M"i (!::y, October 29, 1928. THEl DAILY NEW3 PAGE SEVEH it - JWan in the Moon It " And there's the first 'of tht Month torniriK arid a. whole flock (JT.:ditfMWWe aMftg. That's v iiy I hate about Prince Hupert Tht w5u liills. lWpyf Blessing on thee little girl ! .,; made up and brain a whirl. Jay Gee Prettier. There's many a man wan hel ' i i tii (hlii Wttw'nt position by u s vviiti : ffke says they are In uu: jioofhouse. .- A man does not need to be an An driver to run into debt. Thi nicest jrirl in all the world I tin I one day at kirk, v often' jrivea her tongue a rent J!,jt keeps her brain at work. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert October 27, 1918 Tin' ( anudiun Pacific steamer i i m i s Sophia, Capt. F. L I ' " . foundered from Vanderbilt 1 1 in Lynn l anal where she i k a ( ouple of days ago. The ! wn at first believed to be .. sale pemition but a storm ii up and she broke in two I fi ll off the rock. Two hun-l ami seventy five passengers 'I t he crew of 75 were all lost. ! were seventeen passenger i l iince Kupert. (Capt. Locke t h.- lather of Mrs. B. J. Mel- I I i Prince Rupert, l in paper mill at Swanson Hay been working steadily ii' hut the influenza epi-Providcial Constable Lffftj, who returned to i ty from theYe yeetefdky, re-. There have been no i.s among the whites there. nimum wage legislation for m in British Columbia la ii iyTatJu.i e V ! H PRINCE HUPERT TI2BS Monday, October 20 ii 1.31 a.m. 21.4 ft. 18.S3 p.m. 2S.6 ft " i 7.30 a.m. 4.7 ft. 80.03 pjn. 1.2 ft. Tumlay, Oclebrr 30 -li iTs a.m. 214 ft 14.11 p.m. 23.8 ft ' -H g.io a.m. 5.1 ft. 30.44 p.m. OJ ft WHlniMlay, October 31 lU'h .... 8.00 a.m. 21 J) ft. 14.&0 p.m. 2S.4 ft t-w 8.61 a.m. 6.0 ft. 21.26 p.m. 1J ft. C.N.R. TRAINS l or I he Eat Pi ly except Booatay tt 1140 a at. Irmu the Eatt r V except Widens Say at SJS pm LETTER ll(l CtlllTCTIOS AJd. PM " arii A Atlln Are,, ...... IM Ave M 8th St. ........ BOS tJI 1 1 1 ' Ave ft rmtoa st s.ie i. 1 Ave t Tbompaee Si. .. 0.18 t. 1 ii Ave Si Sheratook .... 0M IM 1 n Ave tt Ooorad 0 3 IM C 1 Ave St Haya Oove Ave... J0 80S f -'i Ave tt Haya Cole CI role 94 BOS f ll Ave tt Cottru St 8 60 1J Ave x Oreea Bt. (Ileptl). 8 40 8.10 ') Ave St Mc Bride St. 8 48 8.11 ft ,j o.v' Building 00 8.30 Truv uvt. Wharf OM 8.34 CT.P wharf ......i low 8Jt o.Tp etstion ie.es " n.36 - 2 d Ave. tt 3nd St 10.10 8.40 ! 1 Ave As Fulton 8t 10.15 8.4 .ir l Ave. & 6th St 10 an s ad Smidsys- One colleetlon only, same as T m collect-nn ' ' ' , . H.J . UvgTS . J1 n. UteutviTLHiuoR "Ai-r . ' ., , MlTICi: OF AIM'MCATION I OK 111 I K I.ICKME "O'HCR J8 IIEHEB unfBW that Oil 'lay of November. 188, the un-' I iiifnda to apply to the LNiuor nl D r;l fur a licence In reapeet remiM being part of the building '. " Wueen'a lloiel. Msmett, Oranam "na'e a Miissett, araham It- 1 ' n Hie hums den, rlbed as Lot ' lIUH-k Me. 14, Hubdlvlalon of L l V;1!)