EH i i PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, m,, DOLLAR SPECIALS FHUITS & VEGETABLES Combination Special No. 1 1 Vegetable Marrow 1 Cauliflower 2 lbs. Fresh Peas 1 bunch Parsley , " 5 '' 1 Cucumber lb. Totnatows 1 2 bunches Green Onions ALL FOR $1.00 Combination Special No. 2 2 lbs. Beans 4 lbs. Cabbage I! bunch Turnips 6 Golden Bantam Corn 6 lbs. Carrots ALL FOR $1.00 Combination Special No. 3 10 lbs. Potatoes 4 lbs. Beets z z 1 lb-Field Tomatoes 4 lbs. Onions 1 Cauliflower ALL FOR $1.00 Combination Special No. 1 3 lbs Apricots -2 dozen Peaches 2 11. Plums 1 lb. Grapes. ALL FOR $1.00 Combination Special No. 5 V dozen Bananas 2 Cantaloupe V. dozen Pears 2 lbs Eating Apples ALL FOR $1.00 Watch the series of specials AT Miissallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phone 18 and 81 Our Lender in Silk Hose I ess HAVE YOU TRIED? A wonderful Hose in a nice range of colors. H.S. Wallace Co. Lid. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stoek-JUt board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM G17 2nd Avenue Prince Kupert, B.C. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. 1 1 in price mis wv.'K. The ulcer The wholesale prices on Butter uid Eggs are firm. Also smoked pleats and all Pork Produce are up OUK PRICES ARL RIGHT Eggs, Fresh Extras, dozen, -JSoj 8 dozen fcr SI. tin Eggs, Fresh Firsts, dozen.. . 4()c 3 dozen for $1.15 r E.C.O.or Fraser Valley.Butte, Butter, E.CiD. or Fraser Valley, 10 t,00 3 pounds for $1.15 Butter, Golden Churn, 3 lb brick, : Sl.Hi! Bacon Swift Premium, sliced lb. or whole side, 6 lb. average, lb .'. no Fresh Picnic Ham, lb- U5t Cooked Ham, sliced, lb 00 f China Oats, Purity or Quaker, pkg 40 Shredded Wheat, pkf 15 Roman Meal, pkg :i.,c Clarks Catsup, per bottle . . '-'( 3 bottles for 050 Royal Crown Soap, pkg !i5f or 3 pkgs for 70t Washboards, glass, each .... 7?,? Spring Clothes Pins, 6 doz. . . 25r Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Pioprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 "NOBBY For Style and Value in Novelty Dress Fabrics An exceptional range of Printed Georgettes, Crepe de Chine, etc., in all the latest designs. A Distinctive Range of Chiffon Velvets in lovely shades- The Home of Hosiery Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Building Papers and Felts Evcrjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Scam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phono 11C and 117 Money TERRACE FAIR BOARD MEETS xo nisTiiuvr r.xiunn nm prince Itir-KKT THIS YKAK IT IS DECIDKI) The meeting of the Terrace FU Fair Board held on Frllday wu only moder ately attended, several members being on vacstlan. II. A. Swain wm In tbe chair and after the routine business bad been disDoaed of . It was agreed to allot a spaoe of fifty square feet to tbe North ern Brokerage, Prinoe Rupert, for a booth. Application was made for five judges for the various exhibits this yeV. and an application for permission to operate a crown and anchor board at the show was unanimously turned dawn. A letter from the recretary to Prinoe Rupert Fall Fair asking the Board to put up a district exhibit at Prince Rupert show this year was not entertained several members pointing out that there was a great decrease in tbe acreage of pr educe In Terrace area this year, so that It would be difficult to get a good representation of the produce of the district. Tbe Board of Trade declined to accept the whole rep"nstbUlty for getting together the produce for a district ex- CHOLERA INFANTUM THE FATAL DISEASE OF CHILDREN Is a