CLASSIFIED HABIT H , ;n reads the CtUMtfted Adi. dvertUj for It. II r u loe. o j find, locate the owner, W r xcvpr you need, advertise for It iKT THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. X . No. 270 r I I I II. Will A I fill LiLl iiu inu AT VICTORIA Prominent People on Both Side to Take Part in Fray l '.IMA. Nov. 17. A battle to Im staged here between ! December 6, the day when rs will dcide whether they im represented by Dr. Mc-t by I). II. Plunkett is to nt them in the Federal tor the remainder of 'e ' parliament . . . . . -i 'v wtil at leasv two mm- t the Conservatives, ana '.vena will address meet- a iitn rim tu nr FALSE PRETENCES' F HALIBUT PRICES ARE LOW HERE TODAY: Halibut prices took another downward trend at the local Fish Exchange this morning when a total of 177,500 jmunds was sold. The bids were around 12c and 6c and Canadian fish received just as high prices as did American. Sales were as follows: Americnn Attu. 54,000 pounds, and Pio neer, 30,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 12c and 6c. Norland. 21.000 pounds, Cana- & Cold Storage Co., 12.1 th crown come to the dian.EJsh peak for the doctor, but c an! tic. thn' aide R. B. Bennett. 1 Trinity, 30,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, and (. Canadian Signal, 17,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 11.1c and Cc. Johanna, 11,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries ,12.1c and 0c. Ilalsac, 4,000 pounds, Canadian ish & Cold Storage Co., 12Jc and 6c. Selnw, 5,000 pounds, lloyal Ush m; l'rt' 'B"" Co., 12.1c and 0c :2 of a bond ' ... year age, B. W.. 2,500 nof) r. whh tried in the assise ' it)i the charge of inducing tji iffithn by false pretenses I im! a lank draft for ?800. - lound guilty tiounds, Canadian Fish &. Cold Stoargc Co., 12.1c and 6c. T. J. Shenton, Inspector of c;....u ...... ff..,i IK nt 1 mines, left on this mornings - TTdB 1 UUIIU ,uij " : asHault. 'U'ti-rred. Their sentences trin for a trip to the Toplcy district on official duties. ENGLAND VIKWIJU TH K HARVESTER MOVEMENT v some people nn glad to get back to work. Western Majl. Cardiff, Wales. Iht ocean dock to be lined. The vessel will oro on berth nt the elevator next Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning to start loading a full' cargo of wheat for the United Kingdom or continent POLICE COMMISSION VANCOUVER. Nov. 17. The police commission Is to take office on January 1 was announced by Moyor-elect W. II. Malkin who will be chairman, as follows, 11. If. Noolands, W. J. Blake Wilson, W. C. DltmarM and David Hall. I AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT Terrific Gale Sweeps Britain France and Belgium Causing Ten Deaths and Much Property Damage K.i... isav Macdonald and Sir Arthur Steel Maitland Had Narrow Escape From Trees Mown Across Railways in England ''I)ON, Nov. 17. The death toll from a southwest-u le that swept Wales, England, France and Belgium .lav stood at 10 today, with several score injured. i operty damage in England and Wales was enormous fl"spread. Thirty families are homeless, their dwell i ;i ing been wrecked by the gale. Roofs were swept wral of the large buildings. Two hundred and eight telephone and telegraph lines out of London are : Seventeen broadcasting stations are isolated. 1 t of the channel steamers suspended service and fishing boats sank. Hon. J. Ramsay Macdonald and Hon. Sir Arthur hnd, minister of labor, had narrow escapes when un which they were riding in England ran into fal- JAPANESE SHIP ARRIVES HERE I After a voyage across the Paci- jfic Ocean which wa uneventful except for stormy weather in which the .light vessel marl heavy going, the "K" Line steamer Yaye ilaru. Capt. Kitsukn. nrrivei in the harbor at 2 o'clock this morning and at 8 a.m. tlei up at S AUSTRALIAN ! DUT Y CHANGE Advantage Chen On Canadian Good Shipped Tiirouh United States TORONTO, Nov. 17. A stat-men' issued by the Au ini ia . higii commiisoiner's office in New Y .i k indicates that goods of ' uiadii.ri origin shipped to'a 1;..;. Eastern Canada vja Vam iu er will be subject to fliro.i-od ilu y under the :eviied AuXraii ,n !:.ri f coming into ef f :t on : The full rail charges from Eastern , Canada to Vancouver w :i in in ' ' i:i '."H'fe v'.ere good i h p "' '. fro;:'. V vfr. but i1' t!u ..- :;. h; via United Slat o ra't trwr. C-irH.-i 'o the tjnif l s border wi'l be includes'. I'm- ifi point being re'ff-rVd the of export under the- A-t. t LONGJERMS ('. ',n- K: i.t.- TRAIN ROBBERS TORONTO. Nov. 17 Finlay Mcleod, Sr. 50 years of age, Everett McKibben, 32, of Detroit, James Brown, 38, of Toronto were each sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment and Hay. Bovin, 30, of Detroit, 10 years by Justice Wright for their parts in a 300.