FAOH FOUH BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM aster 7 STRANGE " AAA. THE PRETtVI P THERE.'3-M-V- gatea fif HOWCrV- MfVr ( OH- MR-JIGC5-, t FINE.-1 SEE A LOT OF FUMNYTHIMC " ) I Hi GIRLS MARRY THtl HOMELY I REMF Vt HAD q ATES ? IJ. GLAO TO SEE YOO -m 3 AROUND HERE- UOOK AT THAT r WA mem- r-iL-o-,, ' . ARE VOL) J -J TP A. ill ( k HOW M f'h OVER" THERE; J-S Zm, Wall Board ft REMEMBER-HER PAHTY?j ALU HAD OH-MR - I ensures a lifetime . ol satis . Jt . ; , iacuptw'n used rot wa Is t . nii ON try alarms lllmKHurlnj? of tie Width?. CRACK S VVAI?I won CKUMI1LK BURN or WEAR OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator,, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie All at Bargain Prices at FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue BLANKET Special For three weeks, commencing May 7, we wHl give the following prices: Single HUnkets Double Blankets ,"Ot All Blankets washed In Ivory Soap and returned nice and fluffy. j Pioneer Laundry l'hone 118 DRY : BIRCH JACKI'INE AND CEDAR ' Single load $3.30 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 30c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina PeerTsas Egg $12100 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Seer nd Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mciiride Street store now dosed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. k' Telephone 637. J Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Alberta J Market Prices PtIom ewM i m fallow: LAKH Pure 33c Compound 20c Creamery KOOS B.C. Freth pulleti 3tc B.C. Frih HniU Do B.C. FMh wtrki iic Local new Mid SOe nun Smoked kippers. Ib 16c pcippered salmon, lb. 39c Smoked Mack eod. lb. 20o Plnnan haddlec Ib 33e Fowl. No. 1. lb 38o and 40c Routing chicken, lb 4Sr Ham. allced. tint grade. 50e', Ham, whole, flnt grade fe Ham. picnic, lb 22fre, Cottate rU. lb. '. . 29 J Bacon, back, allced 60c Bacon, side 4W to S6c Perk. Jry aalt 8Sc Ajrrablre baosa. lb, 33c Veal, shoulder 33c Veal, lola 40c Vetd. lf Pork, sboulder 23c Pork, loin Pork, lee Beef, boUIng Beef, steak . Beet, roast, prime Potatoes, 8 lbs. .. Sack , rib Lamb, chops &oc Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, lee 40c Itnb, leg 48c Mutton, cbopa 40c Mutton shoulder 30c HUTTEK Swifts' BrookTletd, lb. . Oorgoncola. lb McLaren's Cream. Jars . Brookfleld Swiss cheese. Flour, es-s Ma. t jhard wheat . . . Pastry. Uaett, 10s , .v ftsstry Seur. tl ,........... Beeu. 8 lbs. for . rets, sack Cs.rott, a lhs. for Carrots, sack 50 45c 50c 48c 504 45 t'llKf.'KE Oamembert eheese, 8 oz. pkg 66c Kraft Umbergr, H's OSc Ontario Mttda 5c New 7calaMl solids ,. 3r0c aHUtoo. lb. .x v' 404 Kraft 46o JsfaFwala rt ilvc 450 7e . 45o and 85o tt lb. pkg. 30o Brookfleld Canadian cheese. ! lb. pkg. 3c Oruyarc 48c Oolden Loaf, lb. 46 Jatk. lb. 80 Romano Sardo, lb 76c aammeloat, tb 30c SKItlt White, per 10 M OO Yellow, par v 100 8T.78 ILOL'K S3.06 76c MOO aWaa-.aV Ms Parsley, bunch OSc Cauliflower. &C. head SBc California head lettuce 15 Garlic, imparted, per lb 2c Leeks. 4 bunches for 38c California celery, head .. 28c and 30c Spinach, local 10c Texas New Cabbage, lb 10c Ouoklat onions, 4 lbs. for 36c New green onions, per bunch .... 8c California radishes 10c Turnips. 6 Iba fc 3c er sack S3.00 Brussels Sprouts, par lb. 38c Hothouse Rhubarb, 8 lbs. for 38c IKL'IT Oranges. Valencia, doeen. . .40o to 81.00 Lamona. Sunklst. doeen 38c to 40c Imperial Valley Orepefruit 3 for 36c FtoruM ' BWfrWt. 