THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TWO The large, full-size biscuits tine ill' the -! citizen c..n aid in n. biiiMin;.'.- aim :.y-jrveati-t a ' ' r.i The Mr-' ;h;ia-kind. Tri . y nu-i stranjrfi--, , -:, ' advaiit t-nu-nt. i.i'ti made I u : l i : ' i ' i alive In : he aha I'.U'. !Ki r:' c, There :)' .. - I. thintr thai .I n-- i -h,i ati .1 ' hi id. -a It i i'i ,-i.mniu!:i' - ii ! t 'il l . e.n h un! mi at t l ac' ; i tha blii! thi.-t be (I law ii ( 'ivi Mart an who ba opniei.l . fits. 100 per cent whole wheat - thoroughly baked - every shred crisp and tasty - a refreshing relief from the heavy foods of Winter - with milk or cream. TRISCUIT, the crisp, tasty cracker Made fcty The Canadian Shredded Wheal Company. Ltd. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BKIT1SH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. l'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCHIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 paid in advance for veariy period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United State, p.; in advance per year ... $6.00 By raaJJ to all other countries, i ... y,-ar $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY KDITION wt'e.'fc:.a?i Wednesday. May 16, 1928 ( I l( I'KIDK IM K( TIOl S : ..- i- , i.. .-.u'ltu! i i:y ami ,; 'I'iii aii.i t and f grounds will always tie needed and we must keep them in shape. FriMeH'H Genuine AIRIM.ANE LANDING GROUNDS PRICE A a F"1 t'Vc.y ft 11 k.'l'i .-. w i. i,v ,y i'". .aw n an- .n- o! the ' ill.. i ;, I'a i , . i-' i ; :.- ) i ! M- .cuif In In nl the ritrht aiiM' .1. ;iir i j i ; i ' , 1 tin ; .nurTcous to i ,.n . .. . i,.. ; .. 1 ttcntftltlng Dr. B. I .1 l ''' "' ' .11 .1- 'l'l. .t- I'M t I 1 1 i 1 .mil H.Uill , .-.j I Arm. field when.' airplanes may land. With the settlement of the In- .ether considered in connection with the provision of game grounds. Wm. G. Beach is At r nz ews of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Henton Interests of Tacoma Take "96" Group at Stewart Kexident Engineer Draws Attention to Alice Arm Spencer Acquires Two More Mines The Henton interests of Taeoaw, who iftade the first big deal on the Big Misnouri, have taken the "9M sroup, between Texas Creek pass and Salmon River, under bond and will thoroughly investigate the property this year. Mr. Heuton accompanied by Hairy Tnwnsend, consulting engineer, i ttends to make a surface examination of tbe property as soon as Ue snow has sufficiently disappeared. The bin at the mouth of the prospect tunnel now Contains about ten tons of ore and a shipment is to be made to three smelters to determine values. Dan Woodmore and Ray Snyder are the owners of the property,. Contractors are now makllng three- ;jc.icp and did not develop any mlll-and-a-halt feet per day on the tunnel ore. Prom more recent work In at the Terminus mine and. within th"r;e tn catap, f kraw there ta a goad week, It is expected to reach the objac-! chance of finding milling ore. Active which is the big No. 2 vain Sup- ctrdtns to Dr Henderson, the quartr pl:es are no being moved up to the j actions have the best chance ol oon- mlne for an extra crew which win oe , tjiinin oaaamerrlul ore put on by H A Hey wood, the manager, about June 1 Two shifts will be em-pl.ijed in developing and blocking out ore of No. 1 vein which should be a siilppt? of high grades as soon as transportation Is provlided. A dlamand drilling outfit ha ar- For leaser period, paid in advance, ,er month 50 rived at gewert trn Seattle lor Uw Rv mail to all narts of Northern and Central British Coiumbia. inoetenoence nunc auu . c- has been seat out to buUd camp ert supplies through. The drilling is to start on one of Uie veins at aa elevation of 100 tact. Denny Jackson will be In charge of Use dia- drUltag with Jack owawaon la of the mining ctasv. The prc- psrty is new controUea by the Brtoaua Mining Ot. Ltd asm H L. aattsm at (president of the I with Michel baa bean steeled viea-praeident; W. M. Ralston, managing director, i B A. White, secretary-treasurer, a :..d has been appropriated for -I'-eloninen. and B H Otew- . H l R.