I ue saay October K ItiXb THE ULi Special! Mens Underwear Special ;i' son's Medium Weight Winter Combination and 2-piecc it. vie. Extra special value ajo-nbl natrons 92.25 1 iirt and Drawers, 2 pieces for $2.2f '.i, man's Mercury Boys' Combinations, knee length and short sleeves. A new line fur to. 50 pit cent pure wool. Unshrinkable. Sites 22 to "2. Per garment $1.10 Fraser & Pavne Unhcntal Trading Co. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED Ird Ave, East Phone S3 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Care and Trucks Flat Hate Repairs USED CARS We have several v-ellen; ture-alns in used Cars. F.axv Trim it ! -ired. P. an ad ian National Clht Largefl ailway Syfltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ...in... I.. rmwrr m PKT fr M H HM, VM HtATHX. TIU:KIVs ana M'MMVh. at II p.m. Ir HTCWAIIT. WHtHISMKY. H p.m t,w Htt KimiHKAV MSTI MIUVN. 4 l" I.W MHO II ad HI11II 'WW nWKUint IM.ANHS, rASHBMII K TRAIN I VKW MUM K HI'MHtT liMl.t i:CI.M M'MV SI IIJSS '" tr mlM-E CHKHIOR. KHMUMON. MINMI'Ml. ttl MittS MMrrti rumd. Dstttal . fKIM T UIMt. ri. t. CITY TU'SRT OrriCE. Ml TIIIHO iCANAQIANj V nun iuj B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert l KrlrMkan, HrnHtrH. and Sfcatwa) Hptwulu It. ihww w. I "i atwMter, VIHwU, uihI Hrt h1S tt. H . 1. M. HKIS J KOVAI-IW llHtrd.lr. Ka.t IW-IU Hll. "ran raJU. . " Imi4ll Kl.tr anU VMiwmw ry rrMajr. IS 1'" hvwy (tt ail Hlriml.l Uw. W lUrwtta lr fM-lv W. 1. OUrllAHH. Urnrral Ageat, ( ..riwf of 4th StiMt anU Jrd Avrnur prkn Huyrtt. Ill- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED halUuiK trm mm Kt. , . . , . Kuf vani-oi VI.H VltntiKIA. waM.a Bajt. lwwlitl. Atort lty. rte. lor T"TiZ tl VICKIHIA. Bl'-k.. rt IWy. Mr.. rW. mMuifbt. Ir WHIT SIMIXIX SimI NAAS Rl ... . '' ' ! ' whit alMlltON 8IMITKI.V lilt l.li r. ARM. ANVOX. STRttABV. H AI.BS WMIT NA It I Mil, Kuntla). S p.m. .... . uM1 , hi U'S tnd omur. a. M. SMITH. AarnU ..JVJLJIU TbrtNUli IUI.rU Mild .o Vlrttfrta U fUr. ma! llitoutli to lfntlnatlufi " City Meat Market Jrd Avenue (SUf.VlG BROS.) Phone 70S MEAT FISH. VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN VlWWi K at low prices, and immediate delivery Obsen el-All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. Jack Steven returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip up the line. Half Holiday Dance every Thursday In Boston Hall, be-gining October 4. Best of music. 9 till IS. Provincial Constable Robert Gibson returned to the city on esterday afternoon's train from R. E. Moore requested the city council last night for permission to make sewer connection to his new borne on Fourth Avenue West from the street in front in- i stead of from the lane in the rear. Aid. Prudhorame suggested hut u thwre was no lecal ob jection. Ik rHHMSt be granted. At tN MlftTedM of Mayor, Mc-Merdie, however, who stated that thara was no rash in the matter, reaaly for raonina, u was oeciueu to refer the matter to the Board of Works so that the city engineer may make a report upon It. ANNOUNCEMENTS . Bridge and Whiat Monday Rika' Home. Commencing Thursday, October 4, 'a weakly dance will be held in the Denton Hall. Best of music. 9 till 11 Prlne Rupert Girls' Drill team dance; October 12. Gyre Hsedown, October 19, Moose Hall. 8. Calhelli Bataar, October 24, 26 Presbyterian Bazaar, November Moose Bataar, November 8, 9. Anglleac Cathedral Bazaar, November 25L Tuxis and Trail Rangers Fourth Annual Minstrel Serenade Nov 22 and 23. Women of Moose heart ,,st Miss G. Tobiaswon will sail rive and dance, Tuesday Oct. morrow afternoon on the Cash prizes. jcess Louise for Vancouver. E. J. Smith returned to the city 1 Foster Willan returned to the on the Catala this morning from 'c ity on the Catala this morning a brief business trip to Anyox and Stewart Whist Leaxue Meeting Oct. 2, in the city hall at 8 p.m. All organisations wishing to enter league please send representative, tf bualnau. The regular weekly meeting of the Young People's Society of First United Church was dispensed with last evening owing to the annual congregational To those who are putting off their appointment for a permanent wave until the lust. Mrs. Ste-imen intimates she will be in her rooms in the Besner Block for this week only. Phone Black 78.". Union steamer Catala, Capt E. A. Dickson, returned to por :a three weeks' trip to the Its bine at 11.30 this morning from Any district on fishery da ties. Miss Leona Mcintosh of Ed- Vancouver and way ports. monton arrived in tlte city on yesterday afternoon's train to pay a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Vance, Fourth Avenue East Gus Strombeck, well known pioneer Alice Arm mining man, passed