Thui mhv, December C, 1928 THE DAILY NET73 FAGE SEVEK Man in ' the .fct-t-- Moon K CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND coal me' 'ike the frost ,' tiil the youngMgrM like it too, THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Hut milder wiatliMtw me best And I gu lite a fe momr the'- thirigsvlt is hard to destroy are the , lafct ' f ty, gar-j, ., ,r, ., itn incorrect rumor, the bore insists 1 dp.'-talking all the tin.-, the FJU microbe. Tim loyaf' Is rut-im for ih spttftt f'. Ycu i an tell n red by the wild l, k in He eye. You can tell an , hi time TorjfJjjR the look of aer-ul, rniitempt ifd everybody and ivil, thing. ' "'v Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert December G, 1918 ! ! l!rinc Rupprt sawmill I last night following re- . t iT Hi notMicationtnat the- con-1 i.i with thai Imperial Munitions! id for airplane spruce had! -I. Stock will now 1m- taken f .! the plant 'will probably re- :; soon, states E. F. Duby, ,D''i-. aii, mius m tne qic a,, i have been notified to cease , in.' airplane spruce Ti tattered old flag which over the city hall is the sub- A' much comment on the part i.. public' i: 1 Campbell, mine superin-1 . -it at Any ox, and O. R. 1 h. K-neral superintendent of "inipuny, arrived here venter-; -m Ketchikan and will be : r a feW days before pro-' to the smelter town.' V .ISTMAETIH j illllill HIUSTMAS SKA I. h IstniMH Seals -imilar to the . only in color- a c again j if sold thU year l the Tran-- il.- Tubercolftsis s. . ety for' 1'iiipose of financing the work' nventigating ctiral.le cases of, 'i - olosis, Mting tha the pat- are given proper treatment' J .are and returning them to i homes strong and well. It! ; lorward siep and worthy of : :-rt. i Weak and Run Down Dfdn't Want to Eat Could Not Sleep Mrs. D. Isant, Rault Str. Man, Onl. writra- "I u wk sni run lwu, did not snt to e., f"" not I felt tiifd of livin mi oltm lonred for drath to free me from my tornbte miwiry m I felt I ld r.iw l strong (tln. I thought I would try Mid really I atori felt like eating and ing, and new lift soenusd to come to a,r Manufactured nnly by Hie T. Mil-burn Co, Ltd., Taronto, Ont. ILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Thtouchout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY ' 'tlephone 657. FOR RENT 'OH RENT r u'rnlshed housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf ,)IUVURSELF TAXI FOR For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 389 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. FOR WANTED WANTED Camp cook (woman) wants position. Clean and cap-1 A able. References sunolled. Ad-1 ply Box 103. News Office. 288. SHOE REPAIRING - LOUIS SCHIBIG announces the opening of the ;ojd Ounpmith shop on Second pn Avenue and is now busy , ".TAKING' AND REPAIRING "BHOItSi, i The best leatltor, the finest workmanship and . over 30 years experience awaits your orders. LOUIS SCHIBIG 333 Second Avenue RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO Odd MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity ing und CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our prlcerr weights and measures are right. t this So it our Service l$4fee us and Save Mohe,M and Time 'v DAY & NIGHT SERVICE-Day Phone: 20 1. Niitht Phone: Red 317. ... 'SI Coal! Nanalmo-Wellington Screen-ad Lump. Nanalmo-Wellington Screen-ad Nut. NaMimo-Wellloftton Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Bootless Lump. Beacon Hard SoeM Egg., , ' Telkwa Lump-' OX the above thr Is ONE . that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. -We shall b glad to advise Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone 116 and 117 GOOD KATS CAFE Inder management of Mrs R. Peterson A Kood place to eat MEALS 50c at me Cooking. Home Mfll,e Kread, Vitry and Cakes you r BRINGING UP REAL ESTATE WANTED Residential lot close: in, on sewer. Corner lot pre- ferred. Phone Red 720. ' r' y FOR SALE SALE Ford Sedan Ruck- stlll equipped. Phone Black G04. 288 SALE-Fur coat, nearly new. Bargain. Daily News Box 107. At a IV practically new Remington por-i table typewriter, 18 Chocolate: trairs 10 inches by GVi inches,. alilllnv irlans doors for shel ving, showcase and cash reiris- tf. App6 ftcuc 106 Daily News nerve centre to be adjusted, and t-Otfice. ii'f- 280 the riM adjustment at the right j .urnm.-?' . tlr at SAh3mBWintzry table, OK bltfRferamaphone wth rec-1 nwer utltnA. hnht I ts: wicker Vofxj'.stand. Hides as - new. JgHl eve- Vfi. uo'jijsenevtn Avenue t.. 290 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Auction Sale , on Friday, Dec. 7lh at 2.30 p.m. Quantity of Woollen Suit Lengths v Consisting of New Chesterfield Suite, Orthophonic Victrola, 2 Dining Room Suites, Oak Desk. Kitchen, Table., Centre Table. Chesterfield Chair, Morria iChair.f, Cribs, 2 Buggies, 3 Tap-r. r- It. r..i i.i...J,i-r rvL rural UBriri,UJiiwBiif i. ,v"ui Jibrlry .Tabfe) 0Set'Radge,lfWasP l.i Machine, Bicycle, Oil Stoves miscellaneous articles. 