vaJnable preparation that has been on the market for the tvtat eighty years. It has nj equal for off-eetting the vomiting, purging and diarrhoea of cholera infantum. Price, 60c. a, bottle at all druggist of dealers; put up only by The T. Slilbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. JA M Is good buying this week. Strawberry Jam, King Beach or Makin h Best, 4 lb. tins steeial 1Kt Plum Jam, King Beach or Nabob, 4 lb. tins, special ."Of Our special on small, sized Oranges was so well patronized last week that we are continuing it this week. 3 dozen for . . H;( Sugar, 10 lbs 7."p Urder now for your preserving needs. VT 1 m II i iaooo iea, per 10 wr Nabob Hi need Clams, per tin 15r Cowan's Instant Cocoa, l-2s, spe cial per tin iI0? Royal Anne Cherries, in 1 lb tins, special, 3 tins (.? Clothespins, spring, in packages of 3 dozen, per pkg -Of P. & G. Nantha Soap, per bar ."o Chlorinated Lime, 2 pkgs .. Lux, 5 pkgs ,,e "ST. 1VEL" Polled Meat Pastes and Fish Cremes are unrivalled for their delicate flavor. We have them in all Red Arrow Ginger Snaps, in 1 lb. packages, per package 25f Valkyrian Bye Krisp, special 2 lbs :irt We expect the first shipment of beryl Gem (B.C.) Canteloupe" on Wednesday, to sell for each 15e Cukes, 2 for ir,? Green Beans, per lb- Kir Malaga Grapes, per lb- .... li"r All Fruits and Vegetables in seanon. Highest quality and popular prices. Watts' Grocery Phono 5.1 Phone 5G Shop here and save money Raising SALE 1TUDAY, 17 SAT UH DAY, 18 2 Piece Wool Suits, Rogular -H8.W SltM).". : Piece Wool Suit.x, Regular 27.00 to SjiO.OO Silk Dresses, regular u to $12.00 ! 'A only Wool Ureases, Itegular up $12.00 Sjili.O." Silk Dresses, Regular $15.00 Jj!0.7r Silk Dresses, Regular to $22.50 $V2A)r, Wool Dresses, Regular up to $22.60 JjUtMr 0 oniy Hata, to Clear at 1.00 "Demers" Hip LIKE A tylGH GRADE ENGLISH CIGARETTE .libit at tM Mew Westminster show, but intimated that they would Join with the Farmers' Intfftute and the Fair Board hi the matter, niter discussion it was Jcctded to leave thc matter In abey-noe 7 he secretary reported having received promises of a number of special prise u ind It wm agreed to run a drive (or membership subscriptions during the en suing fortnight A further meeting was arranged for Friday of ne-xt week. ffEURACE Mrs. W. W. Noonan of Telkwa is noil- daying at the home of her mother Mrs Bonier. Sbe is ocoom panted by her three daughters Mrs. II. C. Creclman of Usk waa in town Monday. Miss Ethel f bristle of Prinoe Rupert It spending a abort holiday at her home here following a visit with her ulster Mrs. T. P. (ealUi. Telkwa. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Altemus and son of Bast Orange. NJ.. were In town at the beginning of the week and left on Wednesday for Prinoe Rupert aw route to Alaska Mr. Altemus la the representative of the Sherman Lumber Co. of Potsdam. New York, to which firm a lsrge quantity of Terrace lum ber Is shipped He Is here on one of Ms periodical trips through tbe dis trict and will return here following his Alaska visit. E. W. Maftntstte of the' bank of Montreal. TYIrtea Rupert, arrived on Monday to assume managership of the local bask while A. H. Barker goes en a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Barker and fsmlty wtt! spend their holiday at their Monday. at Laketse Lake. O. W. Pe thick, assistant engineer. Smltbers. was an official visitor in this district at the' beginning of the weak. W. O. Leake of Camp. Kalum Lake, the Judton Pole In town on J. Oregory. left on Monday for the CONING to Prince Kupert