r March 5. 1928 WHAT ORMES SERVICE MEANS TO YOU 1 nN IM r:Clv Ornies as n-ui yiu ns your U'U'phuiie. ' "Mi'li: I liNKSS On our shcht s you'll find un answer to ' n''i. ur t-wry druirstm ' "M Ihi-AfE For 21 vai our pr.'Sf r'iption department ha moved the rout iuVm r of w..ry I'riiue Kui-rt doc- Your dortor know- Orme ue only the freshest in! purest of drujr-. .ur not acquuinti'd vi: i Oniu-s Service eome in und are doing t" help the mi k K't well and the well TELEPHONES FOB VOIH CONVENIENCE YACinc Tim Dinnicr Druooiais THIPD AVE SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES H?4V 200 New Spring Fabrics niEl'K 1K ( II MA ' ' k Kill. eie 40" wide in a urie'. of lurht .'lid dark tolor-''!1"'i'd all over desijf" I'1''' .vanl $150 I Mm Seei vavJiie in M" lmpurtc'l Hmhew lilact 1 Satin at S1.H5 per yard Fraser & Payne Universal TradirtK ' B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert I.. ninell. Junmo ..ml skunim - Mm l 11 :l' :tl- ,''1' x'lrln ii nd svullle Mtin h I nieamahip Unea. l '"" ull ''mu' " )' ' OKCHAIUI. U..t.rHi -iH 4th ' " s.. s"el U nd nl Avenue, I'riiue ltiiri I..MI I . 'am ."'.r.1'' r IWIa IWIa. . Osana -MiK .V.rM mi Ira.-. i, d Vaneuutet fveev Hsi umv . ' . :'" lllf.WSM0 IHMII- Phone SI Oeorn I. Keltb at Terrace la a visitor In the elty. harlinf arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Oeorge Keep of the Investigation department ul the Canadian National Hallway arrived in the city from Prince George on ymterday afternoon's train. F H CleuclemUng. local representative ol the Empire Shipping Co.. returned Ui the city on ihe Camosun last night from u buntue trip to Vancouver. A. H. Phillips. Eighth Avenue Weal grocer, return to the city on the Camoaun last night from a business trip to Vancouver and other points In the south. B. C Thornton, who has been on an extended holiday trip sottth In the ootirae of which he went as far as California, returned to the city on the OamoAun last night. L Jctsen. British Columbia manager of Boyle Bros., well known diamond drilling concern, was a passenger on the Camoaun last night going through frem Vancouver to Stewart. John McRar returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after having spent a couple of weeks at Smi there and other points in the interior recuperating from a recent illness. Jimmy McDonald well known Van liver bjer. who Is to engage IP a ten round bout here shortly with Diov Ourvteh. local comer, arrived in the city from the south on the Camoaun last night and will Immediately go into training here. James C McJUe. pioneer business man uf the city, was taken frcm th Inlander Boarding Bouse to the Prinw Buiert General Hospital Saturday nigh'., suffering frcm a alight stroke. His condition was aubasqusn'-l) reported to be favorable. Frank Waterhouse freighter Robert B. Harriet arrived In port at 4 SO yesterday afternoon from Vancouver with a general cargo Including tarvla. sail and lumber. The vessel will load out Terrace cotton wocd log train the dr deck for delivery to the taunluntc Materials veneer mil! at New Westminster. H. A. Heywuod, well known Portia:-. Canal mining operator, who has bee:. successful recently in Interesting out side capital extensively in certain well known Stewart properties, was a pas senger on the Camoaun last night go ing north following a business trip to Vancouver. Victoria and other points In the south air. Heywood was accompanied by his son. With a heavy passenger Hit and freight cargo Union steamer Camoaun Capt James Plndlay. arrlvt-d in part at 6:15 last night from Vancouver and ay points, sailing at 10 tor Art via Stewart and other northern ports of rail Passengers on the Camruuu Included A. R Phillips. B C. Thomson. J:imea MoOcnald. C. D Oalner J. lac-Ooii:ild. J. Pelher. P. H. Cleudemilng. O H HaniMton Oeoiye O. Buaiiuy. A. Kraion. J N McPhee. 