m g- SB ti. gave Money Boston Grill Hill h fl T.i" JC.V ' t'. 'i ' !ot.' ; , ' ; vniy to buy the u, KiibBcribe by the ,,Ht is 5.00 and' your melt to your addresa . ,mst figure out the .,, y u for this dally twelve month! :. fb. 7. -ftxbortlng the ' furgel politics and get be-POI. utonaion with the : aa the objective. A. k !, member for Lilocet. told tire It should wait no longer turn st once. If a satla-..; could be made with the CP, well and good but 1 ' hould ehow our faith In -ay by linking It up at ' i vuthout further delay. An-" hvatataa Uiat oould be ' mi the ftsce River, he con-tt it would be sound policy ' the rosd to Prince Oeorge into the Paaoe. e ' vrrnment flaps to encaur-1 "I'-vfiopment of small mining - wl urged by N. A. Wallin-1 "-rvatire member for Cran- aaaertsd that proportMs dls-' recent yean oould be oount- ' i- finger of one's hands. He 'lui; mining lecture oould be ' 1 High School to Implant f the proaueceor In more inrn claiming that many mall tould not be developed on a " uiih acale to ship carload lou "i by the smelter, he suggested lie Government arrange to buy ' '!1 lot, .lament of land settlement by x-itiptioii to settler for ten year other measure were advoeated bv " ''. Liberal for Kamloops. Ho '"'" asteaamont of aU land IM' Ki'hnnl immm. I laaa. 4saai Hraith inaursnet won alio aup- I""mI liv Mr Mkr .. ninMr. Bttentkwi to highway and ' ! trimou to byways wss suggeetod "i- rointrueuan of ,ih raaentlal tn nMiukn n Twing of Victoria. Oonaervstive. "ti the Oovernmenfa rtoord dur-er and charged rthat patron- Krowlng evil in the Liberal "' urged the abolition of the ""' vte and efforts to secure " if hi rate matte of equity !ll'i't under the 'XI 'Mil l-,lmlnlok II i I .s r.MT.HT SKEH III KK IN I' AN W IOUIM1 TO Tin: loiti; B'-caklng before the Rotary club in Toronto the other day. Crelgnton Hill of the Babsan Inatitute declared that American bualnnw wan tapering off. It wae not good today aa It was als month ago and would probably be "till worse alx month from now On the other hand he held that the trend la Canada would rontlnur upward. It had tpped croee and waa proceeding awlltly "along the corridors of tremendous economic development." HI own organl-callrn had never before been so Interested In what Canada had to offer. It l our Job." midair. Hill, to tell bualnee men whom we serve exactly where the best opportunities for business lis. And we sre tilling them today that they lie In the Dominion of Can- MKATIIKII HKIIHtT. rnnce Rupert "Cloudy, strong. wind: umperatur. ss. unlanl in the llgnt oi con terms of MaT the question i i PRAYER BOOK UiNDON. 1)11 IS APPROVED b. 7. Tlte House '-ot 'll Chliri'll AuxmKIV tnrlitV "ie rpvlsnd '" of nivhops approved the 4 4 1 I I I :j I ! : ! B.K. Judee Gives Reason for Report Recommending Return of Railway and Peace River Lands to Province riTTAWA tvhruarv 7. The interim report of Mr. Justice oomamnity! Martin of Saskatchewan, the special commissioner lrtnt by the federal government to inquire into me ciaima t wav Belt of British Columbia and the Teace River Block, filed yes- terday recommending the return to British Columbia of the (andt la question, says: "The province has no am, however. dltlon existing at ne - --- light of what ! "ady happened with the psaslng of' year whether necessary It is doubtful support could have been secured tor building the railway If the province had rot agreed to convey the lauds. The ,ved t0 th ,'t railway has I"' the history of the unifying factor in Without it Canada of today couuw) country. No other nosalble. would not have oeer po. prayer book on a province had ",ulr,uu that . Drlt- Ire required ,,,..mo. and Just , , lah Columbia be V"" p,lll,.n a- l"'"" PRINCE RUPERT, li.C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1928 VANCOUVER. Feb 7. - The removal of Ripple Rock. Seytn.mr Narrows. wa recommended by a Joint Lonuj.ltM-e of the Vancouver Merchants' Kschsnsjs sud Vancouver B'.srd of Trade. The committee asks that recommendations be mad to the government to have the wcrk, oastlng approximately 80.000, osrKas out. NEW SAWMILL OPENS SOON (iewrfeloun Cutting V I n n t Clones Hnd of Thin