-ten have been retained ' . -u:- :.. ei.jier. A close gao- - . i it carrlea out and HI be purchased -..ill j' -i'':i ami .tie ii w.ii oi niM'i'-ny in- i '. ui.n .,rr al:i in tls. ir ';.;, it i, n it i- will be K , . : ,, A:!!. ,.ffmp ha, 'an';. : ), iiuililw.jr tu- immunity. . .... ,!:. i .. . . ajsouM ; .-"artcii nl.' ui.iii'i , tl ulial nndit inns. ., -v 1. :i, . i, mln- niini - nt in-.. j'li w in. an- i,i.: i n: i i t'-tt'd in any- :-.v : - !- .i.i'i -1 : - ' Br. iii i'', n;-: .!'. "'. nv'. !-. Thi--' have In l)f H ' ': " -,: - .!:.. :..''" ! " : ' aa' ..i. ') i..; ;. '-!:: . -hi c i-d t li)lllS'lf. ' ' 1 !h; l;. - 'In- iii.jh "I MT.voi.i'. lty unitfd ",' . ... . : ... i . . . ii i . ... i . .. . .. K - in' "' i I j , . .4 ' i . i , i i . I ' i 1 1 1 1 . II will 1 11 tin' I a I e ' : - ii : . i;i - .ri I , hilt;. . I :n: USBVa SI It 1 1 ink- a.- i ! ; . . ' :,.:lM-' I..- n. : t- ami i I -n ; p.-re Will r'"' '" afJear and a Hot lie ItlM- I: t Hill- ' ft I'iiii pres.. u re w i ' ! tn retire Im twe. ii b( ''!'! 1 be - UKK' -M' ' , . ..,!.., tin. i. ! i lie-!,, th-,' " :'l' ' ' In : . I".,' ' " '" 1 1 ft . i Ml' New i nil '' u alai 1 , . : v ' 1 1 . i ' In': a, ami wi tn;- k he -iinuld ,,tnl wit li'i i'a . ANOTULK HALL Y.MXK nearer tbe r 'i'!i Ztawl that :,,- k'veatral uaehiaiott of mum was a wrlnkM - the upper Kltstult. saothar aeries of raeha surface whiab At the meeting of the city council Monday nijrht it was hinted iFrcvcd to be a vary important feature m(ii. HnnrtlM ",r ""W of the Alice Arm camp that thpre miirht ht a new irumH irrmniH for Pj-ini-P .u.. .u.. ..u :..u i. , u i. t. . ... l' tht iiu mil uir om our unniii iiui wieieiore nsvr ilium niuiiej nWIll oi it. j most have soma of the important cm deposits of Alice or what ut known as tn eesMsar We ajrree on the need for a new jri'ound at nome central point, t-eit tbe Vsnguard, Med Top Lucky possibly t MeClymont Park, but we dimiirree with the sUKaTestion Strike and others tn the main a cop-that the Old grounds might be neglected because of that. As a mat-; P" mtnerai.ratir4 with me gold ter of fact two parks will be needed. If the older people are using 1 v,,uo" the could make "n th ,thr lM 01 tn ,,n to one, youngsters u-ood use of the other. The Acronolia i "ii mf vi suvri ssufi urn. ruiiainy frcm th railway up. which take the ether branch of the atrurture and sat entirely silver- he Dolly Vsrden. North Another thing that will be needed before many years will be a star. Bavid copperfieid and. on the eld of th- railway the Tiger terior valleys and the development of an air port at Edmonton we jTMte. Musbtteer. wolf. Moose ana Last are bound to get planes in this direction that are not fitted with i0"" " Dt," v"" pontoons. We shall have to cater to these and so will every town ibT" bl" " looklB of importance alr.g -e route such as McBride. Prince George. vnLyOX L! , , ... . , .... v 'Dcaiy varden worked only three nua- j it Burns Lake, Smithers, and Hazelton. This matter will have to be af tn. ,.,, -n. khinni only shipping ore and did sot try Vo 9 110 zell I was l J. Bent's in September last and the women of Prince; Kupert i elelirtiied ihe Bargain buying opportunity of years. 