PAGE TWO THE DAILJ" NEWS ft- 1; I News and Views In The World of Sport 1W. w Bi i 9 ; 3 at i later date. It is advertised that fees must be paid strictly in advance, the same rate obtaining as last year, namely $8 for the season or ,$12 for a man and wife. Non-members residing in the city will not be allowed to play but non-resit dent Visiting with members may be admitted. The. courts will be available to members any day, morning, afternoon or evening. The directors made an effort to secure a hall with a higher ceiling. The cost of the auditorium, even for part time, was higher than the club could afford to pay. Negotiations were carried on with the lessee of another hall but nothing definite could be assured so it was decided to carry on at the same hall as last season. Clears Choked Drains Cleans and Disinfects Kemoves uiavainx Makes Good SoaD. E clean And 532 Sin: 1 E JPs r 'in mir c m til turn MM Z . HI n1." I ' SI BADMINTON TO !f OPEN TONIGHT; Prince Rupert Club to Use Same Hall an Ist Season for Play The executive of the Prince ftapert Badminton Club last eve-ting decided to Again tafce the De Luxe Hall after investigating every other possible place to play. Some were too costly and others not suitable in oilier respects. The courts will be open this evening and a number of players have signified their intention to be i resent. A formal opening will probably be arranged for a Around The World With Sport Fans (lij the Tramp) Billy Townsend and Bert Brown fight at Vancouver tomorrow Bight Bert seems to have the best of the money. The Wednesday soccer league opens tomorrow at Victoria with four, teams, Saanich United, Hudson Bay, The Navy and Rennie and Taylor. Torchy Peden of Victoria added another piece of silverware t, hia collection recently in England when he won a 21 mile road ran at Southgate, England. Th photograph of Peden and Elde: appeared recently in the Londo: wauy JMirror auer ouiracing iw of England's representatives at Amsterdam. CAPTAIN WEBB NEVER BEATEI Record of 21 Hours 45 Minutes Dover to Calais Yet to be Broken LONDON, Oct. 2. There it considerable mystery attached to the English Channel swimming course from England to France being plotted by T. W. Burgess, one of the three men who have swum the channel from the English side. It has been proved beyond doubt that the English Channel can be swum within fifteen hours, but only from France to England. During the past three years very fast swims have been put up in that direction. Michel of France, elaims to have accomplished the performance in 11 hours, 6 minutes although that record has not been, as yet, accepted by the Channel Swimming Association while Miss Gertrude Ederle of New York, the first woman to cross, took 14 hours, 30' minutes, her feat being authenticated by the association. But there is still a very fine re-tord awaiting to be broken, and thnt is the one of 21 hours, 45 minutes, put up by the late Captain Webb, who crossed from Dover to Calais in August, 1875. Although over half a century has dupsed, that record remains un-i hallenged. In fact, the swim from England to France has only been accomplished by two other swimmers: Burgess, an Englishman, in 1911, who took 22 hours, 36 minutes, and II Sullivan, an American. 12 years later, in 26 hours, 60 minutes. TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE BOTTUD 6UAHTtIgJBV g, MCOUCI Of ItOtlAUD SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED. T. tit Ml STRICT ANO RN tWINUC. MONTSCAU fiu(. VANCOUVER. B.C. TORONTO. ONT. ST JOHN. N.B. The Original Label look tor it at the Vendor' and Jntitt on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cintrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia MONDS SAWS Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other rnade.This guarantee has never been challenged, FRENCH BOXING CHAMPION AND HIS BRIDE VVAVAYAWAYAYAYAYAVfAVAyAYM GEORGES CARPENTIER may possibly cunie to this continent again in the near future. The picture was taken at the time of his marriage several years ago Yankee Players Are Almost All In Hospital And Team Will Be Weakened Greatly At Opening St. Louis Gets the Best of the Betting so far, Ten to Seven Being: the New York Figures Just Now NEW YORK, October 2. If tbey would play this world series in a hospital ward the Yankees could win without a struggle. As it is the betters favor St. Louis at odd of ten to seven. However. Huggins has a lot of confidence in his team and