Bute Oovernment , Premier '-'"rert a plot against James McNeill. I Porter Idaho ".eM t0 Tlmotny He(ly moovernor Richmond """ .r tht irtah tth, 8ut, ;silvercrest . wi ,, ,, cmmmi tj lntMA frQm Eng. jBilversmith ' McNeill will be accompanied Surf Inlet . , ' '""d mniitl. Gotland Yard Bunloch r-l by the Dublin police rlc ""iia.-i MtNtlJl. .Whltiw-il'' TORONTO CHURCH IS ALMOST DESTROYED I, rMliimled at Half a Million liH-Ur In Me4malltaN at I nlletl (harrh TORONTO. Jan. 90--A fin? early thin j morning practically destroyed the Met-1 rcpalitan Church, owe of the , (tattest OhitrcJsta IpCada, tame : Mttcoflst Church, which was built f:fty ! years ago. The kaa la estlmaird ai j hall a million dollan , i PROMINENT PRESBYTERIAN DIES IN TORONTO WHEN t. g. McMillan passes TOUOffTO. Jan. 30 -Thomas O McMillan, chairman of the board of administration ol the rresbyterlan Church In Canada, died Saturday aged 60 He waa prominent In the business life of Toronto. MONTREAL PEOPLE BURNED IN BEDS MONTREAL. Jan. 30. Amos White and his wife Catherine years of axe wrre burned to dea'h In their beds ... ... fm rfo.trtvrd tlie Dairaina in whs en route from nampiuu - - . . lived on St. Timothy Street which thry rub. and has not be... heard Saturday. today. ' v department said auch dti- . . 4. ItlHKI.I.SN 111. POUT are not unusual and the rally turn later. up , uM, k bar. JJ. Cloudy calm; DIOST. du.ppe.rad during a rain temp 34; sea smooth. i MUD TftEE POINT. Overcast, calm: bar 39 M. temp. S. BULL HARBOR Part cloudy; BE wind, ireah. Bar. 29 78; temp. t. ea moderate Spoke Norco s pjn. oeaiuc eKtchlkan. too miles from eauon.- kan. Spoke Canadian rarmer u pj... w.n. tar victoria, left Ocean Tails at 7 0 p.m. NOON DIOBY Part tloudy. calm; bar. 30.03; temp. 48; sea smooth. j DZAO TRB POINT - uvereasv. utir oar temo. 41; sea smooth. I n.m lasajtrm Part cloudy. BJt lamooth k aooB: temp, tw. Bla. Asked 140 131 .64 S5 4 ! 00 35.00 ' .33',, .3 .OS 29 -30 '-i 3 75 4.00 .14', .13 .98 100 16i 1 .11 '4 n .31 ' M .06 W WW JS M .18 M 57 .0 .48 7 .17 IS'. .10 .34 35 .004 875 0O 3 50 4.50 J.Jj lll.LI) MAIIMIAL HMO. Who died ihl morning $12,000 PAID ! EXCHANGE SEAT' Record Set up at Vancouver When General Odium Sold out VANCOUVKR. Jan. SO A record price for Vadcouver stock exetaange aeata waa established Saturday when Brigadier Oeneral Victor Odium dlapoaed of his membtrahlp to -Frank Panpna and as-archies f.r S130O0. atarly last year testa were offered for SMO. Aivazoff Ashs Special Meeting of City Council to Deal With His Latest Request For Land Aki'd this morning regarding rumors that Misack Aivaioff, who is in the city today, is asking for a special meeting of the city council to deal with the question of securing an additional strip of i.nrl mm the citv at the back of his proposed tneatre site, mayor McMordie stated that Mr. Aivasoff had seen him and asked for the; special meeting. The Mayor saiu ne naa to.u ir. Aivasui. nm me uuaru m works had not yet reported on the matter but he would get in touch with them at once and ask when it would be convenient for them to ' . . ... . ere.iurt. As soon as una baa been done EARLY SPRING IS PREDICTED Duck in Athabasca River and Ijnrjre1 Number of Crows in Riickles Jl't:U. Jan. .. Hoeks or wild. drk were aeea In Ihe open water ii n II AllwtatM IMer here Iwli.y by MJr Kred. IHewMer rauHtit-filler mill UwekJ nwuhtatn guide. Major llrrwt.rn' rtrehtred Hint It Is I lie first lime l iMr Hwn l year III the ttsxkles he has seen diirlw t early a date siul lie U ritntliieeil I" urr Kln "r " early spring, lreiue ol large ntintlxrn if eruai. adilo weight to the belief. OH THY HtZOH lll.AIUW The Shopkeeper No, air. we don't sell rovnlvers. What about a couple of ' yni-iln vt ilothi"lim" Humorist. he would ask the council mem ben if they would like to hat a special meet-lug The mayor drew the atwetion of Mr. Aivasoff to the fact that the regular meeting of the councU would be held next Monday evening and It seemed to htm as if that would he the time to bring the matter tip but If the aldermen so wished he would call them together eats tar. Mr. Aivasoff is sauna far a atrip of land IS feet wide at the back of hit lots on Third Avenue. Some of the aideswea seen this morning seem opposed te gtaattng more than the onglnrl wave, eat raw ten ftt as they say the wer la beneath that part of the lane and It would be dangerous to build over it PORTLAND WINS FROM VICTORIA AT HOCKEY PORTLAND 're Jan. SO Portland defeated Vlrtorm at hockey In a thst rough gnme vi---.erday three iionls to one. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1928 rnenn a x rn a tat ur a c i i f.ll M 1 ' MM 111 WW M il 1 A l J7 KLif ML mJK Ml W JMLA 4 - fil m VA. JT A JUL JA. VB W W JR. JL ik Vs. : i TEAMER NORTHWESTERN ASHORE CAFE In osgraves irain was ... - -t J; SOMETHING NKW IN NAVAL A UCIl IT:-'.' TIKE was sprung on St. John, N.B., when the new Canadian Pari; : fa ;t ariro nvig.iter eaerburu hove In tfitrt on her first trip. This ship's arrangement r:.rn mnis i.-. entirely new. She is one of five such ships which will made a regular 9-da ,'ivice from Can da to Great Britain, sailing every week. Steamer Northwestern Floated This Morning hy Salvage 4 Steamers , VICTORIA, January 30. The Northwestern, which had been ashore at Caue Maeke since December 11 waa floated this morning at ten o'clock by Salvage King and Salvage (JifsM B0d wUlJl, saeatit. iww4to V-antoo?H- feniiiHr-i warang 01 mm omi jMjfJ pairs. The success of the operations followed two months' work at unloading the cargo and patching the hull. At seven o'clock this morning powerful pumps started to clear the water from the hull and the tugs experienced little difficulty in floating the vessel. URGES UNION CANADA WITH THE STATES Kl.TdllKAN. Jan. 39. The. Krt-rhlkan Chronicle wnt a trlegraiu U the praker ol Ihe HrllMl Cat-n m bla leglHlMlwre refeellMli' sob-mil ling thai lee e tsken tewarfe rnilee union ol all CaMdM and Ihe I nlled Mates. The wire ay "tte are geographleally, rsrtally and lemperameHlally out evle. 18,000 FANS SAW HOCKEY Free Fight in New York (Jamc and Major PcnaUUai (Jlven Number of Players TORONTO. Jan. 3CK-A last period rally brluglng two goala enabled Ottawa to give the Canadlena their third defeat of the season. With the only goal registered to four games this season between Boston and Pittsburg, the latter shut out the Bruins Saturday night. j Toronto advanced to a thru eornerid tie with Montreal Maroons and Ottawa i Senators by defeet;ng Chicago BSturday night. Yesterdsv the New York Rangers swamped the Americans before 18.000 people A free for all fight In the third period resulted in major penalties and 895 fines tor Purch. Boyd. Johnson. Oonacher BUI Cook scored three of the I Rangers goala. Chicago lost to Detroit in an unequal game. Scores were: H.m'KIUY Ottewa 2. Canadiana ! Chicago 1. Toronto 4i Boston 0. Pittsburg' 1. SI NIY N Y. Rangers 7. Americana 0. Chicago 3, Detroit 4. i:TKUT.INKII JOINTLY Mis 8 F Tolmle. Mr. R H. Pool??. Mrs T O Coventry and Mra. Reginald Hayward. were Joint hontesees at a delightful tea party at the m press Hotel this sttenwon. following the opening ceremonies of the Uglslature. Victoria 1 UlHo or disabled soldiers and their families 'lt.e Curl was reserved almost to the r-lrt of c ldncss but those who were really acquainted with him dtuV.g the 1 ,ar said that bei.eath the Icy Interior j beat a wcrm heart, which bled dally as e was compelled to aend his men against instruments of death. The last public utterance of the great oldler ahowed him In the llbt of the launch defender of bis country. He j spoke dlrc spectrally of her and to to realise what clttaenshrp and gejMtr K.T.. O.CB.. OM.. O.C.V.O., K.C.IX-. succeeded Vlacount French as commander of tne Brit lab forces In France In Oceember 1915 ' Befo:e I be war he waa commander-la--hlef at Aide; shot and had dlstlnffUlsh--d htmlf In the Soudan. In South Africa and India. He became commander In chief of the forces In Great Britain in 1919. TKXNIS OrUNEI. YMTi.niMV AT TIIK AC'KOPOLIH nil UTS The tennis season 1936 opened yesterday when seven of the local enthualeats played a number of sets on the Acropolis Hill C.uris under very fair weather conditions, tt was thought that this was almost a record lor Prince Rupert aa It la not often tennis has been Played here during January. The tennis games interfered e fcewhat with the badminton at the Prince Rupert Badminton courts a most of the players were also badminton players. Thla made the badminton attendance rather small. CANADIAN FARMERS LEAVE FOR DENMARK ON INSPECTION VISIT LONDON. Jan. 30.