! ILL I F2.GB F0TJ3 THE DAILY NEvvS Friday, Julv BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING Wc sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Fhone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Ruilding Papers and Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigura Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch! Distributors Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our siock-iUt board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 017 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, R.C. LADIES DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue RY : BIRCH ACKPINE AND CEDAR Rinjrle load . . $3.50 Double Load $C50 Large Sack . 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerles Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootlesa Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other clauses of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. , Phone 580 139 Second Ave. ImACCIE CAVE METHIO) W Vtl I H I'LL CIT 1 ' I C 1 iCCr -n rlBiffTlaWi m6lAQ lTHeb THE FIRE POR CHR3TMAbASJ' , iJgdJ i-tVeT'. I8k ii K f I Ob OJ- O OY A aWM DEPARTMENT? WCt-U.MT IT HADN'T WORKED J lPf W . r Ml7-1 v f W I . Mr"IU CIGAR LlCHTEn WOMKEO- TET-PT- .i, KEEPr iTV M "A " JL . ( Q ! ! 1 ) HI IHURR'Y OVER, c - ' ' -' ' J 7" W hv ls1 FaaUM. Swtaa. Is (iut&W. ri,tu MmJ. , DRAWING FOR THE BOYS' BAND MINMXO M'MltEKS CHOSEN HY TWO UTILE flll(LH IX CITY HALL LAST EVENING The drawing tor the Boy' Band tout Huh! tock plmc last ngiht in the coun cil chamber ot the city haU following a band concert in the street. The ticket .tuba were In charge of band boys Tony Budenlch and Percy Macintosh and were shaken up In a pillow case. The drawing was done by Mister LucUle Brookebank and Dorothy Bennett, the following nttmbera being th i emit: 1 077-OcId fUled watch. 2 57 VloHn and ease. 3 2470 110 eash. 4 60-Half tea oaal. 6 661 Gents uk shirt e 093 SarckeS has. 7 M -Cased pipe. 8 TOO TJkelele. 9 2000 Box Simons' cigars. 10 1401 Box chocolates. 11 126 Perfume and powder set. 121267 - Box Wedtwwood stationer. 13 2379 Ladles' peart necklaoe. 14 1459 Bsx clgara. All prima not claimed by July 20 will be forfeited ROCKED WITH LAUGHTER AT "WHAT PRICE mRtlAV 2&vn New York recked with hiiffcter tor more than a season u tht comedy scenes an la "What Krtoe Olorr," thf Wllllatu and ix screen versl a of the celebratfd (tage success by Lturecce 8tlllr.ga ant Maxwell Anderson, which will open here tfce tonight. The critics of toe metropolitan dallies wire unaiuatoM la ttielr oammendauig cf this supreme motion picture achieve- ment. Fowlog Is a brief reprodue-ticn be of Uiett views; Qulnn lixrllnof U W4d, aays: On "What Price ate" beawnes a film the meat qualities. It Is terrifically funnjMnv viully nard-boUed and trliunphanMy 'tvi. tor the most part, from the sticky and slabs of sentuneat wnteh bemlofdre dut nave featured and marred the etfrrta of those makers of the cinema who have sf striven to pr-epaM lor us to celluloid something o what once bappened In the fields of France. a I can only bend lew la aelusowledg-lng a to a fine and gifted crew my appreciation for one of toe grand eat evenings which I have em speat before four a motion picture cre&. very Tr LARGE CROWD FOR MOONLIGHT YOYAGE by t'ruNe Atiimrd Prluces Itft.VBl Under Elks' Autplre IToinle to be Popular The moonlight excursion tp Chatham i you failed to state that Mr. Brady's Sound this evening uruJerheiMpiaes bcyi of public school age lao' made of the lccyj Elks' Lodge glvsprornte application tor the position -yet It to er being tAawrcdsnuUiruii. It (sct dred tickets or nfote baring teen 41-j i had hoped that thh Mmpslgn ready aeM fer the jHr1 cruise v.fDwoald be foutrit without prrsonalHIes. be msde by the CJ. vt earner Prlnceesiand on provincial issue. I fan to Royal which has capacity for 000 per-) where sn sppolntmeet made under eons for such a trip. The teste! wUI leave the Federal Government hes any eon-'he government wharf at 8 o'clock and nectlen with an election of a member return at mMnlght. sailing Immediately , thereafter on regular acbedule to Van couver. Mrs. Jack OrawSord of Vancouver Is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge , bound for Premier where she will be the guest Of Mrs. Joseph Prout. who U also going north today. 