I M'.l- At I meririni; NOTICE. thai an application , i.ne Parliament ol Onn- .'.iwkiou thereof for mi ip, ration of a company ine nc Alberta. Aiocriu. 1'ea 1'caje -.-e Klver Klver or neur Hudson's Hope wen Klver; thenre In a gen-Wevterly and Westerly di-v.rtli Westerly bv the . i ate through the Pine .1 at or near the Town . the Province of British '. head of Portliinci l it at or near Hudson . Peace Klver in a gcu-. direction to a point at :. ,t-luw; thence In a Nor-n to a point at or neur i and thence Nortberlv o t!ie right bank of the, or near in tntersectlo.. :''ieni boundary of the :iTta. : .. :ya being declared to il benellt of Canada. : the a!d Company tc , i- Uocka and hotels and iwels and to colk-ct Man in the Moon j 1 O :M.iuiy, or such THEY 8v :,,,y lie ijlven, to " Con "' ehii!.te one the new Ford hn it ! mnnl. nf I... .... . . , , ra l way a ioiiow:-- u doe not rattle : ,n .1 ) Jint at or imr j.-, ..bridge; tlienee In a IHEiti: " - ,! ,.!, .o n point at cr y compensntlonH . , cif McLeod; thence ,h n l" ' ud live longer. J ,! ni-therlv in a direction - ! , i.ei to Hie Calgary and IF Nero was a" . . of till- Canadfan Pact- flrl, , , , leftrnl8 to play the , uomt ttt or near the '"" " ls no wonder his aubiertK itr., ,v: thence northerly and "kwl m murder and arson i c.ilfjry an. Edmonttw ;i .:nt .it or near Lacombt i H .-. lv to a point at or neur ,nl- "n'y y some people can ohlne i.,!.,oiiton. In meleiy is by polishing their bald , ., ,!t at or near the City head lnelr 0810 , by the moat feasible ,,i ii nin the right bank of It'.ver to a crossing ot DICTATORS ' ar P0"1 rwwini. ...... ... it f wno ruI- "" liivcr near junction Hu, KI-lgH w..:ti Hlver at Jr nr ",f P?pl who may be used as the Town of Grande auxiliary power. ,e Province of Alberta: , Westerly through the IT iT0. 8 ., . " i ... to u point at or neur people's heads. One , i the Canadian National w! 1 to come in 1st at Church :,e Province of British jmlnt at or near Orunde IF somo of tho People who corn-North Westerly direction P'-'"" "' iho way young people act now i,tTJ0SS KS kwo"!u J,u,t lk back " the North Weiterly direction K K!'" Uiey pUyed when they they would realise that liiio not been a very SOME people are always complaining. I l a hnblt that even Chrlatlan 3c:. we find, it hard to break. WE complain of the sunshine, complain of the rain. Siieak ill of the neighbors. Who give us a pain. We often forget To see the bright spot When lingering long Over Joys that are not. A CORRBBPONDENT .,v h. nv .ph and telepl.M,e me.- ,dl-milll. . ,hr N ' .,.. ijiic ! me upon ani . er sites and to gener- ,lnr n( t to re.irt them. other energy and to dlv, rpMis from and co'!t-t B " i w . the said Company to :n re)ert of the kai'l . an amount not ex-riiJtL'nnd i(4o.ooooo. : or ine prair.e weinnn jf iu 8lly-five ThuiiinJ ;.ir for the miuntain Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert KEBRl H :. IIH. City of Edmonton, m ' ,fd 8'ork d''ed the Prince Ru- Alberta, this 4:h dav l't Women Liberal Avsociailon last .'"ItBWART CLARK m a h naif of the Applicants, be"" Mrs. C. L. Monroe, vlce-pres- It Bury. i iei.- o! I) Aaaoclatiou. accupled the - .:. itom. etc.. r, rr k of Toronto Blcli? . Alberta. ""' of Carl 0!ar Lundqulst. Issuer who waa killed at Shuttle la- U'ATril VOTtr't.' niitiiixuntrv jI lh Quwn Char0tw Utand "'V-r' $?-rZ M ' N 1H TOUNTV C0UKT OF ' l.lresa la 141ft 8tn Ave I'illNtE KUl'EUT B C. will apply fjr a ; .U us 20. IKK) KBllOIH out of umall creek. HOI.HKN l I'KIM K HI ThltT t ows southerly and n een A Sulear. Plaintiff; :i Inlet. Q.C Islands , Ant . It L BtLwar.'