PAGE T,JVO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Edkor. SURSCRIITION KATES City Delivery, by sail or carrier, yeiji ly period, rftid ir. advawt6.G0 For lesser period, jpaitiiS)incej itflhlhj . ? ;.$0 By mail to all parts of NrtHeri. ami Cnrrll British Columbia, paid in advance lor vearly period 3.00 Or four months for S1.00 By mail to all other partsvof British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.80 Transient Display v&BvertUing, per incji, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on front Page, per inch , $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per Ihie 26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, eaeh .Insertion per agate line IB Contract Rates on Application AUvcrii'sing and Circulation Telephone Editor jind Reporters Telephone Member .of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY feDITION A (IRE AT FLIGHT The two Australians who piloted the Southern Cross to Suva i in th. Fiji Island? from Honolulu as part of the journey from! ( ali'nrnia to Australia ami al-n the two Americans who accompanied: them us navigator and radi- m.itte. a wonderful record andi they will be looked upoi, a - .inior.v ;h-e whu rirtve blazed the future! aii- routes of the wond, i; j. ;,, i,. h.etl that they finish their! Inn? flight suocessfully. :hii plaeini; Australian air tin visitors alnnir! With thu.o' m uf elideaoi'. tile t inted Mate.- ami Hritaij. MAY THEY CHOOSE I oilay the Synmi nl tin ,, choosing a bishop t ha, of Bri'ii: 'iimnl.i,i I: i- a: ut. the right man means mill n to ,. out of plati' to make any nnini"ir is ht-inv' -hnwr in tin- matter an interest- ot the Ciiuivh will i,.. TWO IMI'OKT.WT i wo important convent is that of the Manilla ".m : i.- the co-opera'. i e jfattierin Canadian Wheat l'ooi- Tin iattei- mternat ional. 1 lie Jfeiu-ral lei their otierat ion- until orj?aiH7.ei iien am seeni to nail, ati- '. n.r ot practical Mirialisn. Tin- manut'.e ur line the smti mi- ar ' A r il! lie t 'el : '.in,' le-.ei,,; amn;' end I' : that lia- Vi vr- a!-e SYNOD OPENED ' IN CITY TODAY tt.triuiiEMT.u. sRitvlri: tiiw mokn- IXIiFIHMT M'NINRMM Km0 THIn FTBH00 TO ELECT I1MIOI' The synod of Caledonia diocese opened st 11 o'clock this mornluK v.: it sacramental service conducted by leacon O. A. Rlx. admlnlstiator jt ti.e diocese The ssctament of the L nl' fjupprr was sclmlnltcret mil thr t-i- in M". ran tile all! d. lat L'in in h WISELY huri'h in whole !"'si:ion and Imee,,.. V),i 1 i eeeedil t" ie liopi-i! iuallv tile pi in combination of iho, ehvMjnil ,n ;..r niust j: iim i-s.iiy i.e national rather tia: hecausc it- nn iniH-r- .i-k tor niine; ( 1 1 1 : i , tured in other 'minim's. Ye1 tin- aims ot wholh .-eifi'sh It. presiden' ,:, addr, . "We hc..e that cn-iipcra' n.n am! ,i solve any national (pie-Mon tita' n:''!';.'--. to do our share Canada i- one n: m,,-world in the moral and phsi, .,; , -...i.:;. . in jfefiv'raphirai o atnui. in oppor: unit ie ity of life and proiert. and n.itur.ii wealth heritaire and tlie hould hold il CONVENTIONS meetinj' tncla n for themsele hut for iumre generations. n m (uehei under the an national ua'i. ''I' Pram ll! 99 86 Wednesday, June 6, 192 adei-s in that line internal lon.i: n interest : the best Canada. One ;ii-d the other .lot Hi' I lie of the and the will extend While the e t. iking all d lopment are a huge aj-'ain-' v'ood- m.mufac- tln- i -in but it in scope orvraniation are not .- e-i,.-(ja'. sanl. ! i ienil!'