W't-rrbar IV ! j - ; specials! Local and Personal News In Brief' A fifty cent package of Klenzo Shaving Cream and a,,(!r'f!,;f!Pt Vcknge of Gillette Razor Blades ,1,0...,...::.,..;...;...;..,..;... 60c With each $1.00 mx of LaClaire Fontaine writing paper, a packajfo eontaining 184 Xmai seals and latffi given free. .lues Ltd, V7c I'inncvr i ii ave rsixm m HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 .IACKP1NK AND CEDAR Single kmd $3.50 Double load $fi.50 Lai-Jfe SRCK , 50C COAL PRICKS DOWN i ' mbitm Peerfeas Egg 12.00 IvmbiiM Washed Nut $11.25 Mbertt'SootleSB Liirge Egg , S12.50 MlerU Soottafl Egg : . $12.00 ..lnrU Lumf ...":.:f. y. $13.00 " Alio aU rther cJ8e of coal. I'iaiu and Furniture Moving. Expross and Baggage . ami Nifbl Rervk-e 139 Second Avenue lanadian National Thc Largcfl Kailway Sylem in America STRAMSIIIP AND TRAIN SERVICE .Hliii! fruM l-HINI t. HITKKT for VAM OI'VIK. VirTIHtU and si TTI.IU THI KIh ana SI MIMVM. at It p.m. I ' sTKWAtJT. WWIMkMVH. M .m. IVVOV Ml KKTIHIKAV SATI'HI4VH, p.m. i ..I MIKfll ml M-H'TH QIKKN I'll KLOTTC IsLANIln, lortnltlill;. rAHNHCK tMAINS I.KAVI: rSINCK llt l'KKT vu. t:nm shmav m iiMam. tt rniri: iikokiii;. eiimovtov WINMlI'Mi. ttl pvinU halrtu rjWMtn, I nllfU Stain. unxrv ovr.w TV TI!KM lmr. TIIIMM (Sib. B.C. Coast ISAKMHANj mailings lruiii i i nice nujjcn KH.MIuii,. UraOfHI ml Hkun: xniHrturi. liinHa liiit xrillh' lKl'',', I w Hilnlilf, Mwi IWII Hlh. i "tirr nt 4th Klrtl h f1 in i UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ....... Irlnr Hallliin lor VANCOUVEIl, VICTIIKIA. Shi ' " AI.ICK AltM. ANVIMI HTKUAKi. , ... S.XXH HIV!)!!. SllhS. S p..... i ::i Jn.i imuu It. M. SMITII. Tlirituli tirkeia Mill4 "h.ui, ijMlliiatlur City Meat Market (SKLVIG IrJ Avenue MIJAT. FISH. $g$ Specials! DruyfLsts - tuephonls rrt,2oo ' , the sti.amhiiii Lists. . eillM . KHIMKI ettn M' Steamship Services I. IS, 'l. 4HHtt 111. IIHIWllW ., in. WNAi. - mu iiL. '". .. .... erlnr Hnrt. IM 1-hKMf 31 Huirrt. IM). Ilultdal. fAI"t IM;, rtr. I'rlilHj nildnnht. WALfcH ISI.AMI. ' 1 KIMfMI., All. ...... Mm Prlnt, Kui.rrt. IIC and lMiE rhnkrd IIKOS.) I'hone 765 VEGETABLES ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN IMtOM'Ui at low price, and immediate delivery OUerveb-AII article are of superior quality and absolutely frwh. V : i I It: T;t.Pwi KptAiikiifi ( hr3ifiuIu .,ill l. k. scald 'of oHAitfiF- 1 1 n, T. follow,n,t' -ii, . i '? the sf,a , ? notice.- thiu' t4i - J Canto iof Thanlwii $2. L it nAH I kf-if A 1 v, "e" I - ...r-w. w i'TL,...' . ' : '. T BTO Mgagemenir 1 T i - i 4 a Taxi Phone 4. IHr 4 Taxi, tf DenJist. Dr. J. 1L Gosse, 'hone Hutler 45c lb. Milk S5.25 case all Itmndm at MMN'Rrt ntfOQ f ' This ii N. Brocklesby, artin dhwe-lfrom . . niiiwi r isner- . ,r ii r, rt . H.X T. ,T "v . ""I ' '- "vutaoJii laid upat home for a couple of TTii,n a weie com. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4i4' 4.4.4i4,4 ! Weom of liooaatieart Legion Whkrt IMn a4 Dance, first Friday of ewarv msoth. Anglican Ctfedral Bazaar, November 22. Mom Whiat lMve ad Dane. Friilajr, NovatMter 88. . j Rrrt Raat UaUi CHlrh Basaar, KwwUr Jti. 8t Andrew's Dw Senttieii DaiMSi, MaK, Neember -V St Andrew's 8eeety Auaiiiary sale ef Work. December 4. United Cliureli Bataar Decern- Irfof HHttert Players' Club presenta The Saving Grace" at CapHol Theatre, December 10 and 11. G. Morrissey, publisher of i tiij&ix.si&ftmr Alice on Monday afternoon going through, u a trip to Seattle. J- E, Jerryfield. pioneer huai. "iT anu until receWly Conservative ranizr ' l''V"ce. was e! Jdentof tte-Vaneouver Wrvativi Association tnffll ri1 -h Family Union ,,, fp..f utlI . ... ... r"i VJJ1I1I1 WU.CK. sn Qpt W. W lar .Mum H'.