! OtlarlrtMA llu.lrtu til... 11,. Qdll !' Townslte 1'ilnce Rui"rt LuuU " lull District, In the Province of 1 ' iioluinbla, for the sale of 'ooer tiss or by the open bottle tor lni" i' n mi the premises " W.U ilji lt iy of Ortober 1B3. rOltlElt BINC1EII CLASSIFIED VTlflS THI?) REAL ESTATE F0I1 SALE Lot on Third Ave-, nue opp6fte First Street, ?2,100 1 Easy terms. Box 137 Daily! News Office. FOR SALE TWO GOOD BAItGAINS FOIt RETURNED SOLDIERS hid I IT ROOM HOUSE With large basement and hot air furnace, fully modern. Easy terms. $2,500.00 SIX ROOM HOUSE --Centrally located, 'fully modern. Terms. $.600.00 ONE APARTMENT HOUSE I Close In. Hot water heating, ruuy mooern. Terms. $6,600.00. ! ROOMING HOUSE -16 rooms. first class condition, good paying proposition. Terms, $8,000, THKO COLLART LIMITED Phone Blue 128 CAPITOL THEATRE BUILDING STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Far Vanenuier Sundays as. Prteee oeotgw ii p.m. Tueadeye ae. Ostsls pm. Thursdays as. Prince Hubert. . It pm Friday ss Princess Royal . , . .i0 pm. puciik. cudena .... it Oct. 1 m. Princess Lowtse .... pm, Oct. 14 ea. Princess Allee pm. Oat 4 a. Prtnwee Allee pm. Irero Vanrotifrr Sunday ea. Oatsla 4 pm WfOOMoif -M Pr. Rupert 10J0 eJB Prtday ea. Cerdena pm: PrMee' ee. Princess Roys . . 4 pm. Saturday . Pr aeo-i irso Oct W-m. Prtftce Altec Ont, Princess Alice .... am. Oct. Sle. Princess Alice am. lr lnrt Slmpen ar Naa ICItrr-Sundae aa. OtUla 8 pas I rem le xinipon end ' Kltrr Twiay OMals it JS ajs Fr, Anv aaje. Wf Arm Sunday -ea. estate Saturday m Prince Oaorec 4 Front Aiij ami Alice Ann TiMadcy a. Caul lltH Sutfaf aa. Prince Oeoree 7 Mfart and ITrmirr Il'er Sunday aa. Cataia 8 P Wideday aa. Mate Stupwt to pjn. itHi Stfwafl and Pi'mlrf j Tuesday aa. Cataia U4S Thuraday ec Prtace FMpert 8 pm. It iiii C'harliHtr 1 a rwl , Oct. e aa. Prince Charlea .. 8 pm. ' Oct. 10 aa. Prince Chaffee .. 8 pm. I'ruM (been Clterluttr ltaiul Oct. 4 aa. Prince Chat-Ice a.m. , Oct. 18 as. Prtnoe dtartae .... a a. Par Alika i Saturday aa. Prince Oeorge . . 4 pa. Oct. St aa. rrtaoMe AUce aaa. I raai llaoka : Sundar- -aa. Prtnec Oort .. 7 pm. Oct. M aa. Pnnceca Allte .... pjn. BRINGING UP ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR IGLVV1IICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR SALE FOR SALE We handle "Master Mechanic," the best known brand of Men's Pants and Top Shirts. Montreal Importers, tf FOIt SALE Player piano in good condition. A bargain. Phone Blue 848. ' 'tf FOR SALE Men's Underwear of the best makes, at 25 per cent cheaper than anywhere else. Montreal Importers. tf. FOR SALE Four piece parlor suite, $25.00. Two carpets al-moht new fsjf.OO. Phone 134. tf 'poR SALE Before buying Men's Underwear, Stanfields, Shamrock, Britannia or any other kind, see us for prices. Montreal Importers. tf. JWIR SALE Ames Holden Mc- Oeady Rubbers for Men, women and children. Also Men's Rubber Boots. First quality at 25 per cent less than anywhere else. Montreal Impor ters. tf. TIMBER SALE X-10519 will be resetted by the District Poreater, Prtnee tttttart, B.C., not later than on the let day of November, ItSS for i the marchaae of Licence X10M Laboiwheie Chancel, Ooaat to out l,l,O00 lest iSun' of Cedar, Hemlock, Bpruos, Balaam ad Ph- Bawlogs Two (S) pears wUl be allowed tdr emoTai oi Partner particulars of the Chief Por- Jlaatar. victor vmona. tne usstrwt rvres- nce Bupert. HjC.. or m Tatar X,. Oeean Palls. B.C. IN PROBATE ix Tin: si rnaMK coCiit nr kkitisii COI.l'.MIII.V. In the Matter of the Administration Act; ywt la the Matter of toe Bttate of Ralph Tyson, DecMee. . TAKE NOTICI that by order of His Hector, P. Meet. Young, the 10th day of ffiaaaember. A D less. I was aDPolnted alstrator of the estate of ReJph , aeoeaaea, ana an partiea naving against tne aald estate are nereoy e to furnish same. DrooertT verl- to me on or before the tfeth day of Noveanber AD teas, and all nextiea la- debtee to the eatate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. THBO. COU.ART. Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 17th day of October. AD. IB3S. FATHER FOR RENT FOR RENT f urnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf 1 WANTED I WANTED Millinery and dress-! making neatly done. Phone j Black 448. 25G. j WANTED Room and board with j use of piano by teacher of music. Apply Box 152 Daily News Office. 258 ALL STANDING TIMBER on my acreage at Shames, B. C. can be had free by applying to Wong Lee Co., Prince Rupert. 266 AGENTS WANTED j WANTED -Sales manager to represent Brilliant Tube Sign, Co. (Canada) Ltd., makers of., the famous Neon Luminous ; Gaa Siirn. in Prlnrn Tlnnert I Excellent opportunity for the right man. Write immediately to the -Victoria office, Room 20, Christy. Hall Bldg. for fall particulars. 24. CALENDAR Salesman : You can make a success handling our line as our samples are specially designed to suit every olaas of business. Calendar season commences shortly. Reply at once and state territory can cover. Give references. Apply Box 148 Daily News. WANTED Side line salesman to sell on commission. Counter Sales Books and Business Forms in northern British Columbia from Priace Rupert to Prince George. State line carried, and rtew-'frequently territory covered. Splendid opportunity. 247 TUITION Candidates prepared for all University and Professional entrance examinations, in English, Mathe-:natics, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, Individual tuition. Particular attention U those -learning English. Terms on interview. I. McKenna, B. A- T. C I). Care of Box 1SS, Daily News Office LOST L0?T Pair eye glasses in case. Finder please return to Dally Newa Office. 245. & FOUND IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO VoWc. AND OLD. SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. i BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Easthope Engines, Coolldge Propellers nd Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Suit Lakes Ferry Service Week Days on the hours 1 p.m. till n p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 1J i a.m. till 8 p.m. I 561 Phone 56 i I CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkehr I General Handy Man. ! Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. C. HOWE'S SHEET METAL i WORKS (Established 1909) . i i n i.. t.' t v. r..LL... iiua,o. uuner Pipes. Furnaces Tanks and Boat Fittings I ALL WORK GUARANTEED 227 Second Avenue and Cow Bay Phone 310. Box 167. THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under new management. Clean j single and double housekeeping i rooms I Mrs. John Dalberg DR1VURSELF TAXI For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 3ft WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD." FOR SALE Menm Tog "SAANICII" Length S feet S .. IS feet 8 Inches i Draft II feet oroaa 103A4 Net I7J1 Prea water capacity S tone Ufeboati-. Triple - a kn-ta ' maiwi rieaSiei ' -2q IwittSaeon' Pump' ertei. Bsotric oosMUtlon. -Apply 0. 