through the efty at the end of the week en route to Vancouver where he will spend the winter, returning north next spring. Oiler Besner wrote to the city council last night requesting that improvement be made to Third Street adjoining his nw buiMiag. On either side of the street there were splendid cement sidewalks but the street itself was almost impassable for vehicular traffic. The matter was referred to the . Board of Works for report Aid. Tinker suggested at last night's council meeting that, in order to eliminate the inconvenience of ears going ap Borden Street having to go right through to Bigger Place in order to turn around, a turntable be installed somewhere on the street. Aid. Dibh pointed out that the hill to Biggar Place in winter would probably be dangerous. The matter waa referred to the Board of Works for report L. S. Cokeley, B.C.IS., who h been conducting surveys on the Queen Charlotte Islands and on the Naas River during the pas? summer for the Department of Indian Affairs, sailed this af ternoon by the Catala on hiy return to his heme in Victoria. During the month of September a total of X70 gallons of oil was used in the City Hall heating system according to report of the janitor, J. W. Exley. presented to the council last night. Thi average daily consumption wan nine gallons and the cost per day 49. jc. from a brief trip to Anyox. Th eitv conned last trieht. dhdiattel Passengers arriving in the city from the north on the Catala this morning included 1. W. Lawrence, Charles Boyd, II. E. Goul-bourne, J. Bray, H. Pickford. W. Laing, Mrs. V. Pamreri, W. R. Bennett, George Herco, - Miss J. iVIor Foster Willan, I. O. Ly-cett, E- i. Smith and 8. Sewell, from Anyox; Mr. Yamamtu, K. Ketara and Annie Smith, from Arrandale; Mr. art. ITTY TREASURER UIIGES ALL TO SUPPORT BUILDING OF HIGHWAY AND TELLS OF ATTITUDE OF THE SOUTH. (continued from page 1) Prince Rupert would be ; had cost ox, Stewart and other points of : the government three quarters of call and sailed at 3 p.m. for i million dollars, but carried lit There was a meeting last night tle traffic, only three cars having been passed when Mr. Matheson drove over its length. Mr. Math- of the local detachment or J eson acknowledged the assistance the Royal Canadian Voluntee Re I that had been accorded him by serve. Lieut. Walter Hume pre- President Johnson of the Good tiding to make arrangements for ictivities during the winter. Passengers sailing from her? this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver included L. S. Coke-ley. Judge Dailey S. Stafford, W J. Carrol, B. Sellerud and P Johnson. On recommendation of the uti ities committee, the city count-but night accepted the tend, of Albert 1 McCaffery of ! per ton for 600 tons of Nsnaim Wellington washed pea coal f; use at the dry dock power plan Judge Dailey S. Stafford of th Los Angeles municipal court arrived in the cH on yesterda afternoon's train following a vis to Jasper ,Park and will sail thiv afternoon on the Catala for th south. Roads League and Aid. Frank Woodaide wf Vancouver in draw ing up the. resolution relating to the Prince Rupert road and the manner in which these two men had supported the passage oi he resolution which received the unanimous endorsation of the oai;ue. After the convention, the t-cretary of the league informed ,ir. Matheson that all the resolu-ions paaaed by the league at the 27 convention had been favor- ly acted upon by the provincial nernment. The treasurer, there-ore, urged that all citizen ge: ehind the agitaUon for the -etic continuation of the Prime itupert-Terrace read and he could e no reason why it should not be completed In a reasonable length of time. Municipal Convention Reporting upon the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention. Mr. Matheson informed the council that resolutions had been passed asking the provincial got eminent for increased grants to municipalities for teachers, re questing the reduction of tax ien altiea from fifteen to twelve per cent strongly objecting to the liability of municipalities for indigents as at present seeking thai only prisoners of at least sir. months' residence be kept at in expense of the municipality, re questing reduction of land regi.s tration fees for subdivision of low-value, asking redefinition of the word "improvementa" for assess ment purposes to enable the as sesBment of gasoline tanks, pro posing that mwtto M lv'n diaaftkifcibk4aohe're they Snmendatian of the finance should take away motor licenses committee, made a apecial grant lor minor infractions of the Motor of $50 to the Salvation Army. I Vehicle Act. asaing me g.i.ein Aid, Collart explained that this ment to give a conciliation boar.1 would bring the year's grant to ; in case of wage disputes between the Army up to $60 in excess of municipanjtes ana civic emin.