PAGE SIX THF5 DAITiY NKWS FATHER Did The Washing Just Once IF Father would take his turn at the tub just one time, old fashioned washday would vanish from your home forever. He would insist, for your sake, and for the general (rood of the family, that you let us shoulder the woes of washday. That's our job you know. We're organised for it. We can do the work more quickly and economically than you can. And you may doubt I his, hut it's a fact that we'll do it better, too. That'n because we have facilities no home laundry could possibly have. THK LAUNDRY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Combination SALE 2 tins Peas, 2's. 2 tins Topaatoes, 2's. 2 tins Beans, 2's. -JjSI.OO 2 tins Corn, 2. 2,11ns Pork and Deans, 2's. 2 tins Horrinu and Tomatoc Sauce. SI. 00 J! tins 8naghetlt, l's. 8 tins Pork and Deans, l's. 3 tins Brunswick Sardines, l's. $1.00 3 Lettuce. 1 bottle Heinz Vinegar, 32oz. 1 bottle Dutch Maid Salad Dressing. $1.00 1 Cucumber. 1 lb. Tomatoes. 3 Green Onions. 3 Iiuilishe. 1 Celery. 1 Cauliflower. $1.00 1 bottle Heini Sour Pickles. 1 bottle Heinz Salad Cream. 1 bottle Ketchup. $1.00 Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. 417-123 5th Ave. East Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone C57. LABOR LEADER AND DAUGHTERS VOIR HILL VISIT CANADA TOGETHER AH I'AKT Of THEIIt EDUCATION (By 'iJpfatliSliiflaiLlAaoclated Press) LONDON July 28, Rt. Hon. -James Ramsay Macdonald,' form er labor prime minister) sails with his three daughters for a five weeks' visit to the Dominion of Canada. The three girls, Ishbel, Joan and ShclTa, are particularly enthusiastic over the Journey. They intend to cover' as much ground as possible In the time at their disposal, and Montreal, Que- Ibec and Winnipeg will be visited. although most of the time will be spent holidaying at Lake of the Woods, on the Ontario-Manitoba boundary. Miss Ishbel explained that the Mac-donalds were a busy family. "Joan Preserving Fruit and Sugar Bing Cherries are at their best for preserving at an attractive price. Place your order this week. Sugar, Granulated, 10 lbs. for 7-1 f Singapore Pineapple, 2's, sliced, 7 for !." Loganberries, 2's, K.B., 2 for Lit Postum, per tin OH? Walnuts, halves, per lb. . . 47t Graham Wafers, per lb tKi? Choice Salted Sodas, per pkg. 15 Baker's Premium Chocolate, each 200 WHEN THE WEATHER IS SO HOT and you are wondering what to have for lunch or dinner, just call 45 or 574. Choose your cold meats, fresh vegetables and fresh fruit, also a small bottle of whipping ctcam and. your worries are over. For Iced Drinks we havet a most select stock. CHICKENS Arrived on Wednesday's boat, per lb :IH; Boast Chicken, Potato Salad and Fresh Fruit, be sure and have these three lines for that day's outing. Extra Special Great West Coffee, reg. 70c, after stocktaking this week only, per lb -IDc VEGETABLES Bunch Carots, 2 for 15c Bunch Beets, 2 for 15f? Bunch Parsnips, 2 for 15? Bunch Radishes, 3 for lOe Cabbage, large solids, 3 lbs. for EXTRA SPECIAL New Potatoes, 6 lbs. for "7ki Tomatoes, Hothouse, per lb. e Also arriving, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Green Peas, Cucumbers. Fruit arriving Large Mellow Cantaloupe, 2 for .V Bananas, always the best, 2 lbs. for nr? Also Peaches, Bing Cherries, Plums, Watermelons. Arriving Friday Casaba Melons and Honey Dew Melons and Raspberries. Watch Our Windows It Pays The Home of Good Thin? to Eat. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 "Oemers" For your Summer Sport Phone 27 Wear P.O. 327 "TRY" A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE jj " BOTTltP ulijjlsS tzM SJIUAED ' MOOUCt OF SCOTLAND IWItWH SI OfLI'tt M ti iinoo4C o wtwt nii.ivtT cg,iow Kone The Original Label look for it at the Vendor's and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cintrol Board or hy the Government of British Columbia la studying for a medical degree at Edinburgh University. Sheila Is In school here working for a scholarship to one of the universities, and I have my work on the London County Council, all of which will call us back In