m f AOE snc For Husbands Hilly . MANY men do not realize that washday brings the dreariest drudgery into their homes. Relief from this irkBome toil is a gift within man's power which will be more appreciated than "gold or rubies." Let us explain the many varied services our laundry offers. . . all of them within the average family budget. . . and any of which will definitely Ish the tedious toil of washday from your home. Call 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Goitre is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is usually accompanied by con stitutional weakness and other nervous disorders. In the three types of simple' goitre, the trouble is easily removed in a few months, while in the exop-thalmic type (Graves Disease) it is necessary to receive treatment over an extended period. Chiropractic accompanied by other natural methods, will speedily remove the cause of this distressing inco-ordl nation and the sufferer speedily restored to normal health. We are as near you as your telephcpe. Phone Green 211 W.CAspinail Rooms 6 and 7 Exchange Block Houis 9.:i0 to 12.:i0 ; 1.30 to 5.1!0 p.m. Evenings from 7 to 8 Lady Attendant MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McHrlde Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 75 DENTIST CINEMA CITY VICTORIA SOON April 1 Set ns Probable Dale of JJeginning Construction Work for Movie Industry VICTORIA. Jan. 30. The actual oou structlon of Cinema City, a fully-equtp-ped motion picture colony to be established In the Highland dUtrlct, will be in progress by April 1. 1928, James J. wngnc. oi Hollywood. California, told the newspaper here upon his arrival In Victoria from Southern California, where he has been sojourning for the paat three months. Mr. Wright declared that Cinema City. Limited, the holding company, would be Incorporated here before the end of the present week. This company will con duct the sale of lands In Cinema City, and carry on ail the preparatory work, including the erection of the first unit. the studio, prior to the Incorporation of the Canadian National Plotures Produc ing and Marketing Company, which will be Incorporated under a Dominion charter at SlO.000,000, of which be tween 14,000.000 and $5,000,000 of seven per cent preferred stock will be sold lr. Canada. Mr. Wright stated that the manager of the Canadian National Pictures Pro ducing and Marketing Company would be Clarke Thomas, of Hollywood. Cali fornia, who built the Thomas H. Ince studios, and who is general manager of Thomas H. Ince, IncorDorated. hav ing charge of all building, production and marketing of that concern. Associated with Mr. Wright and Mr. GROCERIES AT KEDUCED PIUCES PRUNES 40-50, per lb ir,C 25 lb. box $2.7." GO-70, per lb. 111 25 lb. box $2.-15 90-100, per lb 10? 25 lb. box $1.75 AYLMER SOUPS Highest Canadian quality, Tomato, Vegetable and Oxtail, 2 tins for 25f 12 tins for $1.:15 EGGS We have the freshest Eirirs snarnrock llama, per lb. . . iKif Circle (S), Picnics. lb. .. empire uacon (Swifts) a: A Single Sip and Throat Feels Fine ! rhyslelani, lawyers, singers, public speakers and all who suffer from throat iirln and Irritation And DucHey'i Mixture a priceleaa blesing. Relief Is Instant and positive. A alp night and morning for throat and client health and iniuranca agalnt epidemic Cold. Cougha. Brarv-chitia, "Flu" and Pneumonia.' Juat say "Buckley's" at any drug store. W. K. Buckley, Limited. 