pr PArjfl TWO SHK DAILY NEWS,,. LUNCHEON TO ROBERT WATSON uot.iky cuii ami homevs can-aiiiax mil honor VISITOR i : v. ;i Like the most luscious apples, "SALADA' Orange Pekoe Teas are grown close to the frost belt high on tropical mountains -that is why the flavour is so delicious. Sealed pure no dust 43c per half-pound. Sold everywhere. Ask for it. 1 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ; t)aily News. Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCfUITION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 60 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other pnrts of British Columbia, the British Em pirn and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 'Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 93 86 Friday, July 6, 192S WHY MAKE POOR PAY? .Hon. S. F. Tofmie, leader of the Conservatives, declares that if he should form a government at Victoria, he will do away with the succession duty tax. Today when a rich man dies the nrovince HEAR PATT1JLLO TOMfiHT Tian- Hon. Dr. Tolmie was here we urged people of this city to get out and hear him. They went in large numbers. Now we sTrggwst that they hear Mr. Pattullo's reply. It is understood that tho minister of lands hut a few rnther incisive things to say and he has a hali't of saying them rathtr well when a campaign is on. Wt have bee . told that h will be practicaUy the only speaker and that the moo'.ingr will not be unduly protracted. THEATRE PICTUHES Attention ht been drawn to the fact that portions of uicturos are sometimes missing v hen they are shown here. Any such missing part are ihose deli-N-d by the oencor for various reasons. Every picture exhib'.lajal in this province in first run through or one of the censors and if tfcere ii- anything conaidcifd flaaranlly jeetion able it is cut out. Every province of the Dohlmrwianfilim but naturally there is a difference of opinion as to what shall be deleted. We are 'old that the nuinavrement of the local theatre never deletes anyth nj'. the picture being shown just as it comes to them. It is understood when a lilra is torn in running it. as often oiciirs, th.- torn portion of the film has to be eliminated. As a film may be turn at any time, there is possibility of something not appearing for that reason. Advance notiren of pictures are written when the film leaves the producers .md may cortain references to parts which the' censor has eliminated. This occurs in all picture houses alike throughout the province. The thektre notices are intended as a guide to reader'; of the paper but are not guaranteed in any way owing t6 the difficult ies here mention) . I. lh Sfrawbemes at their best With mill; or cream tor breakfast or supper. Easily prepared, easily digested Every shred baited crisp and tasty TTllSCUIT-the tastv luncheon wafer Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. :tt warn. .tare sathartnc ej. Prince Rupert wltvWo 'gathttLt- i ed-jraterdny in the Commoner caie a a Jcint luncheon of the aotary onio ana tbe Women's OWkattlan QOT bear Rotwt Watson, Cassis autber. glten an address on the trlbu latlen ami humors at authorahjp, Tie .taMee we fflMtt to capai .and Oeorge Rorle. president of she Club presided, ably . euppsrt4 by MM. J. C. McLcnoau. pieaMcat, Of . ,be Wo men s Canadian Club. Two Wal eoloa wtre given. One by Mia. Brotklcaby and the other by Mrs. CruUkslanX sad at tbe close tfce speaker was tamnled by Mr.. MicLenntn. Mrs. Watson also was present at taa head taote. Story after story va told by Mr. Watson, moat of them Ultutrating some feature of the votk of writing or marketing literary ware Thirteen stories Mr. Walaon said, tie had burled. -m that he began to wonder whether he wan an author or undertaker, but he was not so wealthy a the latter. In the art of marketing. Mr. Wat- scli told of selling bis first book three and a half yeare after It was written and that to a firm that had tumad it '(town at first. One article he had sftered forty times, rewritten ami sold for a respectable sum after fifteen years of Watting. One book this author had written he wanted to