3 for 36c Bananas: Jto, 35c KmaetedifconeyjilkviAi.- 35o Datei.'IATrV. 2 lbs. for 38c Raisins, hvlk. per lb 15c Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. tor 36c California Dainty Dates, package . . 38c Yellow Newtona "C" grade 83 JO Fancy 3M Extra fancy 4.00 Wlnesant, "C" grade $3.80 Fancy 3.78 Extra Fancy 34.00 Naval aranges 40o to 31.00 IIKIF.D FRUITS Laawe and orange peel 30c Citron peel 60c Black cooking figs, 3 lb 25o O )U. by loll r..ly S.ric.. Ik?' White figs, 2 lb 35c Currants. 2 lbs 35e Applea 28e Peaches, peeled 33c Aprlcou. lb 34c Frunea. 90-100. 4-lba Sec 33 lb. box 41. 9 J Prunes. 60-70 lb. 3 lbs for 3Se 30-40 8 lbs. (or 36e 40-80 lb 18o 35 lb. box t.i'J W.00 Evaporated pears. Oialrea, lb 23c 36 lb box ...I.. tSM Almonds, ihelled viaJenslu 6e BrasiU 33c Walnuis, broken sbeH'ed 80r WaJnuU, shelled halves 65c Almnnda , 35c Peanuts 2c Manchurlsn walnuts 25c CalUorola walauts 49c No. 1 mixed nuts '. 35c New fDbecta , 26e rr.EU 100 lbs. Wheat, No. S 3j00 OaU 28 Bran 243 Short . Middlings Barley ONE ltOAT SELLS I ISII. i48 W.T0 3.38 3S" Poultry mash 43.80 SDecial ectmash Oyster shell S4, Scratch food BeX scrap 12 He tg 18a 1 orowsd oil sake 3.28 3.20 3 60 5.00 414 . 300 to 4 Baby ehtek feed 34.38 Fine oat chops 3O0 iCrusbl oats 13.18 Floe barley chop 33.34 Only one boat sold halibut at Fth fecbfcna tola moralag the the BrookfKWr Bbamrork and Woodlsnafl.Anibicsr)' schooner Arrow, j which dl lb 50c IpoMd of 33.000 pounds ti the Cn- K.CJ3.. lb Capitol, 2nd grade. lb. Fraaer Valley, lb New Zealand. In bulk dian Flah St Gold Sttorag Co at 84o and 8c. The Wave . Is holding over until tomorrow with 5,700 pounds. John wstklna. . well known plooeee Stewart prospector, sailed last evening r-n the CaUIa1 for .Vhooauver. Al FalaisMCa bMaUtt oamp. which started. ofrQw UH November. Is working cMUdtay'd during the 6jc past month or M. i.;(Maatlty of piling Napoleofl Umberger 70c, ) been ahiapa Anyox and Prince Roquefort 75!BPt- Morjwll soon be shipped . 3&e 24T& 35 2c 21 to Prince RHti a well as mining timber to Anyes. ChiMes Rlpiey Is In charge of opciShaa. , H. F. 8. Woolvehh. minlna engineer representing the .fftqril Exploration V'J -WHY-BE EMBARRASSED BY PERSPIRATION ODOUR It's so easy to avoid this obnoxious social error. Simply use Lifebuoy, the superb toilet soap', for face, hands and bath. Let Lifebuoy's creamy, antiseptic lather neutralize the one to two pints of moisture which the human body expels daily through the pores. When you use Lifebuoy you can be sure of never giving offence from bath to bath. LbSSl LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies ami Protects Oo. of ; Vancouver, haa been making an mapectten of the Beperanza mine here. The Alice Arm llqtrar store, which has been closed for a brief period, was reopened yesterday. F. D. Rica, B.C.L.S.. who arrived teat week from Seattle where he apent the winter, has left for the Saddle pro perty at Hasttnga Arm to do survey work la connection with the proponed trarnHne. Mra. Henaon of Vancouver la visiting here with her daughter, Mrs. Ole Evlndsen. The Government gaeollne speeder ha been put In operstlem ma the Dolly VMrieav Railway. VANDERH00F Seeding la now weH under way In tbli district and should be about complete at the. end