v. July&'l'jaS YOUR DAILY 'BREAD I it what it should be? - keep the quality of a bread up to the HIGHEST POSSIBLE STANDARD A trial will convince you : this. We will be pleafed c rvf you dtfily. niv nirif epRriAr. unvto AND WHOLE WHEAT Lectnc Bakery Third Avenue Prince Hupert. B.C. II. s. WALLACE CO. LTD. LADIES Bathing Suits in JANTZEN UNIVERSAL and PENMAN makes n TIIINT. IJgLTS H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. , phone 9 !rd Avenue and Fallon City Meat Market Selvlg IJros. Third Ave. Phone 7&5 hJOT HSK MtON'SAKR l!e sorter nork ost nrske f kkeKonsencr Wske sukkerkavringer irske hvetecknnrokker 'rnke rugstonrnkkcr Virke knekkebrnd Norske flathrod Mutler oj.t. ky. rarer. MlUge prlser. Hurtlg onibringelse Mens & Boys '"' V'Mir Summer weather RUNNING SHOES at the Montreal Importers J. II. Miller, Proprietor. Third Avenue. Prince RuperL LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C8 c"rtage, Warehousing, and DlRtrlbutlnjr. Team or Motor Service. Coal. 8and and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltitr M-v' THISTLES WON OPENING GAME SOCCER LEAGUE TWO OOAI.8 TO XH1WS REfOKU tOAIXfJT, KKOIMEXT LHT MOIIT In the opening future of the City :ague Thistle won over the Regiment last evening by two goal to nlL Both team had change from their .tgular line-up. williearoft wu at outvlde left and J. currle at outMde right for Thistle. The Regiment were without Bapta?, Umbe. Tinker and Bye and Introduced Red path, a youth of lx-ttn- ho made a gowl ahowlng. The flrat half wu ralrly even though Thtitle were the more dangerous, w. Mitchell opened the aeore with a shot that gave Corbett no ehane nm forward Unea played good foothill and vampoeu saved from WUsoft when the latte' should have aeored. Oorbett brought off a fine aave at full length, one of the beat piece of goal tending aeen In the city. Hatg wa aafe at oack and Rom and Kelsey defended well :or w Regiment. With the advantaae of the Mil Thistle did more of the pressing bat uegiment derenee wen solid. Hedden. Wood and Kite Dell were feeding their 'urward but Norrlngton. Kelaey and Roai were breaklne un rum rj ,w. atlacka. Wllliscroft croaaed a couple of dangeroua oentr from the left and Currle went cloae. Kelsev ahot luat over and Regiment pressed but off aide spoiled an opening. Oaapbell awed a eonple of ahot but Regiment eould not scora. PTom a corner taken bv Willi. croft. Hunter ws unlucky enowgtt to head paat his own goalie to put the Thistle two toal UD. ReeJraent were attacking when fall time wa celled, ttb- Use Thistle diseriedly winner two foal to nil. Teams: Thhttea Campbell: Italg. Xnklne: O. Mitchell. Madden. Wooda; J Currle Jr.. Murray, A. MltcbeU. W. Mitchell. WU-liacroft. Regiment Corbett; Ross. Hunter Oeorge. Kelaey. Kornngton; p. HoAgktn- wuaon. uoMrty. A Hedg- Om. Russell refereed and A. Claoner-ton and C Baptle were linesmen. Reg latent were well served by Oorbett tn goal. One save full length was a masterpiece Row tackled surely at back and Hunter Improved en his last fame. Retaey did well at Centre half though be hung on to the ball too mock at times. Norrtngton played strongly at left half and was a source of trouble to the Thtstls all through the game. Redpsth turned In a good game and la a pmmtalagj stayer.