PAGE SIS CRITICISMS OF THE ENGINEER Final Public field d month. '.. utity of t jn'ifii, iU . r. h;t rt Session of Inquiry Ijurt Night by Com- 4BMSBMByMBaMaMSP&AsaiBriaASfcB- nIHef "M IVRIneil - MrtSSMBV SIDEWALK BUILDING Overtime and Other Matters Aisc L'nder Review at Meeting in City Hall As far as the taking of evidence was i oncerned, the committee of the city council consisting of Aid. Brown, chairman. Aid. Collart and Aid. rhbb. which was appointed to investigate criticisms of the engineering department which were made by Aid. Prudhomme, held its final session last nigh! and .udjourned at 10:20 p.m. The committee has further matters to look up and will probably hohl some private discussion before preparing its report for submission to the council later in the At the opening of night'- se-ion of the investigation, Aid Brown .st:ifed that it was the de r-fnittee to bring the h this- meet- !...: interejfed to ble In their M 'I-!., I J yll.t. ':'.nimi ! Vr i'a' mre. orougnt up ties of neen-tfaie cotutruc-iwalka. He ;-!id walk is excessive I'M; foot piece '-.- of steel ri'-r' r u:. i'ii'J 'I : 'i.k n .) lie 'I' o n cunt i 2780 place, been that aere than air. d n h and on ere '48 i. - v re ? '.'r.c e nr.- -sary fo r idling. The eo. 'tr 't ed iip - iras : Lean jad v ih- f red ld- try re- had ore me. had tad Be jen s to i lie (: for ' IH'.i-er uitiirii uongat thai Mr. Patmore was making a rather broad statement. Aid. Prudhomme replied that a himsejf had built concrete aida valks forty years ago. He had also buiH the concrete foundation for the King Edward School here, as well as the vault in the old land registry office, which had withstood a fire which destroyed the building. Aid. Brown concluded that Mr. McLean had apparently chosen to FEELS LIKE NEW PERSON Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her So Mud; "I had inward troubles and at times my face would look so puffy tht it annoyed ne. I was so dull ami sleepy that I did not feel like doing anything and wM,ot particular whether my work was done r or or not. I loarnwl about Lydia"MI'inttm,i VareUble Com- ponnd in the the Toronto Toronto Globe Globe sad and my my sister told me it was extra rood medicine. I foil ad It so too, as I now feel bright and active like another person " Miriam Maukbr, R.F.D. No. 1, Elmira, Ontario. Fur Change of Life "I took the Vegetable Compound to help me pass the Change of Life. For two years I have had hot flushen. rundown feelings and prostration hut am P'ttinsr along fine now. I think the Vegetable Compound Is good and you ean um my nsm."--MRS. I). Fmai-UAN, 942 Cloverdale Avenue. Victoria, U. C. EARL JELLICOE VISITS DISABLED TOMMIES The above pi. tur, shows ;gar' Jllle'oereslifcnt of'the tritiafe Legion, visiting the British I.egion.-op.-fr.ctoVy at Richmond, wbW he saw disabled Tommies making jioppies far Armistice Day. i a. - oe s.ue rather than o.ryiabe4 Duiiclmg of forms. Aid. Prudhomme referred lie material for the sidewalks which had been piled up on the job long before the work starred and which had been an obstruction both to the w.rk and to Waffk. In one case, the e.-igineer rci-iiied, there had been delay i.i the work owing property owner being unable uecme wiiat uiey were going ) do bout tKir loundattana. iirsrraJwW sidewalk Itafrt by.Mhompe were t1at'B np. Tae alderman aiH that irfno two aaec( werfc gade. tuirrorm anl rn -ne base tan addi tional J ive inches hiid later to be put on. The authorttv of! the cit engineer to give gswdes fir b,ui.ld; inge was oiscus'ea and tiere was some disagreement on tie point Mr. McLean rteted thai in case J. H. Pilisbtify had eUvbAt- Uie- -was not a r4 stem of cost aocounting. It would never do in private work. The engineer replied lhat city work was going continuously and fit the end of the year charges had to be arrived at and made -gaia'st the varioua pieces of work. It thus differed from private work. The system of accounting in the engineer's department was a nwJor thaueKy auditor ut -with,. AM. ..Brown felt Mr. aicveasHated, thsfthef dty aud-ttprnhad inspected , his aystjtft tot boolkeepsg and had ' had LtriUeJera, to make, .a vyheu the mattet f tke operat-on of the rock, cruaber came