., O.'t.ther 2. 1928 MtV SAWMILL TO BE CHARGED REGULARLY FOR POWER SUPPLY , Hrt inpr upon the enquiry , two weeks ago by the Nu ,1 Airplane Lqrnbpi' Go. an to r;j enter for.,,lfi, jsuwrnjij the 41 in' nOmiVtyVi wtifhHihitif at t. J Ct trtwtitimiH committee li-a1 hie city council iiylit that rates ae provided 'he nylaw be charged. This nu on the'basis of (,he regular rial pqwt rate charged by ! , graduating in relation to r 1.1 consumption. Aid Urown h explained the rerotriineii- 1 t MINCE RUPERT TIDES ? Tuewlay, October 2 ill: h a.m. 21.2 ft 16.10 pjn. 22.C fl 1. 910 a.m. 4.6 ft 81.46 p-nj. 2.1 ft Wednesday, October S 1 i 3.55 a.m. 20.0 ft 15.50 p.m. 21.9 ft, ! 9.49 nan. M ft. 22.31 p.m. 2.9 ft. Tliurwjajr, Qdoliar i 'I l 4.48 a.m. 18.6 ft, 16.36 p.m was ft. 10.38 a.m. 7.6 ft 88.22 p.m. 41 ft Friday. Otim I 5.46 a.m. K.l ft 17.86 p.m. lfi.4 ft 11J8 a.m, 94 ft Saturday, October 6 7J6 a.m. 6M ft 19.08 p.m. 1M ft 0.28 a.m. 6.4 ft 12.36 p.m. 18.8 ft Sunday, October 7 8.55 a.m. 16.6 ft' . gfl.SS p.m. 184 ft 1.45 a.m. 6.1 ft 14.20 p.m. 10.9 ft Its romaktic . STORY K World Search for Rare Medicinal Herbs. It is n it commonly known that ' :;:!!-, so far apart as China S:;un, Japan and 1. upland. 1 I t-mania and Fran' r have ' - in J (or (1m iii u( Iwrla i .iir iimiiuUctuit ( Uiai orld r.l i.rul uK hlm ZAM Hl'K Th ' jrr nmnt ill inrm rare and coxly irn! iclir Klhciil )UMI the nihl ucnlhrn iiuimand medicinal are at ibtu ery beat hi Imk i tbc trua lucccaaor of lha In"' t il hailing lalmi o( Am nt Konic , n il,. mpiiTMni advantnaa ZaM-bni. ii ' on luutraraharbalcomprMiliDa. -I ie,iiiaih canturjr rnadical kaow i' jmi mnui-iurinK tkill. to bring it 1 .i i u.h of pariaciion. rtrobabW nam ied in (lie aiuialu of bealini ' ! diHarent iMdicinal quaiitwa tn link are laull(lly bftlancad The h.i in side with the mtduli, lha in :n,nii wth lha gtrmifidul , it ia jxnrinitive vei not loo plimulalinK. and 1 mil (lie nghi lubricity for removing I'-tuial swelling!, aprain and paina. ! !nis am-buk it a uaciul. reliable, ' Innlily coacantratacl. medmaal u , uK alwyi ready to matanlly wothe. l'. i. iltlv allay iwellina and inrlatn "i.umiii. ntl detp lawM dietaiie, aad f" new healthy kin Moreover, uer " am buk have pariaot conndenca ii alone comei (rom the knovMaita Hi.. it n a rehned herbal preparation and m artihcial ointment camrxMed of i ir oluKaing (ate and crude drug. aim luk ia invaluable to all itching, Inflamed, and diMwwd conditionaof the km. whilai it. iwi(' ni.Mriir healing lnkei it the ideal firel-aid dtewind lot '""iivacaldi, cuii, etc at It ia ales the remedy for pllea 01 fealtf, e'.vattere 30c the boa : 3 for of in buCo., Duuont St. Toroulo. Dr. Alexander PHONE 575 lIF.HNKIt HI.OCK DENTIST BRINGING UP FATHER SHQPPIKIG -TO-OA SO WOULD BE A M-UU SEE To IT THAT J VACATi OM TO FATHER- C "jorrcT- CAT- I I'M bORE I HEARD TOCET IN THE P , .f'-'iBL Ho. It (aettat M) I.ANI) ACT. mitim: or ivtewTMini to Arpw itu hum: or pokmiikihi: In the log Ola-Lot trtct. altuatr and frontina on or tba Bmiak OohtBibii Piabinc Passing cvi cannanr Bile, Townatta of fan Butngtcn BkaMu aiver TAJCI MOT1C n at th Brttlak Ool-umbla PUhlng Pecking C. T.td.. of Vancouver C occupation nahtaf and Packing tiraatida to apply tar a taaae i f tbe following daaeribed toiaahiaj! . r-imnwnoing at a poet pbaM a tbf northemt corner of the aaM OMasaft :te. tbenor northerly, toaoflnt tiM production of the eaaWly lulalgry of tba B C Ptahinf Jt Packing