. Defendant. -eter!y frnm nil! ern lv, u L Stewart, ol Prince Rupert. BC. I Hiuton Inlet The '. aKE NOTICE that A. dulear ol .rrted from the stream I Is itrdale. He . lia commenced an i' 300 feet from shore ..: . . , mtum-i vou In the County Court mil twer.ty-four acie ,i pr.r- - Uupert. on the 21st of Janu-:-i lvaae. ai d will be . ,.ry iw.,. icr th sum of HliU beini i purpnees upon the t n o,t,ance wage due to hlaa by " applied for to lease y. o and that under and by virtue ol I i". inlet Moresby ..ti order l His Honor Judge Young di.ted the 3rd Petoruary, 1MB, ft . noited mi the eround v.a ordered thai publloatlon of this '. Ilerenihor 1927 A n . : ior three cnaecutlve dan be and hu );.!: atioii it. ,i a, id ufflrlent notice of the Plaint 'iid to tin ' j f Ar' " . ,.i:i biiin.ii. 114 losued tu this action l In the office ol the ,:i yju: and you are required under rvnce Rupert. DC application may be ml Water Recorder or t iler of Water Rights td.iiKs. Victoria. B.C. ! iv after the first ap-ii' Ice In a local newa-f the first publication i i KOBEBT M. rrjRRIF.. Applicant NOTICE. ' Title Ko 3004 I to Lots : i mx (8), Block nlntu. ii u i8. l ntle No 3901 I to ie Aid rder within ten days after he lat puuuration of this notice to .'!".hi tlv id action by caualng a utp note tn be filed in the aald action, and In default on your so doing .ie -.d A Sulrai may proceed I .iie;i .n and Judgment may be given lit . u aboeiioe. I Van .nay die a dispute note personally ! or by )our Ssltcltjr in the ab.-ve Court a-, tne law rourus. mnce mi pen. bis. UAlEO at Prln-.e Rupert, this 7th (l.iv o! 1- Miruaiy. IBM. WllJAMS MANBON A OONZALXS. Wliuse address for service Is Royal Bank Chambers. Prince :t.l Rupert. B.C. .Vi7, Tnd eijhVn N THE ( OUNTV COUKT OF entyix 26. Section FIJ1NC E KUl'EUT t Ti'le Ho BOOST to Lot IIOI.IlliN AT I'KIM'i: III I'KKT ' 'i Block ten 10 1 . Sec- - Ti B-t?en A. Buntell. Plaintiff; : Title No. 94411 to Lota And D L Stewart. Delendant. 41 1 forty-four 44) and To D L Stewart, of Pnwe Rupert. BC. 4 Block twenty -iieven TAXI NCI ICS that A Buntell ol on etght 181. City of Prince Rupert, BC. lias commenced an i-'r Map 03 action against you in the County Cour. ' ( loaa of the above ,i l-rince Hunert. on the 21st of Janu- Titie issued In the name ary. 1928. fur the sum of M70.00 belnaJ nas oeen filed in tnta me oaiauce oi wage aue to nun oj hereby given that 1 1 you and that under and by virtue oi ' Mention of one month an order of (Ha Honor Judge Young ' of the first publication rhMsxl the Srd or February. 19W. it ' provisional Certificate of , wn urdered that publloaiion a this "I eueh ot the said lost notice lor Uiree oouMtcUtlve dan be tn the meantime goad and sufficient notice of the Plaint 1 .is to any be made to roe, and Summons Usued in this action i.anq Iteg 1SLTT Ullice. ! me &iu oru.i wiuiiii vu ua !'-' "t BC, this trd January, the Imt publication oi iht notice to drdeiid the mid action by causing a H P MacLEOD, I d!put.- note to be Illed In the said Registrar of Tttlfa. at tun: and tn default on your so doing -. .. I the said A. Buuu-ll may proceei I An .nn AC! trr Uirreln and Jmlgment may be given In your gn.nt. 'it rr: You may file a cuapute note pemonauv to " n'r.o . .V. " '"" ! or by y-ur aciicitor in vnr ooe wun t .WU at the law eourts. Prince Rupert. B.C. DATED at Prince Rupert, this 7th i ''hd District, t4ind Rwortfl- dav of Pebruary. 1928. "1 Telegraph Creek, and1 uii.i.iamm manhon A nONZALEB, northweat end at Oladys. 4n miles northeast of tie! " "i about lSSdeg. 