fact. K Market Prices Prices current are M 'ollow : appli: Mcintosh Reds, tancy 83-10 "O" grade 83.00 Jumble pack . Crreeri rooking FfttlT California peaches, down Ci..igt. Valflnc.u. doaen )hi0ifs, BuiikiHt. doaen . Imperial VaUey grapefruit Bananiu. a lb t Peanuts ..v ....... Blanch urtan walnut . . California walnuts . . .J.. No. 1 mined nut . . r-J New tllbarta ..... MJ8 4 tba. i$Sc 38c to 60c 40t lu BO'J 40c to 60C . SI for 36c , the Extra ted honey per Jar 30c C.mb honey 16c UhU'k. bulk, a lbs. for iu ..i.:... i-r lu Uk- liul. ctu.i Uainty Datu, paekuge . . 3? C: au ;ii,cs 16c. 20c WC 88t Coc; iM.nls ,. 3s'-' C. ! U'Kikhii: Apples (B.C.). 3 lbs '!!' St'clkvis grapes, 800 T' urs. tlMEP 40c . - 91.10 iti r i r.n N... 1 -uaiery 83 (a .No 'J i:ft.::.in-y 47 ',4 c itlttKlt run r,i Lt nop till .)H Ki.n. . i v ;,. ( , l'.:i.'.:if Pru iud i miigt! peel 38c wl '-. ! , .:::.:; r!;, lb 10c peeled U). . 4U !0(). 30-40, 1M. n. .,v i. IDK. . 36 lb. bos .... Eviij. oruted pearr lbs ate 86c Uiic 26c 4-lbfi SBc SI .85 -c.2 lb, for ilk Sack Diamond CalUornla sort ahellert 16c 26c tJ halrea. lb ait 35 Jb box W W FLOi:b Flour. 40 X No. 1 bard sbset .. tJK) fiur. jo BSC tMt I.AIll) 25c Con.,. 20. KOflS I SOc He i 0c I ' 4d TOc ShrHSSdb. ahelled YaletfeUl ttc Brastla ate Walnuts, broken abdted 40c Walnut, (belled halves Me a 3JC 40. aiic a' wnlnuta. lb. 40c FEED 104 Itaa Wheat, Ho. ' JK Oata aa.i Bran ta Shorts IMS Mlddttag S7, Barley (IK Laying Mesh SB 7w Oyster aball S3.2. Scratch Mod SS.2r. Bear aorap as..' OroiuM oil cake 14.2. Baby chick feed 4.5u Pine oat chop ... W 3 Oruabed oeta MJU Pine barley chop M OO risii sMdand Mpperi, lb sUppes-ad aaitmeo, lb anoKac) tilaok cod. lb. DlitaM lnrtrttT lb. MEATS Pawl. Mo. 1. lb 880 and 40c Boasting ebiekM. lb. 4 Broiler 4Bc Hum, nlloed, flrat grade 5v Ham, whole, flrat ((ad 4 Ham. picnic, lb S0 Cottage rolb, lb -. Bacon, back, auaed f Bacon, aide, allsM 60c Pork, ary atlt ..... a Ayrshire naoett. lb. SAV Veai. ahouleier A....t ' 3&C VaaL lotB 4V Veal, tag ....v Puk, ahoulder 'T. IK Pork, loin ttc Pork, leg 4B- Beet, pot roaat ISc to 20c Bif. boiling 12fce to Bed. steak 30o to 4, Bcel. roaat, prime rib ..- jt;: Lamb. oh rips BW Lamb, ahoulder , zL- Mutton, tag 4Hr-. lamb leg 4tfB- Mutton, ahopa .' 4 ' Mutton shoulder SOc VfiaBTAItl.KS BeoU, lb 4c lire ti, sack 13.76 Ca-roii. lb 4c Pi.tutoen.. sack 12.00 I'.irslvy. buncb 06. ra.-l. imported, per lb 28: New cabbage, lb 6c New gioen oulona. per bunch .... b TwrmpK, 11 lb. JSc C'r um on'un. lb Be Rl :'). -b.(,6.Jbi . . Buiuh carfoU, S lor 9c '"liiih beett. a for 2)c BtincK' erBlte turnip 10r FraMl! mint Bc( Vnncnuver local lettuoe . .' 10c Green pepuera. lb 34:: Hothouse tomutoea, lb lac Field Cuke 10c B.C. Celery 3 for 26c Cauliflower 25c and 3Sb t Up-river green pea, S lb 3ee Oreeu Beans, lb 10o Was Beiuia. lb 10c Hubbard Squash, lb 7c Flelil TouiaUM. lb 7tc White plokllng Onlona. 3 lb 25c Pickling Cubes. 3 lb 3Be Vegetable Marrow, lb 8c Watermelon, lb 8c Caaabn Melon, lb IOC Honeydew melon, lb 10c Pumpkin, lb 7c Citron , 7c Sweet potato, a lb. 25c Corn on cob (Golden Bantam) 40c CIIKENh Camembart' aJ)H. 8 oz. pkg. . . . 