call "Be Sre Your Sin Will Find You Oat.." but the puhllah- er explained it would be ptraisMcn just before Christmas and they oould picture a person receiving a book with a title as a ChrMtanae present. Dealing with the matter of critics. Mr. Watson said hla tad Hughle had brought him a report from bis tin bar which was not a very good one. He had expressed surprise and sunrow, butf he boy quietly easae Back: "Say-, dad. did you read that review of your book the Free Press yesterdafT Then be further remarked. "Neter mind sefenoi teMtaats and fUltaa dant know it alL" Mr. Wacwa depiered the fact that nty three or four authors earned i their living that way. In the Argatv n MfHiitaiM f fk. .4. k tt ......J 4 a. ui I lB ReJotle s SOW Of MPAOO . " " w ,,ri"Hvcted snmnay for tt Mmmmt ic mouK is uune in most countries, especially in ureal. Britain, of literary work by local author In Uie latter country the tax rate on inheritance is very high. Small estate pay little but large ones pay high. Dot Dr. Tolrnie teems to object to this collection of succession duties from rich people because it tends to keep rich people front eorofcig Irere. . In.ref.4y .to this we would suggeat that if rich people do not want to come they can stay where tnty" are. We befletl in treating thjjra well but they must pay their share of the taxes. TTie,'3 Jcceio duties are taxes on rich people's estates and are among Lhe most just of all taxes. The higher they are the better. If all the countries of the world could agree to do the same, the state Would take a very large percentage of the estate of all people who Jie, thau doing away with much of the privilege of wealth. At It is at present impossible for the nations to agree on such joint a tion, the tax has to be kept reasonably low in order not fo people out of the country. That seems to be the iwlicy of tne K.u government. It is to be hoped that they will not be influenced ly Dr. Tolmie and abolish it altogether. Probably the most-just of all taxes are the income tax and the inheritance tax. They are tares on the people who are best able to pay and those with smail incomes are not affected. ing -with their own cacnttry fare nothlag. Until Uteratare she eoukfl not nsybn. One thing Oanada had ta get rid of the uifertority to dO WM She must learn that Oanada can 'ntngf as weal as other countries. Mr. Wateon etesed hkt tat by rater- -ace to the work of Stevewan other suthors and of the difficulty of competing with them. However it was be chase that was enjoyable thing. When the prize was won tbe was over. Man in the Moon 1 . Thee are day when aanoMwsea hare to be careful. Brer word they utter Out; be used ifatnet ffeem. t It l difficult for a man to feel su-TlSr when he east ateegt at nigbt. 'Pr?at fss&ftne ?reent jokeatara apeaklag f She as t shall mous-e. Ki nine a giHe or three out all ,A tvaak la often a nuisance and yet itton ttUnts are turned bjr it. Some people have too much sense ti worrjr and others here not enough. Jate saya. be simwe it's wrong.. to wear C but H reUcVea xn lot j Hie "The work! ta dhrlsWd Into two clawiea. tbaae who work and those who dodge work. "Very glad to mate jrou." as the Irish parson said to the bride whan introduced by flfce groom. "It takes very little to please aae." as the pstseser recskrked when aaked if be had anything to say before nefUeaee was passed. When a man aajrs he will be true' to the last, it sB depends upon which one Is the last. To watexi some of the pedestrians yott would t'msgtae they owned the streets ' astf Jake taye some of the motorists drive as if they owned (he car. There la a stew war to lift a mort gage. The other day a trap atnsek oar--nit n rigm petween qe oona snd the third payments. hee preach ' b'a poifercd "iit Men op so much wrtlt appeal for help that the bishop finaUy told him wltb a tone of rmalktf that he didn't want any more appeal from blm. The next week eame another letter from the preather: "Dear Bishop: I Ssswe you this Is not an Sppeal. It la a report. I have no plBts1." Mrs. J. I Just heard an awful story about your husband. N irm J TV. T null . v. wit ..i u a. " 1."