8. Long. Mrs Bli!onet!e and W D Vance for Prince Ruprtt. L .lessen. E Llnlhe, H A Hevn rt and son. J Kennedy. D A Stee r K. At yoama. W. McOraw aud P. Taylor for Stewart: J M Morrlaon and Mm Camming for Alice Arm: T. X5.h I .c1., ai d Y Kaln. for Mill Bay. K Nllu for Wali lalautl M!hs Huker for Pi-vi Slmpon. and F. T SliiKlcton for , night Ainvx Th ITNKlta NOTM'B lunrrul of the late Mrs. Sim v il! lie held Ironi the :arlorB of the BjC. iteitj t'litlert :ikers tomorrow afternoon at U.30 I nothi:. Al prr.-in fving Information mt to the ii r rest of the person guilty of ateslli'x etKhteen rose bushes from the Court House garden early this morning, will be suitably rewarded. OOVBRNMKNT AQBMT. 4 ANNOl'NVEMENTS "Aunt Suaans Vlalt" at United Church. March B and 0. I I Anglican Cathedral Tea March IT. 81 Patrick i-orcerl. Monday. March 19. WenUlohnr Theatre 1 I United Church KufiUr Bale of Work. April 3 Callml r Woniin't leaKue aprliiK sale! nt work Apr. I la F1H C.ili.in'l Atirll JO Royn' S.ii'lrly of HI Ocoi; LhUi ..i..i Dance. AjiUl lia. i Hill l'H T A V Tff lllfl 1 mtl UUL PAGE THREE i Its SuccessX Being won on Merit Alone I Q PONTIAC SIX achieved, in its first and second year, a success unmatched by any new car, because it established a standard of six cylinder quality unattained by any other car at Pontiac price. Now ... the New Series Pontiac Six is : winning a stiU greater success on the single basis of still greater merit ! Look for a moment at the imposing galaxy of refinements and added features of the New Series Pontiac . . . . . . the ultra-smart styling of the new Fisher Bodies, . . . the super-power of the Pontiac engine with new GMR cylinder-head, . . . the luxurious comfort of the new Love joy Shock-Abaorbers, ... the safety and security of positive Four-Wheel Brakes, ... the richness and beauty of new, fine quality appointments. Investigate the amazingly low prices of the New Series Pontiac Six! Assuredly, its success b being won oa merit alone. Pontiac Six can be bought on the CM AC PUn LOVEJOY SHOCK ABSORBERS FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES Hi e 3cu SciJes PONTMC SIX KA1KN GAUAl.K !W Ur .) Third Avenue, Print Rupert, B.C no DUCT OF GBNERAL MOTORS Of CANADA. JLIMITBU Local and Personal C inarttn Ptwioa U Read the Louvre advertisement, tfentlst Dt B. Omss Pbooe 68fl Bkating dally, a to 4 and B to 10. Get the Big 4 babiti of rui, pbone 4 tf Wbeq thinking Womcim Hospital Auxiliary tea aucl nalc of home cooking at the borne of Mr. Dan Jabour, Much 8 from 3 to 5.30. 44 What Chiropractic Accomplishes .MONDAY EAl.TH TALK bo. 5 11 E. EYOLPSON, D.C., Plt.C. Through th principle of exercise, Spinal AdirWrtrnents and the consequent atrtauiution of the spinal cord and nerve centres get rythmical action on every muscle, ligament and cartilage attached to the spinal column as well as the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles. Spinal Adjustments overcome approximation of the spinal vertebrae, by developing the normal thickness of tb intervertebral discs. Spinal AdjnsteacntH restore the normal size of the spinal openings for the passsgs of the spina) nerves. Spinal adjustments restore the normal nutrient channel and blood supply to the nerve centres in the spinal ooreL Spinal adjustment! restore drainage and remove stag nant conditions of the various seg ments of the spinal cord. Spinal adjustments replace mis Co. left on Use Camoaun last night to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart ou business tie are lleeatsjusrleM for thoere-awlrlng. SeiMI litem M fur valae. amler S4wl aatfafaHton. MseArthar's Klme More. tf w. u vance. no ass seen on a biMlneas trip to Vanoouvsr, Victoria and other pilau m th south, return ed to the city on the Camosun last Arthur King detent. d Jack Pllnt Saturday night in the ftnkl of the Canadian Lrglon crlbbuiie loumamim in Which twentv-four uI&imm rM I Mol