10 west '"' nbout s&dtg. 80' north Noi H K tht i, John Alfred O ( i 1" ua T W . .J'" srewr num. iner Intend to ai 'be (ollowlnaj ctoaci e,',','; "J?0,t PntKl at the 'HO of aisHu about' .W.o,t Whose addreas lor .service is Royal Bank Chambers. Prince 33 Rupert. BC ;,'',.";'"' of the 'mouth 'ol Plan i To . D I.. e , thence ' r- one mil. miU m- .w thMina " , i TAKE TUK NU1 .outh ceinher 8, ijgs;. IN THE COUNTY COllltT OF ' 1'UINCE KUl'EUT iioi.hkn at ritixci; iii pkiit Between: O. W. Nlckerson. Plaintiff ; And: D. L. Stewart Derendant NOTICE, lll.lt U. W nirat-rauil "I thj J,'. . Prinxn linnert BC has commenced all one ,n: i"."" "'" " i i.. ., ..v rvmrt norm, and contalitlne ; acwon igni" . i r..... ', in re or leas. I of Prince Rupert, on tlie 21st of Janu- " 1 JOHN ALFRED LEUBtjiX. I '?38, for the aum at WOM being Appnoam. ,i,.r iui bv virtue of an order of His Honor Judge Ymmf I !, in. dated the 3rd of February, lawo. '(ANO ACT " " 2, ordered that nubllcatlon of this fia..-. 'I . .. - .. ..umi,I Haul ha ' sir IXTUVrnw f.x i.n '""'' ..v;, . ... , ( ,1,. tllnt I i-KASL P lWI- 'I VV.a'.f I ,. " gOOd alio SUIHCieni " action "lY"" this JaM ', .. i T,nA Riimmons issued In Pr.,.,e i . ' ' noon vou; and you ure required under I Mti 7?" tweornrat DM- the naltl order witnin ien o) ' l' ,i- 'P. Rt a "wton Inlot. Qiien the la.-t publication of tbu notlo to i Mfi.' rm8 .... W4"'K tnat Rohrt n n.frtu , .. vr . H H n...usi i.a. rl Ultcrwl. ' H,fl ' .uv-uMp'IOU IUH i p., to P0ly foF a 1mm of II,. "I B DOSt nlantaa- 1,1 ' rner oha,..f , "''in in',,..- , ''W istv wen- " , l l r" kt',bln at hd "im, ' . . n,,,,,hnc w- -terly 20 , , , '. . "Jitlierly about, ig chains; ' ' i, ,,., 10. chains; thence not- , ,r, ,'. h nd rontalnlmi Applicant. defend tlie said action lnt dHnute note to be filed In the ald action; and In default on your so doing the ialtf O. W. Nlckereow may proceed therein ain ruogmen VC'r absence .,.. Vou may nie a dispute- note peraonally or hv yitir 8 Mcltor In the alwve Opurl at ttw.yh,w courts. Wnee IWpert. B. DATED at Prln"e Rupert, this 7tli d VlVMMANSONr 4 OOKtALEB. i;Val Itu.k Chaiubera, Prince 83 Rupert, B.C. lse : POWDER in all your baking Tfiatlsifteway assure success. Made in Canada Mo Jllunx E.W. GILLETT CO. LTD, TORONTO. CAN. group when a tree wus blown down upon him. wua brxiuglit to the city today by John Hernianaun for burial. "I see no reason why Prince Rupert should not be s western Gloucester," states Axel Johauson of Chicago who Is visitor in the city. He think that an Industry should be made out of herring salting. A1VAZ0FF WITHDRAWS Ml-(JUR8T FOIt FAHT OF LANE FOU TJIEATHE SITE (continued from page one) Mayor McUordle expressed pleasure at tlie manner In which the council waa giving careful consideration to a matter which seemed to him might have far reaching effects The passing of tfc by-law did hot seem advisable to him for reasone which be outlined as follows: MAYOR'S VIEWS 1 The altering of a lane established a very bad pjweedent. for If the coun- il altered the lane in thta caae. It rhouM be prepared to do tb same tor my other applicant. Argument might te offered tnat this waa the only place n ibe city where the lane might be -hanged, but this argument waa un sound aa practically every lane In the city could be treated similarly. 2 It waa unfair. No one could logi-ally object to the applicants building a theatre. On the contrary the city would welcome a new theatre, but the ciuucll should not be a party to bon using or subsidizing aueh an en tar-prlae and the council, by aeUiag the lane to ( the applicants and enabling llvm to build a larger theatre at a relatively amall coat would work an unfair hardship on the owner of the other theatre if the applteaata deetre to build a bigger theatre than auoh as could be built on their property. In (alrneas ta the competing theatre they should buy another lot. or two lota 11 necessary It waa only a question ol money. 