of the week. The soli Is rfeoeraUy in a very good eondtUon. The funeral tmk place Tuesday In the Ftrat United Church. Aav. Joteph T. Sneton. offleiattiig. of James Wilson Campbell, resident of Vanderhoof since 1818, wboxe death occurred the Satur,-Imj pHivioua. The town turned out In force tor the obe,ules and pallbearen were F. Wynne Haath. R. O. UM-tbewa. E. C. McOorkeU. E. Metleachy. E. A. MMoheU and Oeotge Qsatton. Tth 'ate Mr, M4teheH. who was fifty years at ate. , u survived by his widow and five chJMrce. The monthly meeting ef the Vender-hoof and District Board of Trade was Md kts) Tuesday evening with the president., Stephen Holmes, In the ettalr. David Alt ken of the local STEWART Canadian Bank of Commerce staff baa gene to spend a, hoUday at his home in Salmon Arm. K. A. MamM of Wlttlama Lake ts rviievlng during his abeee Bill Miller, who Is a patient m the Prince George hoepltsl. Is making satla-factory progress toward recovery. Mr. and Mra. Paul Boar are home al tec having speat' the winter in North Dakota. I Miss Mtrjorie Peterson a Preston are home from their studies at ' the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Mis. Ales Nicholson has returned from the hosaMal at Prince George where be underwent a sucstsjful operation Oood progress Is being made on the rehabilitation of the Canadian Northeastern Hallway here. The bridge over Bear River la nearly completed and men at busy cutting ties. W. Wllaon. who v.-ui oe nrnwi u n - b . . r fliwwr ; ill in I irr V anted For Sale For Rent FOR SALE. IMPROVED TtSUUCE ranch, over 400 fruit trees. 42 O80. Phone Red 818. lis the Telkwa a tat Ion and Oeorge Oulton. the Smltnen) statloB. uvea iro vanooMvtr and nas selected ftft la town. mie ou.the.ewuth mU of Hitter Cretk'. The mllf .have a weJry canaakty of un. E. R. Oox be tha tw; Ufit of Bttl and it ml The local narks beard has oasmieii yf. mm. nas ar Dujabaf : af . UaJW.4 on the of Wed 10 the lulld-iji aourt case . Involving several In.rten Jack Anderson of Alice Arm. an old tmer of -Stewart, hat apent the week here renewing acqtialntanoea NEW iiaZELTON Ex-Oovernor D. W. Dsvla, owner of ' 'lie Seven Skaters group at Cedarvale A whilst drive, dance and sale apron visited this district at the first of the wa held to the Service Club Hell Frl-,,. Artw. . nM l0 lne Mabtvt tMnt '"j ilium uuw wiw aiui vi oi. h pwiBesMso nrntisstlsil with witn n u Mark's Women's Auxiliary. John Menrafbella, who purchased the u Munro to Sachets. Mr. Munro hntl bt-en distributing Srult trees here old Empreea Hot4 buUdlng last winter. Qa vveataesday morning Dr H c l,as now boucht the two lot It oceu- win. M-tJt.. gave an uklresa to the pies and will make the old bout again of Ne pupu, Hazelt.u, s hooi on Im- jpirlal aftalia. Jans Federaon, so old timer of Kyder, has returned after an tsfcencr of a year or mere and ts buUdlnj a gas station. garage and automoMIe repair shop. While fishing with halibut gear from a rowboat here, Axel Asetaa. in charge of the Qrlffao ore scow, caught a mud shark measuring U feet seven laches siul weignlm IJOOO emnds. SMIT'IIERS . i A third garage Is being built in Bmlthers on Broadway for Mutch and Ileffernan. The Telkwa Nursing Iteme eeetmtttee The Oyster Bridge Club met last week at the hoaae of Mrs C H Sawlr. prlae winners for the past month being Mrs Thornton and Mrs Suwle Meetings have been