The startling new lilrti success NORWAY The Land of the Midnight Sun-Produced by Lyder Selvig assisted )y toe beat tenor and the most popular singer of Norway Erik Bye it is intensely interesting from start to finish and will be enjoyed by everybody irrespective of their nationality WEST. 1 01 J! B Til EATHIJ at 2..10, 6.30 and 9 p.m. Norwegian music to the film Prices. Matinee CO and 20c Evening 75c and 36c Tax included. Tickets will be sold in advance Be sure to secure those you need 'COAL Your choice KDSON CASSIDY - WHIi- LINfiTON TELKWA Also Bulkley liny and firaln. Agent for Bobin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. prairies. Phone 574 Choicest Virginia fn green packages- &Lw$flo card pictures Phone 45 B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. Sl'lX'IAI-S FOB WHHK UN DING AUGUST 18, 198 BULK TIJA Ualkin's & Braids', N r 1 lb. Packets SPLIT PBAS, FHAHL DA 1 11. BY, WHY GKI1UN PBAS. Q White Beans, Sago. All per lb JXj CHINA OATS Quick Quaker, Robin Hood, II. A IL, Ogilvie.V Qnp per 1'kt "0l LIBIirS ASPAHAGUS TIPS 0 Square Tins, l's per tin SNAP Olp Per Tin CANADA COHN 3TAHCII -I Ap Per Vki. AUl' CH ICKHN That top the Market Quality O nn Boiling Birds, per lb & Light Fowl, per lb 38C I'HUITS AND VI(JHTABLI Arriving each boat from the aqath t attractive prices A trial Ortkr will convince you that our Quality and Service cannot be excelled. , ' ' - WATCH OUH WINDOW, IT PAYS B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF 0001) THINGS TO EAT 1 hone 45 Phone 574 Joe ftpllrJ left on Monday for Vaii-oouTer and later expect to scute In IWaahlagton. Mrs. Jas Parquhar of Prinoe Rupert is spending a few days at the hone of her parents. Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Marsh. K. R. Deacon arrlced on Mon- dsy on a visit to her ala'er Mrs. T. J. Marsh. STUDENTS TREATED" TO PICTURE SHOW TERHACK, Aug. t- Through the kindness of P C Blabop. the scholars who have succeeded In gaining entrance I to the High School, from the Public ' School at Terrace, were on Saturday rested to a visit to tote picture show. ' and during an interval, tbe successful I students were presents! with their eer- tlncates by H HalliweU, of the Board 'of Trusts. iMtlNCH UUPKHT TIDIJS I'ltlllAY, AUnVHT 11 High 3:87 jn. 11.7 ft low High Low J5l pa. MJ " Low 8:4 ajn. 14 ' High Jl:07 pxa. 4.5 SATtiKlllY, AMI HUT ' a. 08 ajn. U:S5 pxa. 894 ajn. 3l:4fl pjn MMl.tV, .tl HUHT 3:4H a.m. 10 OH pjn 9:58 u W:U6 p LAND ACT 21.0 ft. 0.4 " J3 " 4.8 " ID .i - sssssssssssl Jt x(rici; of iNniiriofTo aitia- to In Bmlthers Land Heourdlng District side of Skeena River. nfTrt5,-N!CK th,t Oh"tlna Corley. Pacific B.C . pf married woman. Intends xJJSS"1?"01"" st P0"1 Jltd at the wutheast corner of tot iiso, Range o" Coait District; thence north BOoSZnS thence east 20 chains: thenre south 80 phalns; thence west ao chains, and confining lflo aores, man or less CHRISTINA CORLEY, PP"eat. Dated May 26 im. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONK.1IT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "Land of Hope and Glory" A photo-play of and for the British Empire riY.ilr the past butwlUi tbe present day. Adapted I ron Elgar's famous anthem it is a picture of honi. lii' be seen by every member of the family. All star i Cwistc KLLALINK TKHKISS, LYN HAHDINC, HOBIN IKVIM P"1 STAAIP-TAYLOIL AHTHUH PUSHY, 1IENUY V1HAK KUHY 51ILLHIL AND OTIIEBS COJIHDY PATHi: KEV. Admission 35c and 10c DEMAND "Rupert Brand BBSS Tl'IIK DAINTIEST BBEAKPAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage (, Prince Kupert, B.C.