some of his cripples are day by day getting better, still the Yankees will enter the series badly handicapped. Herb Pennock will not be present mystifying the Cardinuls with left handed slants. Neither will Wiley Moore. Walte Hoyt, George Pipgras and Tom Zachary will have to tear the burden. Most of the infielr" would n Tinea r better in hnsnlral Tonv Lazteri who Pan thrrni I1AHE HUTU overhand only at the price of ex-curciatlng pain in his shoulder will be. at second base. Mark Koenlg, suffering froir a sore foot will limp about short stop. Lou Gehrig struck in' the face by a batttd ball will do his first base work with swollen Hps but outberwise in sound health. Joe Dugan'e accustomed place at third will probably be taken care of by Gene Robertson who is untried in world series fire. Bob Mtusel and Babe Ruth will be in outfield, although the latter is troubled by a trick knee. Centrefield duty probably will be divided between Cedric Durst and Ben Paschal, although there is a poaslWlfty that Earl Combs injured wrist mar mend fast Gehrig is one of the Yankee Cripple result of being struck by a batted ball enough to let Into the lineup before the series ende. St. Louis Players In sharp contrast to their opponents the Cardinals are ready for the series. Bill Sherdel, Jess Haines, Grover Alexander, Clar-' ence Mitchell and Flint Kheml are ready to do the pitching. Indications are that Sherdel and Haines will pitch the first two I games, and that Alexander will go to the mound in the third game at St. Louis Sunday. Huggins is extremely uncertain as tp bow he will work his pitchers but It Is generally agreed he can start with no one but Hoyt. Star of the Yankee Baseb-.ll team to whom Manager Miller Hug-gina looks to carry his team to ictory. CITY TO PURCHASE . BONDS SOON MATURE On recommendation q the finance- committee, the city council last night decided to purchase at 99.75 from Chnrtey-Fraaer Ltd. $7,2W worth of Prince Rupert bonds coming due next year. Aid. Cnllart pointed out that the city had the money on hand and, as the bonds would have to be redeemed anyway in a short time, the committee deemed it advisable to take them now and save the intervening Interest. for . VeWQM ! ' HUCKY HARRIS OF WASHINGTON WILL BE REPLACED NOW WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 Ducky Harris, for five years manager of the Washington Senators, will not pilot the team next year, Clark (irif- fith, owner of the team an- nou need today. if- X SPORT CHAT i Fine weather recently ;.t Anyox ,-ernvtted the ijn'j-ti"ti of ten-1 : i- after m fort.nij'hi lay-off. j ' he finalists in tft l;uli.-s .-ingle) irs. C utler ami Mis Leighton. i resumed play ;t d-U. I Mist Iightrn finally drawiny i veil y taking the set at h-0. lni the third Bet. Mrs. Cutler began' playing for the base-iitie ami seemed to be losing out but h'' came out from behind tu win the deciding set at 7.5, the last game going to deuce several times. The Elks Lodge at Anyox recently was host at a hanquet and smoker in honor of the EKV baseball team, champions at the smelter town, and members of I the store and office team. Contributing to the vocal and musi-1 !c;t) program were Bros. Dresser, j Owen Kirkwood, Roberts, and! Bennett. Messrs Ritchie and koberts phiyed a banjo-mandolin 'net. Mr. Heywood was heard In' cuple of comic selections, and i C. P. Ashmor and Mr. Hagerty also sang. B. M. Buck, as toast-master proposed "the Kinj." Bro. ; Ashton and Mr. Ashmore spoke' to the toast to the Store team.: Mr. Smith and Mr. Healy to the! 'Office team and Bro. Harmon nd D. Wilson to the Elks' team. (Mr. Macintyre addressed the1 i -athenr.;: on behalf of the Com- :nit- League, and Bud Sheen' :. e ; n outline of work done. JIM CORBETT , A RICH MAN I .os Angeles Orowth Has Added Couple of Millions te Ilk Wealth LOS ANCELES, Oct. 2. Jim (orbett, one time champion leavyweight boxer is today a wealthy man. A hundred acre ranch owned by him near Los Angeles has been subdivided and is being sold. When it is all disposed of it is said he will have drawn $2,50A,000 from the piece of dirt. And Jim is also drawing down a fat salary for vaudeville work and has signed a long tour for Kurnpe. WINNER OF FISHING TROPHY SECURED FINE LARGE TROUT Nlpigon Shield Went to Corby Wilson Who Caught 7 1'Dunb'er WINNIPEG, Oct. 2. Competi tion between anglers who cast their lines over the waters of the famous Niplgon trout stream in Ontario for the honor of landing the