i vMflv. July G, 1928 THE DAILY NEWS PAOR THREB WHEREVER THERE ARE FLICS USE PIV.Tnr Millions American Women Kill Insects Ihis clean sure wai It means cleanliness,comfbrt,health FLY-TOX is in daily use in millions of American homes. Indeed it is considered an essential to good housekeeping. For it ha3 brought a new sense of cleanliness to thehome, liberated the housewife from the insect pest. Though harmless to humans, contact with that cleanly, fragrant, spray of Fly-Tox is sure death to flies, mosquitoes and similar insects. FLY-TOX i i scientific imceuddiT ? was tkvekftd ei 1UI!m Institute ql ' Industrud'Ra&.nh hi Vex tdtouklp -xtC3. race Kills FLIES. mosquitoes MOTHS. ROACHES. ANTS, FLCAS 9 Prince Rupert. B.C? i Still Deeper For the Final Wind-up. Folkn! Saturday is Positively Absolutely the LAST DAY . I "t mUs thi grnlden oiuhh unity to save as you never i before. Hurry tor your share! Jab our Bros., Ltd. K a.- V(m1 Sweater for $I.M nd up i!oy' Cotton Sweaters, Blue and Khaki K.Sf and up While and Brown Tennis Shoes, Oxfords-and Strap, to clear at Chi'drenV Chiivkss Shoes to clear at 71? Hovk' Bal Shirt. and Drawers at each -Hf r.irlr' Coat to clear at mVt'i le Children' White and Black Hoae, all sisea, rtg. 65c, to clear at -"" Children's White Princess Slips, sisea 2 to 6. to clear at 2-V (iirlV White Slips, sizes 8 to 14, to dr at Se i.irlV Pyjumas, 8 to 14 years, to clear at UHc Ladies' Wool Bathing Suit for $2.! and up Whit Flannelette at 7 yard for $1.00 Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 613. 3rl Avenue and 7th Street DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST lOOR' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Cvll UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnr from ITInr tANTOlVLIt, VKTOU1A, Bwanaon liny. Ituiiert. llutetiaie. fur MtiliMit vil'i'flHIt lint r rial. Alert llav. etc.. Alrrt Hay. tturilar, 1 tic lot I WIT NIMI'MIN (lid NAAS IllVKU I'UIMX ''''.,., mup()V ' AM" K AUM. ANYOX. hl tHAIH. M ALES IM-AMI. .ffifL.Wa smsr - Avenue. K. M. SMITnTAtent. rr'T 1 rV,rt"cd ,. Iliruutli tickets M.ld lu Victoria and .ettle, " M"fcru ihruutu to utlnatlor. 1 Local and Personal ' - i 4 a Tal Phone 4. Kl 4 Taxi. tl Dentist. Or. J. H. Ooess Phone 688 For a Taxi Phone 290. tand. Central Hotel. Oscar Hanson tf .& bfiiejr. well known district rafinerjtosn, will Mall hy the cardena ujorjo warning lor, Vanoourer. If "you bare dandruff in your hair, it itchy bead or your hair falling out. I bare a good remedy, iree., Phone T20. U Mow then (oik I What about tbat double load ol box cuttlnga? The kid die like to handle It. Oan you bet It at as.80 per load? Hyde tranaier Phone 680. tl D. B. Finn, director ol the Prince nupert FlAhorle Bxpertmeatal Sta tlon. returned to the city on the Prince Oeors tbl morning from brief trip to Delia Bella on official buetne. CPU. at earner rrlncea Royal, Oapt S. K. Orar. 1 due at o'clock tbl erentec ftom the south and will sal on Mir return to Vancouver and way port at midnight after the Oka' lodge moonlight excursion. Mr. Joseph Shaaagreen. who has been In the city for the past week or-Kanlzlni local Liberal women for the provincial election campaign, will by the Prince Oeorge tomorrow evening on her return south. A hydro-electric survey party con slstlng of F. ButtarlMd. W. II. Leach, M. H Hylor and Jeff Hannay. which has been .engaajad for the past few weeks on the Ecatall River. wUl sail ibis afterBOon os the Prlnc George lor Amos. J. J. Warren, president of the Con sol Ida ted (Trail) Mining and Smelting Co.. E. O. Blajrloek. general manager, and other officials of the company ho have oaan inspecting the Big Missouri and other mines in the Stew art field in which the company is in tarattad wUl be passenger returning south en the Prince Oeorge tomorrow Mr. Paul Telton arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Bandstourg. California, to spend the summer vialtlng with here parents, Mr. and