142 Matoal SU Toronta i Acts like it lash a tingle tip proves it 1 nomas in the Cinema Cltv nroiect will be Leslie Estell. of Los Angeles who Is a prominent clubman therp. be' lug a member of the Johnathan Ath' Ictlc. Klwunia. Optimist and other well- known clubs In Los Angeles. J. H. THOMPSON AGAIN HEADS THE HOSPITAL A brief meeting of the hospital board was held this morning at which the fol lowing officers for the year were'elected: President J. H. Thompson. Vice-president- Aid. W J. oreer. Secretary - Harry Birch! The committees have not yet been appointed but these will be announced very aocn. OPERATE AIRPLANE TO HELP SPOT FISH SEATTLE. Jan. SO The Barooff Mild-cure Company, operating mild cure plants which follow the Alaska flab runs, will operate an airplane to aid fishermen spot the fish this season. DR.HEIHERINGTONOF NEW BRUNSWICK DEAD MONTREAL. Jan. SO. Hon. Dr. J. E. Hetherlngton of St. John. New Brunswick, termer secretary, treasurer anil that can be procured because sneaker of the New Brunswick Legls- we buy them new laid and sell 1 dead here. them the same day. No stor age eggs in our store S dozen for St.2." BUTTER IN BULK '3 lb. for $l.5 PINEAPPLE Singapore Blue Mountain on sale, 7 tins for .'. IKTf) Loganberries, King Beach, on sale, 3 tins for !), Peaches, Sliced, Del Monte, on sale, 3 tins for J5 VEGETABLE SPECIAL 4 tins Peas, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato. Value $1.20. 6 tins for J)5f SMOKED MEATS BJJRGL&RS BRnvp,,M u STOLE MERCHANDISE mock up on the following and SAVE THE COPPERS Vnt-A 1 nttm, r I A.. I rf . a a . Best Fresh Ground Coffee, lb, ."(If Higheat Grade Ceylon Tea, lb. ro B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571 Fresh Milk and Whipping Cream $3.00 Orders Delivered Free Phone 301 Pork, lev Beef, pot roast THE DAILY, NEWS Mondu,, ALBERTA MINES PRODUCE WELL More Fuel Than Ever lie fore Dug Last Year Says Official Keport EDMONTON. Jan. 30 -Coal Droductlon In Alberta lalt ar wai' the largest ever, canning a igiai tor uu graaes oi o,v3a,-768 tons. Figures compiled by the mines branch shew that 1937 went 27.-832 tons ahead of the best previous year. 1920. thus establishing a new record in the history of the Alberta ccal Industry. The year yield la considered highly satisfactory by the government, accord ing to Premier Brownie, and shows that the mining business of the province U on the upward grade again. It Is hoped that the present year will better even this grand total, and a goal of 7.000.000 tons plus Is to be aimed at. "'ure ...... Compound Market Prices Todays prices on the local market are as follows-. LAIIII B.C. fresh fettCiStt.-. B.O. freah. f)5jr. 3C Me Wo B.C. fresh, am 90c Local new laid 70c n.u. storage, ami 60c t'l.MI Smoked kippers, lb lie Kippered aaluxm. lb 25c Smoked black cod. lb 20c Finnan baddies, lb 2c ME.tTN Fowl. No. I, lb. 38c and 40c Roasting ebeken. lb 45 Ham. picnic lb igij.f Beef. boUto lafcc to 18c Beef, steak so.. n iv- HAMMOND. B.C.. Jan 30 - A thous- g p i "b MC stolen by burylar, who broke Into the Praser !l J"?,i W' general a'.nre of O. O. Cordelle during the week-end. Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton and 6th Avenue Valley, lb Mc New Zealand. In bulk 50c prtnts 60c Alberta Creamery 4gc CIIKESE SiTMs Watch Good Value l;$18.00 We offer this week a very reliable Man's Wntch at a moderate price. The regular price is $20.00. Plain gold filled case 1G slge. Screw back and front, 17 jewels, white dial with t'ack hands and figures. We guarantee it to be satisfactory as we have handled this make for years and find them the best timekeepers at the price wq ever had. ONLY FOUR IN STOCK JOHflgULGER, iTIIC STORE WITH THE CLOCK RITISHTOLUMB The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 102G. Hasproduced Minerals as 'follows: Placer Gold, $78,018,5-18; Lode Gold, Silver, $80,737,003; Lead, $10Cg7G.142; Copper,. $209,9G7,0G8 ; Zinc, $60,612,677 ; . Coke, $284,539,13:1; StructuraLMaterials anil Miscellaneous Minerals, $60,176, iu, its mlneraftroduction to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,103,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAH ENDING DECEMBER, 1920, S67.18M.KI2 Th MlnlMftLaws of this Province are more liberal and -the fens lower than any other "Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mine'nU locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees; AliQnlllffk TlMoa nrn nl,tnlnnri liv rtavAlArilnrr atlffVi i rntni.(A. iUn nA...li.. ........ . . vu...v uj unnv.ia riufniiMi me ntt u 1 1 1 y oi Kuarantecd by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained g addressing THE HONORARLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA. BRITISH COLUMH1A. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon with )..., work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Report f the M Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such report. Th able without charge on application to the Department of Mines. Victoria, R.f ; the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Ruil iing, Vancouver, are recommended ., source of Information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are puolished separate . available on application. Yellow, per 100 8.7S I'Lol It Flour. 4-9 a. No. 1 hard wheat M M Pastry flour, 101 sSo Pastry flour. 4-9's 1.90 VKOCTAIll.t! Bceto, S lb. for ate BetU. sack a 3.7 J CarroU, new. 8 lbs. for ae Carrots, sack 11.23 Potatoes, 8 lbs Me 3ck IMS Ham. sliced, fire srade Me 'ry. bunch iqc Ham. whole, tint grade 86c cullno'. B.C.. bead 49c; ' California bead lettuce 1 and 20c Cottage roils, lb 2214c I r,lc' Sported, per lb. HOff um, back, sliced . "" mo Bacon, aide Mo to 60c! bUOCh ,0 fork, jry aall lte'viiwim cwsery, neaa .... e W See Ayrshire bacon, lb ate Veal, shoulder 26 Veal, loin irv- Veal, leg sr rork. shoulder 28c fork, loin 4 35c Hotbouat tomatoes, lb 40o Spinach, local, lb Mc Mew BJO. Oabbage. lb. 6c Cooking onions, 5 lb for jic tituir Oranges. Valencia, doses... 4&t to tu Lemons, Stuklat, doaen 18c to 20c ' ImPrlI Valley Orspcfrurt. . . 1 for 35- noriaa gra permit, each lac Bananas. 3 lb. ' aae Beef. doist, prtaw rib . tir ' cted honey Umb. ebopa .... aoc i Rd " lb Lamb, shoulder . ... sac Dt- bulk 2 tor Mutton, leg 1Jk.;RaUns, bulk, per b Iemb. leg 4Sc Mutton, chops ?!...:. 40. Mutton shoulder , ., jOc HIITTEK Brookfleld. Shamrock aad Woodland Prune. 30-40 and 40-H. ib. as lb. box Xvaporated pean. halres. lb. as lb box NUTS Ho tad Me lb M; let oweei Fotatoea. s lbs. for ate California layer figs, per arte.... 3St California Dainty Dates, paekags .. Me Winter Peare. d'Anjou. per baa .. JJ n Me and Oc Spltasnbergs. "C" grade - aajo Fncy SS.78 Bxtra fancy tlM Delicicus. fancy 144)0 Extra fancy R:me Beauties, fancy HM xtra fancy jjo .Jap Oranges, per bos 11 00 Camembert cbteae. 8 ox pkg 6Sc vel ""ngee j tse to tlMi Kraft Umberger. 3, l'Kti:i .l lttlTS On'.-rlo solids jg temon and orange peel joo New Zealand solids joe ,tt Pl soo atuton, lb i9o Wcli cooking flga. 3 lb. ttv Krait iSo 1 wnite fig. 3 lb. 2tgl r .... . j u,.vo . . . . .v lb uorgonsoia. .r, n . 