- i i. . w milUIHSlW With ftiitL ftrti ergo loaded iecally con " tin or fertilizer from the nlant oi trie Kupcrt Marine Product : 4,1 j..,.,,, a. , -l Ji, u Irom ; " " at 'ih. Trl An,i :" teniwi.s train, due the East at 30, was reDor- ie wb to bt .rr. morning " oi time mue. . I lom?rrof' train pritVw win wat to three , tfraaa-a-week. Trains will leave i ,OT w B!U " onaays. w- nsdaya and Saturdays at 11-10 a.m. and arrive on Sunday. Tum. " "-17. j mi . "uraay anermions at .the .ZM. , . . . ' I ! A P"te meeting of the cHyl C. W. Dawson, Hazelton hotel j counc,l w he'i lt night with iker, who has heen on a trip P"nttives of the Ixs Ang-!south, arrived on the Prince! wer ( o. which is seeking! to purcBaae the local utilities, jm oner will be submitted later oy tnis eoniern. Mayor McMor- law no statement to make I 1M nwrning when enquiry was naait -as Xo the progreaa of var- tau attenuations which are re- porta. - Mating her final trip of the being, tied up for wMtan C. il. IL steamer Ivteat'-Gaorge, Caai. JJarry Ned- Mn, arrived at 11.45 from Van- Powell River and Oc-sn rails and .,wttt -sail at 4 o'clock this afterjapos), for Anyax and' Ketchikun. ,:nB4urnar here at 7' oVr lock totaatusw evening and saJiisjr aonh at 11 p. ra.. The coatpany's winter aeric will be instituted aeat week by the steamer Prinee Rupert. CHRISTMAS CARDS PRIVATE We've these AND very AUTOGRAPH Those CARDS, give MOTTOES, their mail ETC. A foe, Rose, Cowan 3rd Avenue, Opposite Hefner a wonderful assortment of ajwria thja season, and at reasonable prices. who Intend rtinembering frienda in the Old Country should the question of sanding cards attention now, In ensure their getting overseas before Christmas. spleadjd s4k ftf'.Toys, Gift I'leelift jllooks' bIm! & Latta Ltd. HlK"k Phone 234 lHMl'HIHM'THtHaM Phone 45. Plume 571. B. C. Butchers & Grocers LIMITED This Week's Specials DETAILS BY MAIL If you are not on our Mailing List, Phone. Us B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF ROOD THINGS TO EAT Phone 574. Phone 15. Prince Rupert General Hospital j remitrn Wl.l !.i . i r, vr rry ..w ?-i0 per month. - Apply matron. . .;. - ! C. A. Procuriier of Sunny.ide aVrJVed In the city from the . .jv v" ir- P(ln'S Jrain fori a lirief visit in Herald and Weekly Star, Mon itrwl, Canada's National Farm T... 1 J i . iiii rii;i i ;i rill n nnma morrqiina i Art Wonderful. W H HTnnnol P M T! .o.,..l m 'i 'j i iL .... iib uuuiiui, arrivtu in ine cuy on yesterday afternoon's train from Pr'n George .being here official business. - I nomas n. ytyfw M K., who'aie thu morning to return has interests in J int rior, ar- . . i m r nvi irom vaneoaver on tne PrincO Gwrge th1 morning and proceeded by train to Haselton. 5- Mrs. r. E. Rush and daughter, iMiss Dorothy Bush, who have bees trltl south, retiirimil on ft In . . r ' city from Vancouver on the ! IHr r. George this morning from Van- couver and proceeded to the in- terior by train. Axel Olsen, local fisherman, will sail. on the Prince George to- morrow night for Vancouver en route to New York where he will embark for Norway to visit hie 'native home, A. U. Mallory of Port Clements, who wm a delegate to the Liberal nominating convention in the city thie waak. will sail by the Prince Charles tRBtght on his return to the Qaven Charlotte Islands. - Coy R. Balloch; dhTtrkt enpin- ear for the provincial department I f public works, arrived in the cay on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Smithers ou official duties. George S. Clark, Vancouver lawyer, who is representing the Vogelbaek intereaU of Chicago and Los Angeles i the neirotlat ions for the loeal electric lighi and power, franthlse, arrived if the city from the fiast on yesterday afternoon's train, accom;an ied by engineers of the company. A new offer is to be made tlie city by the Vogelbaek people. WINTER SCHEDULE C. N. STEAMSHIPS AND RAILWAY Change in schedule on coast steamships is effective week com-eiciDg Monday, Nv- lh. After M arrive frontthe satitii MhW U6aVf er lb. ..tA,vI.vf We!jnedKy 'luSId am., sail for fresh Dripplnfr 2 lbs Stewart arid Apyox 10 t.m. same i night, returning 6 m. Frttv. " I sail for .Vancouver each Friday lo a.m. 1 The trirweekljr service on raM-vy is also effeetive same date. trains leaving Prince Rnnert eac'i ! Monday, Wednesday and Saturdn-for the east, and arriving each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday the same hours as at presen' Full particulars from City Ticke j Office. Phone 2fi0. 