- -A party of Canadian farmers making a European tour under the auspices of the Canadian Na tional Railways concluded their visit to the British hues Sunday and are embarking for Denmark, where they will Inspect the dairying, farms, and butter and phases plants. frozenIodeatF near circle city CIRCUJ. Alaska. Jan. SO- William , KtttUaunen. 74 years of age. for fifteen years a resident of Dawson, from to death Friday night on the trail rrom Circle Hot Springs to Circle City He Intended to mush to Dawson a distance of 300 miles. Wl.ATIIKIt KKPOKT. Stewart Clear, calm, temp 30. Anyoa -Clear, calm. temp. .34. Alice ArmClear, temp. 30 Alyaneh -Clear, calm. 3 below Roaawoodf-Cloudy. calm, temp 2 Terras Cloudy, windy, temp 13. Hsrelton -Clear, calm. 8 below Smlthera Cloudy, calm. 7 below Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. temp. 14. Teleuraph Creek Part cloudy, calm. J Li-U. Wge Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cent UDGE FLOATED Earl Haig Died Suddenly From Heart Disease Following Active Lite Right Up to the Very Laib Jnly on Saturday Urged Hoy Scouts to Stand up for England When? People Spoke Disrespectfully of Her LONDON, January :M. Earl Field Marshall Douglas- Haig. commander of the British armies in France and Belgium duriOjf the war, died early this morning aged 66 from heart disease. Death occurred at the home of his brother-in-law, W. G. Jamleaon, of Princes Gate, where he had been staying late4y lie was on the point of retiring for the night when he collapsed, sitting on the edge of the bed. He did not lo3e consciousness immediately, but the end came shortly afterwards. Earl Haig had been ailing slightly of late. lie saw a physician a few days ago but was able to fulfil numbers of public engagements afterwards. Yesterday he took a walk in ilyde Park and was con templating a visit to tlTe Riviera if his doctor permitted it oh c tne war Marshal Haig devoted uch ol hji .tln.e to organizing telle! CONSERVATIVES WILL NOT MOVE OTTAWA. Jan. 30. - The Conservative . Id a troop of boy scouts a: Richmond j members held a caucus here this morn-to stand up for England when people to deCtde upon tbs line of policy to he adopted by the party during the Hilton. It waa announced alter the meeting that' no amerutyent to the addrs s would be moved at this session. Other -matters of interest to the party were discussed. CANADA WOULD HAVE TO FIGHT Would be Moral Obligation to Defend the Empire In Case of War. Says Speaker KINGSTON. Jan. 89- It war should ever come again Canada cdfcld not stay apart. The moral oSHgitlSn would be to assist O rest Britain, stated S. W. ; Oatcc. editor In chief et the Manitoba Fret Press in ap sdSress before the Arts Society at. a dinner In Queens TJnlvers.ty in which he outlined the gradual growth ol Canada from a col-ny to a nation. The speaker declared that the Dotnln- Mon would never withdraw from the Empire. : PRINCE RUPERT HIGHEST GRADE Gels High Honors for Fire Protection Service From National Fire Prevention Assn. VANCOUVER Jan. 8. Three SrlUsh Columbia cities. Vanoouve. Victoria and iprln.r Rupert were awarded highest ! honors in north Amsrlcs for fire pre-i vent , on work by the National Fire Prevent ion Association. i Vancouver grades First Class X. (clUCS 'of more thn 100.0091. i Victoria Is First Class B. (cities of I more thun 25.0001 Prince Rupert ia Flnt Otass C. (cities less than 25.000 ) MEDICAL COL. TORONTO BURNS tVfllliotlon j Big Damage Where j Local Hoys are Tatvtng Course j TOBONTO. Jan. JO.Plre dan aged the medical building of the University of Toronto today to the satont of 36,-jooo and it is estimated that the dam-jags to. chemicals and scientific equipment amounted to 110,000. This is thi institution wt.ere Will and Fred Kngm ol thU city are taking their medical course. Advertise Id tht Daily Nws D MM I -T5