. spin', will help ami we an always ready !a ored C-. untries in tht " D' i people, in climate, i or individuals, in secur-Canadians have a irreat tai and develop it in trust not only CURIOUS WOULD l'KOIJLUM There is constant movement going on in the industrial world. As social-ktrislation is passed, hours of labor are shortened and the cost of taanulacthrins increased. The cost of manufactured goods also increase and thus there is an increase ia the cost of living. So also the .cost tjf food is increased through the operation of the wheat pools and othr organhwtioiw formed to keep up the prices. So there is a constant circle. There is the worker trying to get more for his labor, the producers trying to get more for his produce and the other part of the population trying to secure the necessaries of life at a reasonable rate. In ail this maelstrom of conflict anm nro bound to be crushed or badly squeezed. The fight for upper place is just as insistent as ever but it seems as if the general conditions of life are much improved. Possibly as time goes on an even more equitable system will be worked out, but In the process there will be muca suttering and many, will fail. ttnwvol ihej.sanfos wass hruitsnt address by Archbishop A V DePehctet or New Westminster. Metropolitan of British Columbia. The synod took adjournment for the nocn hour and is holding Its first business session this afternoon The agenda fur thl.1 afternoon includes the election ot n bishop which is the most important Item of business the synod will lis re before it. With clergy and ft delegates from ail p'-rtioim of the vast Caledonia dk-"u la attendance, the synod will oon-rnuc in session tomorrow. Jack Johns will .u u'liia'B trsln on '' .i:id Crdarvale. leave by tomorrow a business trip to Large, crisp, crunchy Biscuits -fcJ i-y w mESBSBBIB isawfiui The Whole wheat, thormiohlv Unit n A So flavory, so delicious, so strcngthen- Spring. Eat with milk or fruits. TWSCUIT-a real whole wheat cracker Made Uy The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd.' YOUNGPEOPLE'S WORKDISCUSSED ItEV. A. WII.SOX HIVES 1NTEUEST.IXO aiuikess to Ytirxti people's MH'IKTY or I XITE1I I cut itcn jr United Church, at Its regular weekly meetlui! lsst night, heard an lntereat- .ng report Irom Rev. A. Wilson on the young people's section of the British Columbia conference which waa reeent- :y held in Vancouver. The feature of that portion of Ms conference bad been an address by the praatdent of the Van- .-cuver Youug Man's Christian Assoc te-tlon on the Pacific Relationship Con ference which bad been held some inw Drev-tous In Honolulu. Ur. Wllaon repeated the main impressions which the YAf .OA. head had conveyed. I First, tlie passing ol the old method diplomacy and the substituting therefor of round table conferences in tiling international differences, special albute being paid to the lead that had been taken by the late President, W.cdrow Wilson of the United States 'i thi connection. Second, the coining of economic ea rn m settling tnter-raclal questions which had formerly been dealt with :y politicians who made frequent ap peals to prejudice. Third, the place of Canada in Inter-cretin the Oriental peoples to luroee Canadians being a peace loving people practically tree frcm racial prejudices. Fourth, the three proMssns which "ad teen Mft to the young feneration to eelve the commercial HUng of Tlee, j the liquor menace and racial relation -I ships. Mr. Wilson's address was followed by the remilar business period. Plana were e-Moit here is j ,,. for the ntn meeting on Tuesday northern half zt mat week and also for a picnic the lie erioice of 'week following which will bring the i: ould bcj"ung people's activities of the past winter to a close. Oeorge H. Svseka. vlos-ptealdeut, occupied the chair. jj Man in the Moon n " You can't expect chickens to he .anything but crasy If you feed them on .racked grain. Real Estate Agent (trying to interest a fair Ilapper i : "Let me sell you a heme?" lair Flapper: "Buy a SKaBst? I should say- not 1 hsvent a bit of use cr cne. I was born in a hospital Has educated In a collets waa courted in an ante waa married in a chutth- xt live out of a paper bag lovely Jellcateasen right near spend the acrntnaj's playing golf--and afternoon's t the club playing bridge at night it dance or go to the movlea and hen I die t will be burled from the undertaker's