270 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED To rent, four or fiw roomed house with bath. Near town. Phone 112. -t Dreadful Eczema The awful .ith. th unceailnr. burnlnr torm.nt of Ihla ikls aeourse. unb.arabl.. To cbllo rtlltf you'T probably tried verythfi und.r tha un i ccpt I U. D. Prescription, the nor.Dn. tratlnar. hfaJinr. antl- atptle lotion for all akls dlt-aaea. The moment you bath von! your elcR lain trim mis power ful Uquld. Itching; hlng and burning; . Careful, I. nei persistent use o: P. p. D. 1). D. D. frc from then on conquers the disease. Tour drura-lst h ix p. u. P. P.. P., : 11.00 a bottle. Try J I t. Soap, too. W. 4. MtCDTCIIEOX. IIKKKIIST. OUMES LTD. Teas from the world's finest gardens are unaltered In price although a glut on the market has caused a reduction in some of the poorer grades. From the world's finest gardsns i - - . - - . .. i a f ni i " urnunu, wreKon millionaires, who have been on a weeks' big game hunt in the Gard ner Canal Uislnrl, boarded the isieamer rnncess Mary at JiuW ,uth. Kvery tfsue of the Famtty.Her, aid and Weekly Star of Jlantreal iis worth the year's, subscription price to the farmers ef Canada and farmers' families rejoice in iftUtinir tlu. aAAitiim nt a aiir.4i " " magazine. 'ndian Agent James Glllett of the Queen Charlotte Islands and Mrs. Gillett and family, who have been on a trin sooth, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning and will sail toniirht on the PrW Pharlpa for Massett. Gordon Gilliland, assistant purser of the steamer Prince George, takes over the duties of purser today on the Prince Charles re lieving Arnold Evans who was taken ill and left for Vancouver Thursday night. Bert Robson, the Charles' regular purser, is on holidays. EWART LYNE (Planlat. Capitol Tbtre) Teacher of Pianoforte Candidates prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music Examinations. MM par cent meciwi during the past thirty rera. Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phore Red 701 Specials! Mzzi Department Pork UausBge-Per lb HOri lt. f Raesage Per lb. . . .'. . ;0 I Bacon By the piece, per lb. 4Ht Bax Bacon By pieee, per lb, ftOe We also have a good supply. of Baby Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal md Cooked Meats. Mussallem's "Dad" Self left on this morning's train bound for Madid, Oklahoma, where he will take up residence with an' lier son in the hope that the ciungc will be of benefit to his hcaitli. Harold Corbett, who has been employed at the plant of the Can adian Fish & Told Storage Co. here for the past few years and hat taken a prominent part in athletics such football, will sail by the Prince George tomorrow night for Vancouver en route to San Francisco where on November 30 he will embark upon the steamer Sonoma for Melbourne, Australia, where he is panning on taking up future residence. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phene 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. WHAT JS IT : that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? ! OUR SERVICE PHONE G49 to have your clothes pressed We call for and deliver t all part- if . in For that buit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Over- coatings on hand. Come in today and le us take your ms.::-re. , -v Lav.issj. v. . : 1 'iianshlp, style, i..: r ..;-stoad. , Ur.it rr.. ..or;..;, end reason-. cV rricci. t ( Lin, the Tailor . Phone 619 Dr. Alexander PHONE .175 arsvBK ri ock DENTIST Advertise in Th- News. KAYSER GLOVES NEW KIP-TONE Buttoned and pullover style. p- - $1.50 NEW LEATHERETTE FABRIC Novelty cuff styles; assorted shades. " " pir 81.00 AND S1.50 FOWNES CAPE GLOVES-Wool lined, fur top. Pa -82.95 FRENCH KID GLOVES-Novelty Offfg styles; as-sorted shades. Pair ... 2.95 FRASER & PAYNE i