hlivr Save Money Boston Grill II The cheapest way to buy the Di.lj News U to subscribe by the year The cost U 6.00 and your capv la delivered to your addreai en s even lug. Just figure out the irnnl) oat to you for thla dally ic'vice for twelve month I V M OUVEU, May 16. "There is no law in Chinatown. The i ii. i neii aiiu a few more ure running the town. A policeman was not recognised." This was the statement made by V. H. H. Duggan in the course of evidence given at the Van-;n.lice investigation yesterday afternoon. His remark came ult of questions by W. Ii. Maclnneh, counsel for Sue Jioy, ' a lifted gambling kiliK. ii'iin had tlt iland that Shut- Moy had told him that he era) Kamblint,' iilaii and Maclnnes demanded of witness COLLISION OF PASSENGER AND SWITCH ENGINE i ii: i, i: KlllhMi IUNT M UJW AMI lilt .!- May 10 A trainman and ;-M'Ker were injured when ;juwenfer train collided with :cl engine a mile west of . . .-rrdmy The pas-enger ea- rrai oars sst the rails tfeae nwri were injured Wilson, engineer of the ,. .i; received scalds and )ieii switch is believed to . cause WITKESSESTO PROCEED SOUTH ' "M' M;ilfl. MHO WII.I t: ninKMi; i mnki;y !' him it i .: to u:K MAT T KMlt.tV ' .Hit Ales McN :ll. chief Of 'iciacbmen: of the provln- receive i instructions to crown witnesses In the t case vj Mew Was train - 'ie trial 111 be beld. neat :!iig aboard the steamer ::.- are about twenty-one ivi-nea to all. Ktmns now received would :i:rdict a report received ' that the e-ldenoe In the iw( heard here Instead of . '.sK'r McMURRAY IS TO APPEAR u) a ponre ouicer nr. nso not ar rested Sbue Moy. Ducgan eald be bad not even reported the conversations because be knew bis super Ion knew' 'of Shuc Moys sctlvrUes. Wltueaa alao told of vlsrttn an al- jleaed Ctitnese gambling place at 17 i Trance Alley where be found a three I ana a half year old white boy martin i lottery ticket. When he asked a Chinese employee about the boy be wsi instructed by the Chinese to "mind hit i uwn business." VOLCANO ON UN1MAK IS IN ERUPTION the US. .Mm i. in man mm u eowe las nigh. Captain 40 S4t 40 .IVi M 1J0 the iOssjjiain' cutter Unalga. reported that Shilahal la vclceiKi on Unianak Island U In s tate of eruption. CAROL OF ROUMANIA LEAVES FOR OSTEND DOVSR. May 16 -4rlnoe Carol of Rouiusnla sailed this afternoon far Os- lend after being requested by the Brit 40 " 4IH .IS S4 14T 46 .44 i;l.l()TT T. HALT Wl Lrnissttocw. ' - iJS , hare today mmm Z"Zr of sut r oan, sw Alexander Wit. of the late Sir ITALIA STILL IS CRUISING i IN FAR NORTH' mix umi tii km; men whim: AM'lHMfci) AT LEMNKtM) AW) HSTI IIS litlDAV KICS BAY, p:tabei.en. May 10 j U eight o'clock thla morning the llrlglble lUlla was northeast of Franr I Josef a aw. It then proeeeded to tbej et coast of leiilnlsnd where au toe j nehor wui be dropped and three men ut aahcre. The Italia expects to return to King's 3ay before Friday. sa. 44 tt. Ldks Oanudl. calm. temp. SO. Tslegrajih CswskCliudy. 6 w wind 9. ning, calm, temp Atlln Cloudy, south wind. temp. a Whlteaorae Cloudy. S. wind, .temp Carmacka Raising, south wind trmp St. Dawson Clear, calm, temp 6.1. FAIRWAY WON ATNEWMARKE1 (MILT TIUT IS A f AtOKIli; TO It Till) IHtHUY TAKI.X Tilt HTAKIX MaTWMARSXT. May ie -lord Derby fairway won the Newmarket Btahea to day. The Whedler came second and Lodore tturd. Fairway to one of the favorites for the Derby at Bpsom and thla win will give Mm a distinct boost in popular favor. It Is his first run of the season and he la bearing out all the good things that have been said of him VICTORIA CONDITIONS BETTERTHIS SEASON CocmlUoas in Victoria are better today than they