in Victor Talking Machine Co. iTM". 1 virus smstuiinji ssssgi ! ! ittM m lpfB B fil .' ! ONCE there were two men who kept shop. Both shopkeepers were in the same mode of business", , but their methods differed widely. In fact it was only a nutter of time, a short time, before one must close. Now the other ahopkeeper was different, he was prosperous. His store looked neat and clean, spruce, tidy and colorful, with a front that bespoke quality and service. Now this shopkeeper was a great community booster. His bid for patronage was based on selling his customers the- products of his local industries first. He claimed that the industries in his locality' employed men who earned wages, who spent wages, and kept others employed. His pet theory was, the more of Pat's mouse traps he sold the more Pat must make, and the more Pat would earn to buy goods from-him, the wise shopkeeper. And so he succeeded and became prosperous and popular, and his philosophy and wise counsel spread rapidly. i m "How, there's a moral to this story: Every dollar paid for foreign made goods departs from your homeland never to return ; but, each dollar exchanged for a B.C. product remains in British Cdumbta 'aml quickly grows in value. It enriches industry, ensure employment and introduces prosperity into the homes of the workers. , Thii it tfce third advfrturmoit of a mai autaortud by the B.C. Product! Bureau of the Vmcouifr Board c; Trad in thi interest! cj the nuniuncturere of Britith Columbia. BE PROUD TO BUYPRODUCTS victor Orthpjtfianlc Fox Trot Vocal Records . Old Man Sunshine George Olsen and Ills Music Johnny Marvin alius m j .mi m 21566 21609 Chiquita Waltz Victor Arden-Phll 21513 Oilman and Their Orchestra Hag Doll s&tadl Kiddie Kaisers A novelty record for groicn ups and children v Fox Trot Victor Arden-l'hll Ohman uncj Their Orchestra 21588 i Mv Anrvol (Angela Mia) ' Vocal Franklyn Baur 21591 mm yi inn urgan Jesse urawioru ioju Ajtmsi hiiiiiiisas ' ftgTrot Paul Whlteman 21388 I W&sP My Angel and Ills Orchestra (ANGELA MIA) That's My Weakness Now Vocal Helen Kane 21557 , Fox Trot Nat Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra 2M97 Jeannine, I Dream of Lilac Time Vocal Gene Austin 21564 Waltz Nit .Shllkret and The 21572 v Victor Orchesrra Also the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor Artists. THE DAILY NEWS FOUR MILLION DOLLAR CASE j Judgment (ilven In Tests Regard I Liability for Honda Given by Hrewers. OTTAWA, Oct. 27. Judgments have been delivered by Mr. Justice McLean, president of th ex-chequer court, in favor of the Dominion of Canada in an action LrouKht against the Fidelity Insurance Co, of Canada on a bond of $3,707 and against the Vancouver Breweries Ltd. on three bonds amounting to $5,727. The auctions are regarded as test cases in connection with suits for approximately $4,000,000 . ordered by the minister of national revenue following representations of the Royal Customs Commission In regard to bonds given by liquor exporters of yancouver in regard to shipments in bond to Mexico, Central and South American ports, i It is understood an appeal will 1ms made t othe supreme court of Canada. KILLED FATHER BOY GOES TO JAIL QUEBEC, Oct. 27. Bodolphe Petrin, 