all I need la a gantge wltfi a bedroom above. Nix on the home. It's easy to save a woman, urface and you save all." A man may be ever so charming and highly as teemed but if he goes owt vith some other girl, you may depend the first one will have little use for him. It'a unlucky to marry That day la no aseeptioa. on Ptidsy A steady man la all right but one does not need a man to be motionless If there were no weather, what would there be to talk about? All men are liars hut some are better n it than others. A knoehat uettaUly ends up fcy iaUng When I believe aeaasthlng thoroughly it is a conviction; when my wife dees the same It la a silly prejudice "Why did you atop- singing in the rbolrr "Because one day I didn't staff and tmebedy asked If the organ had been fixed." Old OcnUesalatv-That maim a bad cold you've got, my little Tommy It'a a very good cold: it kept me away from school three whole days. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert 41 M: , 1918. since May as thirty -six carloads of airplane sprue have bean shipped hrcugh Prince Rupert te Use Old oiintry nd soon there will bo another tsrie shipment ready. Oeetgtows and Swaiunn Bay saarmUls, wall as iktxm ltrcnlat jii un wto uosnons tssssBws, 'pre shipping the eiNemedlt. .' ' Canadlsn oflhsers In the Royal Air Fore say that, the Oermans sre xhirkera when it conies to serial right-ln(t. The Hun aviator will only attack when in superiority of numbers or class of msrhlnea on his side. McRse Bros , who have conducted their buoiness on Sixth Street for several years, are moving to the Hart Blotk on Third Avenue. The Royal ut csnsds is slso to move from V 'ac THE DAlttY NEW3 Wednenduy, .)u i tt, mes IncMstriesJ f Suilds DRITISH Columbia's Power resources are the envy of the world. With Power, the riches of the world can be won; with Power, ores can be mined . . . smelted; transportation problems solved; manufacturing industries developed, and with them population . . . pay-rolls. Power is British Columbia's strongust bid for nioro Industries i . . more people. Of the millions of horsepower available in our province, but half a million are now barneeaed to turn the wheels of Industry. The great hydroelectric development at Bridge River will ultimately generate more than TSOO.GOO horsepower, while the output at Honntngton Falls and other point Is he4nc steadily Increased. The (tempbell and Chllko Hirers, on the mainland, and the NimpIcUh on Vancouver Island are capable of tremendous powr development for the onvrort of our forest and mineral reeeuicee into fabulous v,ewlth Two of British Columbia's Electric Power systems are among the fstest in Canada, each tenerutlnA more then HMM.tte kilowatt hours in I9J7, This represents an increase in lite last ten years of . . , truly a remarkable achievement! ForetttaulheriMeasMakof this record as a measure of the great vitality tff ifrlMsh Columbia. Today we rank third In power and Industrial development amettaJOarwdJun province). We have made ftretiter proiireM per capita than anil It le the peltey of nrltWi Ce I urn Ma to feat er the defejepment of the hytlre-electrir powers for tlie benefit f the puWie. They -re allotted to ptlvate enterprises on condltten that Utey wftl be developed within a certain thne, ) that no eafeaitstlen of puMk aeaete may rake ' 'l llllent of dollars are now earmarked for Tower detfJepment in our province. Dama am being built, turbines Installs! ... . tranentisslon lines erected to cure for the imminent ladurirtal development. of Third Avenue ,md With Street . INVENTORY OF LIBRARY BOOKS KONATIOV l IIOOKH ItaSTKlVEII H).M Hiai)l(l CU'll Jll'fll AITItEt'tATEII The librarian la at present engaaed in the prspsratMsn of an inventory of the book now on 'th helves or in the first .that has been fefra . suio the .institution, was smarted. Oua will check up on the number of velttmes supposed to be there and will prove useful to trie members of