05.' Kraft Umberaer. V S5o Ontario o!W 35q New Zmlnml fcollda 300 Stilton, lb 0:- tiraft 8c Norwegian Ooat 5c l.imoetvcr 70c iloquefort 75o Hwlfti' BrookllBld lb. 45c CtnrgoiiKula lb 75: McLariMi'N Crmini. !un . . 4Kb and M5ii I'.roukllcM Ewlaa cheese. V, lb, pkg. SOc fruycre 45 :.ru.)klxld Canadian clicese lb. pkg. 25c lulilrn Lioal. lb 46c Jack, lb 80c '.. minio Sardo, lb 05c Oammei.wt. Vi lb 80c m ti.tn V.lillt per 100. 87J5 Ydlow. jier 100 6.78 STLIHSHIP MOVEMENTS lor Vaiiroittn Sniiduys a.. Prince Oeorge 11pm. Tue.'xlH' sa Catala 3 un Ihuraci.iyH t.,. Prince Hupert.. 11 pm 1 i kiay tm PTlnoea Itoyal . . . . 0 pjn. Saturday - ss Cardcita . . . M f Jn Spt. Ti ns Prlnccaa hpime .pum. Oct. 3- m. Prlnoea tovrlfie .... p.m. Oct. 14 a. Princes Alice .....j."p.m. Oct. 24 a. Princes Alice . j.ni. I rimi Vaneomer 'Sunday a. Catala 4 pjn Wednesday a. Pr. Bupt 10JJ0 ajn. Friday--as. Cardena a.m. Friday aa. Prlnoea Royal .. 4 p m. Saturday as. Pr. Oeorge 10 JO a.m. Sept. 30 a Princess Louhe a.m. Oct. 10 ea. Prince Altoe am. Oct. SO ea. Prineeaa Alice .... am, Oct. si . Prulbeai Alice am. Far lct MtinpMlii unil Sua Itlvrr Sunday- -a. Catala 8 pm. Friday as. Cardans .... km I'rwrt Pert SlnipNttn and Naa Hirer 1uesday a. Catala 11.30 am. aturdny aa Oariten 8 am For Anyox aixl Alice Arm Stinriav - Oatnla 8pm Saturday as Prince George 4 pm. From Anyox aatl Alice Arm TiM-.riay--. Catala Ilrio am Sunday a. Prince Oeorge .. 7 pm. Fnr Stewart ant) l"rrniler Sunday as. Omtala 8 pm Wednesday sa. Prlnve Rupert 10 pm. I ron rttewat and I'mnlrr Tuesday ea. Catala 1120 am, Thursday is Prino Rupert t pm i or (uren Charletlr IslanilN Sept. B3. u. Prlaoe Charles 8 bm. Oct. g ea. Prince Chafies .. 8 pin. Oct. SO as. Prlnee Charles . . 8 pm. Krnm (jneen riiarlotrV Islitml Sep. SO ca. Prince Cbafiea am. Oct. 4 as. Prince Charles km. Oct. IB m. Prince Chart ck Far Alnia Wednemlay- Scpt. Bent Oct IP -aa. Oct. 20 as. Oct. 31 a. I'rnm Aluka- Sunday ea. Sept. 28 - Oct. 8a. Oct. 14 SB. Oct. 14 aa. sa Prince Oeorge. Princes Lottiae .. Prince Ijottlse . Prtnoess Alice Prlnoea Alice Prtnoess Alice Prince Oeorge .. Prmosss Louise . Prlnress Lmilse . . Princess Alice ... PrtnesM Alice am. 4 pm . am, . km, . am, . . am, ,. am, MAIL SCHEDULE is f the FJt Monday. W4tet8ay, cloase REDS Transfer Fifteen yearB' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We nell 8 kinds of Coui Any kind of Wood in nny quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measureH are rijrht. So 'ie our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Sunday Saturday 7 pm. Saturday, hilll .... 10130 Xra Irani the Hunt ( MontkisB. Wedtlswaiys and Friday' ' todays lb pSn; Tuesdays a.18-tfm, CJ Jt Sept. as. Oct. 3. 14. 20 . , p"m 'tndayt fcn W(lnedsya 10.30 fin Friday An nturdass . lnao.sOii CPR elent 39. Oct. 10. 20. 21.. 'Cm, For A 11 vox nn (I Allre Arm W ,lst " r-ssssTSsV 1 1 1 I in 7 pm. 8 pm. From Anyox and Alice Arm-Sunday ..,,..... 7 pm. Tuesdays 11 30 am. For Stewart and Premier-Sunday ,...,....... 