1 - : . I iS i w sr n-k wv FAIR BOARD KEEPS BUSY ACTIVE AFTEK ATTRACTIONS FOR AXM'AL EVENT: tlllOlMl UEIXU rKEl'AHEII At a meeting of the fair board last1 Ight, M. P. McCaffery presiding, the uestlon of ettrajtltnu for the fair were matdered. A number of negotiations re pending and the beard expect to be hle to anaounoe definite plans In that gard hefcr very long. The arranasment of the grovixU wa ported ea. Already good work lut ;een done in levelling the ground in rent and at back of the building. Thai Hill be further prepared and a band itand bull In front which will be used during the fair week. It was arranged that meeting of Um fair boari. will take place every Thursday and it is expected to have the fan this year well in advance of prevlout vents of the kind The. Letter Box Tlit roo :elL Sltor, Dally News: An item appeared in yesterdsyt "Implre" and I would appreciate you tent ttdltor. The fimplre: Kindly allow me space to reply U item hi your paper re Fog Bell signed by Tbttapaun Oampaigi pimmitteo." It U well know tfeat the policy o: Uberal OoTeraiBvt has been u appoint returned soldiers to Civi. lervice nd Ooretuiwent msttions Wherever faeslMs.. lit Orrwe, a liilaiiMU soldier, beef petition of Mtbtr 61 the Bell i ailsbury Mm f& i-number ot; yekr. leavtng fWhee "Rupert, be' turned duttaa over to V, Juvenile sons ot C. Brady. ptedMt.the utxint. lent i$mmim(if- I made ag41otlea for ttie position. secured the aopejsbrietH. my es eonamencrjig ob Fekevary 3. I was not at this time te President either the Prince Rupert or the blatriet Uberal AMooiottaa. - On the spptleatsea form, among number ot questions were: Ate you returned soldier what unit? Whether in Prance If wounded or dta-ablfd' Length of service (whlen was years and tour day)- You are careful to state the salary 1 130 I will finish your sentence by saying it Is 119040 per annum. In the event of fog or snowstorms (luring the night trie keeper Is notified phone (ram Dtgwy to start the Bell, so that it is necessary for a responsible person nearby to bold the position. My house i g minutes walk from the bell. In your reference to this appointment fee Pnmtt Rupert to the Provlnelal tsgMlature- TbMklBg you. W. M. BROWN. c. P. Aanmore. manager of the Oran- i by store at Anyox. will be a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge tomorrow Iniiht going throuca to Vanrouvrr. TO MAKE LONG NORTH FLIGHT IIKAKMT CUKKEsroXDEN'T, IIKKE TIH1AY. W'lU COVKK VI KOX AMI AUtSKA Atltltl. ROUEN Ralph O. Bogers of New York, cor respondent lor the International Newt Service, was a patsci.irer a beard siw Princess Louise this morning bound tot While Horse .where be will start upoc a flight over, tiie air routes of Yuk-j and Auurita). At White U.rse he wU. e the. pi saw "Queen of the Yukon' for ntf rrt to Oswson. From there, Mr. Bcgers will hop tc Falrbaoka. Xbn auccesalvely to Home tae&orage, Bewssd, 8Kk and satagway jslng US. pUaes on the regular all ojites. The pip Is being undertaken t ' utredwefe constructive talks to pivct Oe Uareflghsut the area. After trans kStrag Ws buinees in the north Mi Mgere visit his aunt, Mrs. C. W oeers, of Vlctrria, before returning sit. Aa oor respondent for the International "ewe Servloe Mr. Kogers travelkd with e PrUM of Wales' party on their Can-dUui visit last year. He Is a coustc 7 WWItai Howard Tart, chief Jostloe Bd etj-eetdent of the Onlted Stat.