14 years old was yesterday convicted on the charge of Mannlnugher in causing the death of his father and was sentenced to the penitentiary for 20 years by Chief Justice Sir Francis Lemieux, The Crown proved that the son killed his father with an empty stone jar. INVESTIGATING NICKEL FINDS: VICTORIA, Oct. 27. The nickel discovery reported at Olalla near i Penticton last week is being in- 1 vestiirated by Hon. W. A. Macken zie. Engirieers have been sent to ! Olalla and financial backing has (been forthcoming for the porject I Samples sent here run over five i per cent nickel, Mr. Macckenzie isaid. CHANGES MADE CIVIL SERVICE VICTORIA, Oct. 27. While changes have been made in the civil service no action of this kind has been taken without specific cause, Premier Tolmie said, adding: "No dismissals from the civil service are blng made because any man is a Liberal in politics." j Market Prices j Pfla current ara as 'eilsw: Mcintosh lvci(, isMf- 3.W "OT fS4f.' .'-...,-.....t... ajh jotttbi b4cV ft .V.t Who Orcn cu'jktog SpplM .(D..C.), 4 lbs, 3V -tlilT ' I ! California pacni, aofrett . . 3Sc to SOv 1 Orangaa. Valcnolk, doMH ea U Sac i 1 1 iron. SunKIM, Uprt) .... 40c to 6(w 1 Imperial Va'lty rspcfrut( 1 lM9fc i Uananaa i lb 3c ncrtaju pet Jitj, io Comb honey' A. 35c 'osta. bulk, a lb, ter'.. i. Hu'snii. bulk, per lb. . i- Cali.'jrnla Dulnsy DaJ, paekafa .. aj CatiUlouea Ik, Wo al 3c CoccomiU 36' Orren OnoUng Appals (lit-). 1 lb 'J. fhe disss grpva, lb. 3oi Tky Orapss. lb 3a. Bartlett l'eara, dam. 3 to SOr Bos Il.'fft Coneord Orape. bsskst 11.11 lUltsn Pnwies. f.k 3118 111 UK i.UTir.R No. 1 cimuneri' No. 1 qhleff . (lKr:it: 47540 ,1 ifrmwti SMev4. 8 . pkg 65o Krkjt MiuUrser, a s.vo Mi i uric Solid4 .. 35c Mr Kaland aol!d ,,,, SOc StilUin, lb 40s Ktaft 43c Virwlaii QH( , ,,, Oic NNimlrvn Umberiier 70o iiQfUelPrt . 75c Swifts' Uruoktlela lb 41c Out gui aulr. lb 7Se Slrliiu-Ni1 Cimm. iara . . . 4M and HSo tiraokiiitd SwIm che. lb pit. 30c Uruyere 45t ( uni'dlan nhreae, Vi lb. pkg. asc olden Loaf. .lb. Jack, lb. ., 009 Romano fiartlo, lb. t. ..,.. 8So Qninilo Vi lb, H.OCK , V Flour, 9", No. I brd wheat S3.UQ Pastry nur, Its ...... sic fwtry riour. iba S3,M Cure (jompound UO. Irefl) extriu Loeal new laid . . 1, 3So 30a n (1 fmh nnllrU SOc . - r. UO. freiih Urate Wo ...... 60c ............ 709 Finn L -nmkvil kippera, lo. ,, ....( 16s rfljipered khlmon, lb. .........m... 26i AiQoked buck cod, lb, ,. ......... 2W finnan haddi". lb. ., mm 8 MJTS Almoudi. ibtiled Valencia ...... t. U Uracil 85$ W&lnuti, broken shelled ,... 5c WUnut, hllec$ halves ... 8S .itliuVUk . . mil' V . WilUVl - i aoc ttklirtiMtlttli v.alliuU .,. 5e .Ulttrtlft walnuts ........ u. i mtuHi hum w (lilwru ,., , 400 ,, ak 85fl ilaok OwmuiuI LialKoruia mH (heilad walMUta, lb. 404 Kf.l) 100 lb. Vheat, Ka. 6 3ib S .!. n ? IWfU 4 .iddUnss '. isriey t W co itylnn Mash 3.74 ystr shll oraUh food S3 M r( rp 15.00 tTOUMt U onke Ui ayj snick td MJ0 Re oat chops M 85 tttahU" Mil S3 2J is barley chop W OO llltlKK FKt'lTj amon nd uranj pi Z9 watt . ptl . . 1 1 i 60o .lack sookinc ftga. lb 1M M'jt fl, 2 lb 3C irranta. t lbs Sic plt 250 ,-uoh.' i!1 J5? ftfioU. lb 23C -luat 9O-1O0, 4-lbt 35c ii 111, box li t! -runs, 60-70 lb. .......? lbs. (or 25 30-40, Its. 1( 50.'a lb. '250 lb. box 13 80 vapoifttad pean. halvaa, lb. .... 2I U lt, ex ss to MEATS wt. No 1, lb 88c and 40o ttlnr fthlkcn. lb. li ro'Urt , ,)..., 4Ss .am sliced, tint grfcda 5C um, whol. arat grade 404 am. pttiilo. lb 30e itt ralU. lb ; m M(. lka (09 acq, aid, sMced '60 U. Jrf aalV v . ,. , I4 'rahlrr baasn. lb 31 j a ahoulder 2o ul. lam 40" il. in tt rk. alwuWfr 'ork. loin . . , . 'ork. let Sect, pot roast Beef, boUlOg :ean pSSms. Jb Ivthouae tOtSMUx, lb. 331 Hi ........ 499 ... 15c t 309 laitw to 113 3eel, steak ,, ,. .... 30a to 4t ' f, roaai, prima rib 3J rnb. chop , AOs amb, ahoulder 85 imtori Ifk 40l amb, leg , 4(S button, chop 10 luttitti ahoulOer 30e VKUKTAIUKH U. lb. ,., H !.. wk 1373 irrou. lb. tatw sk 13.00 inlay. tjurWh , 04 'arllq,, lDlt.: btr ; lb. ....iili. 3i ew AsstH' iij..w...i....4v;fs. .aw airen onioru, per ouncn oa urnlpa. 8 be 35c Tatad 3UA, 4 lbs. 3M aucouvat )6al lettuce 10c 2iS 13ft3 icld Oukea 10c ' c Orkff ..... . . 3 for 3S snllflavsr 3c and 330 ntn Be, S It 3 ubban: Sussh. lb -ld TosOftea, lb , r-jwn PlstljlW nnteaa, a lb, kiinx (Nrkea. 3 laa actable- maraow, b aaaos laelOfi. lb 1 lnnwU MhJim. lb 10q nimpkln. lb Ii ?:tron 7 lr4 MUtdM. 3 lbs. ............ 330 ''m n ob (Oelden Bantam..) .. tty rsnlpi. 4 lis ? laak ;mnach. lk , ' il bunch W) jer ICiP V ll'.w per IPO 7t a& .4 .... 13,33 35c 54 .... 7 JS .... 39,7 S )r.A!exan-!er I'llONK 575 IIF.HMiK lll.OCK DENTIST of it."-: V V.': lie;..!., crhs as well I as it covhs! - - : - i . There's some satisfaction in cooking on a stove that makes a black, gleaming spot of brightness in your kitchen. You'll know this satisfaction always if you polish up your stove with ZEBRA now in a new Liquid form. It's clean. It's convienent. And your stove just shines! STOVE POUsTKsIN BOTTLES For thote who pfftr it, Zebra Past it ttill obtainable. In both i'atte and Liquid the Zebra ia the sign o( a tfooc stove polith. ' i. . v, J . ; . . ,v er 1 ft iv - BrigStt MIrsa Arc those ujJjo re Propsr!y Fed who nre brightest at school art? those CHILDREN who ara pronerlv fed. Tho ljMly must lx nour lslllll It 1 1 ft full of ,m,r,iv if llm l.r,il I. I... .,!... - ..... ... ,n ... Ui Hill L, BreskfsH the child's most itnpurtunl mil. It in the meal which starts bodily and mental u-tivily for I he day. Physicians, educators and public men are (mlliriK for better breakfasts for the children, Thry kmiw that during the four morning hours body nnd mind urr inot hesTily taxed with work or jday, Don't handicap your children by Improper or ii4ufieut morning meals, Give themu sustaining brwikfast, Sfvc liuick (JuaLtr. Oats every inoriiliig. Uc sure always to get Quick (Juiiker. IVh packflac cpntain.i a coupon with which-yoii enn m-urc iim-fiil household and personal article of L' luiine value. Tha . figure of the Quaker in 011 each big family package, wrapped and sealed, Quick Quahii Correct Balance' of Food Eiementi Quick Quskir. ejjj (Uiue ami it.miua; rart hlrtralIU',.w1'lf'rr fysudkptloiinJ1",j taiurr.l. to ti Ik au.1 Luild U-oe; rvw a natural Imtive. aod w luiiiorlantvltaBiUi .: 'ai.U tLe a.uuill u M looj. Cok In Z to 5 minutes The fastest cooking csrts! ATS The Quakor Oata Company, Peterborough and Sasktoo