-wh.t had been allowed last vesr ees or firemen, requesting the ap Thia special grant was not to be pointment of a utilities commis io" with over rates, capi- considered as a precedent. j power talication ana coniracis oi uim- n. ritv council last niyrht ties companies, asking the provin- adoDted a r.nort from the Hoard cial government to lighten the 1 of Works ret ommending the pur- burden of education upon property a ..t MtiM.iurf ,.Mt f nwnora throuehout the pro tn'-trlffl VIWIVi " 1 " v ' - - IftOO, of a new engine for the by taking over the operation oi scavenging truck. The truck i x- the schools dr by broadening the plained Mavor McMordie. was the base of taxation, and requesting oldest in the service of the city, the exemption of all muni. !;al having been in use for ten years road equipment trom motor u and the committee considered it cense fees. advisable to purchase a new en- The convention discussed diffi gine instead of attempting to culties in the way oi estauiisninjr tt.h un the old one further, domicile of abandoned infants but Otherwise, the truck was in fair- the matter was allowed to lie ly good condition.' over until next year as was also a suggestion that the government be asked to reduce the 70c hospl- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY tl day to 60c as formerly. The convention rejected tne pro CAPABLE LADY wants position noi,.i in nresn the federal yrov a housekeeper to a gentleman. ernment for a universal old age Apply Box 18G Daily News Of- ,MM,,,jon for those over 6fi years flee. 'f f Ke instead of 70 years or over . . .,s t present and failed to en WANTED Small well furnished oorne a suggestion that police anartrociit; heated. Good local- commissions instead of councils Ity. ApplHarry Scott, Royal be responsible for the regulation Hotel. 234 of traffic IB . .'i "" "' " 1 " " ' " ' '" - 1 1 1 j 7,.,.t(,,t Local and Personal News In Brief Special ! OLD STYLE PEPPERMENT PATTIES - - 35c. a Lb. Personal and Business Xmas Greeting Cards. Exclusive, but not expensive. I'honc us and our representative will call and show you samples brines VbBL 777 i c Pioneer Drttcfisfs THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - -TELEPHONES 8?6200 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. It Gosse. CSC. Rika' Phone Dante, Friday, Octobei tf Chiropractor, Phone 181. United Church Banquet Oct 1. C. 0. MeKay, tf Anniversary 280 Emll M. Urell arrived in the city from the Skeena River on yesterday afternoon' train. II. A.-irallam, nb i-1nterest-ed in mining at Stewart, is a passenger aboard the Catala today bound for Vancouver. A charge - of against Mrs. Ethel Leighton was dismissed by Magistrate HeCly-raont in city police court this morning after her counsel John V. Clyne, had successfully proved that she did not come under the category of an Indian. Twelve-year-old Brian Labrie, HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Ilupert Emil M. Urell, Port Essington; drunkennpss John Nyholm, Stewart; Jdge Dailey, S. Stafford, Los Angeles; G. II. Tycho, Smithers. Royal R. LogJe, Port Edward, Carl M. Lindberg and John Dool, Ketchikan; C. II. Underwood, C.N.R.; W. Lassen, Isaaquuh, Wash. Savoy K. G. Bosworth, Butedale; W. who was killed in Vancouver on ill. Thome, C. N. R Sunday when he collided with i J. Clausen and C. a car while riding a .bicycle, was 'Simpson. the son of C. C. Labrie. mirehas- Central Mr. and Mrs. Aime, Port Jones Mr. andjing agwlt for the Canadian Na-! S. Robinson, C. N. R.; J Mrs. Albert reterson, a. tional Railways who Moore and M. Koroff from Stew- i,nriu,B in uia ,.nv Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O.T.I'. 20.000 Ton&'loating Dry Dock Engineers. Machinists. Boilermakers. IJImiwi'hM Hutui makerts Fouuders. Woodworker-.. I t; ELRCTttlC AND ACETYLENE WELDlNu Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors RIGGER THAN THE WEATHER I A Siae for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size 2 ION, TWENTY, THIRTY. SIXTY BETTER QUTCKER CHEAPER Literature and prices on Request Sole Distribulsrs for B. a MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LIMITED Nortswn rHMr might HulldlB S4U Nlatlnn Slftt VANt'Ot VtK. a c. iiraiwh Otrirfi lllpprlMi -ntwk sums. B.c Er- is well landson. Remo; Louis de Gagne, .Montreal. . , . . . . Unparalleled mm V stlues In CURTAIN NETS SCRIMS MADRAS CRETONNES CASEMENT CLOTH, &c. mm mm Every yard will be sacrificed. Clearing out stock in these lines. Don't miss this .opportu- a turn! y i n i . ., W w. P &1 !ur' :v