-s Is a charter OMCOber of the BPjOK nd Myeiie Sbrrner. He has visited all M toetaatrk a$ Vaaconver Island and efere gclBg noeth wUI Malt trie indtis-rte'at the i-)Bsrlor on behalf of oet-ar unity und fenowshlp between ex-cutlvee and the men under their d.rec-ln. DOMINION BAY PORT CLEMENTS iI'LEMlllt rmjIKAllON tiikhi: o IIOI.lllAV IT 1 1 laiKiE .MM ll It port' CUMEtrraV July OaniniMt fiojr , was eeiektated n Monday. als- under Meal weather conditions Thee was a large crowd in from Maweit Buckley Bay, Shannon Boy. Ferguson Bay aoa mm tar i i-oie vamp, oporta were held In the afternoon, followed by a free etoow Iti the event rue. after whlob i danoe waa held in Baatte's Hall. Oreat redlt for the aueona cf the day is due ta the foUowlng committees with tbelr teslatanat: Manager N. L. Jones. totwtary Mrs. O. Clocone. Flaanoe - W. J. Ronnie, avaatted by Ura. U. C. OUonrlat and Mrs. R Wag ner. Sport lira c B. arlgley. assisted by C. B. Srigiey and T. L. Williams. ftsfreahmeii s ilra . O. L. Dunlap. aa- stated by Mrs. W. F. I is lie and Mrs. R. C. Ollchrtst Peeeptloo-Mrs. A. R. Malory, assist ed by Mrs. u Dyson. Mrs R o OU- chrlst and Mrs. R. T, Ward. Entertainment O. B. Oavlea The vialtarr asorsssd themselves well j if led wl'ii the splendid pseopuon and eatertolttmetit given them.1 C.N1. ANNUAL TOUR PARTY COMING HERE Oter Two llnndrrd Eastern Party WUI riniire Mrr,r flronp Hue In ITInre II u pert loinofrw The Uryeet stngte group of tourist to visit Prince Itunert so far this aea- son wUJ t the Oanodtan National Railways seventh annual personally conducted tour party of over two hundred persona from Eastern Canada and the V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in ;rairlea which will arrive here by ape- M train at 1 o'clock tomorrow after. oon and and aaU saU in in the evenlnt on the! teamer Prince Oeorge for Vancouver. be party, which was met today at! aeper Park by R P. McNaughton. die-1 -let pa.n!(er agent, consists, aa ueuei. j s I arse extent of school taukMi t. - - i -occoanwdate the party, most of the pace on tomorrow night's boat tor the outh is booked out. INSPECTION OF FIRE HAZARDS rillKF ENdlNEEIt HK IMllltWItlT-f.m' AatMiriATION fk LOOK I NO INTO LOCAL, (OMUTIONH F. F. DcwUag. chief ensTtneer of the British Columbia Fire Underwriters' As relation, acriyed in the city yseterdaf rem Vaaoouvor to namke the neeeaeitff napectlona preparatory to making a rr art on general conditions locally la onnectlon with the proposed reduction ;f fire insurance rates In Prince Ru-ert. Last night. Mr. Dowling had the ire department out on a number of t alarms and today. In company with he city engineer, he la waking an te-rectlon of the municipal water system itween the city and Shawatlana Lake. AMERICAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY NOW TAKING PACIFIC MILLS PAPER Tae first boat of the company to load under ae eonstaot which ha sn made at the Factllc Mills for the .'s frelgbttr Admiral Peary is now oadlng at Oeoea Falls. Oanadlan No-lensl Steemsaips had had this work it several psasa. iu ccntraet havang re-en tly eaplred. C. Stroud and Ur' Courtney, officials of the Pacific Coast 3teamshlp Oo. from Seattle, came aartb n tbe pnnce Oeorge yesterday to Ocean Fall on buerceas m oonneetmn with the loadlna of the host ONLY takli CATfll KOMI Only one halibut catch waa sold at the FUh Eachange thu morning. tbU being the 10400 fare of the Can adian boat Ingred H which the Can- Ian Flah Sc Ootd SCorsaw rbt nm. etajaed for tJc and Sa. Not satisfied with prieea efrcnng today, the Amer- boat iiaaw ii., iijeeo pounds and oattic, tg.oeo pounds, are hoMin uasll tomorrow. 2 HOTEL AltniVAI.SSsa 'rlnre. Ithrtert) K aamlosrsT coll iVertflHiS. T n H, AsjB. dHRberlaln. J. A. BrRfe, fw Jaatea Donaldsea. Port Ksslnsrtsn: Mr. and Mrs. C. o. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Fusulek and Mr. and Mrs. 11. Vss-wtak, Petersburt. (rrntral) Cbarlea Thnrn, atewart: wuiiam peuoet. L S. Ookely, BC1M.; Mr. R. W. McDonald and Mlas L. Ooodie. Van-oouver; Ma. E. Ooodie Prino. nln.M (Havoy) J. McDonald. Topiey. AdvsrtUa In The Daily N.ws NE1S CLASSIFIED ADS advance. No Advertisement taken for leai than 50c FOR .SALE UWJ WEWBPAPI MAY BE USED IN- ,t3 01 lmUdta ff or to lay be- aeath carpets on the floor. Oct special price on laroe quantities Dally News. sal- DOCBLI OOBMBR uuan ON A AT- , in Annul 1inflh.tMu.lul bim, lu HM.00. Phone Black 404. u FOR AUTOMOBILE IN OOOD condition. 3O0.00 Very easy terms. Phone Its 1 m tf VOU RENT "OR RsWl. CLAPFERTON HODsW. Mlitb Avenue Bast Rent reasonsble. Pi? t Tteasurer. City HaU. tf CR BSNT PIANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS, Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED FOUR roomed apartment with bath, Water paid. Phone M7. tf FLAT FOR BENT. -SIX HOOua am bstti, on Sixth Avenue. W Phone Ml or Black tit u RENT. POOR MOAU iviD. ment. hot water heated. Apply Smith sjMimt. Ltd. n FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-menu. Apply Musaaiiem Orocery. FOR RENT FtraarutMWTi annua. slso small suite, phone Oreen W0. ciuitoritAcrric lilt. R. E. EVOI.rON riilreprartnr ' e nrlrd.Aecirue Telephorte. for appointment now to pl N. rtealdeawr oaone Blmak aas AeuU and ChMnse tMsmratm faiiy treated. EmMMOfd 1044. . (f ' ' niSEl) 'ifAllS'FOK SAI.E Ford Ton Truck, panel body .. 1 100.00 Ford Ton Truck, chaaais amis. surter type iiaoao Ford Roadster deliverv 1S91 pood condition imwi Oakland Sedan. IMt. four wheel brakes, baloon tires seaoo Two Ton Traffic Truck, new Wres H00.0Q Terma can be arranged on above oars KAIKN' OAKAflE Phone At. AUCTlONBBltS. ritlNTE Itri'F.UT ALTTIO.V MAIIT ledrrol lllnrk jrnltur of all kinds bought, sold or eiehtnged. Crating and packing dsns. Ooods sold on Commission G. J. DAWRS, Aurtlenrer. Utark i:o IM2STAUIIANTS rnt )OD"P.tT!C.rE Proprietress nett O.W.V.A. Oood Home Cooked Meals and Horn Baked Bread Xperlal f'lilrken lllnuer Kvery Run4iiy Etrnlng (nun fL30. C. N. B. steamer Prince Oeosse. Cspt. Harry Nedden, arrivod on tune at 10 SO thla morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Oosan Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock thla afternoon for Anyoa and Stewart. rvtumlnK here at o'clock -torn row nftenioon and sail- tog south at 0 pm. Artklci Lost and Found, Ac i SAL'At;EANI TOWING ft . i-rinre uupert ftalvatrc & Towi L'o. l.ia. UAH IIUKIAINH IN OAH 110 tt Small Safe and Typewriter ; Sab Agrnu for EasUiope EiiKiiiej f laji Fropellera. and Tuxlabe C Boats of all JeMlpllun fur rhartu Kalt lake l erry. rtwae ft SU.MMKIl HKSOKTS IaAKBI.SE HOTSntlNnS U)M NOW OPEN Utl(IE.MT IIOTMriilMlH IV ft MM lUthU Water i Tront Ilnhlnir on Lakel IA how ojwn noon ArrntiMoittrioN ron hhivo r.iRTIE!) J. BRUCE JOIIN3T0M Manarer Lsrsiee Lake, Terrace, B.O fukxituhe and 'kan(iEs" SIMMONel HIOII OltADK BED SPIUNOB and mattresea. Including The Oi't taore Mattreaa. slumber King F, ai' and Ohateau bed. are now ran .e l V us in A. MACKENZIE liirpltiire . , phone IIOIISKJTFOK itKN'T BORDEN STREET AT i JHty" tJonee near Catholic Cur t MO 00: th KaiiM Ilia 01 Sixth Aveniui wmi iSl mi ii 'l Avenue, II rooms. 15 00 and s other 16 00 These are all moie F. W. IMWT. .I IMMNTf'K IHltiPirr rtnii'a IltlllAV. JU.Y " 3:01 ajn S0 1 " ltJ Ol pm tl Lww 9 47 tm. 1 3 31 M p m NATtrRltAV. Jt'LY 7 IN!Th 3:43 am. lfl 18:40 pm. 18 l l load am. I t 22:40 pm. 1 Hl'NIIAV. JILV II 430 am. 18 " 17:33 pm. 18 L" 11:08 am. t" 23:33 . 7 ' MONDAY. JII.Y ' fl:20 am. H 18-34 pm. ! H 115 am. i TI EXIIAY, i J I.Y 10 '" am. 181 " 1937 p.m. 118 lw 0:33 am 1 1 12:49 pm. B8 WEIlNENIltY. JILY II "lh :01 am. IS' 30:39 pm, 188 ' Iaw 1:43am. ti 1S:50 pm. 8.T " TIII KNIIAY, Jl'LY 1. "'Rh 9:13 kin. ll " 31:39 p m. 10 8 " Lt"w 3:03 am. 8 18:84 pm,