a Mirespassing | | With Sandy Service Alone ae - “I For 18th Yec Dera or ear there * 4° 1 LONDON ‘AP)—Eighteen years Pa eA ** ago the viear in the village: at Warleggan in Cornwall and his fe parishioners quarrelled because Pat a he would not let them ust the ‘ rectory for a card game tourna h t satye ment , con Christma morning th vicar : on onducted the strangest Christ Gilda Cam 1) ehures service in all rders might Vern Ciecone’s Rev. Frederick W. Der m Ken Harding, in surplice and cassock mounted the pulpit of his little church, recited the of England * plescribed sitmas iit granite Church ' yertson, Rey Collin service, sang \l Berner hymns, read the lesson and preached on the charity of the season Perey Young anc ° _— ‘ to R EVERY DAY IN Tih ; : I But he wa at} alone in his ae ae ene ea ne ee . 4 ‘ George b n, a8 he hag been for the pred ee ss ee . , a AGA MSO Ciiiist ast 18 years, boycotted by the Walter Smith ee va? nw individu 160 odd men, women and child- ; ‘ j I t from Dec, 26. 1952 en Of his hamlet on the Bodin De : moors After the quarre! éver the card ee as M p I same tournament, there was a enw ae general Bishop's inquiry which - ance rs. ar er Retires After exnonerated the vicar . Rob I George artin 26 Y é a My flock said I conducted { ri aiat t I« : . : . ; a ea rs in Business Here Holy Communion with black soves and ali sorts of things ' Stewart i lo Af 6 bosine ' rae mi said the 83-year-old vicar, smil- Harry Daggett Parke : inde nad a fs ae “ing. “They are alw king m«¢ Mike her ! Ladies’ Read : . ia... }te resign but I have no intention ead §to-Wea 2 : “Of ps ~ ““* | of giving up Marineau i iin I ‘ as ; . lai oes = As long aa he obeys the churct aa : } , el ‘aws and holds his regular ser- re ; me p : c en ors ices he cannot be forced to quit i Don Lewellyn Ry aes ; ne —~ And, he added, “they all come Dick Beii ! ‘ ’ ‘ * , oer’ ito me end. I conduct all Mel Forbes treet. Mrs Pari 1 Faget tablished tq | (nelr funera Fred Reiteh oved | ‘ Wikis Sarkar Ot oy ae ea _— Art Ogilvie 7 4 e ste weak bic. Paxieue Gan a aes B tt le 4 Hill Hileh a ee ene ‘ k ? ! ¥ t } ror I vith e trust F rh x i Ferguson mi { et ; ‘ie k Ceorge ; i } Hi! OE Sead : ‘ ' ; 4 \ « Lake, Mike Krucge: CLAS Vancou ’ ~ Jacl j / f sai ~7A\nulsons Ove PRINTING i Black ‘ { 7 U ) : ” ‘ t Donaldsen « o hit, ie IN ] 9 5 2 ‘ irs. Bervant ’ ~ q ih K ‘ ensen hi es - ; wh A Al,. si MS AIWAaYS ‘ + aril Sauer +e Macarthur : Bill Murray ecy aaa Fred F. Dowdi | | PLACE ORDERS NOW Don Stewart reac. vowdle | a mAt Dil p as urs | ¥ 4 | | Dibb Printing Co. Dave Abel i j ' j Petites Dera \l Armetrong Ceorge | MANSON'S JEWELLERS I Jone Dan 4 Prince Rupert, B.C. Terrace, B.C. Johnson's fishi VV fo thank “ail their cu oe vs bnew of r ‘ nda tor ny kine I Harrison Jack ' patr 7 . 9 Gerry Wood Y52a very successful year 7 ~~ ) | mm Y W h E § wil test | LO All of You We Wish Every Success Mel Scott QCA. Bill . nny Gays IN Leo Pawlicki no mor John MacDon M John Bennet i 1953 For dsay year Leorge Murray fe Fo Prince Rupert Delly News 3 Wednesday, December 31, 1952 NEWS of the DISTRICT © a” Annual! Sunday School concert of Knox United Church with 150 chilgren in attendance to take part in the concert as well as treats afterward from Santa, was heid at the Church The primary “department ren- dered two action songs and two Ghristmas carols, under the dir- ection of Sunday School superin- tendent Mrs. W. Martin Frosty the Snowman was presented by Miss Amdam’s class and a dialogue by Mrs. Erickson's class Mr. Richardsor.’s Lachion’s classes combined to sing “Rudoiph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” A pantomine Was presented by Mrs. Martin's class Miss Lorna Melvin and Roberta Kenyon pleased piano selections The program and Mr. Me- Miss with with a twit ry Unristimas ceremony wy Robin McColl's class ‘ Mr. and Mr Ed khenney will holiday in Honolulu where their daughter, Miss Nor- ma Kenney will join them later closed spend a Mrs, Strasden and family are pending the holiday in Alberta. In charge of Strasden’s confec- tionery and grocery store on Keith Estate, are Mr. and Mrs Albert McCreery * * * Fred Chasney, Leaf Nelson, Len arsh and Aylmer Peterson are ng those home from Kitimat for the festive season. M Ter- Owner formeriy of the race Shoestore