1 tie leing Ca sup, 3 for .... H's $.1.1)8 Mren-. cream. Jar, . ., 4. S Ldbbys Pickles, 3 for . . $1.23 E.C.D. Creirmery Bricks .... KIC BfookfiHd Swiea cheese, v, lb pkf. jam, pure , 7r, I4 s SUMS arooKieid Canadian ebeese. W lb. pkf. Plum Jam, pure Hiirhent C.ruAf Crpinwni Iliitt.f In SSa jMMiiess rtaisins, bulk, 4 lb. for o."f Mararoni, ready tut, 2 lb. for iro Strong Cheese wfth a kick, lb. .'Ic OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B, Miller, Proprietor bulk, 3 lb for Flour, 49's, any brand Pastry, 10's Sugar, Granulated, 10's .,. Milk, per tin Malkin's Best Nabob and Ribbon Tea ; 70r Coffee in tins Oo Fresh Ground ID? CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, 2's, , 2'S,,s Peas, sise 6 , . ; 4's 'Uc ' v Corn, pectin lri uivuy s niariKue "V Pork a,nd Beans, large tins., lli Campbell's Soups Helm Soup 120 Large size 11)0 Canned Fruits, assorted, 3 tins for Ki)r CEREAIjS White Beatis, per lb Hf Split Peas, tier lb !) B. & rtolled Oats, T . . . , Xt China .Data, packages : iW( Swift! r Burns' Side of Back Bacoft per lb IKi Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb 221 Hanu&for the contest, per lb. :V( California Prunes, 4 lb. for '.W? Blacfc'and White Figs, per lb. Ii2 Naptha Soap Special, bar Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for .. 'Jtlf Royal Crown Soap, G bars for 2."5f 3 DOZEN PULLI7T EGGS Extra, strictly fresh $1.18 Norwegian Ooat eja!CurranU. a lbs sja Napoleon Umberger 70c' Mc Roquefort .Peaches, peeled 34 3wlfU' Brookfleld, lb. ..AprlcoU. lb i9t ji.Oruywe 4c 60e I Romano Sardo. lb Ttc ' jOanimelost. lb aoc . 1-0 ' aid Art Blue 'white, per 100 T.2i rruiMs. po-ioo. 1 las gafli lb. bog eo' Prunes. 80-0. lb in. MO Alanonda, sbelked Vaienclas oc BnuUU jjji Wulnuu. broken shelled 80c I Walnuts, shelled halves tio Almonds , 85J Pwuu jo, I Manohurlan walnuts 35 j California walnuu 40c No. 1 talked outs .' 5c New filberts .'. V,..". Ko Ittli 100 lbs.! Wheat, No. iS)) to M.70 Br,n iuo! not g.io Middlings , ajjpi "r 2.TS 1 Poultry mash , ggjo, Spaelal eggmseti h.0q ojrater shell gj.ao Seratab food M'ao Beef scrap IJ0O Oround ml oaks 1443 SEPPALA WINNER OF NEW ENGLAND DERBY! POtANDS SPniNO, Maine. Jan. SO. U6 Seppala won the first heat of a New England Dog Derby Saturday mak ing 17 miles in an bpur and five mUi-' UUs. ' "' ' - ww ( OI.B. steeper Ancii johh. dapf'K. MabU. arrled in port at 2.30 Sunday morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will saU at S o'clock tonight on her return south ever the same route. The Prince John, Which had a rough trip north, broumht ' only eleven passengers here from Island pointa. The vessel Is unloading a! cargo of coal at the dry dock, having loaded this at Ladyenjlth following a! ''ill nt 8eattle to dlach ariM awlAWsa tn- : I screening which Kite had loaded here! Lot tup. ' I WESTHOLME MA MONDAY ONLY. 7 und 9 p.m. Monte Blu in The Brnte MONTE BLUE, LEILA II YAMS, CLYDE Miuh NICHOIiJON, CARROL NYE and other tttlllll . , ma. ...... ........ . PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission - It -5 DEMAND tot and IUc "Rupert Bran Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co Prince Ruperl. B.C. DFMFR flaBKaa aRamHaCfl aV Vsf aaL JSW afl Vb. Clea ranee GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER av a awaw . LUA 1 5 DRESSES Hosiery and Lingerie To Every Worn who is eaifcr for new idfaa in hm. ,1 . . - uotoruiinn n combinations for the sun porch, new color scheme f room, new color beauty everywhere in the house "Gl Inf Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co Telephone 3