PAGE EK1IIT THE DAILY NEWS Westholme Theatre MONDAY AND TUESDAY at 7 p.m. ONE SHOW ONLY EACH NIGHT 20 Reels of Pictures. "PHANTON MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock tixchange on our stock-list board daily. We can five instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Starts at 7.33. DRY B RCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load , $3.50 Double Loaa -. . . $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. Strictly Up-toiDate Novelty Dress Goods Trench Flannels Poiret Twills Fancy Wool Crepe All Wool Faille Chiffon Velvet Printed Georgette Etc, Etc "The Nobby" COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Dulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. FLYERS" S CAN'T WIN' Starts at 9.00. COLLKGIANS.AND FOX NEWS, with another comedy. Admission 10c and 35c. j LOOK! LOOK! l DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS Look what you get for your dollars Deal No. 1 2 Cans Peas, 2's 2 Cans Corn, 2's 2 Cans Beans, 2's 1 Can Tomatoes, 2's All for $1.00 Deal No. 2 2 Cans Pineapples 2 Cans Peaches 1 Can Raspberries 1 Can Plums All for $ 1 .00 Deal No. 3 1 Can Spinach 1 Can Sour Kraut 1 Can Dill Pickles 1 Can String Beans All. for $1.00 Deal No. 4 3 lbs. Potatoes G lbs. Carrots 6 lbs. Turnips G lbs. Beets. 4 lbs. Cabbage All for $1.00 Deal No. 5 3 lbs. Onlops 4 lbs. Green Tomatoes 1 lb. Celery 2 lbs. Tomatoes 4 lbs.' Crab Apples ' All for 91.00 Deal No. 6 2 Lettuce 2 Cucumbers 1 Cauliflower 2 lb. Green Onions 2 lbs. Plums 1 lb. Grapes All for $1.00 Plan and Shop Early for these Real Bargains. Mussallem Grocerv CO. LTD. Real Money Savers Phones 18 and 84 ' i Ling the Tailor Phone C49 j Clothes Cleaning Price List like this is worth keeping in mind! Ladies' or Gentlemen's Suits steam pressed 75c1 Overcoats 75? Trousers Skirts 35? Boys' Suits 50? SUITS, Dry Cleaned and steam pressed $2.00 Overcoats SJSJ.OO Trousers 75 1 Skirts 75f Boys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladies' .Fancy work at reasonable rates- We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. PRINCE GEORGE Weather has beep milder agalj in this district duing the past week, the lowest thermometer reading for the period being 33 degrees above, while the highest was 77 above. Tie contractors and logging operators in this district' are ex-pecting a busy winter and already calls are being made for more labor. About one hundred parcels of city property were offered to sale today at the annual municipal tax sale by City Clerk V. R. Clerihue. A regenerative set, the possessor of which has not yet been ascertained, has been interfering with local radio reception So far this year, the log scale in Prince George forestry district is the largest on record for any year of the past. Up to August 31, the total scale stood at 72,470,086 feet as compared with 61,803.183 feet at a similar date in 1926, the highest previous year. It is expected the Prince George total this year will reach 120,000,000 or some twenty million feet more than 1026. The increase in the log scale signifies the revival the timber industry is experiencing generally this year around Prince George. At a tea given on Saturday afternoon by the Prince George Women's Institute, Miss Dorothy Guost was presented with a cup and medal which she won in a recent home economics judging contest in Vancouver. T.iul Wieland has been purchasing a number of steers from ranchers in the Chief Lake and N:;zko districts. Friends of Mrs. R. Winkler tendered her a surprise party last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. J. Hearyside on the eve of her departure for Vancouver where she will take up residence. UUliNS LAKE A pretty wedding was solemnized last Wednesday at the home of Anselm Kellar, Francois Lake, wlien his daughter, Marguerite was united in marriage to R. A. , Russell, also of Francois Lake. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. R. Ashford and attendants were Miss Bessie Buchanan and Joseph Keller. The couple left for an extended honeymoon trip in the United States and Mexico and will return to their ranch at Francois Lake to take up residence about the middle of May. VI tiev. . ik. aiiiiuiu, juv-ui un ited Church pastor returned last week from a two months trip to Eastern Canada. District visitors in town on hsiness recently have included Btn Roberts and Herbert Roberts, Colleymont; J. M. Gowans, Tintagcl; L, S. McGill, Smithers; Richard Carron. Palling. Gordon H. Gower, school at Frince George, has H.S.Wal'aceCo.Ltd. 36 inch DRESS VELVETS In Navy, Tan, Reseda, Black, Wine, Pekin. S1.95 yard 