irtE TWO Htest ProoiraMe , (THE ORIGINAL) DotllrJ and tatnMrxi by Craal Som United OrnMJitk 4 B.Ii-ClinWl DiMijknu. Dull. Smra-adufM. Sutiui. I . u -V; Ml Purs Scotch Viftai&ky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Ciuirol Board or by the Government of British Columbia The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor SURSCEUTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for vearly period $8.00 Or four months for $1.00- By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, pid in advance per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year . . $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers, per insertion, per line , Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion pr a.itf line Cuntrai-: il.-iir.-i mi Applit :itiin Advertising and inulntion Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of ( inflations DAILY EDITION Puiiii) wealth a.- ' many peopl is .just as r CONSUMPTION OK the ivii-m ' 1! ;is mm" I h;ivc 1 i, ; mhi;,!,!,- ;i- - person in a i umniiinii i is also liyh; ihat at ii i .should lie avjii'.alile ami i: allowed to ma'c !)).' pi-ii'ii i: ,tnv . wa-lili-.iiv i' e -.! h.-r. I; Milt yl cDtirsi- then- arc ili I'i i. ii ll i. who oiyailie wars are nms:!;, we.iitln take part t hpmel e. .W;;;;er im-ni ! u Whether it is wise nr n,,; in i;i-s oil the statute honk-, hook-, ii il i there should WEALTH me ml kcl ui'i'ii a- a K ' i v ami r is ii ndou i it ' help (l.'leml 11 ai'am-l a i :lln- ai I t iic ivsinir. "in j.t i -n: (ty mp i m PI.. mi i.; i in $1.40 $2 80 .25 .2 .15 "riilay. M;.i. ii 2 1928 nscripiion of Since then decided mat one ' In- duty i! eve. an 'iieniv and it s oi the country person.- should) be nation. - - m the way. The people al.ii usually they do not n-ei iption appeals to them, lau or pa. .. a resolution i- p:T'.;y certain that in future, any war, if " uue. will result m the ".hole wealth of the nation being taken for the purport l aiding h r.peilmvr an invader. So far We have been unable to see .u; jjuou argument against this. Possibly there is one, but the resolution of the former member for Mstaskiwin on the face of it looks reasonable. If it were adopted In every country, there would be no war. PEACE UIVER POSSiniLITIES The Edmonton Journal has just issued a special number dealing particularly with the Peace Ri l r country. It is a splendid effort and if it does not give Prince Rupert much mention it must be remembered that such was not its object. It is worthy of the enterprise of a growing city and Edmonton is a city that is moving ahead at a great rate. Anyone wishing information about the Peace country cannot do better than send for a copy of the ninety page edition of the Journal dealing with the subject. REFORMED POLICE The first police institute in the United States, dedicated to courtesy, fellowship and social service, has been inaugurated by Fordhffcni.verfity as a gift to the city. Seventy-five grisxled policeUiefena', a bit pursled by it aL and one hundred policewomen heard the new doctrine, expounded in the daaaroom a&,thf twenty-eighth floor of the Woolworth Building bv Chief Magistrate William MrAdoo. "The old policeman of the Sullivan type is being replaced by the newer policemen with the higher mentality of a Tunney." naid Magistrate MrAdoo. who, however, had a word of praise for the old-timers. "They were fine cops of the good old days. Cod bless 'em',' he said. "They were ample of back, rolling of front, strong of arm. hard of head, soft of heart, broad of feet, like a percheron horse. "But today there are new ways and new ttolice. The New York police are walking advertisements of dean living and clean thinking." Lieutenants assigned to welfare work and all policewomen are required to attend the school one night a week. Lectures will be given by Fnrdhani instructors and others. Win Your Way to FALL "The Home of Shredded Wheat" Many teachers and school children will visit us next summer at cur expense. You can, too. Write for particulars to THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Ltd. Niagara Falls. Ontwrlo S$fcvDAlt"!lBftB Friday. Ai .... WHAT I MIGHT HAVE BEEN As Told by Ilnrnltl C. Hurr IJy HIVING BERLIN v , AT,,,l lr,'',, ,0 t-m mr J VI to be a rablil. but I hiiiiIihI who ilUTHu't want to work. Ilofore Ills I -(iplatrV ituni'ilkl rlltogll Ifurlillr 'hi ruler i tfte1 tyiftrgogtae lft IHniIAM Mv fatlirr tiled, '.llld I ' raiHdiy 'deteriorating , towitril m own iaft choice of u chiWi I Alien I arote ui f J r-1 miiii. Hut there rrr other- tiling lictwern tliow two; ( i trenie. 