have been for years, according to R. T. Thompson, business maasasr of the Victoria Tunes, who Is makUag the round trip on the steamer Maes Oeorge boHdaying. Mr. Thompson asya very body is busy and that at paniceneriy true of the newspapers. VICTORIA TAX RATE SET AT 41 MILLS VICTOOUA. May 16 The Victoria tax Sate has been set at 41 mills for the present sear, an Increase in general rate Sat a decrease in the debt and school ate. IIIIITII MITKi:. A eon was born this morning at the fines Rupert General Hospital to Mr. snd Mrs. Bills Morris (nee Rhea Horn ing). Advertise In the Dally News. ICC I PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V.OI'.LD-fJIAM ION ilil.K AND JJUTTER PRODUCER: A Lo Angflei i w, "Anna Fayne i'ielie." jrave 2.-,20S pounds ! mi 1 k in :M A.,y from which 7'J-l iounds of fat were extracted. Her 7-Uaj record is 727 pounds for milk and o6.65 pounds for butter. Fall of Pekin to Nationalists is Expected Soon and Rale of Northern Dictator Cans Tso Lin Will Tlien End May 16-The fall of Tekin is expetted shortly by LONDON, Jfce liiesKt tonal it while there Is every indication of, Hhe lonx rale of Chan5 Tso 'LfrCt hern ''rlietaior In I't-fcin, coming to an end. Advit-e from Pekin say Chanu is expected to depart from the Northern Capital within a few days report h from Nationalists at Shanghai went o far a to my he had already left 1'ekin in an armoured car and arrived at Tientsin Sunday. em MADK FLIGHT FROM NEW YORK To HOLLYWOOD: The machiiu, a German Gotha, carried ( apt. and Mrs. Roscoe Turner of Richmond. It is the lairest aeroplane ever flown acro.x continent, and is to be used in the film "Hell's Ana-els." KING WOULD OUTLAW WAR Canudian Premier Say 1W1-Ing in Dominion Strongly in Favor of if OTTAWA. May 16. "flood news" com men tod Premier King Iat niuht whwi infonued that the lirilUh llue of Lord had voted acceptantw of the proposal of U.S. Secretary Ktl-loxc for the outlawing, of war. The Premier expressed the view that Canada also could accept the proposals when invited to do ho. He believed the feeling throughout the, DoW minion mih strong in fav'ot no doing;. v,ib u RAILWAYMAN DIES" Howard (l. Kelly. lrmer rVeaMent of tkr (irand Trunk. IVMaea Sdtlly SAN DISOO. May U Xowmrd O Kelly, former piv.ideart of the OHrand Trunk Railway, and ten years aad one ut the uutaimidinK railroad men In Canada, tlk'd MKiUenly yea tenia)' of iTrebral lienin' rUn.i' aged 70 LATE SECRETARY OF FISHERMEN'S ASS'N. CHARGED IN COURT i VYllllnm Beynon, until recently sac-reiary of the Northern British Columbia Salmon Fishermen Association as charged In etty police court this morning with falsifying an acoouut ol that organisation, adjournment of the ,cM uing takaa until this afternoon , I. w Patmore appeared vo prosecute on iH-liair of the Association and Sey-iiii, was not repreaenled by oounssl thij. i.iornlng. ! P: vinclai polite ofllners brought Ibtmioii from Port Simpaon last night. STEWART BOOTLEGGERS W PUNISHED LAST WEEK Klx pesMH' t lued SSWt snd Use Man lrss Mx Month..' liiiirlMiiiinrnt I M ral lit District headquarterii of the provincial pcUot are advised that flee par wns, whose names are not available, were ooovicted last week at Stewart under the Ooverument Liquor Act and each fined M00 with tlie option of six mouths' Impi imminent One man Wa ; ven fix muiHUr. atralKlit without oi;.u, ol line Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457 Price Five nie j l"iaaMawwMtWMMMMMMMMMMfcMWwaM POLICE POWERLESS INTERFERE VANCOUVER LAWLESSNESS Ho Law in Vancouver Chinatown Declared Police Constable Duggan Giving Evidence Before Commission m t:vii:MT rou.mviNi 1 - Mills MADE 1HIHII fill M U. I OI.UWE1X III' Itt'UlNA w A My ie.