1 am now engaged by Mrs. Friitell to dispense of one half of :hi giiaiiti. stock -in a few days. 1 can promise every woman in Prince Rupert SENSATIONAL Bargains at this Sale. am about to stage a selling event of the utmost significance to every woman who wishes to buy tiro articles fnr the price of one. See large Ad. in Thursday's News KTOHE CLOSHI) ALL DAY THURSDAY "It tafcee somebody more than a pros pector to open up certain types of properties. .1 would nke to see tease strong company go In and take up that Upper Kltsault Valley and sat what east be done. If these were down near the tidewater. Individuals could work a assail tonnage proposition and probably stake a profit-but the difficult) a transports uou. Som com pany ettong enough to take over the Dolly VsveVfC Railway and beadle the trajtapartettoti ' la what ta required Pone of the small com patriae can do that. Hat only that but It would make a unit earvelopmont sf water, power and any other tieasopmant of that tppe. Osl. vloasr Bpeooar and aaaoclate' f Vaaocmtee have past aasjairM op tions est the Silver Heard and Chance properties la the Alto Aisa tatld. making a total of out piopsrUst In that Slstnet now hett by thaee Interests. Tbe others are tbe Moose, Climax. Dolly Varden and Wolf The Stiver Hoard consiata of Ibur claims and adjoins the WArtf. It U owned by Albert Davidson John Bliisflnn k. Oust Anderson and A D. Torba, all of Allot Arm. It la to con talc some promising ore showing and tbe big ore bodies at tbe Wolf are believed to extend Into It. The Chance consists of out slamae and li owned by Archie McPhatl and Paddy Waorley of Alice Arm. It adjoins the Moose and contains scaae lanre showings of silver ore A tunnel has been mmevoed by the owners to strike ore "TJth and severs 1 open cuts nav driven across tbe ore body. :- ',,;; ai.n (in;' ! i ;k a -city may mailt- u. ., A . i' rti i !!il "I -' i '. will w i-'ll In thrl'i-. , , . ., . Mim-r -if ai" .Hi "n: ,:,t ,,, ;,!, Ii .-ii in art -!: ili' i 1 1 1 mil' nt w: ... . ....- .... . m., 1 i- ' ' 'I ii'." :h- i : 1 1 1 . j i , . ' lamuuii ti.i- f n;!i n:a-iTi .(' ! Ii i . .. .. ! '- ': ':''' '" ' ji'-.ib- i ; ; 1 1 1 - ' mil,- It -. -.. (I- tapifl'y :! t. ! a n nj h-r - '" ' ,: ' " being reminded that May ft at which Proa Miners" x;amT and they must be that date to protect i I K p: A'-nuilt' l. ,1 II, I. Mllllr'nii i t " n U faff Illf 1 1 . . l i-nic - In-ill ,-la' - i.i thii: v. nr(, ..rue I.i-i-m Ihrniiirit lrl- dt-vr - ., M'tir, :., Mai.:. m i- ai.a- K r - - 9 ! iticit a' :-!,! a; ii ,n:iui-ii ii-n; ,.- and tin- i Hi bent- , . , II It , ,v 1P, , r . i : !j luun ui uit muuii THKLK f Of LHLD FIC.HT u , ; : : i i. i H Th.T.i v,-ni.- I.. i- .'M-r inn-;..,- :.,at l iinc Ku;,rr' wll ha'i' '", " ''' ' ,, . ... . , , , . ..mi ;ih i.i. i "'-11.1(1 a- nil it ii,. .i-k m " you can teU the a lirce-inniiM'fd tivnt a : j..r n n ' ' v li'i. . ilnial inn I n i , , .... - a . 'i ;!r w ml-: hfi a i-aiistra board by a is a pity. Ih.Ti a,,- a. pi. --:' i-a,. I'nn;.. cand.ilati - it; Mi, Held. ..nrl , !fi, , ,.rr , d,. .,,, lntl, l-a , a howat. One is .1. II. 'I tin 1 rl'ii-rt: a.'ldidalc tin nnrripsni:. li-riiiai i i. pa lty. ,, , ,;-"p--- Tia -itu.'i;,.,, .- ,ii-al . j ana the oinei. . .M uii- :,! -- :.: - what i- u-ua'i. known -i-m :u- ... d of mi- -...n. ai.a Tmm an awfttl lot of oft la the -t hi'l'c as tlu- Ncwtmi taitinti. in 'ui in.a skip'-c :.-iW!i mi ;:de.itei ' Sta watt Mat eMtJgh w geMaT Oh Sill 111' ,,,111--.. k,,l I 'Vi. ., n I,-.,.. -, 1...,'..,' ,-iirl.l 1,. ).,, nrlifli.fu Ol. 