f AGE SIX lave time 1 SIM! j Money LAUNDRY washing cleans clothes without the wear they get when they are washed at home. Your clothes are not rubbed in our laundry ... This means we can save you both time arid money. Phone 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best tana iian Laundry and Dry Cleaners I'honc 8 RELIEVE HEADACHES ? Certainly! A question we frequently hear is: "What can you do for my headache?" The answer is: "We can relieve it in almost every case and most times very quickly!" How quickly depends upon how serious is the condition which causes the headache. For the fact is that a headache cannot exist by itself. It is a symptom of a deeper trouble and its cause must be removed before you are safe from a recurrence. That cause may be from the eyes, liver, kidneys- stomach or intestine. Wherever it be, it is in itself an effect of imperfect nerve transmission due to spinal pressure on nerves. It is the work of the Chiropractor to locate and remove such pressure. Those who have taken his adjustments will tell you that he does this very successfully. I'hone Green 211 W.C.Aspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 and 7 Exchange Work Houis 9.::0 to 12..U): 1.30 to 5 :t() p.m. Evenings frorr y to 8 Lady Attendant MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $.()0 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST FISHERMEN IN CONVENTIONAT PRINCE RUPERT Met This Morning Under Chairmanship of Ambrose Reid and Heard Committee Reports A crowd of some forty or fifty re- jjicncuwiuye saimon nsnermen was. i gathered together this rooming for the j evening of the convention of the Northern British Columbia Salmon (Fishermen's Association at which pro posals made for changes in the fisheries regulations for the purpose of conservation of the fish on this coast wUl be discussed. Presiding over the con vention Is Ambrose Held of this city, who was chairman of the organization committee leading up to the holding of the convention, while William Beynon Is acting as secretary. The convention opened In the city council chamber soon after ten o'clock. Various reports of the organisation committee and Its members were presented this morning And the convention Is engaging In a full and free discussion of the' salmon fishery situation as It exists today Resolutions for submission to the fish-1 ery Department at Ottawa, It is ex pected, will be propounded. in opening the convention. Mr. Beld reported briefly upon the activities of the organization committee since it had been formed in the fall. Several meeting' had been held and the committee had been active In bringing together the fishermen for the organisation. A number of reports had been prepared which would be read In due course. All the members of the committee had worked diligently among the various classes of fishermen, Including the na tive Certain things had cropped up for the committee to deal with. Ore of he most Important of these matters had been In connection with the recent visits to the city of W. A. Pound, dl-; rector of fisheries for the federal gov- 1 H. S. WALLACE CO- LTD. Mercury Silk Hose Slipper Pointed Heel. Fine Gauge Pure Silk. The outstanding value in Silk Hose today. In Flesh, Aloma, Mirage, Champagne and Evenglow. Pair $1.95 H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 Third Avenue and Fulton ! They're Here! THE NEW MODEL, RIGGER AND RETTER Clievrolets can now be seen at the Kaien Garage Dealers in all General Motor Products Ojien from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 24 hour Wrecking Service Phone 52 OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND ROYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISH-INGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller. Proprietor This Watch Good Value $18.00 We offer this week a very reliable Man's Watch at aj moderate price. The regu-' lar price is $20.00. 1 Plain gold filled case 1G size. Screw back and front, 17 jewels, white dial with L'ack hands and figures. We guarantee it to be sat isfactory as we have handled this make for years and find, them the best timekeepers at the Drice we ever had. ONLY FOUR IN STOCK JOHNgUIfiERr (JEWELLERS 1 THE STORE WITH THE CLOCIS rnment. While he had the proposals c 3f the cannery men. evidence of the Ishermen. however, had not been taker. )y Mr. Found who had not committed ilmself on certain proper sis that had .ten set forward by the latter. Mr. Found had heeu Informed that th riahormen vnuiri rfiirm. k. ....., - Mill. lt a later date and th.t th-i- would be forwarded to htm Tii. ... ' one of the nurawM m nm. ,k- nt convention. The committee had drawn up a program for the convention in the hands of which the nutter now retted to act a It saw fit. On behalf of the white fishermen. Mike Anderson, another member of the organisation committee. atated that ne had nothing to add to the remarks that had been made by Mr. Held. William Beynon. another member of J ihe committee, referred to the unanl-! mo us