- Hon I. J. Mc-' lie summoned to appear inmicntary committee nert 'l decided today. The calling Murray follows the tncrlmlmv " given by Alderman Oold-1 " '-tie who said he was Inform-"t Ionian hud been trading In permits tu raise funds '" pav his election expennea. ' lvKUy denied the accusa- MABEL WRAGG 'MM I... Ll WONINiSIORM NATi; ii.m fiiKwt oi.. ClT IN :vhliii aoi.i' tout- XIY NMA.NTON71inTMay 18. MlM '"' ('ollett of the United States was " '''n in the fourth round of the K1'" championahip today, by Mi'M Wragg, the Yorkshire cham-iu,yl"K "hoer atorm oondltlons " Bheets df rain and hail " i-Kurac unckr hulf u (jalc. tali Ooverument to leave the country n account of alleged an U -Bouman lan ptou in hla behalf. dr. McMillan of regina is dead B.C. Silver May IS. Dr McMillan. SC of age. formerly of Oubuc. Bask. and Oeorge Brooks of Dubuc. were ln- slasrtly killed when an automoblk turned into a ditch near Dubuc last night. STOCK QUOTATIONS Vmhi t'hig I'rleee Txfciy mi Vsmwo. vrr BM-hsnse I Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.. Ltd.) Bayview Big Missouri Cork Province .... George Copper . . Dunwen Olacler Oladatone Olacalr loolconda Independence Indian Xootenay Florendt. L. L. Uhevtew Lakevlew Lucky Jim Marmot MvUU National Stiver ... Pend OnrtUe Premier Porter loan mchmond Iufu Artenta .. Ruth Hope Silver OreSt Silverado Sllveranj,lth locan King Terminus Itbhc Whitewater Woodbine Oeergm Brrtr .. Omndvle Duthm 141 ITS JH M m m M M $M 440 4t 4t 4. . 4s m .JU 4T M JU 4t 41 SSVt 41 4H .It 44H JOH 41 H .IT M 1TJ0 1T40 41 S4S . 4 MVt M M M . 48 UKON WEATHER IS WARM YET ICE STILL HOLDS AT ONE POINT Terrace Cloi dy calm, temp. 44 Roaswood Clear, calm. temp. M. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm. temp. SS Anyck Cloudy, calm. temp. 50. Stewart- Cloudy. 6X wind. temp. J Haysport. Lhi wind. Meap. SO. HamltQn- Cloudy, calm, temp 4 8ml thera Clear, calm. temp. 8 Burns l ata Cloudy, windy, temp. 4t Blghth Cabin Cloudy. N W. wind. Chinese Witness Denies That He Paid for Protection to Police for Gambling House in Vancouver v ANCOUVER, May 16. Sweeping denial of a statement made ..oe iim iUoimay and Tuesday thai he paid $60 a month for protection money to the police and that he was notified be fore raids were made and that gambling paraphernalia had been returned after the fines had been paid, was made this morning be fore the police inquiry by Chow Wong Lum, partner with Yem in a i hinese gambling house. Witness swore he never paid for protection either to Inspectors iuhnson, Jackson or Sergeant George McLaughlin of the morality squad. FISH TENDER ASHORE AT JORDAN RIVER AND WAS REFLOATED L.VlER VICTORIA. May 16. The Darner M. new as foot fish tender boat owned by Ryotaro Kita Imperial Trading Co.. Vancouver, bauno lor Barclay Sound with lubricating oil was ash. re yester day at Jordan River. Capt. Hiwatt. who was the only man aboard, was taken off by the Malasplna. Report received today state that .b vessel has been floated. fRESTON AND WILSON APPEAL THE VERDICT C0RR1E LIBEL CASE TORONTO. Msy IS. Appeals from the 1 .erdict of a special jury st Cobourg ' ssslnes awarding Sir Arthur Currie S50U .r the libel action against W. T. R. I .Testaii and F. W Wilson of Port Hope ere filed today. EARTHQUAKE IN PERU smooth. RUINED WHOLE TOWN LIMA. Peru. May 16. Reports from tiarhapoyav capital of the department . Amazonas. say the town la left In . ii:n with ten de.d by an earthquake .: at r.rked the whole northeast section ; Peru. REIGHIER NEVADA IS ASHORE PUliEf SOUND SEATTLC. Mvy 1. The French irrignicr Nevada ran aground in a heavy wind at Poiut Wilson this morn-:ig while shifting from Vancouver to iacoma but Is reported to be in no danger. Wlti:i.ls IlKI-OKT. K a.HI. Digby Inland Fart cloudy, light 8.E wind, barometer. 