discontinued for the summer. The New Hanelton Udlen' Aid met oo Wednesday afternoon at the home of (M It B TV. . . . h elected the foUewlag officers: Pre- all ready tor the house track extension tWent. j. J MtNell; secretary, T. P. and a new loadlns nlatform .m Smith: treasurer, O. Bu&alnger. A report Issued by A. E Richards.! be put In. Oeorge Hall Jr It patient In the v " . nuapiiai 1" sufreriiis nuiieriiiv f.. irnm - - i Hons, nates that Telkwa and Sauthera crushed ) aiut.n . . ! klntlm,. " m M thimisti t h. wlnlM 1.. .4 I I . . , ... ... irscior east of Skeena Creatine good condition. F. M. Dockrlll conducUjthe mschtne having upset. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE WHX BE HUILDIXG MATEHJA1.S srr.ritL i.imhkk ntitiiw. 1x4 Com. Sited, a tx Shlplap. No. 3. Ha Fir V Joint S In or 4 In. Ml. a. goad AUCTIONI5RHS. K. tt KVOLHMIN ClilroriraKr 8S3 Third Avenue. - r wti ma aeciaed to dls-1 - urnvrnv iw continue months. Miss Ida Schultelk has been elected Queen of the May for New Hanelton and will be crowned on May 34. gaprovement are well under way at "en aiauon. The fill la FOR HUNT FUHNsbHKD HOOSSltBtM'- lng roosas by the day. week or month. Phono Red 807. U FOR RENT. -men ts Apply FURNISHED APART -Muasallem Oreeery n?7 .t;as- iaeurgoiy. High 0:44 ajn. SM am low 7:38 a.m. 18 US p.m ON Thursday. May 17. at X8S p.m. consisting of pis no. Columbia cabinet. Orafonola, two drsessra, (mahogany) two oak cbUToniera, oak secretaire, Oliver typewriter, rocker, camp beds, fitrnaaetta, McClary Oarry rang; Silent Salesman. 7 feet: and miscellaneous articles. List your goods for this sale. (IKDItm: IHMKH. Auctioneer Block Third Avenue. Phone Black 130. Per M grade 316 OS 613 0 Flmsilug or V lo.ae mt w-"7j v in vtsii onmgJes a ( a j .ss IS In. Roof Shinglaa, Me. I Pert g oo In. No. 1 Shlptaf). any width o 13 la lite Rough Fir Boards, mixed widths I 800 4 Llfht Sash, sack g t.ts 6 Light Sash g !.4 Inside doors. 3 ft. I in x 6 ft. 'n I 3.40 Back Doors, 1 ft 8 in. i ft. 8 in. (glass) too Front Doors, ditto 6 6 76 Also a big stock of finlah lumber always on hsnd. as well ss lama too. wall board, veneer, etc Write us for prices. KXrUMOR LUMIHiK A SIIIMll.K On Mmltrd t. of Victoria. - Vancouver. BC .Vf;ti , m tert 'Arctios .mart tderl Ufa Furnltore of all kknSj be or eschAg4. OraUhg and SMtltm damn. 0 SS4 OjfcngSsslailBlk Aurllenrer. PA'CIIANfJR I'ltane 4AS SF.W AMI SRCOMI M tritMTl'IIK bought snd sold and exchanged. Flayer Piano and Two Oath Reglvrers in st.tck PAPAIIOI'IH.O) a) MA II AN 830 Third Ate. Thane SIS CUIKQl'ltACTlC Telephone foj appointment bow to Blue as. Resilience phone Slack 388. Acute and Chronic rjtaordsrs sueceas. tuMy treated. BhtablUhed 1894. PRlNL'R IMTPRllT Tinrc a ortavnus : 33.14 am Loie8ASJ 4:8 a.m. 17:11 pa. TIHHSIIAV. MAY Illn Vt9 oaon Uw ' &:48 aun. 17:88 pm IIIIMAV. MAV High 0:68 a.m. it p.m. Low S:s a m 18 41 am KATl'RD.W. MAV IS B 21 JJ " 33.6 ft 30 4 " 1.7 " 48 " Ifl SM ft. 30.7 " 08 " 6.0 " i um aniji DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F; ?2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTED PARTNER WANTED WITH KNOW-ledge of flshewrtng hualneaa and markets, and some capital by practical flahcurer for beirusg aaltery near Prince Rupert. Apply Bos 10S, Dally News Office. 116 WANTED. TO RENT SMALL FOR. nlshed house or asartateat. "with possession - about May 30. Apply Dally News office. 