seven weeks' time. And of course, .at her has his work in Parliament, oo. But even a flying trip wui oe a wonderful experience. Father says that schools are important, of course but that travel Is the best education of all and my recent American trip made me realize how true that Is. Travel prevents one from becoming stodgy. "We three girls have such different interests, however, that I'm afraid father will have a hard time of It, showing us all we want to see. Joan will want to visit some of the hospitals and clinics, I shall want to LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert land Recordlna Dis trict and situate on Moresby Island ad accnt to Alllford Bay Skldegate Inlet-)uren Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited rj Vancouver, B.C., occupation pulp and paper manufacturers. Intend: to apply for a lease of the following described lands. Commenclm at a Dost Dlanted at the 8.W. corner, of S.TL. 5247P; thence 72 degrees 30 minues west (Astronomic) 1300 ft.: thence North 33 dezrees 30 minutes West (Astronomic) 1800 ft.; thence North 22 degrees 30 minutes East lAstronomlc) BOO ft- thence North 99 degrees West ( Astronomic 1 2500 ft.: I thence North GO degrees East (Astronomic) 850 ft, more or less, to an Intersection with the high water mark of Alllford Bay: thence following the said high water mark Southerly to the point of commencement, save and except one luana containing one acre more or less ana another island containing 0.2S acres, more or less-the whole containing 112 seres, more or less. PACIFIC MILLS. LIMrTFD. Applicant By Parker Samuel Bonne), uaiea April 10. im Plums, per C lb. basket IS. This Week Specials Flour Purity or Five Roses, 49's, sack $2.05 Swift Premium Bacon, average 5 lb. each, per lb. Picnic Hams, 6 lb. size, each Nabob Coffee, l's, tin Hills Bros. Coffee, l's, tin Finest Bulk Tea, lb Quaker China Oats, pkg. . Kellogg'8 Bran Flakes, pkg. $1.13 10 15? Durkey's Salad Dressing, bot. ."Op Hedlund's Meat Balls, 1C oz. tin King Oscar Sardines, tin Libby's Ripe Olives, tin . Heinz Chili Sauce, bottle Fine Onta-rio Cheese, lb. . Butter'Krust Toast, pkg. !jrr ir.p J15? :to? :i5? :15? Clark's PotteJ Meats, 3 tins !M Eggs, Fresh Extras, 3 doz. $1.!!5 Eggs, Fresh Firsts, 3 doz. $1.15 Fresh lot of Small Oranges, 3 doz $1.00 Bananas, lb 15? Hothouse Tomatoes, lb HO? Lettuce, 3 heads 25? All other Fresh Fruits and Green Vegetables at the lowest market price. Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 1 COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Ilulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. 1 we the schools and parks. In con-neptlon with my work on the education and open spaces committee of the 'London County Council, ana Sheila Will want Just to have' a good time." CANADA LEADS PAPER MAKING MONTREAL, July 5. -Canada supplies about one-third of the total world's supply of newsprint paper and fills over half of the world's exports requirements. according to figures furnished by the Newsprint Service Bureau. The figures of( world production, show the predominant part played by the Dominion: Country Production Canada 2,087,000 United States 1,486,000 Great Britain 615.0O0 Germany 666.000 Sweden 230.000 Japan 244,000 Newfoundland 203,000 Finland . , 200.000 Norway 192,000 France Netherlands Italy .I... Belgium .....). . Austria Czechoslovakia i . . . Russia . . ., i . . . . Spain . ... v.. Estonia Denmark Poland Mexico , Latvia 121.000 77,000 55.000 45.000 38,000 pi. 000 1S.000 17.000 14.000 Total 6.319.000 PLAN FLIGHTS TO ANTARCTIC UII.KINS AM IIVICII TO VISIT SOITII POLAR KKOIONS IN ( OMIMt WINTER NEW YORK, July 6. The prospect ive aeroial expedition of Sir Oeorge Wllklns and Commander Richard E. Byrd to the Antarctic are not in the nature of a race to the Pole, says a statement by Or. Isaiah Bowman. president of the American Oeographl-cal Society whloh has endorsed and Is contributing to both expedition. Commander Douglas Oeorge Jeffrey, R.N., retired, head of another expedi tion which wUI attempt to define the boundaries of the elusive Oraham