3 It spoiled the lane. The project is outlined would reduce the width of the lane to 12 feet 4 Inches In th southwest corner of the projected building. The narrowest lane in the city waa twenty feet wide and It la moat unwlae to reduce this width. "If the council should desire to paw this bylaw." the mayor continued, "I would point out that a waiver of claim for damages has not been reoelved trem the owner of lot t. and the city ahoujd be amply protected In this case. "Further, the city should retain the r i;ht to sell a similar part of the lane :: other property owners in thia block. Tlds Is not now possible as under an .tBreement between the applicants and the city the city agreed to keep open the ten feet of lane on each aide Of the projected theatre for Ita exits. Tbte would prevent the owners of Iota I and 8 buying part of the lane. "Also, the city should Inaist an the theMr? being built la. a iwaaoMahr tt af i( -Tear, Slid shoOtd' jxfofatt Itself ilialnst the property being uaed fdr it her purposes than a theatre." , TINKER'S tJBHTIOXH Aid Tinker questioned If all members of the council were familiar wKh 1 LAND ACT OTIC K OK INTENTION TO Ari'l.Y TO ITHC IIW: I.ANfl In Rang & Land Recording Dlatrlot of Prince Rupert, and situate at the northerly end of Telegraph Paaaaae. Bkeena R TAKE NOTICE that J. II. Todd & Bona of Victoria. B.C.. occupation aalmoti can-nera. intend to apply tor pennlwloa to purchase the following described unde: Commenotng at a port planted at the northweat corner of Lot 21, Range 8, CD.; thence 88 chains east; thence SO charna north, more or leas, to high water mark: thence southerly along high water mark to the point of commencement, and containing 80 acres, more or J. It. TODD 4 80NB. LTD. Applicant. Dstssd December 1 2th. 1027 IN FUOIIATE ix the srriiEMi: coi ut of hiutiii com Mlllt In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Johaaaen, otherwise known as Jehan TAKTi-'cfU by order' of Hi Honor. P. McB. Yotinu. the 30th dnv ot January. A D 1928, I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of John Johanaen. otherwise known as Jo nan Kraakay. deceased, and all parties having claim against tne aald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day of March. AD. 1928. and all parties indebted to the etat are re- uuiren i pay me amount oi titeir indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A WATT, (w.i- Administrator, Prlive Hupen U C Dried tills 30th day of January. AD 138. the situation. "Are the applicants pre pared to bear the expenses or the varl oiu removals Involved In dinning the lane? he Inquired. City Solloltor Jane replied that they had agived aeocrdfsfiy. If the applicant had no objection to the lane golne straight through: If they were prepared to meet all the ex pertises involved in makinn the change, and if there were wo leai objection, he saw no reason why the triplication rihould not receive very favorable consideration at the hands of the' city. There should be a bond of Indomlnlty relieving tho city of all risk in the matter advleed the city solicitor He saw no reason by an order-ln-councll should" be denied the ch.uixe of lane. Aid. Browh explained that when he bad voted ID favor of the bylaw in the first instance he had understood that the lane at It oanwwest point would be twenty feet wide. Now he was advised that It wettld be 12 feet 4 Inches. He was now of the opinion that the lane ehould be straightened out at the eipene of the upplteint. He was not in favor of exits baiag allowed at the side of the bUUdUUlnlo the remain. ing portions of th line abutting. He was In favor of gradtlni; the ten feet piovlded that the appllcnnt pay all the various costs of rtdapVaJ and also providing that the lane lie straightened out. SIDE EXIT Aid. Rudderham fH that tlie council was getting into Mp , water on the question. TU proposed side emu appeared to htUt an objectionable feature The only solotion he could see wss to straight! out ISbf edtole lane A new bylaw would have to be drawn up. Per-lottaiiy, be m lit Imtot if making none tn' the proposed grants. Another ground jf objection be perceived was