THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FOUR The Daily News pkince mjfert - British columbu PublJihed Every Afternoon, eceft Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCR11TION ij KATES f City Deliver, by mail or, career, yearly;, period, paid In advant 6.00 For leaser period, paid in advsnee. par month ...,......... -GO By mail to all parte of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly prfod .......... ISM Or four months for '. $1.60 By mail to all other parts at bntish Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per yaar .... $-0c By mail to all otner cuuuVries, per yea;- ...... $T Transient Display Advertising, per, inch, per insertion $1.4 J Transient Advertising on Freat Pige. per inch $t$ Local Readers, pear insertion, per line Jib Classified, pr Insertion, per word X Ural Notices, tach insertion per airate Hne ; It Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circuiatlcn Telephone 93 Ed'Jor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 i! ember of Audit ilutesu of Circulations DAILY EDITION Saturday. .17. 1Mb OPPOSED TO FISH THAI'S It was a good thing: for the Liberal Convention to make its position clear in . regard . . to fish trans oiTthis 4.1. i mi i A norm coast, ine resolution oDjecting to their use was passed unanimously and doubtless th Fiahonims ment at Ottawa will take cognizance of the action of the il.... jl a representative gatnenng ana govern themselves accordingly. To trrant the tmn Hiwisp in the faiw nf tj JT - waav- WV VI Wlv X lution would be to put themselves in opposition to Lib eral opinion nere. A RELIGIOUS CONTROVERSY A good many people not; in, touch, with the situation wonder what the controversy in the Anglican Church in Britain is all about. It must be remembered that it is a state church controlled by Parliament Its present constitution was formed at the time of the Reformation and one of the creat features of the church doctrine wa that the bread and wine used in the sacrament were not really chanced into the body and blood of Christ, but rpmainprf simply the natural elements even though consecrated by the priest Gradually what is known as the high church section of the Church has been veering toward Catholicism and of late has been reserving the consecrated bread and wine 'for the use of the sick. This indicated that they considered the consecrated elements different from ordinary bread and wine and was really an admission of the doctrine of transubstantiation. It is to tfcat doctrine that the opio-tion has developed, the low church section of the Church considering it idolatry. POSITION OF CANADA IN EMPIRE The position of Canada in the British Empire is an interesting one. This country shares in all the privileges of the Commonwealth of Nations, but contributes nothing to its defence, leaving the whole burden to be borne by Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Beyond the two little destroyers, one on each coast the obuntry has no navy, and neither has she any aaWbrth "mentioning. She assures herself that vmev the jfaadow of the Union Jack, with the additional protection of the Stars and Stripes because of the ftnroe dgWrir she js ecure against all attack and therefore ilofc flat jm& toVfcrry. That is a petty position to take. There should be a naval squadron on the Pacific for the protection of commerce, and this should be a Canadian squadron kept up by the Canadian people. Possibly it was to this Sir Austen Chamberlain was referring when he mentioned that if Canada shared in the benefits of the British Empire membership she should also share in the responsibilities. Canadian National Steamships i .... Prince Rupert DRYDOCK t AND SHIPYARD 0hTUn (J.TSIO.DOO Tan MiwIImk Dry 'Duck Entlneerit. Machi.ilitn. U:)ilermlierH. IllHrUmiitliH. I'niiern makers. Koutidern. Wmtdwitrkeix Ktc. ELIiCTUIC AND aCKTYLENK WUI.DINC Our plant is equlptMi to handle all kindc of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. I'HONDH 43 and 8 PASSED AWAY AT SMITHERS Sirs. W. II. Thorne Succumbed In Interior Town Last Night After Critical Illness i ritt Manv frifcds inTihis citjvill learn with aineere retrret of the death in Smtthen; nich;. afte;-a two weeks! critical illne-s with fvr of lira. W. H. Thorite, a