118 WANTED. CHEAP LOT ON FIRST. Second or Third Avenues; cheap building considered. Apply Box 103, News office. WANTED. WOMAN FOR LIOHT housework Phone Red 787. 118 WANTED. DAILY WORK Phone Red St. BT YOCKO 116 TWO WAITRESSES WANTED. Apply Boston Cafe. 117 SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK - EtTHCS housework, restaurant work or farm work. Wages 880 to SS8 monthly. Apply Mra. W. M. Meekley. Fart Fraser. B.C. FOIt SALE FOR SALS. HOUSE IN OOOD LOOA-tlon containing four rooms and hath. S1B0O.OO. Good view lots In Woatview from 4200 to 8300 each. McCafery Gibbous, L(d. 11 OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USED IN- stead of building paper or to lay beneath oarpcta on the floor. Get special price on large quantities Dally Newt. OR SALE. LOT 3 BLOCK M. STtW-art. This lot faces Sixth Street and hacks up to the post offtce. The price Is 1.000. Box 800. ruily New,Pnnce Rupert. tf FOR SALE. FUtUUSMED HOUSE AND Shirley' wt ssrden. 848 9th Avenue E. at cash. bargain. Price Squtrehuck. 140S, part 133 FOR SALE. PARTLY FOMnSMSD large three room cabin at the Salt Lakes. Apply 8yd Thomson. Phone 180. no FOB HUNT FOB MTNT. FIVE ROOM OFFICE Royal Bask Building. Five IN bouse on Fifth Avenue, near Metarule McCaSery Si Oibhena. Ltd. XR RENT. - CLAPPERTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasonable Apply City Treasurer. City Hall tf OR RENT PIANOS, PLATES)-PIANOS. Phonographs snd Sewing Machines Walker's Music Store. tf Ml ouod,! STEAMSHIP MOS lor Vaiteii Sunday !.ll (. Twastay- ss vuu Thursdsy it ,,, Friday--as. Pnti'-cv, satursay w -.,.,h...J May 17- Ptu,.., a:.( May 17-an Pi.n,e. a; Item Vanrutiirr Sunday- m c,,-,,:, waduesday p- vmr u Friday- ci.icn Friday- -m pr.n.w Rorn anroay-u. vr Rnpr.. ill May u ss P';inf. a: May 38 - w Pr:i. .. a...- er Part simiHi ana Nu h- rriasy s i ram IKrt Miinpn mrl m I Saturday c.rn.1 ft A aye Sunday --at r, ..!.! Wrdneoqsj v ... '.-g Item A avei Tuesday ss c.i-.ib t Thursday . !' -.. , r- w Fer Stewart ami I'rnnwf- Sunday a .. ,.. Saturday- s !' " pf, Stewart nil rrnni Sunday- H ... i' Tuesdav- m ci-aii 11 wr ilaeen rharMtev- Mfcy IB- as -rem ttaeen May 17-es May 31-as er .tbjafca Wednesday May IS - May St IVewi Alaska Pn i). e Jil Oi.irliitt'- Pl.!i. I' p. , : IT; 11 Thursday -May 17 r May 17 r A. A MAIL SCHEDHf Iwr I he KM Mondays, w..,': doers I ram I he l: ..t Tuesdays Tim mail due Te taneer uadays Ttwedays Thursday Saturdays 0.PR- May Trains. Mumi. Sa turds v tvnsa VSaeeiiv - Sundays . Wcdneadays FrWys . Saturdays CJI- -Trains. Sundst- Otys To fjeeen ri .riH' W.-dat Ta AMfot sad AM' ' rm Sahtsys . Wednemlay IYhui isiiit snil AH Twesdaya Thuradavs r Stewart nnd Prrm'"-SundsyK Saturdays rom Nlewsrt "'' rr'm" Sundays . Tuesdays T Naa lllvi-r Fml- Frldav From Vaas'KIcf Folnla- Saturdays To Alaska Pl May 13 and '' Fram AUks Pnlnl m t in 1 1 21 May 6 si .. in . tMt Frni tjlieen rii..rlr May 17 siul .,r(1 fl'TTI II IHIX lIA . Oraham A Atlin A" 1st Ave. & 8th ' - PllH"" r.i3t5e'. T1. i s.r -Tl 60 " ) lM ft 3 9 " 4 7 " IS i.: -'3 I ,.ulrt qtb Avm. "St SheruruuM tlTTlve. rM eth Ave. mv- t' Otb Ave. de 1 ,v 8th Ave. St cut.'ii w 8th Ave. At Gr":i ft 8th Ave. ft MrMi ' Pro. Oovt. Bii!lit' Pro Govt. Whr' OTJ". Wharf O.T.P. Station 88 " UA Ave. 2nd St 3rd Ave. FtiH'"' 81 rd Ave. ''' Sundays '" ' p.m. collectU'ii Ar- ntH art HPdl