up, AJd. masked- Al. Prud- hom e hd not taken thia up in the Board f Works. iiu ttr. sm it. . v- cu , .u Proe a graoe. mk.t-T,jmAM.t, ... rmsbury s grude -dWreed wkh iLmu U '7ZZ72? . '"""4 having leen ut on later.aU4J,e.MrVff"ng his (Mr. McLean's, ,nd tluuBowd JL&i6?9. Feb" of Wok h. H n..TA u. biii-.;''' w cwiam matters J " J ' flue additional corner Jh Street. Mr. that his grade had been the proper tne. Uw:ng to the s oue of both Third Avenue and Fulton Street. eritMBmit ' writing to the eoun Mr. Mclean explained that the i ""wniion naa oeen sidewalk on each of the four cor- reBU,t Mrs there i was at different eleva- Charge iioard of Works T". r'1!"- Mr Patmor fe,t Aid. with ,1. the principle of building ; Prudhomme should hat laid his sidewalks to conform with thehargei, againstr the Board of aM "0t I,,rmanent Work. HnLi. -rather than-nat the Aid. Kudhomme referred to the wi, Jtt?T Avenue ip front of the Federal' n.- I- , Block. He had been over this and ' .OXirXS f contended trade nc that there under that -to eraek. -TMe mther; a than were pro- Sffll V"", - couver specifications speciffcation.H had had ba beeti used was the cause of the condition there. Aid. Prudhomme felt discretion on all other sidewalks and had failed to do so here. Sinking of Walk The engineer 3i and u..u certain LcrvKui mem bers of view that if this walk had bben of the same mixture and reen-fo"ced like other walks, it probably would not have sunk and cracked, in pite of obstructions that might be under it. There was discussion of the preparation of beds for the concrete sidwalks. iiiiiipivwniwinnn1 VMla of ' r- iiiis vxpiwneo ine " . . . . . five inches of, -WFM. ne nadjfailed to ird A"enue aid StBh i JgrEmfft 1 5 u.i '"Ryv4oiaa Men aUUad off ... "ii yiiv iiuru from meeting to meeting and had finally been ,told to bring his' WalK IiImmi. u !. J- 1 I ' which would have caused a walk J1S2 VLZTX. JLi: of any mixture or eenforcemant , T lVS-JT: .Tlm. ,WS t..;, in li"aaMsiTi IfinaTT ri m V t m THE aYL NEWS engineer's bwation bat "TI '.XT . ? . 1 TBMCTATION SALK I'HICB tT" " DO .T.",,u ... . . .... 4 nwvcu ure mtu seen loois lying mat ail wouiu gei around at hlgEt on cerVain jobs, lie.s. He wondered whv the etigiiwer i em- 5 ..I fcUms to make the had u.a ..a used ui his j,.:..., -in matter of Engineer Experience given per- overtime One man ha .!,! K.i Mr. Mr. I'atmore i'aunore was was ---------- oiiiu iieata been allowed 22 hoars in a day. When lots of The Acme Importers' Fifth Annual TEMPTATION SALE Mens Suits 12 miy In this lot of Men's Suits, and these are marked down Vo a record-breaking low price. They are in light and dark u. eJ.s. wrges and worsteds; finely tailored and nicely finished. Regular values up to $82.50. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE single rniH:"n to put in certain photo- mn we graphs . 'aumenu lesuiying without work, the alderman felt to lo"- tfertonee the city engin- rnvm- ... .- , . , , ., v-a i I-,..,. ,nn,t,in the committee took the inui 11 w "Wl .'air lo ? ve oinr" Z . ZZ '.. 'u. .7 Vi," " no mucn overtime, aiu. frud- "" i"m homme suggested favoritism in h,,l( wer perused by the the tfivinir of overtime. memters of the committee. Overllme Neceiwary Aid The engineer stated that, in he mmittee that Mr. Rice, the certain stages of cement work, It city engineer's expert witness, was necessary that the work had been engaged in such work should go on till completed. It as the Cape Ilreton fortifications The engineer stated that he ,nat v",,t not a,way practicable to where cot was no consideration been Instructed to follow Vancou. . ihanre shifts. The surface fin- and dam 'work at Anyox which ver pecificntions in this particu- 'Bher waH tne man who Kot the an altofther different variety Isr -piece of work. most overtime. Also in sewer of l onttruction work than in n Progress sheets were discussed, constructiop, It was necessary city where economy was an lm-Aid. Prudhon)irift stated thei did work QJ'rtime, especially when portant eonaldaratlon. Aid. Prud-not give an arcurtVWeaffihow there wif daf er of IJdes qr "Jipmme,tfrred to what be ter-expendit u-es were gMrHWtfrpss freshets lo excavation or Warned 4lrStlafactory estimates sheets were merely a guide nd fitting. which orilJMhowed total costs and could n i be expected to be px The committee decided to ex- never gT quantities of material actly armr.ile, the euirineer saidl amine the payrolls to check up used. Pinal figures for the coat of wprR on the complaints, regarding oyer- ! Mr. McLean explained that he were obtainable in the officeS'of time. would iftve been glad at any the city treasurer. ' Aid. Prudhomme enquired if he time to give the Information with Mr. McLean ad-ri'ted that he would be permitted to sum up regard .