0. LAHRIS. Pudshsslnt Agent. Canadian itaAlceiaf Ratlwaya. 346 CJJI. Depot. RENT, LOST CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. a ASPINALL, C.hlrnnrartnr nnrl Rlneirn Thorn peutist Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Treated I Phone Green 211 or Black 283. CH1ROPHACTOR i Dll R. E. EYOLFSON I I 623 Third Avenue ! The right adjustment at the j . , . .. B , ., , . ngnt lime prouuees me Dest re- suits. Our new ANALYTE indi- cate tne ngnt aajuHtment. r I Phone Blue H5 Residence Phone, Black 252 Perm No. 18 i Section M) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY I OR - I KAKK OF K)i:tiioiti: i In toe Skaena Land aeaBMIng Ds-j trlct. and altuate. froottnc on Lot 137. Range S, Coast District, niferneas Pas-1 sage. Yamm notice that the Brttjaa Cc4- umbia nbla Ptshins Pishing & ft Paeklag PaeklBit C M.. of Vancouver, B.C.. oocupatloh Plekhig and .Pocking. Intends to apply for a leaser oi tne following deacrlbed fiwathote: commencing at s poet piaatea at tn Range 4. Coast District, Lowe Inlet, northeast comer of said Lot 127: thence TAKE NOTICE that the British Ool-Iweat, twenty chains, more or leaa. to umhla Pishing It Packing C. Ltd.. of an Intersection with the west noun- Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pishing and dory of Lot 137 produced north: tbence Packing. Intends to apply for a lease following aald prodttatlon of the west of th following described foreahore: water mark: thence easterly, tottowlna the mean high water mark to point of cojnmencement. and containing ten aires. more or lees. ' BRITISH COLLMBIA FISHINQ St r-AWMRu uu., mu. By James HenryBusnn-l.. Ageat ' uavea Aligns, wo. im. -W Porm No. 1C (Section 69i L.VND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APrLY I'OK I.EtSK or I-OICUMIOKK In the Skeena Lead teeeeainc Dis trict, and situate, fronting oh part of Lot 86. Range S. Ccast Dlstr.et. Tele-gTaph Pawage. TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Plahlnt at Paeklns C. Ltd. at i Vancouver. B.C., occupellen Ptskusr-aad Packing, intends to jam tor a lease ot tne fobowtns SsadPltw lorMhore: Oommenctni at a oust bleated about sovthsMet comer oi savd LoSee tlanace. west, ten chains: thence northwesterly, parallel to the general run of -.he shore I line, ntteen cnaina; inence eaa, to mean high water mark, ten chains, more or leas: tbence southeasterly, following mean high water mark to point of com mencement, containing fifteen acres. more or leas. BRITISH COLOMBIA TWUXa it PACKINO CO, LTD. By James Henry Bushnell. Ageat Dated August 3. It 3M Re-cert If lea te of Title No. 148M-I to Lot S, Block 8, Subdivision of Lot StOB. Range t, Oaaot Dlstrtet, Map 1180 WHXRKAS proof of om o (he above . . uenuicate oi line isauea in m nam - nu.niM nAnnnu w --- In thai office, notice la hereby give" that dth "P10? Title In lieu 3t the aald lost Certificate. unless in the meantime valid o election be mad to me la writing DATBD at the Land Registry Offise. Prlnee Rupert. B.C.. this 3ad day of October. AD. 193S. SB8 . Regietisr.' Fam No. IS (Sxtctlon LAND ACT. NOTK't. Of INTENTION TO APTLY FOR I.K.tSG OF FOKESIIOKG In the Sfceena Lana neoordlns DW- :t.rtct. altuate and fronting on Lot 11, rewnae S, Cowt District, Oxtail River. TAKE NOTICE that the Brltlan