ondorsation the new Association had received among the native of Port Simpson. I The report of the committee was .hep adopted on motion of Matt Olaen. j lecouded by A. Ramsay, and the organl-l nation of the convention proceeded. I Ambrose Reid was elected chairman on' motion of A. O. Morse and W. Beynon eerttary on motion of Mike Anderson. ', Among those present this morning was Fred Stork. e-IP. MIIKAT TOIMV VANCOUVER. Feb. 7- The price wheat today was 1 1.44 4. Advwtls In t.h Oallv Kw More GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES Tea We now have our Fuller's Ten at the highest possible standard. None better in the store. Will compare with any $1.25 or 1 .60 tea and we are selling it for per lb ()? A discount of 10c per lb. if included with any of the following specials: Tomatoes 25 cases large tins, while they last, 6 tins for t5? Corn Flakes Quaker or Western, 5 packages for 55? Uuaker China Oats-Regular 45e. On sale. 3 for $1,115 I-emonn, California SunMst Per doxen 15? 1 doz. Lemons and 2 dozen Oranges for $1.00 Rutler in Hulk 8 lb. Fresh Creamery for 1.25 Coffee Our Fresh Ground Coffee is becoming more popular. We are now selling 500 lb. per month. On sale this week, 3 lb. for $1.15 Heinz Catsup .1 bottles for 05; With each pound of Fuller's Tea1 or Fresh Ground Coffee sold this; w1?h price" we willl sell 5 IK olQianulated Suicar for M25 See Our Window Circle (S) Picnic Hams Per lb 2H B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phones 45 and 571 XHE. PAILX NEWS Tuesday, F,: (IKNA Ko CHAMPION' WOULD IIOXEIl IN' KI.VWKKHIT CLASS TORONTO, Feb. 7.-Prankle Oenaro of New York won the Judge's decision over Frenchy Bel anger of Toronto, recognised by the National Boxing Association as the world's flyweight champion in a ten round bout here last night. Oenaro' is now champion. -) FULTON IS NEW HEAD OF CLUB Elected President of Prince Ru . l,erl wuo at Meeting hast iMigni lieorge Arnold, "Vice-president W. O. Fulton was elected president of the Prince Rupert Club at the annual meeting of the organization last night. Cecrge 11. Arnold was chosen vice-president and Waller Hume was re-eltcted secretary. The directors chosen were T. H. Johnson, J. J Dure. P. E. Robert son, P. Lorenren, John Bulger. David Thomson and John Dybhavn. ALBERTA LEGISLATURE MAY VOTE ON RAILWAY EDMONTON, Feb. 7. It la not at all clear what will happen to the joint fier of the CJAB and Canadian National In regard to the purchase of the CD. As B.O While there is a strong current or opinion that the offer wuil be accepted as a means of ridding the province of future railway worries and passible eapere, many are opposed to it and thai dlvWfen of opinion seems to have Invaded the cabinet with the possibility that the matter will be laid before the House as an ooen measure ,or oeciaioo. wimout any political back- Ing. SECRETARY OF STATE UNITED STATES GUEST AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE OTTAWA. Feb. 7 - United State Secretary of State Kellogg, who arrived here yesterday, wa the guest of honor last night at a private dinner at Government House. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Silver . . Big Missouri Ooset Oopper Cork Province Dunwell . . . . . George Copper OUcier of.Oisdaton .... Bid. Aaked 140 i MM M M M .36 SI 3.25 4.00 .05V, OS OS M 79 M .18 , .19 08 , MV, .04', .05 hi 3S J6H , .4 S.S9 tM M M 00 .10 .at jh .01 3 50 S.7S 34 JSSi :3.50 4.50 a as a so OohSconda ... Independence . Indian Leadsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot Premier . ... Porter Idaho SUverertst . . Silversmith . t: Surf Inlet . Sunloch . . . . Termlnui Torlc Whitewater Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton and Sixth Avenue Save the Copper Libby's Asparajhis Tips, per tin 7 , 2Uf Sugar, Granulated, 10 lb. for 7:?c Dollar Sodas, new stock, box ON? Seedless Raisins, per lb !: Macaroni, ready Cut, iter lb. 1-f Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. . . 10f Prunes, three vises, per lb. 7S I2f. 10 These are new California stock Aylmer Soujw, highest Canadian quality, assorted, per tin. . I It Helm Catsup- tir bottle UDc1 Pure Plum Jam, per tin hggs, strictly fwsh, 3 dosen for $1.18 Local Eggs, large sise, er dozen 5Hr? Circle (S) Picnic Uams, per lb. si Creamery Uutter .... I;lf & Klc4 3 lb. in one block for ... $1.25 Hulk Lard, per IB. 10 Pork and Deans, larKfi tins .. 12 Peas, size 4. ner tin Ktf Tomatoes, large tins, 7 tins for Slniraimr Pi llaUumtlA. 7 final ftM ' 05 G bars White Svrnn Soap and one package Jlf for .'. -10 Keep this list handy when ordering Fresh Milk and Cream Phone J10I ' SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Jap Rice, 3 lbs 115? Small White tleans, 3 lb. .. 115? Pedrl Barley, 3 lbs. H5p California Prunes, 40-50, lb. IHO" 30-4 0- 2 lbs arc 80-00, 4 lbs U5f Swan' Down Cake Flour, pkg. 10? SILVER LEAF LARD Special 8 lb. pail 5? 