largest square tail trout during each season is by no means diminishing, according to C. K Howard, manager of the Tourist and Convention Bureau, Canadian National Railways, and the much-sought Nipigon Shield this year was won with a 7 '4 pound beauty. Thp winner of the trophy wan Corby Wilson of Cameron Falls. Ontario, and the dimensions of his prize winning catch were, weight 7' i pounds, length 2G inches, girth 1 6 1 4 inches. The runner up in the competition for the shield was Calvin II. IV;. sr. ( incinnal i, Ohio, who 1.1 nded u 6 pound trout. I III III I Ml I estore that Lost Flavour SCHEDULE FOR PRINCE RUPERT CRIB. LEAGUE Official fixtures for the first half of the season of the Prince Rupert Cribbage League, all matches to be played at the New Empress Athletic Club on Monday evenings at 8 o'clock, with one exception : nC'TOHCK SUqrtl O af Loose w. OoU Shirsae. Hem lasMi AUrisUe M EHM.. C'.n. Nt Oprtsttef v. Quill. Prince Rupert HoM KaigMa of The ordinary hash or stew has lost ts flavour in its first cooking. Put a little BOVEIIL in. Bovril is the most tasty food in the world. Its' rich flavour is delightful. You can have a better dinner U'a so easy with BovriL BOVRIL Improves all meat dishes Cm. Nt. Operettas. v Coju s Ossfto . Prince Rupn h -.u-i CMtdtoii Lcfica va. ckxi nh- 17 New CaorrM AC n. Loyal o NU last Ct Cansda vi Priiii. ptn HoM. 0. Nt. Oporstmg vs. Moo Can. Nat. Uacbtuna n Ki..-: cmaailws Orotto vi. Bsgtai. OmKM Vffton n OeM st ,riu 8. U NBWTOH. PSMldrnt T W ALDWDOE Vicr Vr .i P. X WSRMIO SecJUUrjr-Tr. . Phunr Bin k -4 : Man in the Moon R" ' B Can. Mst. Machsnlei W. NU Bona of Canada. Canadian Left on va Mhn. Neighbors are like sN.m.. i6-m bopMsi Athletic auk . Can The better tbejr are the PrtntHUH.1.C.N.t.e.!'re Ut chaaica. Basis vi. Mooae. Knlfhu of Oolumbua a. OoM SeMe. Orotu vt. Cansdlan T afiaei. Lcjrai Oraate Lodflt va. Native Baca of Canada. 21 Loyal Orange Lodae va. MaoMt. native lotu of Canada va. Dsflea. N Smpraa A C va OoM asoraffe Can. Mat. Operatlag vs. KnratU at CoiumbiH. Orotto v ran Mat. MftMntoa. Canadian Legton va. Prince Rufxrt Hotel. IS Loyal Orange Lodfe va. Prince Ruaert Hotel. New Etnpraai A.C. va. Can. Nat. Me- chanloa. Cold Storage va Bagtoa. Orotto vi. Mooae. Knig bta of Oolumbua ma. Native Sssm of Canada. Canadian Legion va. Oan. Nat. Opera ting. oi:.miii:k S Can. Mat. Operating vs. Prrnee Ro- pert Hotel. Can. Nat. Meehanlea va. Baflea, Mooae va Kntgnts or OorlSMlnii. Cold Storage va. Orotto. 1 Oaitadlan Legion vs. Loyal Orange lodge. Native Bona of Canada va. New Bm- praaa A.C. 1 Loyal Orange Lodge vs. Oan. Nat. Operating. Prtnoe Itupert Motel va. BaglM. Can. Nat Mechanic! va. Moow. Native Bona of Canada va. Ostd Storage. Orotto va. KnlgtiW of Oolunbui. Canadian Legion va. Mew Hwiaw tun AO IB Mew Butpiaai AO. va. Prince Rupert Motel. Oan. Mat. Operating va. Oan. Nat. M- BagMs va. Knlgsu of Oolumbua. Mooae va. Cold Storage. Orotto va. Loyal Orange Lodge. Danadlan Legion vs. Native Sana of a Loyal Orange Ledge vs. KnlghU of Oolumbua. Nttlve Bsna of Canada va. Oan. Nat. Operating. Prlnoe Rupert Hotel va. Moose. Oan. Nat. 'Mechanics vs. Ootd Storage. Orotto va. New'faKprest A.C Canadian LagloB vs. Uaglea Can. Nat. MaBhnos va. Loyal Orange Lodge. .. New lllipi aw A.C. vs. Moone. Can. Nat. Operating vi Baflea. rnoee IMipert jiotfl va. Opld Orotto vi. Native $sna pf psnada. Canadian Legion va. Knights of Oolumbua. 0 Loyal Orange Iiodge va. Saglea. Native Buna of Canada vi. Moohc. New Bmpress A.C. vt. Knlgbta of ' There would be little ,r making money if there wesin in the world on wh. fend it There Is a difference of . . f . 1 r , Ion as to whether it Is 1k-i t r t buy labor saving ovle. tor n, Vitcbeti or hire a girl. It's a good thing the 10 bad else we might get to ilt UK) well. Eve says that self idndre their maker. If the peas roll Piit mt honey blade. made into your Ian. on the km I Never keep a cashier who tflelcr hands. There's a reason. Aytos eoming north from iln stateea fill the tank with yn ;.iei going south they fill their t.-mU with liquor. In other wonN 1 h. tank up going both ways. Noses are high, rents an hii'h that is the record of a " nl neighborhood." Can openers and bridge seom t be vtry closely associated I am beginning to think cards were in vented by the packers to encour age last minute dinners. Advertise In The News. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand, and Gravel. yp Bpeciallze In Piano and Purnltura Moving.