- The raamangd for-wards were not a dangeroua attacking combination though all tried bard'. Campbell did wall to aave WUsetV shot but waa not sever sty tested. Haas wa the eater back Hedden and Wooda wei the better halves Mitchell still gives too many fouls away The for-vsrdu played pretty football at times and W Mitchell goal waa a beauty Wil-lircroft did not over eaert hlBssell though ho centred wen and showed that there la still lota of football m him Currle lost no time ha getting in hie r en tree. A. Mitchell ran around a tot but botH he snd Vhsrray missed many -hence. SPORT CHAT July 18. a week from Sunday ha ve!i nelerted a the daw for the an- program of event la being arranged end much more Interest. It la ex pected, will attach Itself to the occasion by reason of the fact that the wsrsbtpa HJfB. Durban and H.M.C6 Vancouver will be here at that time. Men from both ships will be lnvrted c participate In the event and, as I all sailors are supposed to swim and be very agile in various water sports. It is anticipated that tbev wttl lend much to making a real success of the Tccaslon. In the American League la to be en the epectobw of a team that should by aU the laws of average and everything else be a champion hip out fit, without a shadow of doubt, being 'Imply murdered at lta own game. Connie Mack's 17M Athletics are a greater bunch , of ball tosaera than many a team that haa won the world series, and yet It haan't got a chance jo make the grade because the Tanks are super ball players. Probably It would be much better for the game If Ruth and a few more of them went to the weaker teama. Pol rowing s sweeping Investigation Into b practice of paying amateur soccer players a flat aum for expenses, the Cnglish Football Assoc la-'ion has professionalized, and suspended UO a this tea A number of stab were fined sum ranging from WO to 000 and many officials of the slabs were blacklisted. The report of an m vestige ting oommittao to the association disclosed that several dubs m Dvrhem paid amatswn a flat rate far espeneea," Moat ,oT fee svolWe saSs- pended will be ttnaMe to compete a professional until December si, 102a. while all officials concerned were placed ander ban until June M. 1029. Among the clubs affected were Durham City. South Shields. Harllofool United and Darlington, all members of the Durham League New Tcrk Olanu have been showing renewed strength tn the National League of tat and. possibly, the World Ser-ei garden party this year may agalu be an eselualvely Ootham affair Certainly, the New York Yankees appear to be even more unbeatable than they have been toe previous few years end there are many who eem to think that John Mcflraw will soon be getilnr his men In prnnant Kinnlnr form At that the OtanU hare been r'Ylnft steadier ball this wmon than pomibly any of the other Mf mini J V A delight to the connoisseur a revelation to the sceptic DISTILLED BLENDED BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND Tames Buchanan &. Co, ' Limited 26 Holf-orn, London, E.CL This dvertlrfnr not r"r."""', - I.iy.-I '.y 'ho lfuuor 4 Control Bnl r y linti-rumrnt of British Columbia mM DAILY NKWg PAGK- FIV3 1 nual swimming gala at the Salt Lake under the auspice of the Prince Rupert Swimming Club. An ambitious National leaguers and. t little winning streak about now would, put them on easy street. 8t. Lou'. Cardinals, Chicago Cubs, Clnclnfiatt 'Beds and Brooklyn Robin, however;-''all have their backet and- If fa a tang way yet from being any way definitely decided' which of this quintette it la to be. All that any of thorn- need la a good ! winning atreaK. Oearge Stslltngs. manager of the Montreal Royal, of the International League, for matry yean one of the moat prominent figure in big league baseball.' haa left in charge of hi son, for the home of the manager In Maddock. Oa, there to go into tem porary, if Dot permanent retirement from the game. At Toronto Manager Stalling ooi- laspad In a hotel on June 7, while the Royal were engaged In a eerie with fee Toronto Map) Leaf. HI ill- nee wa diagnosed af a heart attack and he haa been confined to hospital since that time. Physician have advised him that he must remain In a tate of absolute quiet. TENNIS TOURNAMENT HELD PORT CLEMENTS Number' of (lame Pbvcjd and Members j of Club Entertained1 at Tea Alter- j ward PORT Ct3i.tE.VT3, July 6 -Lost Sunday the first teiinla tournament of the veaaon waa bald under very favorable weather caatdltlCM. The following game were played: UUllea Doubles MJs. Ward and Mrs. Dyson beat Mr.' Dnnhm and MM CUKpririRI. T-dV ; g Mr, decode and Mrif Manor beat Mr. OUchMst and Mrs Wagner. 