'Ii,- (miXJs.t . r I 'l' -Ih ( .,1th. ttmabsad fasttss. Also thiTi i-iml.i I,, a il-'i-n un. iv ran'i. :.'. - if tin men wished to "'"' PWlie in wliitl -s Hi" ;ivei lesd and ., . 1 at M OraUaT Maw) Sal twtMesOl It It oner tnem i'lM--. i- im ; afiin- i I nweer. m irooa . 1 . -. ... ' w A.- ii off .- the n. i u,j sjM isoaautgont. yam sssy be prettg suit purpose is tn he set ' .-ii b tlnii r j ,:i eell li 'Wo ( ollM'I'va- , . M , - . 1 ta ... ' iMinMaai aaaaaaw aklnal ti.- nlleiM-.r We -ii-.'; -t !'' .laf imniinei -bmild (Imp -v, ,. thr K, -j, to sa ajawtaat Otosjel. out ami lea' i 'lie Meld . .e;n in lr 'I in.tli i. Thl- i only a suy- :'-:. ,d- at h- y. TtMi ' 11 ' I In ejawr ta b ejwtry at to what are the ausHftra teams for a good editor. that aw two ejatawM Tbe first It that be must learn to say "Ho" and stick to it Tbw other la that there Is no such thing at a good editor. Vveryoae libta seas sort of apart. Dodging efMrhsra la the game many seem to enjoy moat. MM Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert An Italian at Fallt a ecu sad at tore with th tlie pspri town. provinctal A private aw i l . -ejr. . mm I 'aaaawaw iJs '4JB9E ii II, Itlg. arrest at Ocean to Inter lines at A mpart reaeivej by ; baadqtiarters herel received tn th t l AIMlSfl AOtW HOYS' BAND MAY YET GET TO EDMONTON Negotiations with dmonton in regard Th hick town Is awe what ttw milk 1 ' the boys' band entering the band auppty is cut otT If the cow geta lost ' -mpsutlon there have failed so far at or Mkwa bar bell. i the ganarai oompetltloei is oonftnad to the bands in northern Alberta outside A man was badly burned while , of aMssontoa. However, an effort is now trying to light s flit with newspapers, i Surely net wCeU local Hi a ape pert It muet have awSSt the Vancouver gun that did th viinri' nr urfA'iiki a eampetition with the aWtrtoirtofi Slays' band at the urn of the fair at that city. II 01 . AHttlV.UJl. Central W. O Bovoe, Prince Jtkleaon. Amsbury; O. J. Lund. city. Ha toy A. O Pearoom and W art: - Margaret Larson. Maldrat. Twrraot; T L era. JTtoee A. I. Ooodcnough Senktaal. Mow Hacvltos; tf. Suawne, Ore. John aatdalXtMR , Stew-O. M SmlUi- S. H Parris. O. M. Oewar sffli d j the city on yesterday sftent- .'s . ais from Ed- avanton to Join the vat or the CN R city ticket office here 1 - the summer the. IJINI) ACT tab UMU the man bad everything m, (mm List " 1 T eraaineaa to throw tae wnoie pntat out of operation. rlct and tltuafc on Moresby hnmd ad ". . "'-Wd te Inlet ufrcn Charlotte lalantfc T a WTW Uvlwwa . eit, u night atatM tbst nrehad d-; nVvTJi uie uoagnmi anujwswuenng yara puip ana paper manttfacturen.. iinends CTt,;rsOain. Tbe loss I apoiy ioi a lenae of ! following hy.. '".r rAobaity o; , commehclng '.t . pt planted .t th. a w comer of B T l, 8847P iiien. n ?SKrf. ."!w"!5uei 'Aaironomlel .ww .... .iiirtiui' wnrill 33 ftrirrnni qn . The Oanadian Pool Oommiasioner minutes West iA"tri.iiomi lsoo ft gives aarnlnij that there may be s thence North aa deisre. :io nninites East urgea that all hau.hoias put In a thence North 60 deKree. Em 7iMnm0: . " 1 aai VV n4T ttturlr .f Allltora Sty; thence fi lkuvi man waror msra Soii' ,. .... .v.: of cosaaneur tiuitit J, . .! "nl Island rn l inn.,. " The Ooimtv Oourt case of Thomns snd'iei inland 1 1 1, m niK nVi Tirre? twakerln, ld veven other men who kit nJt'.' hu1'' ''""H.iii'ng lit eeeaing coilertian OI wage irom inr defutirt Diun, nt-Emeraon logging con-cirn in ii(iii,iir:,,.d until Friday morning. PACIHC MILLS, LIMITED r...,.H ,pnr!" Si"""' i&'nt' 101 Wediieii,, v , . : u ' i: bib .' i "sMraw iAmt let jmm mis $tnaxt 'frS HE'S an artful angler, is Mr. "CbetfT Pairx "Low price" "just as jood" "save you money" that's the Head of bait be c H-i's you when the ijotariort of ptintioar or re-paiatmg your house sstses up. Eut rinn't be fooled. Don't bite on that kind ol "appteaauce." After aQ, it's prist you want not some-tUrtc that foofta Kk paint Yau want oaswrege and SWP Hoase PaaM gtret vest coverasa. A eaTlon ai IV. P w pat two coats on i taus-e (eat of ge4 surface. A (auon J tbe "cheap" saint wtB put tv.a coats tm JOt tqoarc feet. IWP cosu a kit mart by tbe pOaa but it oets a lot isss by tat job. And h evd you a job to bt preod ef . For IWP bat eokw beamy. It Km eWabaBty. It staad. tbe S racket of wear tad we I "cheap" paint sever can. H covtrV M casith B ! Sf Ika MnrMMI bi amrlraH ln plaat I ar for the concern wttiout collecting cars I ills wages As the claim eireeda the i 1.000 Juried tctkxi of tbe County Court, the act km will be heard at the aesalon the Supreme Court Aesiaas bate next month. SWP Hswae Paint b ptrfecMsJ by the Mo,l,t Tamh a tbsag that ne cheap paiat csn rvrr Meautf to give you. This Matatr Touch u xs-aatatd saly by tbe warkft great scientists, bur-beak bed b sa the fieM of honSaulture. Vxliwa bat tt la the tttcarlrtl world. Masosal oiscovcirr of wireless, bat it And the acientific mm it tbe bead el the Sbtrwta-WfluaiBi Ubornoi .- pasaeat k aa4 aoo it te the tested, proved materials used at the asking of IWP. There tbe thing absat SWP that caa't be di plicated. S va yoo tear sr reset tht soiot ",. prised" ssaat ia juet as goud WatSgaf Yew caa't paint SWP don't bite. Pat it W-. it "sppleaauce" to catch the u-,in. Tab yoar paaitptobtemto t . :rt Ihntjlisilsit the store ol yju: Vscal aWwis-WOUaa. He teBs SWP sad wttl tell ou the quantity yei need for the ; b. He bat inters etaig atetstu i to give yoa. at well at a I te c. , v u( the Sberwin-W illums "liuase- FOR BEST RESULTS USE Sherwin-Wsluams Paihts-Varmshes-Rogers Ucqm FOR SALE AT PAINT HEADQUARTERS BY Howe & McMty, Prince Rupert, B.C. Judge P. McB Young yesterday heard canaMtaraMe argument of counsel in tbe matter of setting tbe date, some d tin-stilt y having arisen In getting the principal to the action together. Another Icaa in the same connection Is that of DEMAND Rupert Brand pers 'THE DAINT1KHT BKHAKFAST 'Ml Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C'. W I'rinre Rupert. ILC Canadian National Q7jc Largcfl Kailway Syflcm in Amend STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings front ntlMT KITUKT for AKCf ll'VKK. VIIT and Intermediate points, each TM Hall IV and si mm v 1 Pnr KKTf'IIIK AN and ANVOX. each HRfiNKMIIAV. 4 pm Per HTHHAHT eacb RATI HIlAY at 10 p m. Par NOKTII and Mlt'TII qt r.KN ( HAtU OITC IM-tNI r " PASStntOeil TRAINS l.l;tt lKIMK RI ' " ' laeb MOMIAV. VKIM:mIAV and 'All ItliAV St 11 30 ' OMIROE, EDMONTON, tVINMI'MI. all polnUlasU " i " States. AOW.CT AU. OCK AN STEAMSHIP LINfS Use Canadian NatVHial Ktprees fee Maney tlidm. !" " rir liiw li.r jmur net' sulftHieSII. fiTV TicKirr nincr,. ttt tiiiiui ttr- pniNtt KiirrnT i CANADIAN! Dsriripi Vvtsiiatr a cm i. II a .hti ltl, , r..s I'tt rtsnis 'Canadian Pacific Railwaj B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupefl To Kelrlilkan, M ranged, Juneau, and Hkagway Ma) i. in tamouer, tieioria and hen I lie May S. IS, t?. I'HINf USS IIOYAL IW llHtrdtlf, rt iiella lletla, Oman f alls. Mams. Alrri M.o uamiiiteii mtrr aao tsnroaver every f rMay. in P' Ageitey fur all Steamship Lines. lull t:il"" W C. 4IR IIMtll. fleneral Agent, t'orner of till Slrrt and 3rd Avrnur, I'rlner lliiM-rl. IM ,,m im I ' 11 I CI