7 pm. I'runi Hlewart and. Premier ' Tuesday 11JS0 am. j Thursdays 8 pm To Nan KUrr eiiliiln Friday 7 m.iii Hum Suit Hlvrr I'niiila Satlirdayk mall due a.n. " T thinks Pntnta-4 I Sept. 29, Oct. 10. . 20, 31 am. Frmii .lljkn I'niiiji- i iept. 23. Oct. 3, 14, 24 pm. To IJiieeii (;imr1oti-a Sept. 22 7 p.m. Oct. 8. 20 7 pm Tpuradaya 8 p.m. 1'rom lnern Clinrloltea Sept. 20, Oct. 4, IB a.m. ' I.KTTF.It IIO COI.I.EnTIONN A.M. PM Graham Si Atllti Ave Jet Ave. At 8tli St 6tb Ave. it Fulton St 8th Ave. & Thompson St. .. 11th Ave. Ac Sherbrooke .... 11th Ave. As Conrad 6th Ave. & Hay Coye Ave.. 6th Are. it Hay Co Circle Bth Ave. Ji Cotton iff 9.00 7JW 8.05 1M 9J0 7.40 9.18 7.48 BJ0 7.M 0.38 7.08 8 80 8 00 8.S8 8.0B 8.00 1M THREE CASES FOR ASSIZES 'I hTc v i'l l three criminal !nlt ci', i! actioiis on the ' ;L-kct of,tle ! '.II session of the '"uprtrw turl Assizes which will r. a in $.. Utipert on October! 0. It fc.(iX.)oct'd thut either Mr. itl: Ave. ft Orrr : st iHspiii '..tit Ave. iaJr!lnu- St .'I. A. ' .V ) PiV. li.f whnrf . Q.TJ". Whan O.TJ. Station ir4d Ave. 4k 2nd 3t 3rd Ave. & Fiiltrm St. . . . 3rd Ave. ft 01 h :st 9.40 9.45 H uU B.&B 10.00 10.08 11J25 10.10 10.18 10.30 Sundays One collection only, same a pm .ulivu: C. N. R. TRAINS I'm the haul UaUy exi ! i Suntiay at ll.:io am. trimi the ti;i - Dallv ert.' "'ii-.iiiv t ISO pm H.l U.l 8.86 Bt 8.40 8.48 8J0 when It was expected part of the Justice D. A. MacDonald or Mr. Jimtice Denis Murphy will pre- lane vtould be ued for the thea-side. I tre. Mr. Aivazoff a letter HUKireBt- The cases no for set down are : ed that tne excavation at the back Hex vh. Nick Prizu, charjred of the readinK room wmild (five with nttemirted murder of Louin t,e cjty mort )eve Kr,ound for its 1'iiwkfl Jit An VOX 011 AUKUBI S4. ! t.fllltlaa atnrua pti A f 4 oni tt wl 1nrrli.r Aiianlllt nnil I .) r. i : ..I... ..nrl ' v""'"" ; Iv v William UlllUia, tnagcu aij -..II. lkt tho no . and ftlurder Chaw to be Hlnes with aMau,tinir Buddy e d to lhe boar( pf Coraex Avenue, PrJnoc Rupert, j Lomai i vouuo. riiimc - , i. iau ,,, n...,u, j T . iwuraa wiui pu;i w ... "xc." i last, month. Rex vs. Fritz Turner, charged :-:tl! murn.'r ol Thomas tungr Kristiansen near Ocean Falls on July G. AIVAZOFF TO FILL IN THEATRE LANE Atik Council for Permission to Excavate at Rear of Reading Room in Order to Obtain Paul Aivazoff had a reruest b present an opportunity you cannot aftbrd to miss EKE in d cud is an nnnortiinitv for ovorv tliriftv'i : i v j , " V'j' .y Iiouxewile to lo over several roonid Uih rail uml'l rig new eliarni to the homo with, beautiful Co goleum Gold Seal Hugs. he new prices present nn opportunity you cannot' afford to miss . . they arc absolutely the lowest tprices ever in effect in Canuda. ' alTfl iiew rattcrn iLiiccis At any price, Congoleuui Gold Soul Kugs arc hy far the best investment you can make in hotisefuruish-ings . . . now you can buy u 9 x 0 feet, room slzod rug for only $6.65 (other sizes in proportion). Let the nearest hoiisofurnishing dealer show you the many beautiful new pattern effects iu Congoleuui