7-. Mr Srfgley and Mrs. Will ram beat Mr. Jone and Mia Pel ton. 6-1. Men's Houbfea a. Danes and J. Williams beat A. R-MaUcry and P. Ward. 8-4. Dv E. Maxwell and C. U maker beat . C. OBchrtst and T. L. Wllttama, e-0. O. Olecone and C R Srtgley beat K T. Ward and L. Dyson. 0-2. , lml-flnal Ladle' Double Mrs ciceojs and Mr, jiallury beat Xr Ward and Mr. Dyaon, t- Mrs. Srlgley and Mrs. William beat Mrs Ctconne and Mrs. MaUary. 5-3. Semt-flnala Men loublea D. R. Maim HI and C. Mlnaker bast J Wllllama and O. Davh. g-t D. E. Marwell and C. Mlnaker beat O. Clccone and C. B. SrUhrr. t-S. llnaN Mlted Double Mr. C. B. Srigley and O. Mlnaker beat Mr. T. L. WUIIam and D. E. Mikwell. 10-8. Around The World With Sport Fans (lly The Tramp) Orattsvn Bar "went ' the ManafMd, Ohio, ooura In 107 and I stUl fsvorlte for tlie Mew England Derby and the Kalamaaoo Derby. He wa clocked In the atoond Met at Mana-field. and he did the tttfte with uruch li. reserve. The victory wm hU ae-ond straight m the SHt, ss be opened with a triumph at Sandusky, Ohio. Out at Deleratne. Man., the IS-year-Old Canadlvn paear Battle Ae, 2 01 travelled the fastest mil either In a race, work-oat or agmrnet time teen thla season. Tht veteran did )M over a half-mile oval, driven by Jamee M Kealey There are all sort of' tool sport h,rie told there days. ,Mer t one: j I played golf yestegdsy for the first time" .' I How aid you nrake out" "Fine! Made a borne run HgM at the start. I batted' the ball into the tall grwa;l.lft.flrl4 Biaifatjprpf i he enure ootirM bemrft 'WVlW.i it." How fast does a cricket ball travel when aent down by a speedy bowler? The question arose in the match between the touring West Indiana, who were beaten by England m the first test match yesterday, when the Indian were playing Cambridge. The crowd waa watching the wonderful bowling of CooMantiiie as he toppled one after "tlier of the university batsmen whe i: '-nBion StWd'. An appeal wa mads to th mo it tiniwti E SHOE ALE THAT IS THE VERDICT OF THE CROWDS TO USE THEIR OWN WORDS It's your great opportunity to get New Shoes for the entire family at positively rock bottom prices. A few of the Wonderful Bargains offered in Boys', Misses and Children's Footwear 'Regular $1.50 values. Boys' Brown Canvas Tennis Shoes, sizes 1 to C f ff 5. Sale Price O&mlO Regular to ll.OS value, Children's Patent, Alligator and Elk Sandals. Qf QQ Sizes to 10V2. Sale Price . . Regular to $2.25 values, Misse' Patent, Alligator and Elk Sandals. Cl.ift Sir.es 11 to 2. Sale Price. . V1UU Children's Brown Canvas Tennis Shoes. Sites 4 to 10. Regular value Qfln 7Ul' $1.25. Sale Price Men's Shoes AH on Sale, including Slater, Talbut, Leckie etc., makes. Regular to $8.00 value. Men's Brown and Blaek Calf Oxford. ' JVj g Safe Price....: 9I3 Regular to $7.50 value, lien's Brown and Black Calf Boots. C ftC O.JD Sale Price Regular to $9.00 value, Men's Brown and Black Calf Boots. Ql QC Sale Price Regular to $5.50 value, Men's Heavy Solid Leather Work Boot. QQ-0C 5,9 P6 Sale Price Our entire stock of Women's High Grade Footwear all on sale, includingOnyx, Newport, Belle of New York, Clocks, Perth, and La Parisiene modes,. Here is just a sample of the Bargains that await you at this Big Sale. SEE OUR RACKS OF WOMEN'S SHOES. Sorted into two big groups, including Patent, Satin, Black Kid, White Kid, Stroller Tan and Brjwn Suede One Strap Slippers and Oxfords with Cuban, Low and Spike Heels. All sizes in the lot. REPRICED FOR QUICK ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE regardless of cost, loss or profit. Regular value $6.50, $7.00, $7.60, $8.00 and $9.00, to clear at only - a nd $3-95 One big table full of wni.