1 11 I r "I i 'her energy and to di- oln and is generally present In auto n :10, l'J28 NOTirE. vrin'E thut ii n nppllcntton , i he I'lirlliimonc of Can-. .session thereof for mi , ,., , . rpomtlon of a company I .'. I'm- Altx-rta. Peine Klven ', :iy Compuny, or audi 1 may le K'vn, to con-1 r.ulway as follows: :,t a ooint t or near ! . iiibridge; thence In . ,, nf McLean: tnanae North rly In a direction rlh We:eriy by tlir nam '.hr jugh the Pine at or near the To:. he Province of British nead of Portland . ii.it a', or near Hudsin's ppace River in a gen- ilirtMHion to a point at law; tbeaoe In a Nor- r. MacLKOD, iHttttrar of TlUea. UNO ACT "J INTKTI0N TO ' 1.1: tMR i.u nort! o mi APPLY j" 1 and pitrlct, Land Itaeord- I .VI ' leiecraoh ciwak. and S weet and of (aladys fe northeaat of the CHIROPRACTIC it n to a point at or near trained ear ' and thenot Mortherly "iiu ir.m ana cone.-, n t jxlcatlon DIAGNOSIS (By Dr. R. E. Eyolfson) " BKreea mam an - - 1 1"" point at cr healer that dlseaa amt. UP0I1 ctu. and tht the recognition of the H..1 to the Calgary and . fjuw is a valuable aid ta th. , oolnt at or near tin' several in. , . ; thence Northerly and "nimenn that give great M to ttw , c.iaury ana tamiwii c 'iirapractor ' In "rnT,n nrrlTlns at " a mwt correct mn eon-' ut or near Lacumbe; l .... . . iy io a point at or near c,u'on of what the cause actually la. i .iiiioiitoji. 'rui instance, there u no war to deter- "V;' "th.0rmo,rt fiJ:""" Wc 'thout an initru- , l.ug the right bank of ment dwigned for that purpose. in. ,:' l"'Vt? anM or . blood Prea,urea are .v .mtl River at it Dear I "ymPtomiUc ' liver. . the Town of Orandc ! Ferson la never aure how hi blood pree-.. Province of cAllrerte iBUrt M,ndm withnn w. ,. . . westerly through the, There uura to a point ai or near he i- Canadian i;aii3ian nations national Province vine of of British Brttlal. la alao no knows substltut .except the Drooerlv truing - . V rucea ear. ror the aletrteaooe to eatab- i ut at or near Orande Hn the presence of organic heart and S rih Westerly direction un ir,lon. 0M " u - , . . 'mp"ant to ,- jr near Pouoe Coup . , pjnit at or near Fou-e 0,1 aol to tU whether the heart N.,.-ih Weswwty direction muacle and valvea are In a normal eon- ...... ... .w.:.". - a:iu.ii and whether the heart i. m i,. River i i i . . i . iij a kii- iw . cm end Westerly dl- jo i )i:icc ana oi normal size. Examination of the lung by mean ' M r stethoscope acquaint the prac-' it loner with certain characterlatlc ui'i bronchitis, pleurtay. pneumonia, rv oi .he lunga. pulmonary tuber- 'n I ui and asthma each have a typlial :nnd which U easily detected bv l the rlaht bank of the . ""7 " grew me- r near iu mversection Ulum ' which we establish kidney Inoo. ner:i boundary of the ' ordinations. The persistent appearance .;:in'btlni declared to!3 ,ur ln "ne la an Indloatlon :.! benefit of Canada. diabetes. The presence of albumen A'rrn-h"cr."'.,.rt "- poaiutty i m -.,t'e veaMls and to collect Bright, disease. lad lean la aa Indlea ruiih nd teleulione mes- foil of llUettlnal nutmfaxtinn aKi . ibllc. to file upon and th. ..... - - - th WB . .-.i-er site, and to gener- prmu ny symp- r.e the said Company to ycai axanUnatlon by the abovt :n respect of the said m ntlcned methods plus a eareful and . ThITaW.fJww; constltuto. a . for -the prairie iec'.! ,nv 'J"tem without a peer In obtaining data i mk Birty-flve Th uamt whereby a def:nlte diagnaH of an : .Irtrs for the mouiitain .. . ' ,r,.v,1 Tfiiti mry be made. The comblna- City of Edrumton. m. t:::i of lacu tliu br:.ught out will en i JO' ihi 'h b!- to one deal IntaUtcentlv with eon. iiaa i STEWART CI .A rUC ehalf of '.he Applicant-. :r Bury. ::). jrs. etc.. .k of Toronto Bid; , i Alberta, V ATKH NOTICE I I I K-IOM AMI : 1( E that Bobert M. - , ilieas is Hie th Are BC will apply far a .nd lu-r 30.000 Kalton.