1 If you have any furniture to dispose of, let' me handle it in sale. ' 1 'G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Black 120 ; 230 1 : SALVAGE AND TOWING K." , , j. . it's on or. under the .waterj we PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and (ieneral Salvage Work, r.oats and Scows of all descrpl-tions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Easthope, Hicks & Ballanlyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Phone. Day or Night, 561 P. O. Box 1561 TUITION Candidates prepaYed for all Un-' iversity and Professional entrance I matic8t Latin, Gre:, .lustory, i Geography, ""indFvIduai tuition.) Particular attention to those lear- ning English. Terms on inter-! view. P. McKenna. R. A T. C D. Care of Box 163, Daily News" Office WHAT TIME She Meet me at the bookstall seven o'clock tonight. He All right: what time will be there? Halifax Chronicle.) FATHER TKE.nS.'2 MAM m -j - - . ( i WOMT AKIV OMC TO-OA.V MOT E.VEM TO OEEOO. CHIROPRACTIC TRY CHIROPRACTIC For Headaches, Backache, Scia ,tica and Stomach Trouble , YoU will be surprised how they disappear ' Consult I V- C. ASPINALL L 6 and 7 Exchange Building f Corner Third and Sixth Streets Open Evenings i, Phones: Green 211. Black 283 DR. IL E. EYOLFSON Aided by his new ANALYTE unfailingly picks the correct "me onngs quicxer ana Detter. results. Inquiries solicited. Consultation Free Thn Office. Blue 85 Res., Red CHIMNEY SWEEP H. J. Zumkthr , General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert, B. C. ROWE'S SHEET METAL! WORKS Chimney tops, tave troughs, conductor pipe, roof flashing, warm air furnaces, pipe or pipe- ss, stove pipes and elbows. Out of town orders promptly at-dded to, ' , Phone 340. Box 467. 2K7 Second Ave. BARGAIN ti USED CARS I-Ford ton truck. 1924. Chassis only . , $100.00 Ford Roadster Delivery, 1924. $100.00 1 Ford Tudor Sedan, 1926. A. 1. condition, ...... $375.00 We have several motors suitable for marine installation of the following makes:. Ford, Chevrolet, Continental and Packard Tnns can bo arranged to suit . , "V KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealers Wrecking service day or night. Phone 52 289 WHAT IS' IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dresi-ed7 OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and rJVlnter.tfeuItrp an'd! Over-i. coatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, j an guaranteed. Best materials and reason able prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 649 Advertise in Th News. A TCU.HIM I'M OUT OUTSIDE Ai,' LET MB KMOW VsHEU HE.1) QOME- II I v . 1 1 BATHS FINNISH SWEAT BATHS May now be had at the "Rupert Baths," First Ave. and McBride St. Private sweat room, shower . bath and dressing room for Ladies. Best remedy for rheumatism. Fine for preservation ' of health. A quick, safe and pleasant Way to reduce surplus weight. Cure a cold in one treatment. Rub-down and massage If desired. Open day and night. A trial will convince you of the benefits to be derived from Finnish Sweat Baths. SAM WICKWIRE, Attendant. AIRD KESSING , New Method PERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY UEAUTY SHOPPE Price $10.00. Also Finger Waving, etc Phone 655 MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We are prepared to take orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange Our ten years experience on the floor of the Brussels Stock Exchange Is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small.' Representihg Nanson Roth-well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, ' B. C. Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box 66 t . . Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen: For twenty years you have been getting good treatment from Goldbloom. And Gold bloom is In the market for every kind of fur. For a square deal bring your FURS -,0- . (joldbloom The old reliable house First Woman My husband is so nervous. If the slightest thirty goes wrong he loses control of himself. I hope yours itn't likd that,: r Second Woman Mercy, not Bob is as hard to rattle as a feather pillow. lioston Transcript. "DIO MB. GOMi. i irvT. iiMl EMBARRASSING MOMENTS y21p to IBl aavssng fiv & 1 ' tm Ghm PEEVISH CHILD vis motorist crashes through garden fence): "lie must go and play in his own garden, mustn't he mother?" The Humorist timm U.S.. n nn " TSw infill ARE SCARCE IN INDIA using the little one today Abdullah. London Op.Mon. TRAPPERS Get every cent your FURS are worth. Ship them bring them to BOYD YOUNG Port Simpson, B. C. WlIY CHAUFFEURS Maraharajah: "Oh. I'm not Follsh the two big ones." LINDSAY'S Cartage anil Storage Phone 6a Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service' Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. Bill" By George McManus ACT VS f I JUOCtN-' rXOO'ReT HE I 111 i-lE ,AlO AIM THE 1 FlREO j I, i . . . . . i i II CI I . , I KMOWb TOO ' V VL -WELL , ' . 1