Week and Machinery to ie Moved The "I'l sswuilll of lite Itlg IU UmM I'h. al OewrgetMHii Milt le Hune up at the end of lhl week, ktaleil llewrge MrAfre, ntaiiager of Ibe coniiMny. this morning. The jilsniag mill si flewrge losii. hw ettr. will probably be In weralln for aaother l weeks te est hji dry lumber on hand fee eannery lie. Means Mir work contlmtrt. on Hie eaenpsny's new dle at Seal 'ite In the ell) sliere II l ei'lel Ilie shitmlll sill be running nrt nunitli. Tlte iernitiel f Hie (leorgetswit mill ami wne f Hie luarlilnefjr therein sill be ird lo the new plant In the illy. leiral claim to the .lands in Question. I firmly convinced that in order to do full justice to the status it was necessary to look bohind the terms, of union and con the same with re pact to a Jreit WMonsllthiderUkmg "MwfMkjloli!Jiow has all, ho resources within Its boundary with he exoeptlon of these lends sod has machinery Tor their administration. With the machinery now a vail bale the sllway belt and the Peace niver Block -an be administered by the province and hu avoid expenditure in connectldh therewith from year to year by the Dominion authorities." IIIKTII Born on February fl to Dr and Mrs. R CI. Lmr nt Pert Simpson, a PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper lv ., AN ALPINIST TARTV In Emlfrtld Bfta Yoho Xatlona i'ark stops to view Mounts Poilinirer, Collie and Isolation Peak AIVAZOFFSMLL PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION OF THEATRE ON PROPERTY ALREADY ACQUIRED "The project will be proceeded with on the 100 by GO foot apace of property already held by us," stated Misak Aivnioff this mornini; in Uie matter of his Third Avenue theatre platis, following the meeting of the city council last night at which negotiations for lane space to the rear were terminated. The excavation necessary to the basement for the building will be proceeded with and plana for the structure will be prepared immediately. Mr. Aivazoff felt; however, that a mistake had been made in failing to meet his application for additional lane space. Such lack of co-operation would not be a good advertisement for the city. Mr. Aivazoff will return tonight on the Cnmosun to Vancouver. It is likely that he or his associate in the theatre venture will be back in the city in the near future. Committed for Trial Charge of Murdering Father Peace Country POUCH COUPE, February 7. Lee Packer. 26 years of committed for trial yesterday on a charge of murdering his asm tun to her bi Lee must have grabbed a shot gun aa he was leaving the house In response to the osU and fired from a distance of sixty feet The father coll ipssd saying "I'm shot, lie killed me ' Accused and hit. moUser supported him Into the houH. whore he dyteej, The testimony Miawest tint the father was a man of vi.ilestt temper end the his "tesTtpers were on The family came from Nevada about a year ago. CUT TO .U'NTK.UJA CROYDON, rvii T Bert 11 Inkier, the Drlttah flyer, hiipittd off this morning tn a baby plane 'n a flight to Australia, mak I n,; hii ' "l top at Rome AUSTRIA ANGRY . OVERARREST VIENNA, Feb. 7. There la intense In the council with Its attendance la many yeaia. j The question was opened for discus-; aton on the receipt of a report from the Board of Works racm mending that. for masons set taeth to daVtsil by the: city eng.user in an appecMktd report, i tbe OElauw) bfUw isrovMUsg He the i IconreVahce of tea feet of lane to Mr. of property in the block would have to be dealt with. It eraa an extraordinary power that the council had toe privilege of exercising and the proceeding must be along act lines. The city. Itself, did not hsve the power to change the whole lane. lim:KN VKBT .tllAMIONtll At this Juncture of the proceedings. Mr. Alvaaoff informed the council thst he had abandoned the Idea of the additional fifteen feet of lane as the cost would be prohibitive. It had been decided thst the ten feet originally requested would most the requirement i Mr. Jones then reviewed the negot iations that had already passed in con except where tborlty to the municipality. ; Mayor McMordto pointed out that the matter before the council was the by- j law Itself. It seemed to him tint tb i report of the Board of Work should bo dealt with at this time. J ntNuntors imuxkhknt Aid. Prudhomm espresaed the view dia nation in Austria over an Incident tn,t u, interfere with the lanes whole family lived in fear M him when I yesterday In which Hungarian gendarmes setting up a dangerous precedent was It with fixed bayonets invsoea an A us- might. It seemed to Mm. lead to an trian coal mine at Rltsong and arrested fcd, 0f trouble. He Instanced the Hungarian emigrant coal miner. Paul ckTC cf tbe city of Montreal which waa Rsth now having to pay up millions of clol- The Austrian government has demand- ir for just such mistakes at iliaee ed an apology and the return of the tnat nad teen made in the early days. prisoner from Hungary. Advertise In The Daily New I He was opposed to Interfering with the; in lies In any way. (continued on page five) Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the 1 least. Phone 457. Price Five. Cent IVAZOFFS TO BUILD THEATRE ON LOTS WITHOUT LANE kitish Parliament Opened Today by King George Who Reads Speech Outlining Policy of the Gouernment roposed arbitration treaty with United States being studied sympathetically: Chinese situation improved but still disturbed l.i N I )()N, February 7. King George, in the speech trom the , the opening of Parliament today, said the government was . ually studying a new draft of a treaty of arbitration with 1 d Slates. He saiil the relations with foreign powers con-.i:,n inlly and it wh. the constant effort of the government in , with the League of Nations to secure the settlement of v ; I ;il difference. i : . cmerit of the Chinese situation enabled them to make a. forces in the East but in : in the naval und military rar URGES BUILD P.G.E. LINE PEACE RIVER Itmiicr lor I arliKK) Would Have MimU i s of Legislature (iet Uchind Own Hallway ""!! n MEMBERS SPEAK r" Hi'hwavs and iir More liy- Vdvocated by Member ham I oops Yesterday r.ia; d..turbanoe in that country . ill i..u ed anxiety liv rendition of mum of the prlncl-; l.I liiii.tra. fuilMmA . tltlt ' ..err ert encouraging signs of pro-,;.-eiv improvement. Inquiries were being nude Into the ruraei ul l.cai tun on industry sad Agriculture with view to allMrtatttf The actacle oi Jtoyal msU pageants? tlMMalH 1 lament open.ng was somewhat lessened by the aJnenot of Queen Mar fot the first tin-. during the present reign. The Queen as Ul with cold. HAIG BURIED IN SOTLAND Curt liure Coffin to Dryburgh Abbey and Another Was l oaded With Flowers KIHMII ntlll. Irb. Karl lUlg wo tl borled SMMmg hl unre-lw si Iwyburgh Abbey with the lHiple rites of a HuIUh laird. Ie-l(r Mermy umlhrr crowd bu"'-rred along Ibe route rrum si. olleo' Cathedral where thr bod) luil lain la Male to M'avrrlj via lien. It M. lleovHra an ertllnary farm rort wolled ( rsrry Ibe rwffln orr fit Mtili'i lo lite abbey. Another raft, landed with wreath, lumber-, ed Ibe wake l the coffin. Isesmd of grel mhlk, a In leMMi, eountry folk earrlnl Ibe ma to Its l4 noting jMsit In few (ret from Ibe grave of Kir Waiter !HU. 5 CRIPPLE ROCK REMOVAL : ADVOCATED VANCOUVER Aivazoff Withdraws Request for Part of Lane for Theatre Site When City Council Quibbled Long Argument In Which Mayor and Aldermen and Solicitors Took I'art 1'recedea Decision to Withdraw Application I iNegonaiions oerween ansa Aivazoii, uunuer oi a new ineaire on Third Avenue, and the ciiy council for an extension of the building site ten feet into the lane at the rear came to a rather unexpected termination at the meeting of the council last night when Mr. Aivazoff, after hearing the mayor and afdermen debate upon the matter for an nour or more, suddenly threw up the sponge and declared that he would trouble the council no further and that the space of 100 by CO feet already held by him would fttfflce for his needs. Earlier in the meeting, Mr. Aivozoft' Jiad withdrawn his ll 1 diii.cul.u:i li Qltunal di dur.ng dur.ng the th lor twenty-five Icet of ad- depth in the lane aud It wss discussion Ji his application for i Ik.' tc.i feet tnat tue Oeuouemenl came, tellcvlug tl.e counc.l ai. least of coming lo a llnal dtciaiun