- dresa. Lome Hamilton bus In can men. are here for tbe purpese of engaging in some sal mon fishing. The had great aucuses with springs In Wart Canal. A aew eoneem known as tbe Oaorge- twon Spruce Co with Oeorge MoAfse nssssfiBSnssU )U hesd. has leased the Oeorn- :"wn Lumber Co.' sawmill at Oeorajs-'fown. R. Beymoui W. late maa agar; of' the mm. iU ooaos into (own jrfter oualtiess ' r... ' TXNir men aboard Jl local halibut boat Atll share IM8 each ab a reult of a week's flsMfig. The boats oatrh was 18.000 and tbe price was 14c The Atll belong to the O W. Nlrkerson Oo. VANDERHOOF Various matters of routine nature were taken up at a meeting of the Village commission last week. An enjoyable picnic was held under u no iSl i-y ik o the auagaees ot the Ladles' Aid Society at Nuikl Lata last Thursday afternoon. A. It. Stewart has left 'or Ontario to visit with his awithtr who is seriously ' 111. . A stampede was held nt the Stony ?r Indian Reservation on Monday, the program including trucking contests, horse races and field sports. Miss Margaret McOiarmld ol Ladner. -i graduate of the University of Brush Columbia wKh honors, has been -ngaged to teach the Intermediate gmttt at VaSMWrheof Superior school neat term. LAND ACT. NOTICE Ol' INTKNTION TO APPI.V TO I.KASB LXSU In Smlthers Land Recording District and situate adjoining Lot 6180 on East side of a-n niver. TAKE NOTICE that Christina Corler. of Pacine. BO , married woman, 'ntna ta tafly for a Mee of the fonewmg de-scrlbd lards: Com: .teiiclng at a post planted at the soutbeae' c rner of Lot 9180. Range 6, Coast Dtitr rt; thence north 80 chains; thence cst 30 chains; thence south 80 chslns: tvnoe west 30 chains, and eon-talnlng 160 acres, more nr lew CHRISTINA COR'Y, Applicant. Dated May 38, 1838. r CANADtANj PACIFIC Alvara Model $19d or with electric drive $230 emonstrdtxort bligation Friday July c. i You need not buy a new Orthoionic Victrola :; in order to hear it at home. Try it first M then purchase if you like it. .. . Aher all the purchase of a new Orthopfionic Victfola is a step requiring a little serious thought in various ways. You want to itrne not to imagine), how it will afpter in your home. You want to hter it in its permanent location. You will prolaMy wish to try it in various locations in your home. Why not? It costs you nothing to do all thia, to have a wonderful evening of your favorite music Home demonstration w part of the service rendered by fits Master's Voice dealers. Any responsible person in the community may arrange for such a demonstration. 0$ Orthoph "True In M Sound" There is nO music to beautifully identical with the original performance as Orthophonfe Victrola muaec. This is possible only through the recently developed, Victor controlled, principle of "Matched Impedance" or ''SmooUi Fkw of Sound". Alto, there ia no group of artists to varied or so famoas m the group that tings for Victor V. C Ortho-phonic records. Mfidels of the New Orthophonic Victrola are Ixsuitifully executed in fine woods, smartly designed, from $1400 to as low as $115. Obtainable at all His Master's Voice dealers on convenient payments. Rememltef, a borne demonstration with no olrfigation, is yours for the asking, omc TraJe Mark Ke'd Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Jl I V G. 1IS MUton Carr aiid WIT. .am Damea. Oftiipjgiontc only if N it bears the dog Trademark I CURE DEFKCT1VE VISION, DEFECTIVB II BAKING, CATAKMI and "her organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. Wallace UlocL Open Evenlnps Canadian Pacific-Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krti hlkan, Wranr.rll. Junrau and xkogwaj : July n. 8, 13, 10, to, S3, (7, SO To Vunooutrr. VIHorlit anil Kmtllf Jftly . II, 1 1, , 31, IS, tR. rniNrisM rovai. lor llutfd.iK liavt IK-lla lltlla. (iieAn t-'ails, Nsmii, Alert liny, t'ainiilirll iiltrr and Vnneouver etrry Friday, IU u.m. Agenry fur all NlesntShln f.litrs. U Infurinallon from . Y. V. Oltl'lltnn. General Aent. tinrner f 41 Ii Blrrtt and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. II.C. Phone 31