Barnes, who has been In 111 ; neaitn. for some time, left on this i.uh. nonilugs train for nnnhaatat. Mlnne- sola, to Clinic. undergo treat it at Mayo aeorge a. Buehby. ttssd of the Rupert Marine Products 00., Ltd.. arrived in the city on the Carnoaua last night from Victoria and win be a few days here on business j Man Buker of I the e ,sei: the nuralag staff of Port Simpson , MwpitsUsWas a pas-igei aboard tlWaiWaWW laat night returning north (ollowing holiday Ptrlp t i TancrjuTer " x The fire department was oalWd at S I' Saturday afternoon to the corner of Third Avenue and Seveuth Street to extinguish a gram ftre which caused no damage to property. John M. Morrison waa a passenger on tlie IVniuaim l.uit night going through to Alice Ann where he waa lormvrty engaged In business. Mr Morrison la now operating a Irniiafer tui.num Vamouvci. C. Boulter left last night on the Camoaun for Auyox. Miss Violet Taylor returned yesterday from a brief visit to Pacific. F. O. Dawson left this morning for Jasper and ex pact tc be back later In the week. The regular fortnightly meeting of the elty oouncll will take place tonight. One at the matters to come up will be the recommendations of the Parks Board on the question of city beautlfloatlon. The Lutheran Church put their bus into service yesterday for the first tune. It running from trie Ridley Home to the aietropole Hail. The result was that the Sunday tcBool bad the largest enrolment in Its history. aligned vertebrs by developinj; M k VCQ DDATCCT the strength and tone of the spinal ! lflmL,J f fU I 1 muscles, tenaons ana ugamenis and thus develop a perfect functional activity of the nervous system which maintains nil functions; thus removing infirmities and disabilities which make all the difference between success and failure in life. I sub sat $f sufciaisud mrubra: iiL Chiropractic NyVsM .XMK1IA Adjustments 5A3SSa Will jFrnSvamZ. Remove the '3' J Taawsa D I S E A S E Your ('onttultation is Invited R.E.EY0LFS0N (ilIKOIKA(TOK 62S Third Avenue West I'hunew Of fire: lllue 85. Hesidenre: Mack 252. Women of Mooaeheart Lrglon St. Patrick Whist Drive and Dance, March 16 at SJ0. Mr and Mrs Oeorge Keith of Terrace are in the city, the forastr taking further treatment for hla broken arm. J Smith of the O. W. Mlckerson Al Sml' or the Bwlft-Canadian Co. left on Una morning's train for a busi-ntes trip to the interior. Don't miss "Aunt Susan's Visit" at the United Church. March 8 and 0. Adults 80c. Children 35c. Joseph N. MoPhee. customs officer at Butedale. arrived in she city from his post down the coast on the Camoaun last night and wUl return to Butedale on the same vessel tomorrow night. R. M. Allen, district forester, who has bean south on a holiday trip, is expected to return to the city on the Prince Supert Wednesday morning. Doming north on the same steamer will be E. C. Manning, formerly district for-iter hare and now assistant chief for-fater Tor the province with headqusr-ten in Victoria, who will proceed to the Interior, accompanied by Mr Allen, to conduct examinations for assistant rangers for the fire season at Terrace. Smrthera and Burns Lake An examination wiU alas be held at Burns Lake for the ranger for the newly created district of Franco and Ootta Lakes. CLOSING PLANT UKOIMU; ItlKIIIIV OIUWTM TO I IX ti ll L I:I1IKT 111' lli;iClilMi tVIIKN m: mnx mini: T.ie plant of the Rupert Marine Produce Ltd. Is today ahut down because they cannot get the herring to keep them going whereas fresh herring caught In Pearl Harbor are being shipped In bulk to Ketchikan. Agatnn this Oeorge Bushby. president and general manager of the company makes a strung pro-ten'. Mr. Bushby says that this spring he made all preparations for the opening of the season, instated a new engine in sue of his boots and put the plant In order. He took about 500 torn of fish and got under way when, owing to