former resident of Pritu-e Ruiert and wife of a well-known Cana dian National Railway bagpajre man. The te Mrs lhorne uvea in Prince RtJrt for several years ,- hr faiilv before moving to' Smithers a ftuple of ye:u-. ajro. Deceased was about 35 years of axe and is survived by a family of six young children, the oldest of; wnom is about 13. To the widow- er and the family general sym pathy will be extended. The late Mrs. Thome's father and two! brothers reside at D Satan's, Van couver Island. Frank Morris, manager of the B. C. Undertakers, left today for Smithers to; take charge the funeral, whfeh will takefWace on Monday. ? SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL AND DANCE IS HELD Kninvahlo ltinrtiori Last Night Under Auspices of Catholic -A tiU WoaWn's League - ffif A successful and well attended bridge and whist party and dance was held last night in the church hall by the ' Catholic Women's League. Priif winners at cards were : Rridm Ladies' first. Mi MftT- nret Palmer: second. Miss Neld Hilditch; men's first, Thomas Tro- tier; second, Albert Palmer. Whit Laies tirst airs, intra Fortune; sdeood, Leo Contoli; men's first, ira. Zygmunt; sec ond, Mrs. P.J. Mccormick A. Murray, with ticket ro, w. was the winner of the drawing for a tea cloi. After cards, refreshments were served, and djsncing followed, with music by the westnoime utcwsb-tra, and Hairy Aston a mijpter of ceremoniei. The comnittef responsible fof the success f the function consisted of Mrs. plier Besner, Mrs.' L. J. Bhun, Mi. J. J. GilHs. Mfes Mary Astori and 'lias Nicie DeMarco. ANCOOVBR GETTING SMALL PROPORTION OF GRAIN LOADED WINNIPEG. Nov. 17 Very close to ten million bushels of Train has arrived at Vancouver his season over the C. N. Railway, he total number of cars being 7450. That is lass than the total mount loaded on the praJrisa iuring the pat week, when 11, O5.0(K) bushel" were Irmrted. jii Yesterdav there was over 39 inoo'iu liu.-hei in store in country elevators. ! ! CHRISTMAS SILINQS vum uibwc Nov. IS. MlanedoM- -To OUmrow- BcdfMt.-Uerpail. FROM ST. JOHN Dec. 1. Meugnma Oherboutl' BQiithampSon-Antiwn1.. 1, MipniHu ijibiiw--,- (Mtiwrsaoi. TO OMTWUII'WUW MT. JOHN ULASUOW -LI V KHWHJI. Dc. 31 JL 4 . ....jV.iAv.ii--.v Dm. Jan. as it ''SasaaBitt'' '- , ( Y oices you Galli Curci ... Jeritza . . crystal-pure . flooding beauty brought there by the Mekxlies that sing away in your memory when the song itself is ended. A. Bute ob-IJjgato that keeps you wondering which is voice and vWch is instrument, so true to pitch, so resonant are both. Why I you are at the concert, m your awn homel Yet you fcal here In your living room you mut reach . out and touch the Mh ' vwuitu If' g t '; ' - r . v.V "5 1 a A 34 fill n ft fl - i r i hbk .-. jx'.mmmr P.itupl.iy. November 17 i9j - - - - . 'Jk I -4 ' m c'rosi,-ciit, Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more M t j frm ' timber, time and labor being equal, than any other H i ! jnadeThis guarantee has never been challenged, 'HtWL KhP'-Wll 1 . I ffl (ilMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIW1I I to. ri t" V&t i 1 11 ,T.MMTIIMTAI.OeoMVIHUl.MNTBiAI,OuC. Ill -"- - II WFDDKO BY ANCIENT KIT Thia photo telephoned from San Francisco, nhow.- Prince heir to.tate throne of .lawn, and his bride, the former Set u Mataadairo. as thev ameared in the feudal weddinir costumes at th oleio oejewony. I Sl'i'.s m thm cup Ridel AR. i.w aionihi unit; ANCHOR, 10 Ion; MCMIItiuM, i qucrd VIK.IiINO SCALES, t U tu.t K ANC.AJIOO. bMitna i i MAKL. an jbwat Irxii n ' . r ilw mfim axl vjuk t Bat cp The seemingly intangible thing that makes musical dreams come true, as often as yoa wish, is "Matched Impedance", or "Snwotk Flow of Sound", something scientists cvolyj only recently and gave to Victor for yonJ Compare the new results with the old "aisd discover the difference. For charming immes you may select a cabtnqyggkie woods. Electric i4vf, vitkk costs ajjUe mure, if you wish it, rlimmataa wmdiirTrirc from $1400 to as low as S1 15 'eft convenient puymants tVdni "Ilk Master's Voice" Dealers. me Trads Mark Rsg'd Victrola Victdr-Talklnft Machine Company of dahitla, LInttttd,tl voices youc, harm with their new OtthiHoliQ Victrola Orthfytfioriic only if it bears the dog Trademark