WATER NOTICE (l.rl(IN(l MTItKAMH TAKE NOTICE that 8 O. Judson. Ltd. whose address la Terrace, B.C.. will apply for a lloeiu to use the water ol Kitsumgallum Rjrer near Terrace tor "Clearing Stream" purpose, namely, clearing and improving the stream for the driving, booming, or rafting of togs The points on the stream between which It Is proposed to clear are from the point where the Kitsumgallum lUver Intersects the North Xlne of Lot 1400 to the South Line of Lot 1410. Range 5. Coast District. The estimated mileage between the said points is 4V4 miles, more or less. The term proposed for the licence Is 21 years. This notice was posted on the ground on the 20th day of June, 1928. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the ''Water Act" win be filed in the office Of the Wfttr at Print nilnpt 75? ' B.C., The petition for approval of un- dertaktng and an proval of the 8oh application for ap-lule of Tolls will be heard In the office of the Board of In vestlgatlon at a date to be fixed, and any interested person may file au objec-tlor thereto In the office of the Comptroller or of the Water Recorder of the District. Objections to the application may be (lied wltb the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Psrllsment Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first newspsper. The date of the flrat publi cation oi mis not r is June iv, ivio. E. D: JUDSON. LTD.. Applicant K. p. Judson, Agent. LAND ACT s I NOTIC'E '01' INTK.NTION l 'li:ak lm ' In Prince JluoerVLand trlct and sltuste sdlacent I T TO APPLY TO P I Record I ni Dls- nt to ATllfordf Bay, Moresby Island. Skldegate "Inlet, Wiwen unarioite jsianas. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills i Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occumtlon Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described Isnds:-- Commenclng at a Dost planted on the n water water mark mark o oi an isiana; uience following owing the the hit high water mark around the Island to point of commencement, ana containing one acre, more or irss. PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodsdon. Agent for Pacific Mills, Limited. Dated May 3, 1928. Land, which lies south ol Cape Horn, has also stated there will be no spirit of competition with Wllklns and Byrd. On the contrary he would compliment those South Pole expeditions. The Wllklns and Byrd flights will coordinate each other, Or. Bowman said, the two flyers covering separate sections of the huge unexplored region. On one side of the great mountain range known to extend Into the Ant arctic will be flying Commander Byrd. on the other side Sir Oeorge WUklus. each gathering data to make a complete record of the country. The plans of Commander Byrd. he Mid, call for a flight from the ice 42.000 j barrier to the South Pole and beyond 50.000 'ao as to explore a Dart of the hlzh Antartlc plateau. Sir Oeorge is to fly from a point In the Horn See, near the toe barrier along the lee where the coast Is believed to lie toward Graham Land. Ill plane la to be quipped with pontoon ao that at the completion of hi night he can land aVongside one of the many whalers 3,000 which cruise in that part of the Sir Oeorge. said Dr. Bowman. wUI leave Panama on a Norwegian whaler about November 1, and will begin his fUght about January 1, just as Commander Byrd begins his work on base stations at the Ice barrier. PRICE TOO HIGH SO BOAT WAS TAKEN AND BONUS OF LIQUOR, TOO OTTAWA, July 5.-- If you can't get anything any other way, take it. That seem to be the plan of the Dominion government. They had been negotiating for a speed boat on the East coast but the priot. 