that the cutting of ten feet off the S3 feet of orogeny between Um lane and the PI re Matt would seriously impair the value of that property. City Solicitor Jones felt that the drawing- up of a new bylaw was the proper cotirs. There Should also be accurate survtys mad on which to base any transfer of land that might be ne gotiated. itr. Alvaaotf punted out that he had dan everything In his power to obtain another lot In addition to the property be already held. Aa offer of 110.000 for a twenty-five foot l.t adjacent had been rejected. An alternate offer of a twenty-ont year lease had been made but It could readily be s:en that the putting up of a permanent building under auoh oondlUosja wauld not be good business. He was &tping to withdraw the matter of the side exits and wa also willing to pay lit; Wie expenses In volved In the removals that would be necessitated in changing the lane. He salted that the council give an answer of "yes" or "no" in the matter of changing the lane. It was Important to htm that there should be no more delay 'nan wee necessary. I'HOriPsKK m:w IIYLAW AM. Oollavrt moved hat a new bylaw y- drawn up grantjqgtabe ten (est of. nie to Mr. Aivssqff 90 the terms al t-ady et forward providing that the Ian straightened out, that Mr. Arraaoff land all the removal expenses and iuarantee the elty agatatt all claim for ompcisatlon. This motion lad up to further bickering. Finally, the question as to the ac-cptauce of Ote board of works report wss put, the report being adopted. Aid. Brown suggested that a motton be adopted requesting the lteutenaist-iovemor in council to sanction the hanging of the lane ten fee) south. Aid. Prutthomme dwelt on the possl-lltty of other owners of lots In the block being out oft by such a change irom the lane. This was something that -Mild never be permitted. The suggestion was made that Ut. Alvaeoff purchase ten feet of city property south of the lane the entire length of the Mock. L. W. Patmore n are entered into the discussion wttto the suggeetloo that the whole lane be wldene Instead of being moved over. The city could hold all the le eawept that (en feet behind tne. tneatre site. This Woeit3 ensure great lor htl the remalailsW 1U which was an laiportwnt matter. 1 looked to him Uht tlM ohange waujg bve to be made through order-ln-oouneit. Mr. AHhgoff .felt that If .lt' . necessary to obtain an order-iii-counoil further delay of two or three mouths might result, if such was to be the case, he might as well withdraw his application altogether, lie could see no object Ion to the proposition, whereby the city would be getting a thirty-foot lane except to the rear of his property her it would be twenty-fret. lie was not looking for cheap property but was prepared to give a good building to the city He hoped atere would be no further delay. It the council waa not The Least Excitement Made Her Heart' Palpitate and Flutter Mra. Ambrose Orter, Eljlnbnrj, Out, write i "I cnffered for tome time with a bad heart which aeemtsl to be controlled by m.r nerve. The leiut little excitement would eaoae it U flatter and pah'itate. anil at time I would hat. real bad ipclli. I miffered in thU way for aom tim when, on. day, I aw advertised, ao' decided 4t0 try them. i naa oaijr taaeo a I few boxra when I 'noticed that I felt better, to I eoa- tUued taking them and la a ahort time mj heart felt ntlraly different. ' Price 60c a box at all drorglste and dealer, or mailed direct oa receipt of rirlco by TU T. llilbara Ce.. Limited. Toronto, Out Richmond's :: of Ladies' Louvre Dresses, Hats, Coats and Lingerie No Returns Ri dealrow of granting hu application, he would like to know so that farther time would not be wasted on the natter. lYOl l.ll I'l IU II ASK MOKE In the course of further disc nation. Mr. Aivacotf stated