- ti, s 50 value Regular to $3.50 value, Women's and Misses' and xViimSAllinter Wmun'8 White C4nVM Children's White Canvas ,Vn.rsLd!?B' Slipperi "d 0jtford8- Rubber Sole Shoes. While V. . Iff Leather ",e and hee'"- the, ast, 4gc $2.45 a your choiee "ce Family Shoe jggggM?PqCTina it the Cambridge mathematicians, and iheir verdict waa that the ban halfway down the pitch wa going 89 After the tournament Mr. sad Mrs mllea per hour. It was further com- M all fry entertained the members of the puted that a alow bowler like Rhode j Tennh Club with their friend on their bad a "muazle velocity" of about i lawn with music and refreshment A Urty-tlve mile an hour. hearty V3te of thank wa 'given the rortj for their kindly Interest in the An irate tan who had watched hi lub hem team go down In defeat, stopped i ' .: Uhe umpire as be waa leaving toe field. 'Where's your dog?" he demanded. '. "Pogr fJaeiC-ited the ump. litre Tr wausg, WeU said the grouch one. the flrat blind man I ever saw who didn't have a dog." The Edmonton Commercial Orad after playing a tew exhibition gam tn the oast are now crossing the Atlantic bound for Amsterdam Olympic meet and other place where they will display their ak.ll. Doubtless they will ttlll meet with success They aspect to reach Bngland tomorrow ami will spend only eight day In the Rrltlsh Isle before proceeding to the continent. With the eseeptlon of the holiday interference, the Dally New ha been giving good reports of the tannla championship result at Wimbledon. All championship results are obtained in any Una of sport, ao far as possible late telegraphic sport reports usually are featured on the froul page. Those who watched the lacrosse SJShm . on wwsuiiuu vmj - Ing forward to further mtrh be-itvhtr local teama. The way the local i youngster are handling the sticks Is a revelation of what can b done by combination of skill and enthusiasm on the part of ortianlaert. The same mlKht have taken place In baseball. The defeat of TUden in the Tenuis wml-flnal yesterday was a surprise to many. Lacoate la a great player "Do you believe there l mch a as honor umtniK ttileve?" "CerUiuly not They ure fttat a had other peopur fltrand. Store Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Riipert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating; (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists. Boilermaker. BlacksmilliM. Pallern makers. Founders. Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 P. an ad ian National Q7id Largefl Railway Syflcm in America j STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Ballings from rillSCE KITCKT for V.tNCOIiYM. VICTO'CIA. 8F.ATTLE, MOMl.fVK. TIH'KSIIAYS. 4.00 pa., HTI IMVV. 600 pan. For AN'VOX and STCtVAHT, MOMl.tVH. rHIIltVM. 09 pjft. For MAHSKTT IM.r,T. MOMIAYS. 4.00 pin. Tor Xddtll qi'EKN CIIAKMITIE IsLWDs. Fortnightly. For sK.Unr.iY, yyeiixehways, 4 oo pjn. PASSKM1CK TKAINS LRYYE rKIMCT. Kt'lKltT IIAU.Y EXCEPT Sl'MlAY at 11.30 a.m. for I'ltlNTK OFfllKlH. I PMONTON, VINM1'I:1. all jKilnti EaMrrn funsda, tnllfif Stain. AdENCV All, OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. trti ticket orrrcr. at tiiimh aye.. rniNCE mjrr.KT. rhene n