(to quantitle of material h id not vet :'( out the final cowts the evidence, Aid. Brown felt used etc. Such Information was of Sixth St i t work which had that this was unnecessary. lie always available. been done last spring. There could assure all concerned that Aid. Collart pointed out that were various charges to be taken ,the committee would give all mat- two previous engineers had ul-into account. Aid. Piudlionmie .tors' it's' 'earuest'iU;libeitiQn and. Ways ..overrun their estimates S14.45 College Brand Suits COLLEGE BRAND MEN'S SUITS In the ve:y latest styles, both single and double-breasted models. All new faSric pat- Srns and weave. And when better suits for the money are de we will sell them. Tailored by famous makers, which adds an extra measure of value Kegular $42.50 values. . TjdlPTATION SALE PKlCE 95 i An Outstanding Value HERE IS VERY SPECIAL VALUE IN BLUE SERGE SUITS But we have only a few left.. We guarantee these not to fade uriJer x-ny climatic conditions whatsoever. Roth single and dooMe-breasted style and very well tailored. Regular $15.60 valuer. ' S29.85 whereas Mr. McLean had always kept within his. "Becnuse the estimates are not exceeded is no proof that the estimates are not excessive," Aid. Prudhomme remarker. Aid. Urowri: "The engineer at least showed good Judgment." These were the parting shots as the investigation concluded. f 'This afternoon's train, due Irtldhomme pointed out to from the east at 8.30, was repor ted this morning to be on time. K'vuiiui til uiauiy 'tateitforColds Bockki Mlihirt U MdUTtraf. It UiU U pluliif . IU actios U M oulck that m doM lUjpt a iptia of coucMnr ai thtr art 4 dooaa la a 7-f nt botUtl Ertry momUr f U famtty 4erlo brDftt froai "BwUfr"!", Han a boltl la Um houM at all tlmtt. DrutiUU rtry-mhn mU "BiKkkr!' adr a pvaltlf (uraaua. K. Biekt.f. Uaill4, Mataat SU Tanalo I o II BUCKLEY m0 mixture Mr Acta III a Uh A w AilngUilp fl IBSs. provei U .H Yfic and 10c. I j Uibbed UNION SUITS Smart SUSPKNDHHS REPLENISH YOUR WARDROBE TEMITATION SALE PRICKS Smart inen never lack what to wear for lusinc-s. for hone or for going ont! You'll find their wnrdroles always comply with' the smnrtejt of things! Why not yours? These low prk, will help you tb rclect the littlelhinga that are no important i dresii wear. Colorful TIE3 Lounging -65c Hom 87,93 Silk or Wool S1.95 ,,0S,KKY-- 95c While or ( olnred -45c 1,93 few of the tvpieal vol ues that are epC(un priced at our Temptation Sale. Men's Fell Slipper's fhli ia tfe thing for an evening at home, fully tri fanned. With and without heela. TKillTATION SALK PRICK Mens Overcoats The beet dressers will admire our iMajr models for their snappy ina, quality woojlen. fine colore and excellent tailoring. This lot wai bought for Pall selling and there are only a few left. These art In fancy tweeds and wonderful value. TKMITATION SALE PRICE (j J g The Acme Importers Third Avenue ; DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW AND SAVE AT SALE PRICES ' TERMS, STRICTLY CASH NO C 0. I). NO CHARGE AC COUNTS their just Smart $1.45 KAYSER GLOVES KP.VJ ITP-THMI? nuftnnnrl nnA titlllnVOr fitvli! Pair $1.50 of trln . li l' t . ri atita ir S1.00 AND 1.50 FOWNES CAPE GLOVES Wool lined, lur y Pair .?v! $2.99 FRENCH KID GLOVES-Novlty cuffs stvlcs: sorted shatlos. Pair JZiV FRASER & PAYNE SIMONDS Cross-cut. Crescent Ground, will saw SAWS 10 fflore . t iii t I il.Aii4nl timner. iimcanu lanorneinn eauai. man - made. This (Juarantee has never been challenge0' SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., tIMITCD, T. MMtTltTN aeons avtaui, MONTStL."' jjt-1 VANCOUVER. B.c TORONTO. ONT. ST W""1'