-000 mail car robbery here in June last. Labor Failed to Oast Government Australia in Election Today but Gained Some Five or Six Seats MELBOURNE, Australia, Nov. 17. The Australian Govornment, a coalition of the National and Government parties, apparently were sustained in the goneral elections here today. So far as could be figured from tho tremendously heavy polling, the Labor opposition gained five or six seats. This would leave the Government with a safe majority of probably 17. It was indicated from the result of the count; so far that the Government and Country parties would have a total of 4G members in the House of Representatives, the total number of seats being 75. Labor probably will have 28 or 29. The Labor party leaders seemed safe and also a majority of the ministers, but some of the latter had close fights. POLITICAL PARSON RESIGNS POSITION The Rev. A. M. Sanford, D.D., principal of Columbian Coljege, New Westminster, has resigned and the Board of Directors have accepted the resignation with regret Rev. Dr. Sanford has been principal for 15 years, and during the last few years has twice offered himself for political honors and was twice defeated. At the last Provincial election in July, he ran as Conservative candidate and was defeated by R. Wells Gray, mayor of New Westminster. His activi ties in the political arena has won for him the cognomen, "The Political Person," amongst a number of church people throughout the Province. CANADA'STRADE IS INCREASING OTTAWA, Nov I 17. Canada's total trade has increased approximately $200,000,000 for the seven months ended October 81, as compared with a corresponding period in 1927, when the total exports reached $787,000,009" m gainst $679,000,000 last yean ilmport. totalled $737,000,000 against $65,000,000 last year. Union steamer Cardena, Cojit. A. Johnstone, arrived in port nt 9 o'clock last night from the south and sailed at midnight on her return to Vancouver and PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1928 a rnfoo Af W SUSTAINED Boston Grill URGE CAIIAliET Special DlnnerThuradays and Saturdays Danrlnf every Saturday nlfht from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire -Accommodations for Private Parties Phone 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS N ELECTION ntfTM) Jor'IN'AI.IST? ; RE 1 TED BY MOVIE STARS: Pn.-H representatives of Britiin touring the United States stopped oft at Hollywood, they met members of the movie colony. LABRADOR TO BE BRITISH Premier Squires Speaks of Sale Proposal as Ab.surd ST. JOHNS. NfJd. Nov. 17. Premier-elect Squires regards ns "absurd" the suggestion that any portion of Labrador under Newfoundland jurisdiction might be transferred to the United States. In reference to previous reports regarding the sale of Ial radoi, he said no one hod any authority to speak on his behalf or for his .party. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS C. P. R. steamer Princess Royal, will return to the Vancouver-Prince Rupert local run next week after having received re-j pairs following a recent accident' in Vancouver harbor. The Prln- ecss Mary which has been relieving the Royal, will revert to the Alaska run. W. S. Henry and WIHm Sweeney of Smithers, Charles Wilson of lake Kathlyn and George Hauck of South Hatelton, who were delegates to the Liberal convention this week, returned to the interior on this morning's train. Other up-the-Iin delegates returned home yesterday. ; Extradition proceedlnjri of the United States government against I Charles Sinclair, who was wan ted in Juneau to face a charge of jail breaking,, resulted yesterday afternoon in the discharge of the prisoner when Judge F. McB. Young, sitting as an extradition commissioner, handed down bis decision. E. F. ones appeared for the United States govermHwU in the case while W. O. Fttlfon acted on behalf of Sim-lulr. The jury also expressed opinion that the 8school Act should be so amended as to place! tilt; IlilllB Ul MIC BI.IIWI U1M1U III small isolated assisted schools in the hands of competent trustees not necessarily elected, "thus freeing teachers from the gossip of irresponsible and petty cttitens." PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Nov. 17. The ;irlce of wheat was quoted on the exchange today at $1.21 Vs. where Coroner's Jury Slates School Trustees for Persecution ot Teacher Who Took Own Life VICTORIA, Nov. 17. The coroner's jury investigating the death of Mabel Estelle Jones, the 20-year old school teacher found dead in the house at Camp 6 of the Cowich-an Logging Co., came to the opinion that "deceased came to her death through self inflicted wound while temporarily insane. We are further of opinion that this mental state was the result of unjustifiable, unfeeling and underhand criticism of her work on the part of two school board." members of the , the ROY KNOCKED OUTTOWNSEND VANCOUVER, Nov. 17. Kid Roy, featherweight champion of Canada, knocked out Billy Town-send of Vancouver, H. C. in the sixth round of a scheduled ten round bout here last night. Fisheries patrol steamer Mai-sspino made a call in port over night for water. grT-r" " ! J. fj - SI LLOYD GEORGE WASHINGTON BREAKS THE NEWS Lloyd (Jeorfe saw his first race ut Nvwuarket recently Daily Express, London