Man in the Moon . - value of education is in- K CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNi . (! in the tremendous wealth lire professors and school THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ti.TS. : was not or1 the Heda we j not know this country was u terrible place. E.MHAKKASSI.NT. MOMENTS FOR SALE FOR KENT CIUKOI'RACTIC Form N. 16 (Sctn ES) suvH Christmas in cotninr ; course hs ought to know wt.'ll a anybody. 'i one advantaKe in being vnu don't have to gjhre mas presents to iorrt, w.ho ,iprt'iiate them. only 4dtMl of love some i know is what may be cal-.rnyiird love. man who follows the line -f resistance will be remem-iir at least several weeks tns dfii th. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert November 17. 1918 rii- n and halibut fishermen in out of this port are together in order to im- upon the government the i; for further float accom-n at Prince Kupert for the v fleet. death occured today in titej Uupert General Hospital :i- Cleveland Ksmum, aired : if the bewt known miners' spec tors of the interior ' -!..(. train from the East' i. than twenty-four hours! !':iue of a slide at Tote, . m as re)t of which tawst. i -n were KPtM. 9 ' MAIL SCHEDULE r ' hr Kt .. t laeadaye. atmyf.sH MM aa l'im the r.itt- ,: a . ttlie ..JO pa T JttfUll r 'ifluTt . . . 10 p m 1.iS .. iiyi .. KM n r . No. It .. p. Ilaro VanrouTfr iyi p W' ' tdey vi. i..; pm ..V .. teas !i Not U I tmoi and AHce Arm - y 1 P-" y 8 PJI I 'in tnvtn ad Alice Arm !i ........ .e. .....' paa ii.. v II JO e.m. ( .iri aua rrrmipf uv 7 pjn v;. ! idiT 9 p.m id sir art ami ITemler 'i..v 11 JO am da 8 pi V' Rlvrr minis I'V ' P -. River Pnloia . -(Iay II JO IJB T Oucrn Ckarlatir n p in urrn Charlotte 15 and at ,.w 1 lui iNtMita.. v is .-....... am Irnm Ma.ka Pi.lnia-A. in pm CM. TRAINS I f the t'.aat 1 except Sunday it UJM am. the Ki, v WedrxwdsT at 3 JO pm Loal! "nairno-Welllngton Screened Lump. nalmo-Wellington Screened Nut .inuimo-Welllngton Mine-Hun. ' :on Hard Sootless Lump. Hard Sootleo Egg. Ti lkwa Lump. Of the above there Is ONE hat in particularly auited your heating equipment. shall be glad to advise Albert & McCaffery Limited ThoneH 11C and 117 "TDM OOV'Ks IM ! I II I 'llT'lWntTU I (DM 3DMS" T0AlO-(3A,S.'''l f i'QMl r II, TUB M L'f - 1 EMHAKUAS1NG I I IF v S tr TUfcS Oof TC 6f 4 . TALKIE e ,6 DEMAND "Rupert Kippers "I'll K INTIEST RKKAKFAST KOOIl.-'"i 9 Smoked Dally hy V Canadian Fish 6 Cold Storage Co., Lid. ) Prince Kuperl H.C Tclci)honc the office if your paper does not arrive BRINGING UP . . is. --t CiOMa TO JOHM'iTONE b TO - COOOMaW YOaLLMOT MEET fl AklV CP XOlIR r I UK WHAT L THCr-fAlO VABOOT 1 t .-- II MOMENTS j!-. ... Brand" FATHER CALL. N1QHTTHAMK OKI THE f fRb, AW YOORC NOT GOIMMA, MEET AKJV PT?lEWO THHRK EITHER- I HEARD FOR SALE Piano and bench, I latest style, used very little. White ivory, bedroom set and other household articles. Apply 244FJfth AyPue w- corn Em - jneron Place. Phone 'Dlaekl itll,' - 272 1 REAL ESTATE I FOR SALE Lot on Third At-) nue opposite First Street, $8,100,1 Easy terms. Box 1S7 -Dally i News Office. ' " ; i LOST ! LOST From I fay sport, Gasboati I 81 feet. Guarantee entrlne, hull) I minted arer. cabin white with! Initials J. T. Finder communl- I cate With John Thistk, Haye-j ' port. 271! -i- : ! LOST Gold cuff link, torqnoisej setting. Please leave at Nrrs Office. Mai' u"J caiuiJcu iur iivittii 1 iLiGeneral Salvage Work. CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkehr Oneral Handy Man. For naff and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. a Perm No. 16 t Section ) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO .trriY FOK I I.F.tF. OF 1()KI:hII(IKK In tne Bkeena Land necordtttg DM-trlct. and altuate. Ironttng oa part of Lot M. Range 6. Ccaat Dtatrict, Telegraph I Paaaae. TAKE NOTICE tbat the BrltUh Oel-lurobu Plabing & Ptckiog C Ltl.. of Vancouver. BO., ooeupatlon FVhlag and j Packing. Urteada to ipply for a- leaae of the following deaoribed formbore: Commencing at t puat planted about ! twenty chain norUiweaterly from the outhweat corner ogutld Lot SS; thence wnt. ten chain; thence aorthweeteriy. parallel to the general ran of the shore late, fifteen