30.23; temperature. 47. sea smooth: B pjn. spoke teamer Princeas Alice, near Petersburg, bound for Wrangell; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Orsy, Ro&e Harbor for Naden Harbor. SO miles from Naden Harbor. 10:30 pjn. tpoke steamer Mogul. Anyos. lor Tacoma. 6S1 miles from T acorn, at pa.; 3:30 am. spoke steamer Niagara, 364 miles from Honolulu at 8 p.m. DEAD TTUCE POINT. OvercaM. calm: barometer. 30.10; temperature, 40; sea BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, light westerly wind, barometer. 30.10; tasn- lieratuic. 52; light swell; 8 p.m. spoke tanker OUnda, 210 miles from Vancouver, bound fir Butedsle: 8 pjn. spoke steamer Salmon King. Seattle tor Ket chikan. 304 miles from Seattle: 8 pjn poke steamer Canadian Fanner. Blaii-ey's for Ocean Pall. M miles (ram Ocean Falls; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Pr:noe Oeorge. abeam Sunny lalend. uartnbouud; 8,46 pa, spoke steamer Ostsia. absam " Kiew Nugget, sonth- bound. " SOUS 1 DIOBT IBLAKD. Cloudy, light SJt. wind: barometer, 30.34: temperature. 56; sea smooth: 10 a.m In steamer Prince Oeorge. northbound; 10 am j spoke steamer Princeas Allot, arriving Prt-ee Rupert 4 pjn. southbound Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm: barometer, 80.10: temperature. 60: sea smooth. ( Bull Harbor Clear, light wealerly wind; barometer. 30 12; temperature. f4. liBlu swell RUTH SLUGGED TWO HOMERS IN YANKEE'S GAME ISOTII WENT IVju iKAMTANI AND I'lTS ( UUir-lO.V IIITTLIt AWAY AHEAD NSW YORK, may 16 Ruth slugged two balls into the grandstand bast yesterday to aid the Yankees dStsst Detroit sad put himself eight games aland of his last year's record. They were his tenth and eleventh, both with Philadelphia kept ertMOn aj-erhtsyg W- tsaoe of ihi Tsukses by besting Olevc-land. Tri Bceaker hit three doubles. In the National Chicago moved Into first plaoe in the tie with Cincinnati by defeating the OlanU while the Reds losing to Phillies Hurst, s first baseman, hit a homer with two on to enable the Phillies break of ten game losing streak. DUNDAS ISLAND FISHERMEN MET CUIUS It AK0. (ilAlKM.W. AM) C. IOMHI M. fE KkTtltV, Ot' NORTH-ESN IU'. tisllKKH-VS tMT The first general meeting of the Dundss Islaud unit of the Northern British Ctluinb:a &lmoa fishermen's Association wss held on Monday of this week. Chris Ivaraon was elected ohalr-man of the unit and C. Itasst-at. secretary The letter wlU be rwrronpondlng secretary lor the whole organisation. A considerable amount of mooey has been collected and many nsaaihnri have been signed up. Ooc of the chief features of the meeting was the expressed desire of the members to build up the organisation. Mike Anderson prsslded at the opening meeting. JUDGES WILL GET MORE PAY KMOMMCNimiONM 411 ( OMMIT11X Ol IMHLIAMIAT HI1X HH'COM-WKMI THIS OTTAWA. May 16 The Increase an salsry tor Judge was approved by the special psrltanirtilary oomHtSHi, Its re- port, it u stated, win recoauaend an in-; crease o.' t2.000 a year to eounty court ; Judges snd to provincial superior court Judges and S3 000 to Judges of the au- I preme criirt cf Canada. BERT BARRY iVIrtiREKUSES FEE IV IU. NOT K ICK FOR riuurKi.wsiiip toil l.MH AND EXPEMSSM SVILT ! LAKE f'lTV LONDON. May 16 Bert Barry today declined an offer from Major Oooduell oi 12.600 ard exjieuaes for a world pnTfitMomi! urullliiK championship race at Suit Uke City Utah. Subscribe for the Dally News, a