f AGE SIX THE DAILY, flEWS Mother s is worth Father's Hour Father's hourly wage will pay for the washing of the weekly family bundle. The weekly wash conln Mother a full day'm time, to say nothing of the drudgery involved. Surely mother's day Is worth Father's hour. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners l'hone 8 Dessert Specials Stock your pantry at Special Price Fears, 2 lb. tins, reg. 45c each. Special, 8 for $1.00 Fears, 2 lb. tins, reg. 36c each. Special, 3 for . . 85? Peaches. lb. tins, reg. 45c. Special, 3 for $1.10 Peaches, 1 lb. tins, reg. 25c. Special, 6 for $1.00 Loganberries, reg. 85c. Special, 4 for $1.00 Red Pitted Plums, reg. 26c. Special, 6 for .... $1.00 Sliced Pineapple, reg. 20c. Special, 6 for .... $1.00 Fresh Vegetable arriving on every boat Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Iktt, 575 Are You Well? If you want to be well but are discouraged because health is denied you if you have tried everything elBe, then this little message conveys a ItAY OF HOPE Nearly every kind of disease is being permanently corrected through the new drugless science of ClllKOl'IlACTIC When the cause is removed, Nature can do her work. Consult W. C, ASPINALL G and 7 Exchange Hlock Telephone Green 2il Ketddence: 1037 1st Avenue. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley VaJlcy Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertiliser and COAL, call up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. STEAM ENGINE BEFORE WATT Old Story About Inventor Playing With Tea Kettle has no Foundation in Fact TX3NDON. May 16 (By the Canadian TvMy.-Jimek WdU'Wes' 'ttdt, the in-T6p M tn kaf gin, according to Prof n Bdward . Neville d Costa And-rade. proXeeeor of physic In the Artil lery College', Woolwich, who made this statement In a lecture at the Royal Institution on "Englnea." Prof. And-rade said: "It la often a to ted that James Watt 1786-1819) Invented the atam engine, hut thla Is quite untrue. More than 30 yeara before Watt was bora both Savery (Oaptaln Thomaa Savery, military engineer) and Newcomen Thomas Newcomen, English en- gtoeer) conatructed steam engines which were actually wed for pumping." Prof- Andrade showed a working model of Savery'a engine, which sucked up the water Into a vessel by the condensation of steam, and then drove the water up from this vessel by the pres sure of steam. Newcomen used these principals , he said, but Introduced the cylinder and piston. The engine work-I ed by causing a vacuum under the i piston, which was driven down by at-! mospherlc pressure. IMPROVE!! OLII EXfllNE The old story." said Professor And- Meat and Butter Shamrock Bacon, sliced, per lb. i ' Shamrock Hams, per lb :Kif Picnic Hams, per lb 'Sif E.C.D. and Glendale, l's, 2 for D.-p Toilet Paper, 1 dozen rolls for INe Suprema Polish, $1.00 sise, spe cial (Kit Suprertui Polish, 50c sice, special JWr Libby's Asparagus Tips, l's, square, 3 for 05 Baby Carrots and Baby Spinach, 4 tins for IN)? Unpolished Jap Rice, -per lb. Of Just opened a new barrel of high-grade Dill Pickles, per doz. I Of 2 lbs. of Sauer Kraut and 1 lb. of Weiners for oOf Saanich Clam, 3 tins for . . . ."."r IT takes but a few moments a day to keep your shoes well polished with Shoe Polish Nugget preserves the leather and prevents cracking, too. There' i a Suoaet thadt tor ttery iho made) rade, "that Watt was led to invent the Itf'eam engine by playing with a tea-' kettle has no foundation. What actu ."Of reciprocating or turbine, ends up with Ayrshire Bacon, sliced, per lb. lone, on the Watt system, in which the ;ir? i steam, having been expanded to low Shamrock Peamealed Backs, pressure in other parts of the engine. slice', tr r.n 1 worK T,r m PwJ . . - - -- V Boiled Ham, sliced, per lb. . . (c Roast Pork, sliced, per lb. . . 0 lei lied Tonjfue, sliced, per lb. 00 Jellied Veal, sliced, per lb. 40f Corned Beef, Frey Bentos, sliced. perJb. . ! 