on tlte coat- ;cr h.cu il.a no. give promts ul be-1 .ng unanimous although it was possible, that u might have been lavcraole to Mr. AivaBiff's application. Discussion of the question brought au expected ' number oi spectator to the chamber.! the audience being one of the largest that has honored the deliberation of RULE HIT ONE OF MINISTERS Robert Forke Spoke orfImmif;ra- tion Hut Could Not Complete His Discourse in House TELI.S OF HIS DEPARTMENT Urged Closer Co-operation Vlth- Provinelal Governments and iIore.Loplegpot?Farrns - ' Alvaooff be not passed. The report of OTTAWA. Feb. T.tor the first ttin 'the engineer gave data and estimates 'be forty minute rule fell on the bead Ion the cost 01 sewer, transmission of a minister. Robert TbMte. nUalster 'line, reading room. etc.. removal and of immigration for forty Satnute dls-llane grading oou that would be In-fussed Uumigratlcu and was about to volved in the alternate application of embark on still further easnment when Mr. Alvaaoff for ten and twenty-five the last minute of his expected apeech feet of lane apace. .came to an end. Speaking to the report. Aid. Greer Mr Forke emphasised Ike dl to announced that it had been decided by get into close touch with the provincial the Board of Works that It would not government in the BMttaT of laua- ! be feasible to allow a bend being made gratlon. "I believe the solution for iln the lane. It was preferable that the many of our difficulties WU1 be reached j aewer. If It was to be moved, ahould j r hen we have the bsirtj Sjoteperatton. be run straight through. ThU would ! assistance and advice at dUf different necessitate the straightening out of the provincial Ooeernmenta. fee aaM. I whole lane. The cost of moving tbej The activities of his tafsutsaent. Mr. sewer on the ten foot basis would be Fork proceeded, were IsSSttsd t&w.srd '2.000; on ttw twenty-five plan. It an Increasing flow of people able to j would be 12.400. Aid. Greer stated settle on the load and engage In sgrl--that be did not have the figures which culture. would be Involved In moving the power! Miss MaePhail urged that Canada, line. through her representation on the C ty Solicitor Jcnea pointed out that. Iccuncll of the League of Nations, iln deillng with the question, the coun-j should make a strong stand against cil had two alternattvos: l.vto make i arm and ammunition. the exchange of property on one aide of the isne for that on the other aa, ort finally planned, or. second, to have ! the present lane abandoned by order-! Ib-councll and s new one set All the FORTY MINUTE MONARCHS WON COAST HOCKEY Will Now Meet Chempions Kootenay in Provincial Playdowns nasty. Labor, eral. The tm of VANCOUVKR. Pb 1 The Monarch won the coast senior amateur hookey championship, last night defeating Victoria 7 goal to two and took the series by 9 goals to 4 thus earning the right to meet the Kootenay rhstnplons In Vie provincial playdowns. Tlse ex-King George Juniors defeated Victoria six to three, winning the round ten to six in order to enter the provta- father, W. A. Packer, north of Hollo, B.C. neetlon tlth ths matter Telegrams cil series. TeUimonv iriven at the trial was to the effect that the elder that had passed between the mayor and; PacJtSay tr a"fter nagging hi. wife all night or- u-m m-g Z " CONSERVATIVE CHOSEN AT dered'her to go to bed or get out. She went out. foowed Jv hor hZ. werel nDICTni WFQT PIFmnN youngest daughter. Packer followed, ordering her back: Then he u WIWMW wltn nll ortfln rullllgl VYtol DKlOlUL tLtlllUil knocked her down and when she got up took hold of her. on ttM ntstter, though he pointed outj TV,x. ,U,,.,h f4l.trul ., nrnWt hpp mother, calling at the Af tn l.n rested In the LONDON. Feb 7.--C. T. OUlverwoll. ... r - , " - i f,,.,.. .iMid .t th. H. hands nana " of the nrovlnclsl government - m wa.t RriiiM mr An. lLaM statute stAttit irsv gave certain su- - " " and William Baroy. was Conservative before. PltlNl K RUPGKT I.'IIIEKAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association Will be held in the Metropole Hall, Third Ave., on Tuesday. February 7, at 8 p.m. GEORGE W. JOHNSTONE, 'M Secretary. 'da M