that he wculd be willing to pttrchaae further property oi. the south aide adjacent to the Ian. In order that the width of tbe lane might be preserved. This would uot eliminate tlie jog In the lane. Aid. Prudhomme tel.. a bead -ha. the. sewer might prove danaeroua. It looked a tk dty wa pMag. be. at a loaa whatever happened. "I Would demand compeuantlon " "For nineteen years." interjected Aid. Oollart. "thta city has been demanding compensation Never has it encouraged anyone to come here and eetabllah Industrie. Never has anyone been able or willing to see any Ind lt benefit. It has been too long looking for paltry compensations. There are many people unemployed here and I would like to .e them doim ' tnlng." Aid. Col-lart moved tlvst the original bylaw be re-Introduced and that the s mended offer of Mr Alvaeoff to purchase ISO feet Instead of SO feet adjacent 0 tbe lane be aooepted. By this meate. It would be assured that there f jld be no undue bend In the lafce. Aid. Tinker (,iceoiided thl.i motion. AM. Rudderham failed to see where even 1W fed would make tbe lane straight. Why should the city make exceptions in one particular ?sse for anybody? The next thing somebody wculd be oonatlg along and asking for twenty-five feet of lane. Moon It would tie necessary to move the Fin Hall. Be wai not in tavor of II Moreover, the valuation of (400 plnced on the strip of lotid which Mr AlvaroH would purchase ttAexchange was ridiculous. Jto. Oollart referred to the fact that in I93i the city council had been will-ItiK to offer tax exemption If an elevator were built here. The ess in point at this time was no different. He felt that the matter should be acted upon and selUed,. 'The propi?d 180 ifeet would turn the trick. "I would like to point out." stated Mayor McMordle, "that the construction or a theatre and the construction of an elevator are two very different thing. Tk. elevator give audi employment. For Cash Only For Two More Days Only YOUR LAST CHAN 40 Crepe-de-Chine and .Crepe Back Satin Dresses, whose regular values run up to $20.00. Slaughter Sale Price, each J5,95 LADIES' AFTERNOON DRESSES Regular values up to $45.00. Go- f"g for - S19.75 LADIES' COATS 7 only, Ladies' Winter Coats. Regular value to $30.00 each for $12.50 4 Ladies' Winter Coats Regular value to $45.00 each for f ; 19.50 5 Ladies' Winter Coats Regular value to $G9.00 for 32.50 No Exchanges CE Our whole stock of Ladies' Evening Dressesand there are some beauties, too. Regular values to $40. Slaughter Sale Price, each J2 75 27 ONLY, LADIES' HATS Regular price as high as $12. for 1.4.5- LINGERIE 17 sets Ladies Pyjamas. Regular $7.50 value for DEMAND 2.95 Ladies' Silk Nightgowns Regular value to $7.00. vSl.95 . Silk Slips Regular upfto ICuDO fbr .L. r.. . $1.05-Silk Bloomers and Vests, each . . 95c Mail Orders at these prices chmoncFs Louvre Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. "Rupert Br an;d" "THE DAINTIEST BKBAKFAST VOOW Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Kopert, UC The employment tn the theatre may be perbape a doaen people. Ita principal benefit ls tn Ui mooey spent on Ita uulldlng " "All light. Your Woahlp," interjected Mr. Alvaeoff, "t withdraw my application. You don't need to trouble yourself any further. The 100 by SO feet will do." As Mr. Alvaaoff precipitately picked up his hat and left the chamber. Ilia Worship called the net matter of business The bulk of th crowd then filed out "When did the robbery ossur?" the craea -examining lawyer aakrd the wlt- I think' he began. "We dont care what you think we want to know," remarked the lawyer. "Well. I may aa well l off the stand. then." aald the wltneas. "I can't talk without thinking. I'm no lawyer." rtegina Leader. 'Demers lire now showing Bill. e Burke; Sport Dresses Phono 27 r.O. Ilox 327