5 lb. pail $1.03 10 lb. pail $2.10 APPLES Fancy Spltzenburg, box .. $:t.25 Half box jpi.73 Extra Fancy Spitwnburg, box !ji:j.50 Half box $1.1)0 Fancy Yellow Newtons, box $Jl.T3 Half box $2.00 F.girg, B.C., Fresh Extras, in car-torra, per dot I5? CHKKSU Fresh Cream Cheese, lb. ."Of Genuine Swiss Cheese, lb. ' i0? Roquefort, lb )? Gorironaola, best quality, lb. 50? Pecorino Romano, fancy quality- two year old. that gives macaroni its flavor, lb 85? Parmigiano, extra choice quality, 1921, lb K5? Edam Cheese, per IB. . . 15? MACARONI Over twenty different shapes to choose from. The best quality procurable. Fxtra Special this week, lb. 15c 20 lb. box $2.35 Alberta Market P. (iAMl'LA, Proprietor Fifth Slrect. Phone 20S LIBERAL WOMEN PLAN MEETING Hanquet (u be Held at Ottawa and National Organization Formed Liberal women from all pans of Canada wUl gather in Ottawa on April 17 and IS to launch permanently their Dominion organization. All the pro- vtnoa will be represented. Meetings are to be held In lbs Chateau Uurler. and there la to be a great podiucal banquet at which the Prime Minister. High Hen. W. L. Mftfikeasle King, will e the guest of honor and principal speaker. As the convention takes plac while Parliament la sitting. It Is expected to attract an unusually large representation of Liberal women. Aloe fine program of social entertainment is blng planned. Leading Liberal women at Ottawa and the wives of cabinet miniates are mating arrangements far the national convention. The mala Dusiaaaa of th meetings will, of oourte. be the efflcltnt formation of a national body, strongly constttutloned and oraoered. Prominent Liberal women from the various provinces wUl give addresses. There Is no Intention on the part of Liberal women to form a women's party, national leaders state Rather, the April meetings are for the purpose of consolidating all organisations of Liberal women, and of forming further organisations in all districts of the Dominion. Through such nrgafllaatkma they hope to Inculcate the principles of Liberalism, blending the practical application of principles with the Ideal. CURIOUS STORY OF EFFORT TO STEAL . VALUABLE CLOAK (Liverpool Weekly Post) A very curious story was related here. A lady was travelling alone In a first-class carriage with only one other Udy In it When he wont to the luncheon car she politely asked the other if she would look after bar valuable cloak. On her return she found It was being worn by the other, and on her demanding M'etoeuM take it off ant was coolly told i that. It wa nof. her property. Of oourae. they exchanged furious words and on arriving at the terminus the real owner proceeded to give the other n charge. Quite unperturbed and showing the adequate amount of Indignation, the purlolner proceeded to stats where she purchased it the name was Inalrte the collar -and. to brave It out. threatened an action for slander. The latlnn officials telephoned for a C.IX) man. keeping both partlea untU his arrival Directly he appeared be said: "Hullo" Thin is an old hand who has il.uif tlim1." On' hi'.il lit nut rc-jog- "TRY A BEST PROCURABLE $fr?ct BOTTltO A & SSL S 43 rmn. fc W Hffi WffiBRgJ.agZEBS The Orig inal i.abtl Ioo!c for it at the Vendor's and iailii .. (RNT'S "nnST PROCURABLE ' This advertisement is not published or displnvii i. Control Hoard or by the Government f Itri i i i WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY ONI.V, 7 and 9 p.m. Capt I.AKS HANSON. J1AHCEMNK DAY, KKNKST T' i'C! i. GEOKGE FAWCKTT, SAM DK C.RASBE, PAl l.lNi n,ik. and others. COMEDY "DU.MH HELLAS" -HODGE l'ODGB" AdmiHsion Uc and 10 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Our first LATEST 6 prai We have a beautiful assortment ami cordially invited to come in and see them . self. -j a. I JABOUR BROTHERS, LTD. Phone 615 All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 I'EK CENT IIUHUEUS, sixes C and 7, reiruinr 25, now Shoe Sale Continue. Every pair must K". THOR JOHNSON To Every Woman who is catrer for new ideas in home decoration i. '"r combinations for the sun porch, new color schemes ( 1 ' room, new color beauty everywhere in the house "l" l i"-,h In Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stlllnri from Prince Itunrrt. 'i.r VANCOrVKIt. VICTOHIA, llutrd He, Alrrt Stay, ele TurmliK l" . lor V.MOHVt;it. VICTDKIA. saiiou lily. Alert ,"7 ur.lv ZW?!?'"."' ,"J,NT8' ,',t'B A"M' AM"V HTEUAHT, Males Island, Bantfay. s p.m I M Srtd Avenue H V -..1II. A(nt rrinre H""" L u.rZTitit,: 10 v,tfo",, "'"" 1 nlsed her. Imagine the predicament of the genuine owner I EARTHQUAKE TREMOR ALASKA LAST NIGHT CORDOVA. Feb. 7. Severe ear .hquaae tremure were (elt at the naval radio station at ten o'clock last night lasting about ten seconds. Cap HlncMnbrook. forty miles northwest of here, reported an earthqunke at ''"' ' ll "IK. NIP TONIGHT" illy CUARANTf tO BY S ) Shu JWPh ,l eaoeuct or Scotland am Salvation"! shipment of the CREATIONS in m ag jTlSllS I 3rd Avenue ami W S.V RaXdio " Radio HADIOI.AS AM UADIOTRONS And Acttisorii F. W. CHANDLER Exclusive wholesale for Prince Rupert ami District AGENTS WANTED P.O. Hox 6I.' MS Sixth Street.