Co. "a pro-rertv ati hundred feet: tbaooa waaterly at fight angwa to tqe amW aatarly bDur.dary roar hundred and fifty feet, now or lew. to an Intaraactlon with itttr wpstarly boundary of tte B.C. Ptah-ling Packing Co.a proewrty mwluoed ' northerly trwnoe wUtBTly. KQowInf nalfl waxen miunaarr inaeiiiimi hundnd feet, more or loaa to tneB klfH watOT mark; t hence aaatarty. Mlowtn thr mean hlgn water mars o awn eominenaemient. and eontalntat ala aarea, more or ajaa. raPrrfct By Jam Henrr Btiahnetl. Agent Dated Aturuat TI. IBM MS Porm No 16 Section S6) I. AND ACT. HOTICE or IKTBNTIOS TO Trt IOK 1.1. l. lit riinr.'r. In the Bkeena Land Becordlng Dla-trtct and altuate. frontlnn on part of Lot St. Range . Ccaat Dlatrlct. Tele- shfV!?!. m. TAKE HUllta ,, -" Packing Ltd.. oi urobia PUhlng l .....n.tinn Vihln and Packing, intends to apply 'or a laaae of the following described fc",50lT,Tit commencing ei a p twenty ehalne nnrthweatarly from tne aoutnweai corner i piu wet. ten chains: ttienoe n?hwterly. parallel to tne awnerw rui. - -line, fifteen chalna; thence eaat to mean high watar mark, ton chalna. "J leaa thence aouthsaatarly following mean high water mark to point of commencement, containing fifteen acres, m8r BRtniH COLOUBIA PI8H1NO PAOKTliO CO LTD Dy .larraw Henry Buehnsii, ARent Dated August 94, 1MB. LAND ACT notice fir ivrmioN to Arm TO PIIBCJIW LAM In nance 4. ooasi uiairiuv, XtrtctTprliior and crfllng Rupsrt. altuatV about i ml from the mouth of the Khutue HWer TAKE NOTlcr, THAT Aixrr Stuart .-' MatetHloch of Vanoouver. B.C.. xWv-Wat XfrnSg st a prat P' the southwest cornel or Lot 804. unat weat 90 chalnn: thence aouth JJU"L Tin; SAIL"? NEWS PAGE, SEVEJ t VHACT DO XOU MEAN Cff CONMNC, IN AT r7 fv- MhI Or HF - A3 Fom No 16 (Baettoa 84) LAND ACT. MtTtCt: Or INTKKTION TO Arn.V I OH I.K.HE OI- rOKKfiHOKE In the Skeona Land Baoordlag District, and attuata, fronting on Lot 1ST, Range t. Coatat Otatrtet, famuaaa Paa- TAirjr, NOTSCK that the Brttlah umbra Piaalnc Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver. BO- occupation Planing aad Packing, lntonda to apply for a Maae of the fattovtna daaerlDed foraabora: Oonunaaetag at a post planted at tbe MrttMast aomer of Bald Lot 117: thence weal, twsnty ehajna, more or laaa. to an tatareeeiton anth the wast boun-aary at Lot laTT aeodaoed north; thence tollowtng aaid production of the vaat boundary of Lot 117 aouth to moan fcl( water mark: thenot eaatarly. tolloanng tbe mean hlgi water mark to point rt omrnencemen: , and containing tan 3 ere, mere or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA PIBKliaQ PACKING CO.. LTD. By Jama Benry Buahl,, Aaant. Dated August SB. IBB). BBS Form Mo. It (Bastion M) 1NI) ACT. om r, up iartiiTi(v to apply "mi tEAOr rORIKtllOltE In the Bkeena Land Recording pia-trict. attuaw aad fronting on Lot 2. Range 4 Coast District Lowe TnleV TAJTJt NOTIOl that the Brttlah Col-vmb'.a Plmhlng at Packing C lAd , of Vancouver. B C.. occupation PUhlng and Paoklng. in tend to apply for a tease or the following daaeribed foreahore: Commencing at a pest planted at the aoutheaat corner of aaM Lot 2: thenoe aouth. two chalna: t hence west forty chalna. more or less, to an lnteraec-I tlon with the wet boundary of Lot produced aouth: thence north even chains, mora or leas, to the aouth weat corner of Lot a: thence eaatarly, following the mean high water mark to the point or oommonoement. and containing eighteen acres, more or toss. PAOKINO CO., LTD. Bv Jamas Henry Buahnell Agent. Dated August IM. 198. 