regulations dtacrlm mating against him be has had to pay off his men and close down. When U was a question of local fishermen getting their bait. Mr. Bushby says he made no complaint but he does not think a local industry should be closed down when fish are being exported in bulk Instead of boned as per regulations and caught in sain is instead of gillneta contrary to regulations Barry to the season a fishery regulation was passed stating that no herring thould be taken in Pearl Harbor and no herring pound established there. Both these regulations were broken and fish were taken there In quantities and a pound established That was the only place the fish could be obtained Then on application to Ottawa. American i shermen were allowed to take these Canadian fish while hla industry la closed down. In the local reduction plant the fish l converted Into edible fish meal for poultry feeding purposes and the oil used for soap making;. These ufactured produce worth moi the fresh fish ai d employing local la bor In producing them. The shutting down of the plant is a serious, loss to Prlnoe Rupert and one that should not neceewrlly be permitted. CATALA TO RETURN TO SERVICE EARLY IN MONTH OF APRIL The Union Steamship Co. expects to hive the learner Catula. which Is un-'.l it lug extensive repairs at the Bur-raid dry dock at North Vancouver, following her stranding on Mist Island near Port Slmpton early last November, back In service early next month. She should be In Prince Rupert again on the northbound call here on either April 1 or April S. Soon after the return to service of the Catala. the Union Steamship Co. will Institute Its aummer acheduU of sailing with the Oardena returning to i the Naaa as well as the Skeena River cannery run and the Camosun. which has been relieving the Catala during the past winter, going back to Bella Coola. Rlvrni inlet and Ocean Palls run. iiidirr iioino Do that which la right. The respect of mankind will follow: or. If It do not. you will be able to do without It. Qorthe. ioni Safe for Children's zzzz& Coughs J , I II Tt', BtER ssn'oj I CM v T. BEER is not liquor, 11 is linmrl tnorl A linunr is a aic pnil instan m ineredienf,sts, 0r nice; whisky. Ut bfeer the alcohol is only inci dental, being dbout the one thirtieth (i) part of it, just enough as a valuable aid to digestion... I I V Jaws' 'w w w m i u v m w m .. - urage in vvnicn a , . vi - (K f it V sVnat stall Government ) Uquo Store and Beer A rjpr Parlors ..-yd" f Ortivery Ftev to any Part " ttV. Victoria B.CmKSSBMf e I his advertisement i nor pul-li'hcd oi di'l.'yrd by tU Ltquut Contrul Bcifd or bv rhe Gcivcmmrrii H Briruh t:ilunia. v Special :: Offering of COATS for LAUIES, MISSES AND CIHLDIICN COATS FOK C1IILDKEN Regular value up to 18.00. Special price !W.7fl COATS FOR LADIES AND MISSES Keg-ular value up to $26.00. Special price $12.75 Have your choke of these splendid jrarmenU while they last, for they will not last long at these prices. B. C. Fur Company Third .Avenue For one week only CHEAT SALE OF CONNOR ELECTRIC WASHERS $2.00 Cash SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. NO INTEREST Four useful articles with each washer Free Phone or call for free demonstration. Two machines onl, regular 9i:i).00. reduced to .... .SI 10.00 Easy Terms Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Phone 125 Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS -They Lead in Quality UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from 1'ruu Httpm. Fur lror Villi, VICTOHU, llutmalr. Alsrt lluv Hi-., Tusadar, S ajm. lor VAMOl'VKH. VICTOItH. swaasan ll. Mm iuis. etc, aaUrJajr. f a.m. for POUT SI.MI'SON, NAAS UIM.H MIMS, ALICE AKM. AN VOX, STEtVAKT, Wales Island. Hundsj. s p.m. itl 3ni1 Avfnur. K M. SMITH. Agent Prior Huwrt. H.C. Thriiui.li tk'krt sold to Vlrtuiia and Scatll. and Itagtags cbeckrd tlirmifh to dratlnatlou.