'On my arrival In America from Rusjla wifn my parent 1 didn't have any idea what I'd make of myelf It anything. The 'kjiine of New York didn't Inspire one tittle Immigrant. I was only 4 years old. "Afterwards when I went to school I used to try ;r.y hand st drawing, but I never s-t very far beyond the treeing stage "I wniilil like In bnve been i-Hrtuon-lt. Oft m nmv I H an Idea fur a picture when I ought to be gelling inr for ii -nng. Iltit thru eventmilT thinks' thrv have giHHl iilmi- for iirtKin. "I really arrived at being a comparer by a procev of ellmlnatlan. My llrst urge, as I've raid. m toward loafing. I was restless to get away from things. So I ran away from h'ane to the oabareU along the rioweiy. It was a sort of a game all the last aid bay practiced. We called It playing hooky from home. The majority of us returned eventually Because we had to eat. I sang In a cabaret for awhUe. It was what we were pleased to designate u entertaining While the estimate placed on a man by the public might be wronk each per son had to render an account to him- elf, to 1 true to himself. By living In such s manner that with pride he could look back over his record he would get the best out of life. WAS THE FOUNDER OF IMPERI ALTOBACCO CO. Mr Mortimer lhiM spent Mtteb Time i:rrlnieiillng With tlrnwlng of M eed In Vi As early as IMS, at the age of M yean. Sir Mortimer IMitls. whose death was announced yesterday, commenced that eommereial activity which resulted ultimately' In MM nrejurtaittan or th Imperial Tobacco Ow.. S'ceatpafiy whltfft has long been TecognUW aa a model ot ndmlnlntratlve efficiency. Many years lto Sir Mortimer had the foresight to recognise the wonderful possibilities ot lobHcco growing and lt manufacture 1 oday one of Canada's largett Indus-,rlM Imbued with an unfnvorlng confl-dciire in Cnnada's future Sir Mortimer was keenly ititerviited In every phase of It commercial and agricultural development and thl belief In the destiny of the Dominion nft the country of the future wiir unconquerable. IliVIMi HKKI.IS 'My rather tried to grouni mi- to be u mhbl. but I minted to In- a bum!" cpikkly. AnH that would glvr me Urn. to attempt other things tlisn just till iersr and i lioru- or a meloil). My great-is pleasure, would be to be able t write a real j folk ong. like 'Annli l-aorte.' for instmii p. "Toti've probubly heard that I don' rven know the note on the piano, bu that Isn't anyth ng -well, so fraaklsl Tou mlgh be able to write a stop yet not know how to type it. The key "About then I attained to my first ' lh typewriter transcribe the word ambition. It was to make 2fi week. ". oo inca im neys oi I would have worked for 10 Twenty-1 F'o are the medium that transcribe five was lust the ultimate goal. I didn't ' song or a composer. care particularly what the Job would be. el the.', so long ai I was paid that princely sum. "That first song I sweated over two weeks. It was the most gosh-awful lyric -ver written. I named It 'Marie Prom 8unny Italy.' One oi the rhymes still "I have a mulc-stenographer. H. urdentands the science of music, an. takes down the notes the same wa. I'd dlctaU a letter to him. Then ; read It over If it doesn't sound rlgh I change It. haunts me 'Come to me, my lovely "lint t wouldn't give up my fcrm queen. Can't you hear my mandoleen?' , o' km lady Ui be I he best munlrlan Ii I still hflv one ropy I h-pe It's thelthr world. Music l aimethlnc yoa mi ctily one In existence Ii urn In a rollece. CompokltiiMi rme to you like ahrii the doctor xays. "If 'Another thing Id like to br l j !'" inuslrlan not simply a com poser. It niHtld be such a distinct advantage. 