40r Bologna Sausage, sliced, per lb. vacuum created by a condenser.'' PLACE IX HMTOItV "If Watt did sot. correctly f invent the steam engine, be nevertheless oo averted It from a clumsy and unreliable contrivance, used solely (or Capitol Butter, l's, per lb. . . I governor, with the rotatin- balls. 1 Bulk Butter, S's, New Zealand lJOL vrtetT 01 fornu on $1.-10 : 14's, Capitol Butter $U.'Si The above are all quality products rnd guaranteed to satisfy the most fastidious taste. Another large shipment of Fresh Killed Milk Fed Fowl arriving Wednesday. Boiling Birds, per lb. ...... Ii7 Heavy and Light Fowl U8f Singapore Pineapple, STs, sliced. 7 tins for 05 f WATCH OUR SATURDAY WINDOW FOR A BIG SOAP SPECIAL This will he worth your while. Premium aeon Average weight about 5 lb. each Taking whole, special, per lb. Si til kind &t ie present day, from' the gaa engine to the gramophone motor. "The ringer Jfc watt governa speed and smooth ptsfW of the reooid of the. latest piece of dance music, which may oonauend hi memory to many for wnosn his anatmet'rmt! achlivemeim make no appeal." , V.U'OK KMilNES In tne earlier nor i ion oi tils lecture Professor Andrade dTOionstratcd that Steam Is bvnp JQtau tJlf.-P"'? ub" Stance wMfiMifi lised, working an engine. TBe'vfpor or' any liquor. such as alcohol or other vnpor. could be used. One eouid. m fact, work a toy engine by putting methylated spiri Inside the botldn and boiling water outside a fast ' which the lecturer proved before the eyes of his audience. Engine were once made which work ed entirely by hot air. but they were enormously bulky. With four cylinders, each 14 tret in diameter, the hot air engine developed only 300 horse power Liquid air was another means of propulsion, and the' juvenile portion of audience applauded heartily when the I lecturer started a nmnll model engine I propelled by tills method across the floor of the lecture hall. In practice, however, water and h tor-vapor called steam was. he said, by far the moat I convenient subatanrr to use In anr engine with a boiler EARLY DAYS OF SLAVE TRADE ally happened was that Watt, who was ! IMM)K TCIXM ov ,TS UTIYITICK M practising aa an instrument maker, was asked to repair a model of a Newoumeu 'engine. In lnrestlgstlng the eanses vhich prevented the model working he waa led to seek for a better design, and ultimately invented the separate condenser, which was the essential advance that made the steam-engine an economic source of power. "Hs umri onlv tow nrHiim .1mm 00 i rtn iMMint nf wmitnirtljuitl fAWft4M Dominion Bacon, sliced, per lb. ;Dut eveiy economical engine of today. bt'l'l'KKejttKIN IIV THE IlKITIMII Time, which aseilows all things, has clothed the negro slave traders with a mantle of romance they 111 deserve, so that today there la a great reading public eager (or details ol their adventures. The Marin Research Society, of Salem. Mass., haa been well advued to devote the latest of It volumes (the fifteenth l to an account of the slave ahlpa, and It may well prove to be among the most popular of these admirably produced v 31 times. It la a very readable book, pat forward not as a history of events but as an illustrated account of the trade as conducted at different periods and by different nations a piece of narrative full of life, color aad adventure. With the ethic of alavtng. it Is net' Intended to deal here. It was soa&o-times pleaded to have been to the ad- pumping purposes, into a flaJehed : vantage of the slaves The tune -honored machine, using less than a quarter of I custom among the African negroes was the coal consumed by Its predecessors. Pork Sausage, l's, tall, per tin " transformed the face of industry. ... and placed England ahead of all her rivals as a manufacturing country at 'he beginning of the 19th cntury. Nearly every