- i om of .mall creek i riowi. southerly and -ion Inlet. Q.c faiand westerly fr m mli .erx' -f Huat'in Inlet The :verteu Irom the a'reair. n- 300 feet trjm shore .ri.utfh twentv-iour acre (lit: 'm thai will respond to chlroprac tir manipulations and to determine wh en type of lUneKses will not be rived Our tralnlag in the ue of thaw aveth- was given aa a regular feature la jui Ccii-e Course by meo who had yen of experience la the medical field nd who are members of the American. Mrfir.il A vjclatlon Their Idea of ' r i n : mk chir. praetors la to create hi :imniaed competent class of practl-tfoi-eM in whom you may trust to glee 1- very ilnest service. ( luropra'-t'c today la the it II Mines I .lulc therapeutic agent known In list treatment of 'he majority of functional ir lease, and will be d:. rders a w!l ' or and an and to the i application Water Art ' led in the office of the -i' Prince Rupert. BC 'Iw appMeatleiii .-nay be .iid Water Itecorek-r or ii 'ijller of Water Klghtv ii - dings. Victoria. BC. In- after the Ilrat ap-- notice in a local news-' f the first publication ii ltrr ROBERT M CUHetir. bain a distinctive .ui purpose upon tne htip m s good many organic trouble Hu-tori Inlet. Moresby Therefore If you are not fsallng a tk the mark It will be to your benefit ta ' "U',(,r2n?,th'i0,5?"nS '-"'Pnone Bine U or call at Mg Third M.ue. ana una out now your i with Nature aland. AdrC Man in the Moon UTMiT H.M.. M rtnl talk. - W "' . wiwn there ta nothing else to say. the NOTICE. ulk out tn ltn ' e alphabet. Arguing about the letters one young "f Xltl Mo. BTaM I to Lot wtsr one daisied that e" waa the vi ,ix (81 ino.t uiiloriunale letter. He said "f Title No gaol t to It la slwsya out of CASH, forever la ceu ini and eighteen nrriT k I wmti.iii i!Mi f&etion "f Title No WOT I to Lot ii. Block ten 1 101, Bee- never out of DANGER and In Hit L all the time Yea." said wlsecracker number two. 7. bui you vv sjo w aivv 11 creoi. iw ' f Title No. J47 1 to Lota ' never being in WAS and always la r i4Si forty-four 44 and PEACE and we are Indebted to, It fot - :..; "'eight ir Cltf Of l'n ln o' KXIBTENC1 and I'uprrt. Map 033 the end of TROUBLK. Without It then 'Title' l'.0,(nllL ' oula MAT '" haV, MM MaTttS AVKN. It la fee centre of HWaToTT. 1 w hereby given that J. and although u auru off in awWOA. It - Miraiion 01 one monta of the first pubricailoa provisional Osrtlfloa of "t each of the said lost ends by making LOW perfect." A UICTURBR luu been travelling .1. a to in. S SrT: : through the United Btate. ulllng about I III among the Bonehesda. Jake says I the Ind Registry Office, should start out lecturlnu on the '.-". sc.. this fed jamiary. 'u-jTCt wlllac mll now about, who shall we tell about? LOCAL residents are asked to listen carefully today to see if they csn hear the thunder of the big politlcsl speeches at Ottawa. Than tomorrow read the rolll-ft pharaate in the Dully News. OKIARBTTBB are to " : about lMdeg 10' jenst, "w lhr cct ot "V'"K '"" bout BwderSO' north down. a far as the necessa V(,nr-E that 1. John Alfred -..anja uuh, naar AUth '"Wr, intend 'diScXe. to apply ' "er lUIIOWiag ' " 'ihK At s nnat k ' ' :tl of (Ilmdva lk. wM.t !,,, . lh mouth of run ,vnc mlt thenoe ! - m , 1 ""ini, thence one mite east '"- mile north ,. , ',' or lets. ALFRBD LBUIBCX. iMllMMl " "e'ember t. int. UntTact ''"' Kllliert Lanil a..... m. "I iiiiaf . . r":""' 1.. 1.1 .. . "" insn. uuean ,. ""'"lias. r NOTICB that now... . ""'liver n i wume( "C- occunatlon flab '""'.d, to V-..". J-" "... in., '".. -i at "";,',:; ''1," d.n.Tt 'Z.rz i, westerly SO fa ?h..l,'n,: thno Mt- I'M n inri nd .r 1? , oontalnlBg ItOBfHT friTUe? Applicant. aw aoneerned. 