Mr. . H. Mortimer. Fifth Avenue Bast. It ha bean extremely dry In California for several months, states Mr. Teltan. an ah aays It wa a pleasure to see some green grass and experience om of Prince Kupert Jam Farquhar. wall known and popular amber of the younger of tbl city, sails tomorrow night the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver whnre he will be married early next week to Mis Itenda Marsh, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. T. i. Marsh- of Terrace, formerly a local school teacher and no less popular here. Returning to '.he city In a wewk or so. they wUl take up realdetwe at 401 Fifth Avenue East. 444 44444444 ANNOUNCEMENTS Pioneers' Picnic. Jul) I. Orangr July 13 pir:. . to Oalluway Rapids. COME IN! and let us show you Mother's Flour in the new GINGHAM SACKS You will be pleased with your baking when you uae Mother' Flour, and in addition the Gingham Sack will make a delightful little garment for one of the kiddies. The printing on the aack washes out quite easily. We unconditionally guarantee the quality of this flour. Price per IB lb. aack .... -'. WASH DAY Sl'IIClAl-S Pels Naptha Soap, 3 bars . . !!."( Chloride of Lime, 3 cartons '." Lux, per pkg lie Itoyal Crown Washing Fowder, per pkg -."o Princess Soap Flakes, 2 pkgs. tftf (CLKAN1NC DAY SPKCIAI5 Classic Cleaueor, per tin .. I If Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 tins. . :V,e Lye, per tin 15 c All varieties Fresh Fruit arriv ing frm the south each boat. VTerrace Iterries every train. I'reTrrnrtnjpTy ; Green ,VifeUbte twi) uuai, Watts' Grocery "The Store of Plenty." Phone SS Phone 5C "Shop Here and Save Money." - by 4. 4444444 4 ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL IMPORTANT Every member and adherent of the Church of England Is urged to attend a Congregational Meeting on Monday evening, July 9 at 8 o'clock In the church baU. Appointment of new rector to succeed Archdeacon Rlx Is the chief business of meeting,- 159 4 Reserve Friday, July 20 lor social to oe rtM In Catholic HaU. Mr. M. O.' Edgar and Child will sail the Prince Oeorge tonight lor trip to Stewart. Westbolme tonight. "What Price Olory," acclaimed one ot the greatest motion pictures. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dougherty sailed last night on the Prince Charlei for a brief trip to Vancouver. Aid. O. P. Tinker returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morn ing from y brief trip to Vancouver. Northern British Columbia Salmon Fisheries Association. Important meeting at Port Essington. Saturday, July 14, 1978 at 7 ofetoek. Fishermen only requested to come. Passenger sailing from here for the north on the Princess Louise this morning included C. M. Mclntyre, for Telegraph Creek, and W. Vass and W. McAuley, for Whlteborse. Mrs. Dungs te and Miss Dungate of Hazelton will arrive. In the city from the fltertor on tomorrow afternoon's trsn and silt In . the, evening by the Prince Oeorge lor Vacnouver. Msta Rose O'NeHl of the Prince Ru pert General Hospital student nursing staff will sail this afternoon on the rlnoe Oeorge for her borne In Anyox where she will spend a vacation. Mrs. C. W. Dawson, who has been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, ar rived In the city from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning and proceeded by train to her home in Hanelton. ' W. S Harris, well known HazeKon mining man. arrived in the city on the Prlnc Oeorge this morning, following a three week' business trip to Van- -urer. and proceeded to the interior by train. , -I Robert Watson. Canadian author, sad Mrs. Watson and family, who have been visiting In the city with Mr. and Mr. WiUlaa CeiUckakank. wiU sail to- saiveii morning en IX. Gardens for Vancouver. Libert! Committee Rooms are now open at the corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street. AU supporters ot Hon. T. O. Patulo. minister of lands, are cordially invited