Gold Seal Kugs . . . you will be amazed at the number of charming colour schemes they suggest. Write to-day for our latest pattern booklet in full colours CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MOiNTIUJAL, CANADA ing that the proposed e::cavatio might facilitate the laying of , water pipe which wts nliine-1 Aid. Linzey seconded tht motion. Aid. Brown stated that ihe excavation would not affect the water line and BUBjreiiteii that th' matter be referred to the board of works for report. The suggestion not being put in .he form of a motion, the resolution ol Al! Collart was unanimously carried Local improvement contrncti-i bylaws provi'linK for the con-tructiou of ten foot concrete fore the city council last night fir sidewalks on both sides of Sixth permission to use material from -.treet between Second Avenue Vhe rear of the reading room fori nu Wayne Place and a similar .he purpor.c of filling in the lane yvsjk on thf east side "I I'liird ti li-; i .if :hc new f'apita' Street between Second Avenue Theatre which was excavated b and Third Avenue as well a a the theatre builders lust winter "itcen-foot sidewi'lk on the I."- 0. south Hide of Second au, ireei wrrr Ktveii infill reudinjfH at last nijrhf 's , meetini?. hit OUiic.l FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink. horn s Vegetable Compound Wilton, Ont. "I am taMng I E. Pinkham'K V'ituble i m I sBBgangcHlsKBBiavaMl IHE'SRSI kWluJI STUDY the-e licvr prices for n moinoht. I .' nee for yourself liio Honilcrftil suvhig you cun make by liuving thce modfin nttmciivc riifjH on the floor f your home . . . there's no further -'! of putting oil the crijovnteut ol eiiurniing rug patterns . . . you nn ent lo-uny . . . tor a very small outluy. 'Site D x 7H 9x9 feet. k s - - BRIGHTEN YOUR IIOlrlE NOW AT LITTLE EXPENSE NcwRedured Formerly Prices 7.00 $ f,.f,3 .0 ROS 10.41 9xl0 12.25. 9x12 13.93... 9.90 11.65 13.25 v x i5.5r, 14 75 'x 15 17.25 16.50 Other convenient sizes are proportionately reduced. thi ' l: Ithruiiijh of I, lie It tin; ' .SATISIACTIONGIIVTEED M ' OR YOUR MONEV BACK fA V flJ V V " Da-Barry Pattern Jio. ' y'iawUES&r rJ ' 32h " Lerc,.. . NkX s REMOVE SEAL WITH jf.. sJ&SSEP&.&y ''j . J " n Frendi pattern rfT IferSIL r ' A feal in hni"g cnibinatloni sfefeaiaaarf! fSflE2St&' & Sw jZtSA of IM Yellow, BBImwmr RtlS?V ft v ft J U&zk of tli iwosjt jKiular Con- WARNING! hr u 'm rA : .Be mire you actuaUy but th Gold . jX ri k ' ,; Seal on the fltxir cosines you " ,rs i purchase . . . it io your only po , "wJysL. a a J V . t t&iJQ. itive means of identifving 4j.p VVft . Ol frjl&T , genuine Coiijoleum and your 'KjTir W ii W lfv WlJ WWSm " fl dt1 i m- am wT mzz a au sw jt mct Mimwmw and I I'anmt i 'a too hu'ii i (troubled with Hushes ru: limbs wen Iso 1 eoald h, walk to dn (arm work ( in th" nr . you i ad ub; iVeifetuMe 'pound anil to five it a trial. The first i.otti. me reliet and I lias told ' hr-it does for me. 1 am willing s use my letter if you i lioottr ' 0. B. PbTWIS. VMI'.imi. iihtario. Aak lour Neighbor . A . ,T W L aari sjssar i.i IM ) ivy "iy iliul