Col- umb'.a FlahlnK at Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Plihlng and lacking, Intends to apply for a lraae of the foUowtng deecrtbed formhore: Commencing at a poet planted at the jncrthweat corner of aald Lot 11; thence west, ten chains: thence south forty cnaina. more or lea. to an intersection with the south boundary of Lot 11 produced west: tbence east following Wrr1 JTZ r '3 st n.ark" 4 W rvA nAlhaal folJow!:! the mean high water mark to i3lr;t of commencement, and contain ing thirty acres, mere or less. B.UTISH COLUMBIA P1SHINO tt TACKINO CO.. LTD. By James Heiry Bushnell. Agent. Dnred August 35. :safl 36S Perm No. )S (Section 86) LAND ACT. snt V Fft" ."LTSTmimnonS1 , MHl nr lOBBKllont . In the 8 arena Land according Dls- trfct, altuate and fronting on Lot 3, iouthaat coiwr of aald Lot 3: thence . -.nr.. two dialua: thence weat forty chains, more jr less, to an Interaeo- tion with the west boundary j! Lot 3 produced south: thence north aerven cnaina, mere or leas, to tne sou in wee. corner of Lot 3; tbence easterly, follow mg the mean high water mark to the pom., oi commcnceincn., idq couuiiq-!ng eighteen seres, mere or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA PISHINO it PACKINO CO., LTD. By James Henry BushneU Agent. Dated August 38. 1938. SOS Porm No. 16 (Section cl) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR .I.EAK Of rOHKKIIOIlt. i. In the Skeena Land Recording Dls-irlct. situate and fronting on Lot of .be British Columbia Pishing A Pack-lag Co's Cannerv Site, Townslte of Port Ssalngton. Skeeua River. TAKE NOTICE v:.t the Brttlsh Ool-umbla PUhlng At Packing C. Ltd., of Vancouver, BC occupation Pishing and Pecking, intends to apply for a lease f the following described foreshore: Commencing at a pjat planted at the northeast corner of the said Cannery Hie; thence northerly, following the production of the easterly boundary of the B.C. Pishing Ac Packing Co.'s pro-perty. six hundred feet; thence westerly, a", right angles to the aald easterly boundary, four hundred and fifty feet, more or lees, to an intersection with the westerly boundary of the B.C. Pishing Ji Packing Co.'s property produced northerly; .hence southerly, following said westerly Boundary produced six hundred feet, more or leas, to mean high water mark: thence easterly, foUowtng the mean high water mark to point ot commencement, ana containing six acres, more or lees. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISH I NO St PAOtWB CO., LTD. By James Henry Bushnell, Agent. Dated August T. 188 366 anus By George McM $R100t-THE WSATKER ' COTT, THl li A I IT -SURE I (WHEReiMTHRj J AH'. IT VrtJl 50 l AMD JWLRE VRRsl i I VSA0 SO MICE THlb J 5T HOME- CHfiAT WE DON'T WOKUO HAVE. MICE t JUST KEPT Zu OtWiNCKS S MORMIMQ-AMOUOOK AT ITOLDW TO MOLD OUR tVtU KMOW TDD BEW WALKIM'- I WUl JX-T-.VYi 11-1 IT NOW-I MVER 5AW HI VVlE I VJOZ POKER Crtt NAHATS COIN' J -J IN THE PAH.K A' I XTQRM7 . JWj" 7 ftOMOCH RMM BuTITl JUT COIN I IM THE CELLAR- Olsl OOTSOS V j I WALKED- ALONG . V; Li- , I lf CL1AKIMGOP HOW- 1 OUT PER A V. ) IF FACT Wfe fa T&K THft ryVER BANK- JVc 7 I v 'J REED BIRD& AN I'VE J i ? AMBASADOR ET SEETHE lAinTl V T BEEN FEED1N OP ON I l hDlMINCNstTH Hlb pj M . .Tf DAN CI NO fA 1? J ' SSs&s eflNP to J Irm SiSPtfO