to visit the rooms. Phone US. tf Mrs. H F. Kergln and daughter. Leah, who have been residing in Vic toria, are passengers s board the Prince Oeom today going through to their home In Alloa Arm where they will spend the summer. The finest stammer trip in the worM via SM Pnnce Charles, Stewart. Anyox. Miasm Inlet. Leave Prince Rupert Monday return Thursday, or a weekend trip to Terrace or Smltheri. Very low larea. Enquire City Ticket Office Phone MO. 159 Union steamer Cardea. Capt. E. Oeorgsson. arrived IS port at 6 oeaxk this morning from thdt south, sailing s ooupae of hour later' tor the Naas fiver xiwnc she is due to return bare tomorrow to sail on her return south at 7 ajn. Vila Ralpheaa Wrtnch, student nurse at the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victor is. arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorfe this morning from the south and proceeded by trsln to Hazelton where she will spend ho! Ids y visiting with her father. Dr. H. C. WriBCh. I. M. 1 tocsin, well known local coanmorstal man. returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning. He has been away six month and made a vacatsan trip to Engl sad and Franc which he reports was most entoyaM although he at glad to be heme again. Mia Ruth Rlx. who ha resigned from her duties as domestic science Instructress In the New YVesmlnster .ubltc schools and will be married In the fall, arrived from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning to spent r summer with her parents, Bishop- elect and Mr. O. A. Rlx. Miss Nancy Da vies, who has been vialtlng in the city for the past few week, will Mil by the Prince Oeorge tomorrow evening on her return to her home In Victoria. She will be accompanied by her alater-to-law, Mrs. A. M DavteS. and family, who U1 lnd a vecaVton in the aouin. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slater, with a list of well over two hundred round trip passenger, arrived In port at 7 JO this morning from, the south and sailed at 10 for Alaska point. The vessel, which missed her last sailing on account of having had to go to Victoria dry dock to have her shaft drawn following contact with a rock on the last trip south ! due here next Wednesday f-terncou southbuuud. EARNSHAW IS NEW PITCHER won oax:e for Philadelphia, ves- TERDAY AGAINST BOSTON RED SOX NEW YORK, July"J Oeorge Earn shaw, the right hand fast ball expert, who recently came to the Philadelphia Athletics from Baltlmor yesterday, pitched his first big time victory, de feating the Boston Red Sox in the onlv ma lor league game played. The scores were: . AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston 0; Philadelphia S. Only one game, two National league scheduled games postponed. COAST LEAGUE Sacramento 6; Los Angeles IS. Mission 1; Seattle 2. Holywood 4; Portland 3. Oakland 11, San Francisco 7. . LEAGUE STANDINGS American League W. L. Pet New York 54 18 .750 Philadelphia 43 31 .581 St, Louis 36 37 .494 Cleveland 35 39 .473 Washington 33 40 .452 Bcton . 30 41 .422 Chicago 31 42 .418 Detroit 29 43 403 National League 8t. Louis 47 27 Ml New York 40 27 A97 Chicago 41 ' 34 .547 Cincinnati 43 34 .560 Brooklyn 37 33 .529 Pittsburg 32 39 .451 Boston 23 46 533 Philadelphia 21 44 .323 B. C. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon Closing Prices Today on Vancou ver Eitliangs (Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co, Ltd.) Big Missouri . Cork Province Dunwell Olaaalr Glacier Oofconda Independence Indian Kootney ITorence L. & U Lakevlew Lucky Jfcrn Marmot Metal . Pend OreJUe Premier Porter Idaho . Richmond ... Rufus Afgeflta Ruth Hope . . Silver Crest . . 8 liver smith Sualoch Torte Woodbine Georgia Rl Grand new Marmot Get .. Topley Rlchflesd Bid Asked 130 .74 -8 47 .48 31 ZlVt i- 32 4.23 4.78 .17 21 K - .754 .76 J4 .14 Hk .27 -21 9ts 40 AV, 31 -31 JO Si 228 2.23 , .61 .68 A , .29 n M M 3 - .12 474 2O0 8.TS . 2.40 2.42 J4 M J8 49 i.to lay. . 