111 PERT be cheaper, so IN EAST la coming ries of life I SOON will live on cigarettes III smoke them night and day. Brown bread and such I will discard They cost too much. I say. The price Is held up by the pool I tell you 'tis no yoke Bo I shall give up eating food And henceforth feed on smoke. In The Letter Box 5SM 41 144t WeH Mth St.. Seattle, Jan. M. 1M. BUltor Dally News. Prince Rupert, B.C. Letters received from relatives In Toronto mentioned the wonaees ana posslMlltlss of Rupert being sent over the radio, hut did not mention wnere this was broad oast from. We would like tO hew -OUt KUrv over mr Iree''-- - - th : re eiuiuirlng If tliw la broautuKt irom nujeii iw PAGE PTVa vii name of station. MRS. EDITH M. 8MITH. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert jam titv so. mm. ' 2 j Aewoelattont at Its untttMl itfieotengi hut night, elected X). O- .ft,; V- . Williams. Prank Clapp, J.'D. McAulay and E. C. Olbbons as dtreetors. Tlie re preserttstlvea of the counstl are Aid. W. J. Klrkpatrlck and Aid. W. J. Bar-rle. The Ladles' Auxiliary and the pro-vlnclsl government will -alao tie repre-em ted on the 'board Ilea. T. D. Pat-tullo la honorary pretMont and D. C Stuart, auditor. At a conference of fishermen's organ-iatku and the city oattacO last even- I. H : i ! ' -in pmteaMn against the The Prince Rupert OcuersJ Hospital Jprewat BdaUutsUatKia oi the iitheUe a m m m .. r. 'J! s, 1 1 till. nd a kSM f.'-fe' HK TfieTlcul Canadian Car 'Ml 7 waa passed on motion of' I. Wll-slajna. acaaded by df JoA Dybham Among the apsakera at the meeting ware a. W. Nlckereon. Aid. Dybham. Oaplf. Peter Ron'lk, Harry Ujisstt. Xlayor McClymont, Aid. Cieorge B Casey, W. H. Montgurm'ry. William Sim, James Mc-Aleenan. Bob Hanns and W. K. Williams The death has occurred of Prof. Paul.; Kauffmann, an old tuner of the city,' The remains will be shipped to Van-: obuver following a funeral itcivlre to be conducted here by Tslmpwun and Tyee MaeouM Lodg. c r rs a 7y II 11 Ir.o tin l s-Ksia, lAfiis lltkijL lLO and ' marvel at ifa wformance, u J - xiw' Graceful body lines; a rich, lustrous finish, full crown fenders; full nickeled, acorn design headlamps and radiator shell this is the New Car that will win your instant approval. But more important than all externals are its remarkable road qualities. Low-hung wejghr.lpositive steering control, instant acceleration iand a balanced motor give Rmy (tmftr't u-ilb Ulttfullj tttttitd ipptiMlmtmtu SuhttamtUl ttt(h u trk. Drt e literal width uith rtmalt dttr Uhb. CtmfiUtt tqmlpmtnt, Turt (tUrfimitb uui (btict tfmtral ftUn. performance to a degree hitherto unknown in the light car field. ( To achieve this, quality in materials, practical design and manufacturing processes have been developed to an unprecedented degree. ( No worthy feature that contributes to exceptional power, flexibility and comfort has been omitted, including four-wheel brakes and hydraulic shock absorbers. V THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED FORD ONT. Heard Mr. Nlckersfin'a request far a solo the other night from KOMO In Seattle. Trusting to hear from you at an early date. . UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED aalllnts aalllncs from from rrlnce Frlnce Kanert. Kanert. S n.m. !r VANrODVUl. VICTOIIIA, Ihitedale. Alert ilay. Ifcn. ftr, ele Tuesdi TuemUv. lor V.lNCm'VCK, MCTOUIA. Nv.onoM Kay, Alert IU. rtr.. AlluriUy, a.m. For POKT SIMPSON, NAAS IllVth PMIN'TH. ALICE ARM, ANVflX. STKW.tltT, Wales laland, Sunday. 8 p.m. ItS tnd Avenue. R. M. BMITI1. Agent. Prlare Kapert. H.C. Throutb tlrkets sold to VlttolU and Seatlle. and baigsge checked lliroiigli o deMlnatlon. I Advertise in "The Daily News"