130.000. was said to be too high. However, the liquor shippers could better afford to pay than the people of Canada so arte was used for liquor running. Csught when on one of her midnight excumlon. the boat waa ooofkicated and now will be used In the antl-smuggling business and In addition the government get a bonus of about six hundred casea of Hquor. FIVE CENT MAIL UNITED STATES SOON WASHINOTON, D.C. July 8--A new five cent air mall postage rate, to be effective August flrat. Is announced by Postmaster Oeneral New. A five cent air mall atamp han been authorized. The reduction from the ten cent rate was authorised by the Kelly bill recently signed by President Ooolldge. New said he expeoted the cut In rate TIMBER SALE X 10221 Sealed Tenders wUI be received by the District Forester. Prince Rupert, not later than noon on the 14th day of July, 1038, for the purchase of Licence X16324. Skldegate Inlet, to cut 050 M. board feet of Sawlog (Alder, Spruce and nemiocKj. Three years will be allowed tor removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief For' enter, Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester, pnrwe impm, no. 'TIMBER SALE XW91. Thef.' win b.,'orted7Yor tt!.tim!!?.' visit lie Auction, at noon on the Eighteenth ( loin) aay oi Juiy, ivo, in tne on ice oi the District Forester at Prince Rupert, the Licence X90O1. to cut 8.2S0.OO0 F.B.M. Spruce, Balsam, Hemlock and Oadar on an area covering a portion of lot 30S at the head of Kynoch Lagoon Kynooh (Bast Mussel) Inlet, Range 3 Coast District. Three (J) year will be allowed for removal of limber. "Provided any one unable to attend eason WESTHOLME TH 5 Friday, July 6, 192a . ,J -s-sjssjs mmmmmm mm MsWi" - . geBBHssBisWsHBflas.WWil" We retain our trade all the year round by giving honest value for every dollar. Our Backward Season Sale brings. crowds dally because we offer our regular Quality Good at: Real Sale Prices. ' .'! ' SUITS FOR MEN Outstanding value for the man who wants a dressy suit. Single arid double breasted models for men and young men. All sizes and many patterns to choose from. Backward Season Sale Price 95 UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Men's Summer weight Combination Un derwear. Oxford make. Backward Season Sale Price SL65 PANTS FOR MEN' A nice assortment in pure Wool TweeuY Backward Season Sale Price $385 SLIPPERS FOR MEN Men's Slippers in Kelts. A good Slippoi-for around the house. Warm, comfortable and easy. Cf Q( Backward Season Sale Price .... 'iiflW THE ACME IMPOR TERS Mail Orders promptly filled at these prices. No Charge Accounts. No C.O.I). Terms: Strictly Cash. s- EATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 nnd 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. What Price Glory Acclaimed the world's mightiest, most spectacular motion picture. Noted cast: VICTOR McLAtiLEN. EDMUND LOWE, DOLORES DEL RIO, WILLIAM V. MOM!, LESLIE FBNTON, TOD McNAMARA, PHYLLIS HAVER and many others. Admission 50c and 25c. METRO-CO LI) WYN NEWS Matinee, 35c nnd 10c Washes and Dries Without a Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Fnatcr From hamper to line in 14 minutes Washed, Illued, Ringed and Dried. Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Boys' Sweaters and Bloomers Penman's Roys' All Wool Pullovers Assorted designs, V neck. Size 28 to M. S 1 ..-, $2:r,, Roys' Tweed and Whipcord Bloomers Sizes 21 to 34 JjM.t),-, .f!2.U.", Jjai.JiO Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. to Increase the country's air mall busi ness by from 100 to 300 per cent. NEW COMMISSIONER TO PALESTINE APPOINTED LONDON. July 0 -Colonel 8lr John Robert Chancellor, governor of Southern RhodeMa, has been appointed High Commlwioner to Palestine and Transjor- danla, succeeding Field Marshal Plumcr. "O. B. Bush, well known pioneer mining man, I a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorgo today bound from Vah- a of intpoctlon to the National 'Sliver" mine. ' He report development operatlona proceeding steadily at the property with quite a crew of men employed. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY to be opened at the hour of auction I ron BAX CHEAP 8 H.P. YALE EN-and treated as one bid." glne. Atwater Kent, Ignition dutch, rvMM; rafting propeller and all Pruics Rupert, B.C. Ung. Plione Green 717. 182 For the FINISHING TOUCH Complete your costunn' with a chic pair of Quern Quality SILK GLOVES Per Pair $1. " to brighten your Sports Suit or Dress. , A Fancy Windsor or Derby Tie r0f to $1.00 I THE NOBBY I ! H