36S Pom Ho. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTiri: or iNTKvrtov to apply rou erase or rOKEMlOKE In the Bkeena Land Recording Dla-. trtct. altuate and fronting on Lot 11, F .ngc 8. Ooast Dlatrlat. Oxtail River, TAKE NOTiDa; tnai tne onuan w umbla Plahing ft Packing C. Ltd., of Vancouver. BC, oooupatlpn Fishing and Pnck'ng. Intends to apply for a lease of the fallowing deecrlbed foHNhore: Comraenctng at a post planted at the northwest corner of sard Lot 11; thence west ten chains; thenoe aouth forty chain, more or lesa, to an lntereectlon with the aouth boundary of Lot 11 nroduoed west; thence eaat. following aaid production of the aouth boundary 'of lot 11. six o. aina. more or lesa. to inrm h'l-h water mark: thenoe northerly, fiillowl-ut the mean high water mark to li mit of commencement, and contnln-iur thirtv aero, more or less. BRITISH COLOMBIA nBHINO & I PACKINO CO.. LTD Bv Jumea Henry Dimlmell, Agent, patlil August as, 1038. WD I TOLD DiriTT ID EE- v II" my J ' I ro-w (. 1 W I 1 1 Jk r ) T7J f 4 HIK TOOArf AN' I C4OTTA. KEEP. MY WOD V NOV LET JHI HOUR? tE.C Tup. ftf.cs. II If uauchteo j t .- COT v0 -H IT r .f friT: & V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED MAID WANTED Apply Mra. Beaner. tf - 1 " " a AGENTS WANTED WANTED Calendar and Specialty Baleaman. Full or part time. ! t!ood contract, hifiiest commis-1 siona. excluaive lina. Experience 1 preferred. Start immediately. Apply, Htuting qualificationfi, i to Box 680, London. Ont. 841 WANTED v real live mgn to' take over the sa of or pro- ducts', supplying hundreds of satisfied customers in Prince Rupert and district. Real op portunity for good man. For further information apply The J. R. Watkin Company, 876 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. tf LOST LOST German police dog puppy. Strayed from Ninth Avenue W. j Anyone harboring same will be! prosecuted. Finder phone Red 392. Reward. tf GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT xonrr: or .UTLK AtlOV I OU ItEEK LUENCE NOTICE 18 HBRGBY OIVKN that on the sth day of Novi-moor, lasB. tne un- d;ilgrei a i Intends to i pply to the Liquor Control Board for lissooe in rssaect of premises belli ina part part of or tte tna building ouitoing known as Queen'a Hotel. Massstt, msssbti, Orahl uranaui Island, situate at Miiasatt, eraham island, upon the landi- described ai Lot No. t. Block No 14. subdlvtolon of Lot T Queen Charlotte Isianda, Plan No. 86. Maaeett Townslte. prmoe nupert uana TVSrSTl STine mobrIT;,p.bo? DATED this 1st lu of O-tohir 1; 353 PORTER BINOER. mm mm sai u w F If ALE or STOUT w Builds Up Your Health UntrihilOT: M ADm t t,w.ll WUinf .tomte 1 1 - lit' . urn o 1 11 tuiri rTL 11 ir n n I I W UU ..... w.ivr- 1 w UWHm v ' ! l" i8. by in hM Sarvia tea. "''"i riku 9 7. 8 I MET THAT MOVIN OlCTURP Director ftienq qp OoRb HE AbKEO ME IF I'D HELP HIM OUT - HE WUZ. HEAbiN JOPTY &CENE THAT VVU1. IN HAO HER Chance it . NEVvS CLASSIFIED ZDS. advance No Advertisement taken fo lea than 50c FOR KENT FOR RENT Four roomed furnished house on Taylor Street. Phone Slack 470. 232 FORTKBKT Hrnlshed houte keepinc rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR REaTT Houtie 893 Borden Street. Phone Black 512 after1 6 o'clock. tf FOR RENT Pianos, Player- Pianos, Phonographs and Sew-ioc Machines. Walker's Music 8. , tf FOR RENT Modern srite partly furnished or all furnished or will rent flat to,sui.:'.ble party. Apply 225 Second Avenue, tf FOR RENT Clapperton House, 22LA"SvV& TRr.. City Hall.- tf FOR RENT New modern resi- I denceB. Fourth Avenue East Also corn r ntore on Fulton Street anil Sixth Avenue. Phone I tj ton it 'i FOR SALE F"" " 8 A,r"r Phone Blue 166. 831 i PIANO FOR SALE Apply 783 Fifth Avenue Wpst. Phone Jilack 898. 282 By George McManus terms arrae--Send UrFAhL CLASSES lYjU VlOMN east esoonlste particulars. Hoyf 1256 Granville S?tret. VanemiJ ver B. C. 243 irDAniUTirtxi cvcDncrc :UUnlUnIlUit iALULLjLo AT HAZELTON HOSPITAL Last Friday evening graduation exercises were held in the Assem-I My Mall at Jlaselton for Miss! Uames and Misyi Castell who were! Presented with their diplomas aodj nina. havino' i'omnltnd thnir three years of training. After the Graduation oroirram. there was a tlanoe. BATHROOM RULES IN SOUTH WALES TODAY, SWANSEA, Wales. Oct. 2. - .Criticising ttlnial.iiy some mnma of nf the lha new now naitaai houses I built recently Mr. Coppock, sec- Ubor hoUB, mtM gaid. j ,.AU thftt matterg now ,g whether or not the house has a, bathroom. Bathrooms have got! across tne psycnpiogy oi ine na- tion. and if you have a bathroom in a new house It does not mat- ter a straw what sort of accom- modation Is provided in the other, rooms." rVK wen- .rotary ,of the Building Trades horsepower Easthope engiOe,!0()!rjltive8 Unlon peaki,nB gt a 1 a I complete and in good nm- nintr conditJon, Arply Pullen, Daily Newa f." FOR SALE Special. Lots 20. 21 22, 23, block 7. Seetion 6, fronting on McBride Street, Prfee $1.000jOO; $400 cash; bal- ance $800 yearly at 7 per cent Apply owner, W: Arnett, Dj- phin, Man. 2 I II TI : AN TAV 7 I T1 iM CLAD tHE HO TO HEAR PROMT IN -7 eACK! Article Loit an i Found, ore FOR SALE or -.harttrr Work and Tow Boat "Ofopogo." Atlfti H.. D. Enjrine, Chap. Cruiser! Vera S. Fry" AUae II. D. En-1 (fine. Sleeps five. Suitable for' ! hunting- or Burvey parties. M. I M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE Unprecedented values in used Tlpcks lf26 Fisher Fast Freight IVi ton truck; 1926 Day-Elder Worm Drive 2 ton truck; 1 ton Reo Speed Wagon ; 1V4 ten Minom iaee; 1 Ptariot--and others til- have I roq free. 1 AND THE JURY COULO NT-AGREE, 'bO WE HAD TO OUT ALL. fSlCHT'' THE THE. CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASPINALL. (Chiropractor and Electro Therapeutist Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Creen 241 or Black 283. Chiropractor DR. R. E, EVOIFSON 623 Third Avenue Telephone for appointment paw to-Blue 85. Residence phone: Red 589 Acute and Chronic Dlserders successfully treated. Established 19S4. TUITION A. P. WILLIAMS Violinist of WethoIme Theatre 1, Bast Pupils Pupils now now being being enroll enrolled. . r or terms t'hone lllue 48'J SALVAGE AND TOWING l'rlnce Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN OAS BQATS Agents for Basthope Bngines, Coolidje Propellers and Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Dn-V8 the hour" 1 -m- tnl 8 njn- Sundays and Holidays, 11 a.m. till 8 p.m. 564 Phone 561 AUCTIONEERS PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Federal Block lFurD,ture of aU m . . . - " Sold or Exchanged Crating and Packing done Goods sold on Commission G. J. DAWES. Auctioneer. Black 120 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under pew management. Clean single and deubfe housekeeping rooms Mrs. John jjaiberg