Dominato, was winner this year of the Prince Rupert Light-Up Hayes a ny - Dominato was credit::d at the Partington home js ‘ft GOOT with 48 points and will receive e758 AAAS i the Jaycee certificate of merit. contest Bob Grabler Thornhill Golf Course Grabler, are Edmonton. Grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs W. C. Osborne, Susan atid Buddy Zorn, who are in Vancuuver Gen- eral Hospital, are reported to be enjoying the Christmas season, and are progressing favorably a > In their new Church on Laz- elie Avenue, the Pentecostal Sun- day School presented the annual Christmas ccnc ert, including and choruses tableau of the Christmas Story was presented in three scenes, by the. intermediate group. By the Young Ladies’ Chorus Group: “Hack What Joyful Notes Swelling.” and Nigh* is Sleening.” “Whitie” A. J Ralph and Pat Nelson and small Jackie Chris manager of the and Mrs spending a week parents relatives and friends at Miss Evelyn Antilla is with her fellows days. She is Department in Prince Rupert Lois Beaver is home far the a holidays Southbank. She i, studying in fuil justice Prince George High School Diane and Jacqueline re spending the holidays Whe. aide ge > Brown is home for the mas holidays . ¢ Mrs. Santa Cleus played host last week to 45 children of Odd- and Rebekhas in the alee for the holi- Oddfellows Hall following a pre- with the Forestry ¢am of films The hall was t Saogy the tr family at mas tree and the in No Siully degor- ditional Citrist- children did to the delightful re- with her freshnrents . drills, *vecitations, plays ever - lovely canaiengni “Soft; the .G2¢ Of the rrogram Rev and § Year * . ant acer: mnammacane eee se the s business FRANCOIS LAKE , Kip Routley and Robert Armold Peebles went to Vancou- ver by car. afew days before Christmas. Retiring From Business Mrs. H. S. Parker OF “The Exclusive Ladies Ready-to-Wear’ 245 3rd Ave. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my friends and clientele for your patronage and the privelege of serving A. C, Shindel, with the assistance you of Sunday School workers, gave Mrs out treats and gifts to the child- ren from the ‘beautifully decor- ated tree and I] hope that you will continue on with my successors Jersie Stromdahi and Mrs. Hilda Berg showing them same courtesy as you did to me during my 26 years of this city wish to extend to ali a very happy and prosperous New MRS. H. S. PARKER On New Year’s Eve, ~~ swhen it’s “one for Everyone knows that driving is dangerous enough both on the open So be safe and sensible on New Year's Eve. When a genial friend says, pal, have one for fhe road,’ be sure you say, “MAKE MINE For coffee gives you a clearer head and clearer eyes for driving. Coffee makes you more alert for quicker reactions, Coffee doesn’t let you down. Yes, coffee is a drink that makes any road a safer road home. hUbE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN, e Published in the Interest of Public Safety by n hou Hee D | we tenths “i ec © Powell all t ¢ an ou ined try Norman : } \ ‘ ™ <o yotain oryan | } es appen Pd ’ oughout ‘53 ; | { I woud ¢ j | appy.. prospe Bory | Yes, you ean say that ap} | . | into effect right now. . + i | i ne { the y j ' ; nm da | | road and in city traffie .. ina less trespa i | } s 1 ta tl | 1 Sandy — i It’s richer, robust full-bodied... } } “Come or, blended to satisfy the taste COFFEE!” reg €@1 § of British Columbians. Try i j You'll like Captain Morgan pn Ticket $0 | Black Label Ruro. 1) at door (305) | | { , Small Ook Cosks = of Job's Daughters, | | ag Mga 8 CI BE CARBPUL: THE Jaa 8 p.m, Silv . a | Captain Morgan ; ° ‘ : | 3 5: » be held ry the | GL LALA I Club « Port Simpson : Aliooh Label ey ’ vball Frolic: Jan. 8. | U M . a) % f _— terchants of Metla | R 4 vs. ¥.P.EA (Sy 4 Blended to Perfection : a 7p s : q from Carefully Selected : ’ 2 Me wages Moos i iare Old Rums Aira borane and Chap- | . Coe kember is ' : “Y Year Eve part f > t ‘ 3] \diitteance } ae me 1 and e: was aes oa le aS . SGA LS LS inable at Moose Club THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL (305 BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA . and especially so on holidays. again! Tha.’se good New Year's resolution to put the roa 97 I~. aay be sure it’s coffee! ~ eet o ae ; :