580 59J00 O. A. Woodland returned to the city on last nlgnt a train from Vancouver where he attended the recent Masonic Orand Lodge meeting. Mrs. Woodland has gene to her former home In Nova Sootla to spend the summer. Farm No. IS, Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE !' INTENTION TO ArrLY TO PURCHASE LANK In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate about 5 miles from the mouth of Khutre River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western MID log Company of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Mining Company, intends to apply for permlsalon to purchase the lollowlng described lands: Cnmendna at a trast planted one foot distant from the Witness post on- irte west side or uoi its; mence weswrr-.y 60 chains; the-nee southerly 20 chains; .hence easterly eo chains; thence northerly 10 chains, and containing 100 acres, more or less. F. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Os. Dstsd ltb April. 1928. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT' NOTICE OP APPLICATION I'OK CONSENT TO TltANSIEK or iu:ck Llft.VtK vrvrine to ns-uirnv ntVEV that on the llth day of July next, the undersigned intend to apply to the Liquor Hum) Va n n ' tA trkn.fer of Beer License Number 819. and issued In respect of premises being part of a building known as the Tourist Hotel, sit-uste at Terrace. B.C . upon the land de- m-mim mm T n 1 a t, H 4 In ,W If II M.tl . . . . 1 . . . V-. , - , T, 1 . k. I uieirici. m vti mviuw vi ownmu w-umbts. from Oeorge Tsssler to Angelo iru .nil 1trK.no Colbsehtnl. of Terrace. British Columbia, the transfer- "dATED at Tearaee, B.C., thu 6th day of June, AJJ. 1928. URBANO colbaciiini. ApplicanU snd Transferees. L.VND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO A PPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Secordlng District and altuate adjacent to Alllforo Bay, Moresbv Islsnd. Skldegatc Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mill Umlted. of Vancouver. BC, occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intend tn nnlv for s lease of the following de scribed lands: Commencing t a pon pianwa vu vu. high water mark of an island; thence following the hlirh water mark around the Island to point of commencement, and oontalnlnss 0 25 acre, more oj les. PACIFIC MILLS. 14MITETJ, Appawat. Donald Wilbur HotMoa, Ant for Pacific M.Us. Limited. Dated slay 3, 1928. Victor Orthe&onic JL W W w JU 3. My Bird of Paradise FoxjTrci llllo Orchestra 21424 ' Dolores Del Rio ait awj-MSSA -f, it Sings the "theme song" of her motion picture 4 i rvma ant vb A 9 9 Laugh! Clown, Laugh! Waltx Waring' 2U0S Pennsylvanlans Vocal Cooper Lawley 21390 Popular Priced Red Seal Kecord No. 4053 ' Walti Paul Whlteman 21214 and His Orchestra iVw- Vocal Gene Austin 21M1 Dolores Del Rio. Stsr of "Bsmoiis" The Bells of St. Mary's Nat. Shllkret and the Victor Orchestra Fox Trot Trot 21371 In My Bouquet of Memories Fox Trot Paul Vhltcman and ills urcnesira Vocal Gene Auatin 21388 21374 Get Out and Get Under the Moon FoiTrot Nat. Shllkret and the Victor Orcheatra- 214AJ Also the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor Artists Victor Talklnd MacHie Co. Now is Kodak Te KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FIL31S Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready G p.m. same day Qoites EM. yfzc Pioneer Drugrvsls THIRD AVE.& SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?f,200 HEALTH FOLLOWS Ctl0PtCnCC9Kr$ pnssuii on snau KrvciNawtor IHf rOtLOWIHOOtftMS tti urn SlAtt KtviMI sHm aa STOMACH K suits nioxnri sowtlt l'honc Green 211 or Illack 2S3 W. C. ASPINALL CHIROrRACTOR C and 7 Kxchangc IJIock, Prinre Rupert, ILC. (iifvlMeat M a (SKLVIG ISROS.) arket Srd Avenue l'honc 763 MEAT- FISH, VEGBTAUI.ES and ALL KINDS OK "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" , . , at low prices, and ImiaadiaCo deliver" Obsenel All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh.