Vednesde ! Tt Wed ay, July 1919 THE DAILY NEWS. Page : ea as ——- ’ — — — a es a EH | | GIVE LONG CREDIT ssi vertising : , if ; actiherantnvenane cequy SMITHERS WAS © ON ITY PROPERTY — was TERRBL t bat NY ma a Hil a a —— oe Council to Bene Ww AN’ rel “D TO REN’ r, Smali house | eFratasves” Mone tox0 | LMP ORTADIT-ONE|-w~\;.cevcecon.ste "or roo wr te room song] EVO tenth, packege of Ten dleglagedin ur vi) ae | Daily News Office, wen 18. window contains a fountain pen ui Him Quiek Re! if Recommendations That More tn- In considering a bylaw to dis-| WANTED Young woman as PICK THEM ( YI J I Buckinghatn, 1915. formation Be Secured For pose of the property held by the | house-maid. Apply to matron “Porseven years, Lsulféred term Settiers—Medica! Men city in Section 2, the City Council} Pp. R. Gen Hospital tf , from Severo J a Wanted. Monday night decided to take|—— 60c per nd tion. JV had belch ga i legal advice as to whether it he ad | 3% HAY PICKERS WANTED—Ap- napus wulee, he auiiiianainia At Smithers last week the big|the right to give credit, | ply * The Ark,” corner MeBride We guarantee this tea to be Our Own Special Blend Tea tion. I tried ma : bu ap ea held in the interests . \lderman Perry was anxious|_@"¢ Third Avenue. tf at usual price of 60c per lb., and we know that you will be I ing d me a 0 1e armers of the provinee iat easy terms should be given iW > ; ee ie eed surprised at its quality. Our customers usin it gular friend vhich was largely attended found 4t the sale in order to encourag: ~~ - = fen ee me prefer it to others fot which we get Te ib. " tok ‘this und fruit m that the greatest difficulty in re.|building. The mayor and several . a fine. Apply Patmore g per : ; . 1 ‘ ~ > 7 it made me wel i eve sard to getting settlers to take up | aldermen agreed that it might be z ere ndine Mf SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED has n poral he land was that there was not} good idea, but the city clerk FOR SALE tionandin ame a enough ready information to be | feared that it would not be ae ml —_——— I say take Ms a-tive had from reliable sowrees as to|It was decided to take advice be }FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma- > will get weil arwenT ‘ws what are the exact comd@itions for | fore proceeding chine, treadie live drawers, a the new comer A committee has | | ¢lose in, in good condition, $30 e 5O0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trialeize25e . ‘ j 1 been appointed to look into this | Also Sunbeam Oak heater nea Two Stores Phones 44, 45 534 de sorsent postpaid : 5 gy ee mr ; and ee ; i nite Ottaw , On ets ; matter and will confer with the SUPPRESS GAMBLING ly new. Cheap Apply bov 276 : ives Li i, tawa, wid _leovernment as to the possibilities sins Daily News Offic tf BEREBSUBERESSSENS EERE BE EES | f establishing a sort of bureau | Alderman Casey Gives Notice of ron SALE—F oma j nd ho ' 1 st oe - # {Ol information which can state lution to be Moved alae namie a : ee ne ee “Tot t&, block. 42, section. Pive-| MINN mii HHO MH $ *\are seeking land ——— | Price $1,200. $100 cash, bal- |g t * Another difficulty eneountered \t the meeting of the City} ance terms. ‘Apply on premises = ; Screened ¥|was that much of the jand was|Gouncil Monday night Alderman Mines, a ee ad . * ; wing held by men who had not C@8ey Save notice that next week ir of = 3 Sacked J} yet completed sale but were hold he would move the following|MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build- a z t Delivered z — it up for themselves, and if ae | ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- = = x sithe prospective settler wanted lat the City Council go on pert Housing Ltd. Ge WwW DON’ = 13 00 : land he had to pay dearly for it,|"@¢ord as opposed to the opera-| Nickerson Seoreter; . tf = N'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! = * *| The party: bad several discus. |“#0P Of gambling houses in the} —— —— — |= One D = * : “ - : . « $|sions with Dr. Wrineh who urges |City and recommend to the police | FOR SALE—Gramophone cabinet = ayed *. Missing Tooth lowers Your = . per ton S| rapid wetion in-regard to procur-|CoMmission that gambling be] Size, With forty-six records. = Efficiency~ Bling f . Abas sat suppressed.” Apply Prince Rupert Bowlingizas » a gs) ine f irther medical services fo: ; j eis : = : the northern district. Where Che motion will be seconded by| Alley $3? = r “ Sithere are so many settlers con. | Alderman Perry. i ' 2 . i= r : nausea _.. | FOR SALE—New Home Portable = * Terminal Coal (\o ; |ditions ought to be such that peo ; ; - Electric 8 N ‘ av = : atti . # | ple could be given attentionwhen-| SHERIFF'S SALE ea cole” gee eo. Phone 203, . e * Yard Phone, Biack 519 *iever il is necessary without hay- | pee a ee ee re SARaRe Sepsma x ” In Cou = * Fling to come to the outside fer it. the County rt of Atlin FURNITURE FOR SALE Apply = OFFICE HOURS:— fe RIRIORA I IAI OIA II II ISA IASI IN iy was suggested that the Molden at Prince Rupert. : Fifth Av West 15: = Morning ernoon, Saturdays, only; s ste ‘ s 222 F 1 Ave , 8 a= i Liaestl ath ndinainee neni Soees in| hail nue est. 2 = § to 12; Aft 1.30 to 5.30; $ to 12 é I : a Og - i * E ja doctor who will receive a salary aa Me oor cae eee Pe a0 rt 4 = _— — ana / es - . . air xc as Lhere are not enough resident ae oe ; SHI sian ae ha a i n AE imendments. LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE TOlS to meet the heavy ex rt _ Se = Den urse ttendance ieavetians 7 xpemse Of !Laurits E. Stromme and others, Rent for two months. Apply|z eal ma F Will Give Lumber er a Lot he deleg: Plaintiffs. box 275, Daily News Office. 54/3 Phone 109 for appointment th toe Meine as @ i he eanaeates arrived on the |, A. Kelly L ‘ PR een eet = ! ' ltra inday and returned to} ¢ Ltd. > po arun and Lumber Lost = the south and it is expected | oda a NOAA Sor igons and Pony Ex outcome of th viele. bat atte! By virtue of an order of Hig|}LOST Between Third Ave. and U1 GHNNUUUAGANEREUAN TAL rift fe sale farmers of the interior will be | Honou: Judge Young, dated June} “Government wharf, lady's mole- greatly benefitted for all the mem / 4th, 1919, issued in this aection,|skin cape. Finder please return F. W. HART ire highly surprised and és.1o to me directed, I have seized|to Mrs. Leroux, care C. P. R. of- Black 4 lighted with the wonderful atvisdeouteat” of the defendant the | flee. 154 Geo et ‘ 4 : reererororerenee vantages*of northern B. C, as fa : r Own Li dedtinadtesteton.te Taare ' Approximately fourteen million | — Seaees Aneel . g ore PLPI LOLOL OCR OD ‘ Ee i oe SOSSCDSSSOOSESD, a be tof logs situate at Richardson, | Mc GOWAN CYCLE & REPAIR CO. PHONES 130 and 423. P. 0. BOX ; |Vaha,.and . » ( | ‘TT 3 EVIDENCE BEFORE Che road au iniets, Queen Indian’ Motor Cycles and By- Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. | i i -hariotte Islands, in the County cycles Get your keys eul by FISH BOXES A SPECIAL . ~ : OTTAWA COST OF afuresaid. All of which I shail our new key machine, No mis- e PLUM ; joffer for sale by Public Auction| fits. Gramaphones and Sewing SPRUCE FIR UMBING AND HEATING | {for cash on Taussdey, the third ‘ es repaire i5 Sec CEDAR ENGIKEERS ‘ machin repaired. 135 Second ; | day of July, 1919, at 2:30 o'clock Avenue. Phone 489. ti Games Se irnished ; jin the afternoon at the Court ; ea ; increase in unt 00 of Handling Has| House, Prince Rupert, B. C. CHE NORTON—The place for a nddvens . c nas increased According to Dated at Prince Rupert the 26 shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp of Recead Sires! Witness. iday of June, 1919. treatment. 210 Fourth Street. none O00 °. 0. Gah ie sonsiineonen i JOHN SHIRLEY, Open 10 a. m. or by appoint- P.O. Bes 1 Ottawa ju 30.—Investiga- Sheriff of the County of Atlin,| ™emt. Phone 493. tf erenennncnoreos tions into the high cest of living —h- . ; a Comfort, Courtesy and Service PROPS LIPPER CR OE arm still being ontinued here W ATER NOTICE CARD READING AND PALMISTRY ; For ; ikvedenee given before the Parlia- DIVERSION AND USE Daily 2 till 5 p.m. Parties at- : Gee ri ; : tended. 1057 7th Avenue, East, ' HE S AVOY H ; F OR SALE nentary Committee showed that} TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose opposite sacs Street , ad T g) prior to the war stockings, | °F a lessees te take and u 10 cond , ' | ; ed hous with whieh the manutlacturers were | feet of water out of Tumble ‘ gg W t aa A a 0. T-BOWUERS, Manages ; ished basement anil 37% cents a pair, cost the known @5 Goat Creek, which flows west e put pep imto our printing Fifth and F a peas i” : ' ‘ ' ed erly and drains imto the Aitsault Rive . : apr raser St. Prince lupert, B.C. led. Sth Ave., W consumer T7d5e For the same | pout a wets, from its ‘mouth at ‘head of usiness at The News |! wen) Chap e inlet o ice Armin : ‘ iquality now the manufacturer re- The water will be <¢ ted from the ooking unning Het and Cold Water ; $2875. 00 feeives 78% cents and the con-| frou * “Senet ab. (49 cans easerty aoa ae . 2 rom 3 corner oO ve Cassiar Dis we 2 Kasy Terms sume pays $2.50, This state | ict, and will be used for mining purpose IN THE MATTER of an application for cecilia See ? lonaun 6 tia made a Richard | epee — ¢ eee, o the -_ se Star | the issue of a fresh Certificate of Tithe for oe — — : i ‘ ‘ ine i, < 5 Cass nstric : unetcen ‘ oc B ° p ; D UGLAS SUTHERLAND Thompson of the Canadian Wool This notice was posted a “th seamed (33 "Sotuen = 5 "ta of tease ae ; - ‘ : Baud = on the 20th day of June, 1919 pert, (Map 92 : ; é nmhird Ave Manufacturers Association A copy of this notice and an application NOTICI hereby given that it is my 2 ee jpursuant thereto and to the “Water Act,]intention to issue after the expiration of 5 LLL OA ALOLL ELL LODE DOLD | S084 will be Bled in. the office the ive mont rom the first publication preeeee . bh eeting of the City] ater Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. hereof, a fresh Certificate Title to the rere M , hi a | at Oe > sg weer» may be | aboy mentioned tand in the name of 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 487 Counel on day nig i as | fled ith the sak ater Recorder or With} Kristian Skjilium which certificate was Wat nl . " | the omptrolier o Vater s -arlia issued 6 “Dece « p12, « 8 3 ; SRORGRe : SA-nenene - a {ment eeiaieon Sener = C a - — ee mi 1912, and is num J A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. ; OW 0 fee on automobiles plying for hire | Witty days Siler the frst appearance of H. F. MACLEOD Home Cooking. Open Day 4 and Night. ito 840 every half year The pres. M P. OLSEN, Applicant Land marae ete ae ae 11.80 to 8.39; PRICE 45c. = time. oe 7 The date of the Mrs publication of this pines yer jort re at ; THIRD AVENUE fee is $2.50. tional ae es yy 1019." 325 — > 1 NDER NEW “saeraT £ — cK > MANAGEMEN sit ober saan ee ) ‘ } _—- i ee = =S_—_—>> Se ——— ee . For Healthy Exercis« } > 0 Keep : . er | Gene Byrnes Says:— “Thanks f for the Advice.” ; Cigars and Tobaccos $) r I T * —— & | ont Bb A . BS] WAM RuguT ee . — - BOSH ALL YOUR : OSE AND Sry a ; ae | DFE — WaKe we euT \ SEE HERE 1M THE Boss eiler Ur goop > D E N T ISTRY : ott wASt To 4 ( PROMUSED 1c } OF Trt? SHEBANG AN 1 AND STRONG AND ' | («< . RST — \ BE HOME ns y ’ WANT MY SAY ONCE = ( {LL BET SHELL HAVE Lt your wt THREE HOURS A WHILE AN IF 1 FEE uct OFFICE HOURS: WA ALL — ’ Aco LiKe pa CI a feaeeer rose ad Pam. t ° yO YOu FEW COURS —- Te - S mM. to 12; 1:80 p. m. to 6:80 p.m, BREAKING HER ; MY BOSINESS ( \Ts eee J \ DR. J. 8. BROWN in “WRONG oa a DENTIST | OMce: Smith Biock, Third Avenue. Phone 454. | ; Hotel Prince R 5 ; Hotel Frince Rupert eee a mee . EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La arte. eee. a aaa St. James Hotel (LATE “QUEENS”) FIAST CLASS ROOMSB— Hot and Gold Water.