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 Ibeen spending several dayH in this district on official duties. VANDERHOOF In order to promote seed growing in this part of British Columbia, the provincial department of agriculture assisted by.the Dominion government Beed branch, will hold a seed show at Vander- hoof on October 22 or 23. A" similar show will be held at Smithers. , At a reorganization meeting of the Vanderhoof Branch of the Boy Scout Association last week. Rev. David Donaldson was elected scout master; William C. Patterson, assistant scout master, and Rev. Leonard J. Hales, secretary. The trustees of Vanderhoof Superior School have given permission to the Scouts to use the basement of the school as training quarters. j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. II. Day ex-jpect to move shortly into the .Vanderhoof Hotel which Is be ing thoroughly renovated. Erection of a 100 tori stave silo and carpenter shop and liv- jing quarters upstairs for farm employees of the Eraser Lake, Industrial School has been car :ricd out by T. P. Smithers. CANNOT CHANGE NAME ' OF WIRELESS STATION Department of Marine Regrets Inability to Comply With Request in Communication to Council I ine department oi marine nan a letter before last night's council meeting expressing its regret that the department considered it . inadvisable to change the name ' of the local wjreless station from "Digbj Island to "Prince Rupert." The matter had been carefully conaidefecTby the department and it had been decided that the suggested change in name could only result in confusion. I The letter was filed. COUNTY COURT FOR OCTOBER Nine Cases on List for Month, Two of Which Have Now Been Settled. County Court was in regular monthly session before Judge F. MeB. Young yesterday for setting of cases for the first time since last June. The following are the cases for this month: Wong Lee k Co. vs. 8. B. Peacock, $61.75. Patmore k Ful ton for plaintiff; Oct. 3. I G.T.P. Railway Co. vs. Joseph C. Greene, Williams, Manson k Gonzales for plaintiff; W. E. Fisher, for defendant, October 2. A. McKenxie vs. S. B. Peacock, i $21.50, Williams. Manson & Con- zales for plaintiff, October St. John L. Christie vs. B. C. j T Butchers & Grocers Ltd., $129.55. Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff , Williams, Manson & Gonmles fori defendant, date to be fixed. i Broughton & McNeil vs. R. V Munger, $110.80; Tatmore & Fulton for plaintiff, settled. Louis Ross vs. Rudolph Nilson. $29.75, Patmore k Fulton for plaintiff, October 22. Oiler Besner vs. John Charles Gavlgan, $755.35. Williams, Man-son & Gonzales for plaintiff ; Patmore & Fulton for defendant, settled. Charles Carlson vs. Charles Hansen, $200, Williams, Manson & Gonzales for plaintiff; Patmore & Fulton for defendant, November 20. t Scott vs. Richmond, to be fixed. Naturalization applications of Todor Petroff, Ole Bovnatvik and Matti Wakkila of Prince Rupert and Johannes Klok of Stewart were approved by His Honor. P. R. Badminton Club open tonight in I)e Luxe Hall. Fee payable In advance $8 for heaaon. Husband and wife $12.. on members not allowed to play, ex cept out of town visitors. Tuesday, October 2, 102s ,v i CODE INSTALLED Thr If im room for futM work when warm ajr hflng ivftrm It InfuMcd In crordanc with lh specification! of K Standard CMa. sm - s-nalmti WJourOwnQome N cMl Winter Jspg O need to sleep in an Ice house I No matter now bitter cold it may be out side, comfort should be yours. The McClary "Sunshine" Furnace heats the house by the most healthful, economical and efficient method known to science humidified WARM AIR. Urrllke the dry, deml heat from iron radiators, the air In "Sunshine" homes is properly moistened .... constantly recirculated ever moving . . fresh ... invigorating I Through the exclusive "Ventiblast" ring, super-heated air is sprayed over the coals. This mixes with the gases, smoke and volatile, instantly igniting them into an intensely hot flame. The McClary "Sunshine" delivers alt the heat, and gives freedom from odors, soot and coal dust. It coms much less to install this guaranteed McClary Warm Air System than hot water or steam systems. Investigate to-day. 308 IfUm -n fvs -rv S .? GENERAL STEEL WARES Product AUTHORIZED DKAI.HItS RatcMord & Shenton ROWNTREE'S .-r,.. .mwn not too ftiller, not loo Sweet DISTRICT READERS Who occasional Ot The Daily News do not for the paper but who purclias? copies, :opics, will find it advantageous to remit $:i.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next ye;ir. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it I