the Board At the meetlns of the Board last nlrht, the preside!" James Black, pre-sldlng. the Librarian reported 2.SS7 volumes taken out during the month Of which 764 were ftivenlle and 1M non-flctlon. the Average lally circulation twin mo Twelve new books received by gift Included a number of volume presented by the Reading Club. Thla is their Thousands of dolls ra ate Wing expetidetl weekly on materials ami wagM; thousands ere reeling the m. madia to heneflta of this enterprise. Side by aide with our power development, Induttrtal Eipansion lias kpt pace. Today 17' , of Canada's eiternal trade is handled by Hriiiah Columbia. During the past decade, our basic Industries have increased 101.3',. .lir .'S1 V:e,, lncjud,nft a" chieees, Is e4 time ted at 210 minion dollars. Today, our Lumbering, Alining and :iihlnJt..ind!ttth' emP,5r TiMI people, payiivg them in million dollars In wages . . . distributing an average wage ranking among the highest in Canada. These 17$ millions In wafea are a great contribution to our annual internal trade In the province. They have given our industrial workers a buying power ranking second In trie Dominion and have hugely been responsible for our ever increasing prosperity, as evidenced by the fact that the number of automvrbiles registered in the P.-?? ymtT as compared with S.frH in 1916. Ilflthh Columbia's steady and varied Induitrlsl development haa cbaisged the conception In Rastern Canada and tlte United States) of our province. No longer sre we entirely dependent on the Bait for our manufactured products. Brittth Columbia le increasingly furnishing her own needs. She now ranks third in lb wliole Dominion as a manufacturing province. Our phenomenal Power and Induttrtal growth bet focused the attention of the great mduitfirf lists and Investors on our province. Today. Drittih OluniHa In ntLV tbm WoiU' tor I"owve, Pregreaa and I lenty. May our efforts of the next ten years sUbilUe and liKraaae our I'rosperityl (T W tkt$t annomnttmtnts and understand veer mvimt'i promts t , . . clip Ihrm out and stud Ihtm to friend .. If yQ desire extra copies of these announcements note to Ms newspaper will them. Advertise yur Prouncel the Helegrson Block f a new bulldlm; annual donation, being books studied put up uy k t Hyde at the corner ) them durlnv the winter and with hlch they hav n v finished. According to the rei.rds the library hr over ni thou i:id vol imea but this is probably larger than the actus! number as there must have -ern const der- Die waatege not accounted for In the time the library hat been i., ?ned it was arranged t:iat the librarian would take hoKuays this year commencing August a, the Library being olosed for three weeka from that date. Those present included Junes Black! Mm Klrkpatrtek, O. V Wilkinson. V. Bssso-Bert. H T. Pulltn. Alderman and the Librarian. Miss hank. Crulk- HUGE STURGEON TAKEN AT MOUTH OF ESCTALL CENTRE OF ATTRACTION A huge sturgeon was the centre of attraction yesterday in the window of P Btr Co en Third Avenue n w tn ;e : !.i the month of the Beflsll n.Ter wi r It flows lni the s For .Miimton in weish 3.17 pounds net ms sad Advertise to the tlly Wewi lttl ICAfiADIANj Afrnry Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketehlkan. IVraniell. Jsneeu. ami .ksgws.v May SI. Jane To taneouier, Vktorla and Heal lie U f,. June 4. . l- 11 ' v I'liivriuu UIIV4I I r'tr11' IWIa iselha. ocean fall. Namii, Alen IM) lampueii liner Vsnrmitee iimi I'rl.t. ih km ' -- - ... , all Atesrmliln Unes. IV it If .1 . . . rull liilurBialKtii Irest- lerner of tin gtrrtt slid Snl Avenue, itinre ltiiert. ILC LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVBKYON'B KISK DORS Our sprinjr stock of Hljrh Grade Men's Wear Is "l'rt Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which t ""e "that spring suit" Ullored to your measure by Chiibu. '0"' moit Clothes builders "Society llrnnd." Obey That ImpulseDo It Today THOR JOHNSON