chalua; tbenoe eaai to mean Ugh water saark. ten dvatna. more or leas: te nee aotrtfceaeteriy. foUoaing IOUOWUM I mean high water mark to nolnt point of ot oom- com' i BsencetDent. cotrtalrrtng fifteen acres, ; mn or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINd & PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Jamea Henajr . BushDell. Agent. Dated August 34. ivzs 264 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday, November 17 High 4.36 a.m. 17.6 ft 15.59 p.m. 19.6 ft. i Low 10.15 a.m. 10.8 ft 22.06 aura. 5.6 ft Sunday, November 18 I High 5.28 a.m. 17.0 ft. 16.44 pja. 18.8 ft I,ow 11.04 a.m. 10 ft SS.44 rm. ft I.KTTI.K IIO COU.F.CTIONM AM PJs Oraharn & AtMn Are 100 7at 1st Ave. & 8th St. ........ tat 7JO 6th Are. Ac rattan St. . S.I0 7.4t I? 8th Are. it Thompson St. ; 9.16 7. 1th Are. & Shertirooke .... tM TM illlh Ar- At Conrad ...... 836 iJit 6th Are. Si Bays Owe AT,.,-9ifl BOO itth Ave. St Hsye Oo' Olrele 9 SS 8 06 loth Are. St Gotten St - too 7jOO ;th Are. s Oreea St (HsbJ. 9 40, jatto Are. Ac McBrlde St 9 4S 8.1 I Pro. 1W BuUding .... . 9.&0 830 Pror u.r- wiarf I M 8.3a O.T.P. Wharf . 10 oo 8Jt O.T.P 8UUOO 10OS 11J8 1 j 3ad Are. St 2nd St. .... 10.10 8.40 3rd Ave. St rtrium St. ... 10.15 a.43 i 3rd Are. St 6th St 10.20 60! Bundaya One collection nily, aatna as ! p.m. collection FOR RENT f urnished house - keeping roomsy the day, week, T or month. Phone Red 607. 1 CENT Thirty three, xoon htel, partly furnished. Apply) J- C. McLennan. , tf j iFOR RENT Lovely room, cloap in. Call Blue S17. 272 DRIVURSELF TAXI . For Hire to Reliable I)rlren Phone Blue 389 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. I SALVAGE AND TOWING "if tv on 0rnder the waler we Jo It," PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGK & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED and Boat and Scows of all descrpi- Itiona for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gaa Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Easthope, 1 licks 4 Ballantyne Engines. .Northern 11. (J. Distribators Coolidge Propellers Phone, Day or Ntght, 11 P. 0. Bex 1561 ROWE'S SHEET Mtd 1 1 rm I AL i r WORKS (Established 1S09) The furnace yoa haw been looking for has just arrived. w vn y f. it. ai.iiti " .t Phone 340. Box 167. 227 Second Ave. THE SHAMROCK RQOIS 8th Street and Second Avenue Undet new manageateat Clean single and double houaekttapint! rooms Mrs. John Dalberg TUITION Candidates prepared for all University and Professional entrance examinatioRa, ia English, Mathematics, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, Individual tuition. Particular attention to those learning Kagtiah. Terms on interview. P. Mdtenna, a A, T. C D. Care of Box 1SS, Daily tftfers Office SHOE REPAIRING LOUlS scitiitic announces the of the old Gunsmith ahtrn ea Second Avenue and is now busy MAKING AND SEI'AIRIN'G SHOES The best leath. r. the finest 'workmanship and over 30 years ex- perience awaits your orders. Xffl Second Avenue 1 ' DR. W. C. ASIMNALU ! '"hifopractsjr and Electro Tliera- peutist i Exchange Rlock All Diseases Successful ljr Treated Phone (Jreen 211' or Black 283. DR. II E. EYOLFSON Aided by his new ANALYTE unfailingly picks the nerve centre to be adjusted, and ithe rifrht adjustment at the right L. V . , . T tiioe bi ingu quicker ! and better results. Inquiries solicited : Consultation Free ! Phones Office. Blue 85 Ren. Red 5S9 II A I R I) RES S I N Gt New Method PER3JANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY BEAUTY SIIOPPE Also Finger Waving,. et. Phone 665 POISB No. 16 i Section 8fl LAND ACT. NOTICF. OP INTENTION TO APPI.V FOR LF.ASK OF FOKKSIIOItE la tue Skaena Land necorHn-g D (Met. and altuate. fronting oa Lot 137. Bange V Coast District, iDTeraeaa Paa-sage. TAKE NOTICE that the Brltiar- Col- , utcbla Plahlnf ti Packing C Ltd . of : Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Flahing and i Packlag. intend to apply for a lease of the foUowtx.g dearrlbed fnrmhore: OoatnMncUit at a pwt pttated at the ; nortneaat corner of aald Lot 127: thence I west, twenty ebattta. more or leaa, to an mtenectlon with the went ooun- ; dary uf Lot 117 ptoduoed north; thenot "ollawlnf aald prodoctloa of the went boundary of Lot 137 aouth to mean high water mark: thence easterly. foUowlci it mean high water mark to point cf aacaanaat, aao csntitatung tea more or leae. Bttrrum collmbia fishino st PACKING CO.. LTD. By Jamea Baary BaiC. Agent Dated August 3S. ISM. 2 Form Mo. 1 ISectioa Ml J NOTIfR OF IVTiaTIOV TO APPI.V FOK U:SK OF FOIIKSIIOKE i 111 the Skeana Lana seeOMlng Dl-sttuaie trtot. acd fronttnc. oa Lot 11. Baage 6. Coast District. OxttB Brrer. TARB NOTrOl: that the Brttnto Oot- umbia Fiahlng St Packing c. Ltd.. at Vancouver. B.C.. occupation PlefclBg and racklag. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described toreetrare: ! " CaannUsOlug at a past BeeatM at the I northwest corner of aald Lot 11; thenoe 1 west, ten chains: thenoe aouth forty eha::i. more or lev. to an Intersection ; with the aouth boundary of Lot 11 I produced west: thenre east. toUowtng I aald ptadurtlon of the aouth boundary i of Lot 11. six c. sins, more or leas. U. ! mean high water mark: thence jgortherly. .following the mean high water mark to ; point of commencement, and contain ing uuny acres, mure or leae. BRITISH COLOMBIA nSHINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. Br Jamea Ifteirr Buenaetl. Ageat. Dated August 3S. TMS. 266 9am tw. ) lEeetMn sai ,JA ACT. TlflN TO APPLT TCtk . FOftr.MIOKB 1 " V I la 'ShJ Skeena Land Reaf4Uiig Dla- lim arWatS sum l froatiaa fronting oa oa Lot Lot 2. ' Pirn District. net. Love Lowe batet, tale. I. TAKX NOTTUa that the Brttisti Oat- nmhia ruhiaf ietuaa ?. LVL. f Vancouver. BC, occupatlbn PUhlng and PacklnK. Intends' to apply for a if the loUowlag siecrlbad foraaaore: oommeneing at a post ptaated at the soutlksult ooiwer dt aald Lot I: thettor oinh. two chains: thence west forty chains, more or leaa, to an Intersection with the west boundary jf Lot 2 produced south: thenoe north sereo chains, mere or leaa. to the southwest of Lot 8; thanes aaateeiy. follow- the mean high water mark o the nl of commencement, and contain- ng eighteen acres, more or leaa. BiUTTSH COLUMBIA FUKIMO St 1 PaCRTMO OO.. LTD. j By Jamee Henry buahneil Agent. Dated August 38, ISM 366 LAND ACT. XOTICK OF IVTBNTIOS TO APjT.V FOIt I.KASi; OF lOICEHllOltE la tb SkMna Land Recording District, altuac and fronting on Lot of .tnc Brltlab Co'umbU Flstalnc & Pack-! tng Co'i Oaaner Site. Townane of Port EIsitiuKtsn. 8keua Blvez TAKE NOTICE iM the BrltUh Columbia Plablni Sc Paoklng C. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Planing and Packing, tntenda to apply for a leaa it the following deuerlbnd foreihore: Comnxnetnc at a past planted at the ,nortbMt earner rf the aald Cannery site: theac northerly, following the production of the easterly Uunday of the B.C. Fluhing At Packing Co.'i pert. U hundred feet: thence weaterly. unla Anl J- to n 1terec"on J1"1 Ihe weaterly boundary of the B.C. Plah- ma & Packing Co 'a property produced northerly; thence vwtberly. following aald westerly aoundary produced als 'Hundred feet, more or leae. to mean high wt r mark: thence eaterly. following the mean high water mark to point )! commencement, and containing all acres. more or Mat. Bstrnax Columbia pishino t PACKIHO CO.. LTD By Jamea Henry BnahneU. Agent. DatSr Atmat 17. 198-" 260 COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA ANo Bulkley Hny and Grain. AKnt for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We are prepared ti take orders ea. the Vancouver Stock Exchange Our ten yeans experience on"Xhe-"fJer of the Rrussels t f Slock Exchange is at your Mirviee.Hrompt dealing with Tuly orders large or iunall. Representing Nanson Roth-well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. Morning and afternoon closing price "daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box GC Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen: For twenty Testes reu have ' Wen geUingJ gW treatment from (ToMbfoom. And Gold-bloom is in the market for every kind of fur. For a wjuare deal brini; your FURS to Goldbloom The old reliable houte By George McManus ot" couurt. be ") ( now look oigisiifieo ini f heluo- Sj8 PnTTIaf hll.o- CLAOWHEMTHI -J g CUAMCT!'. W OiaQl! J- SScoMrdhTAOLE 'lu f lilfl" .' sa I i,'