feature of an efficient modern reciprocating engine la to be found In Watt's later designs. Watt's U make slsves of the captive taken in their tribal wars, and often great num bers had to be killed by their captors for fear they ahould rebel and endanger their master's safety. An elchtesnth oantsjry stave captain. William Belgrave, who publish 4 g$' mt aa account of the trade In London, affirmed that from it proceeded benefits outweighing the real or pretended mischief and lncon venlencea. "and let the want that can be laid of It. It will be found, like all other earthy advantages, tempered with a mixture of good and evil." As has often happened In the world. It waa the movement to suppress the slave trade that produced tome of Its worst vlla 1AKIUI tu. Originally, the slaves were carried across the Atlantic frum the African c-jast to work the plantations In America and the Wast Indies, under caudltiou as good aa, or even better than ordin- ; ary passengers, simply because they wen- f l-t , depended on their sale arrival in health Flour Five Roses or Purity, 49 lb. sack $2.75 Braid's Best Coffee, 1 lb. tin Lt Braid's Best Tea, 1 lb. tin . . 70? Lemon Biscuits in wooden box, Aylmer Soups, 2 tins for .. ii:lr Bird Gravel, pkg l.'f Malkin's Best Vinegar, quartH, j Clark's Catsup, !er bottle .. IWf each "iif Nabob Malt Vinegar, bottle iTf Manchurian Walnuts, halves, per I Welch's Grape Juice, bottle 40? lh ' Clark's Potted Meats, 3 tins 'Sit- Preserved Sugar Ginger, per lb. CAB. Potted Meats, in glass 'Sit- 0? dinger Snaps, per lb ll)f New Potatoes, per lb 10? Head Lettuce, large, 2 for . . 25? Green Onions, Mint, Leeks, Parsley, per bunch 5? Arriving Wednesday and Friday Tomatos (Hot House), Celery, Cucumbers, Radishes, Bunch Carrots, Bunch Turnips, New Green Gabbaire, Green Peppers, Texan about 7 lb. net, per box $1.10 Graham Biscuits in wooden box $1.10 Dollar Sodas in wooden box. . 7."? Shredded Wheat. 2 pkgs lirc Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs :irf Kellog's Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. 'Si? Butter-Krust Toast, pkg. . . 4 0t Ormond'a Dog Biscuits, pkg. tOf Corn Starch. 2 pkgs H."? Casco Potato Flour, 2 pkgs. itTtf Domolco Molasses, 2's, tin . . iWt-Domolio Molasses, S's, tin . . 05f Pride of Canada Syrup, ZVt lb. tin OOt per 5 lb. tin $1.70 Bird Seed, pkg '20 r? Gabbage, Asparagas' Tips, New Ivory Soap, 3 for Harden Pwts, 'Cauliflower, Water-! Prince's Soap Flakes, pkg. cress, Itnubarb, also Fresh and Citrus Fruits. WATCH OUR WINDOWS B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 45-574 Cooked Ham, sliced, lb. .. Premium Bologna, sliced, lb. iVtf E.C.D. or Fraser Valley Butter, 2 lb. for D.V Golden Churn Butter, 3 lb. brick $1.40 Covichan Eggs, Extras, 8 doz. $1.10 Buy Extras and get more for your money. Royal Crown Soap, 6 s .... ".? 'S,f Ji."? Rinso, 3 ttkgs 'Sip Green Vegetables arriving every boat. Our prices are right. Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 20S and strength When the traffic was made Illegal, It partook of the nature of smuggling, and ovencrowd lag was resorted to in order to make one profitable venture pay for several failures. Thus were produced or accentuated the cruel ties and horror of the "middle passage," when the ahlpa were always trailed by man-eating aharks. It la remarkable how large a portion of modern history Is covered by the operations of the slave ahlpa. At leat two decades before Columbus sailed from Paloa. a slave market waa set up at Lisbon for the sale of negroes from the Oulnea coast By 1S0S the first ihipload of Africans had been landed at Hlapan-tols to work In tge mines. For nearly four centuries the slave earner plied to and from the Oukna eoast, until the aboUtloa of Slavery m Braall la IMS. AN ENGLIMi AOVENTl HKK The first Englishman to engage In the slave trade was Sir John Hawkins in 1602. whose aucrpisas inspired other mer chant adventurers. Kxactly a century later a company was chartered with the II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. COMPLETE CLEARANCE Ladies' and Children's Dresses See our Windows ALL COATS ON SALE at Special Reductions H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton .- '.k.T,, il L. Wednesday, to TJBBWflaVsKI UK lSl 1 "JMUS aaBBBVXmnrV SaKBBBBBBwrsssl at ig saving 2i5 to 80 per cent DISCOUNT IN ALL DEI'ARTAISNTS I Living Koom, Dining Room and Bedroom Furniture at Prices that will make you buy. This is not an ordinary Sale. Come in and Ic convinced by the values offered !) Piece HERE IS A HEAL IlAltGAIN 5 Piece Walnut Dining Room b sani bum-t . Rflrriftm Siiif-P Ihesteriield buite . UUilC xAIohair Cover, Keversible Spring Slllf'P UUllXj Combination Cushions Walnut $198.50 -r FUBE WITH TIIIS SUITK rf.10 taf. Mr, rvn $198.50 SoM Oavre1i8io.cnd Ta,,,c $240.00 3rd Avenue. Duke ol York at its head, to carry on "a trade to Air.:, and It was when this company brought gold dust to Kng-1 land in quantities that Chart II. or- dered the minting of a new gold coin of ! the value of Us., to be known aa a! guinea. It waa In 1807 that the Ha trade i waa abolished by law la Oreat Hrltaln. lollowed by Denmark In ISIS. Holland In 1 1814. Prance in iSW. aad ftpaln la 1SS0. 1 To enforce the supprsaalon of the Afrl-'. can slave trade. Brltlah war nasals were ' sent to the Weat Coast, Ther had a long coastline to eover, but one by one the well-known slave factories ware de stroyed and the fleet grew smaller. Carefully selected narratives Illustrate thu aspect of the subject with its many stirring encounters aad opportunities for gallant service. For the pictures to '.h volume, the authors are Israel x indebted to the Uacpbeieon collection The volume is Indeed a. remarkable one. ana ahouid be In every naval labrary. South China Post. ONE TIIINd hi; knuv. Marshal Joffre. who waa In eosuiunM at the Battle of the Marne, la as mod-tat as be Is brave. That he la also witty Is nraMri k. a story going the round of the Paris club Just new. Political opponents have nnti. taken to belittle his share In the great victory, saying that if it hadn't been for Oalllenl and so forth. The other day a young French girl, after llaten'ng to a lot of idle chatter of this sort, pat the question promo and plain to Joflr hlmaeU. Marshal," aha asked, "who did really win the Battle of the Marne r The old soldier smiled grimly. "I can't tU you that. mademsiaeUt " he said, "but If things had gaa to ether way I know who would have lost trstford Baaoon-Herald. PeUKT Joseph Allurtl O M.I. of mltlM-m arrived In u, (-;tj yesterday HfUTiioonx trim, ni tj iotor-lor, being ulu oU .isiastlcal duties. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Phone 2l WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and TIIl'ltSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. FRED THOMSON in "The Rebel Rider" The adventures of Jesse James bruuirht to IINB. MONTAKUB LOVK. IIAKKY WOMl' IJA11 COUimVKIttllT. MARY CAM and olhrr- COMBDY "SAVE THE PIECES.' I'ATHE HEV1EW . Admission 35c and 10c City Meat Market (SELVIG DUOS.) 3rd Acnuc Thonr MEAT- FISH, VEG ETA ISLES and ALL KINDS OF "NOItWEGIAN I'KODlU at low prices, and immediate deliver) Observe! All articles are of superior quality uml " !" ' 1 fresh. LIMITED slllnga from 1'rlinT lluitert. ., " ii lor VANCOUYr.lt. VICTORIA. Bwunv.ii llay. Hutfdsle. Alert '" TummIsv, p.m. . , lor VANC'OlJVKK. Vlf'TOHIA. Ilutrdulr, Alert llay, rU. s-.-ln"' ' ' ' lor I'OItT HIMPMON and NAAB HIVIK POINTS. Irldsv ,,1P.(V lor AMCR AKM. ANVOX. HTUWAKT, IVAI.KM 1SI..NI. I'OIIT Siindav. S ii.in, 113 tnd Avfniif. It. M. SMITH, Atenl. Through tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle, through to Uestlnatlor and Nr.,- II.'!-;. Advertise in "The Daily News