1 could get thing done mi much more BUYS A FARM AT TERRACE I.OCWI. ItKMIIENT AM IAMII.Y ItAISIJ IKI I I AMI Mill- TO nUNfE III l-Klt'l TO A. W. Robinson of this city Is -leaving tomorrow to take owr Sliver Birct Pann across the river from Terrace where be plana to live in future, tin Robinson wUI follow him with the family as soon as possible. Mr. Rchinaon plans to raise fruit at his new ranch. Re has seven of the ten acres cleared and a modern souse with not and cold water laid on He has already made arrangements for marketing hit produce here and Is looking furward to the change, which is largely on account of his health. While he wss employed at the Cold Storage ARCHDEACON RIX IS LUNCHEON SPEAKER live serlawi Talk to Itntartaax at CoMBWMhwr Cafe Yesterday After- At the regular weekly luncheon held- lh the Commodore cafe- AroMeecon lUpawgi, fee . member aptious iatt on their responsibilities both to the public and to themselves. He said that every 'man had a reputation to sustain well as character The community usually held an estimate of each man and he found that the man on the street was a pretty good Judge. He urged the members to live so that they might be above criticism. Fannie Hurst (Copyright by Public Ledger) JNITED CHURCH GIRLS ' ADDRESSED MRS. PRICE The regulnr meeting of the CO IT o the United Church was held at tlv borne of Mies Haddock. After the bus Incts for the evening. Mrs. Price of th First Baptist Church gave the girls i very Interesting talk, which was o much hejp and Interest to each of th Klrls present. A vote of thanks wa' given by Miss Nellie Ourvlch and icronded by Mtsu Helen Bun. At the close of the meeting dalat) rcfrrhraents were served by MUs Had deck, assisted by the Mlssex Nellie Our vlch. Helen Blm. Kla Stren and Tlte. Man in the Moon Al a wedding not a hundred yean Ago a yount man was aaked l: he bed kitted the bride. "Hot lately.' was b reply OLD timers do not like to admit new thngs are better than the -old. Jake remarks that If the- kntea ere not seta in the old days, they were there. Just the same. KVKN a worm Will turn, but wht cares anything about worma? WHEN you hear a man brag you know It la the first time he every had anything to brag about worth PBOPLJC are all more or less eras but I'm sure mmc of mi friends are much more cray than I am. A PERSON ho does not help la a laay lout and one who hlps tno much She Coughed Night and Day Could Not Sleep lira. Leonard II ay wood. VktSria Corner, N.U.. writM: "Last fall I took an awful eoM which I ranght while driviaf ia aa open ear ea a cold day. "I ems! altfct and day, ctmld not sleep at nigjht, and my eyes ran water to that 1 eonld hardly see a thiag. "My hatband get cm a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and before I had taken the whole ef it my sold had disappeared." ( 'Dr. "vTomTi" has been ea the market for the past 39 years; rl 35c a bottle, larre familv sits 60c i pat tip only by The T. ililburm Co-, LuaUsd, Toronto, Out. " " ' HP J 1 reble and M a pernicious aasddler who had better e BMndlng; his own bualnaea. It's hard UIU -K-J Ti. , " g - in a reaswaat wnen you osnnot decide what to order from ute Mil of fare t MUST admit It would be a rotten kind of world If everybody acted like you and ate, old friend. THIM are certain things in this , part ot the country you must not crtti-, las without danger of making the fur ly. according to our editor. He says mi should never say anything about spirits or spiritualism, about Conservs- Jives or Liberals, about any religions. or about any language, especially Xs- pmnto. TbMC one was a mutt , . mt f nanstd hist But he waa Just a mule That nobody ran to. The total passenger traJnc on the Atlantic in lift waa M persons, but la M east and westward, it totalled ver one million one hundred thousand. NOTICH TO CONTKACTOILS asmlSMl TMISM nrtflMl '"TknjU f Shingling Provincial Oovemment Whan Warehouse. ' will bt received by the undersigned up to noon ot Tuesday. March 37. Ifttt. Spesirieatlona, CXmtract and Form ot Tender may be obtained at the office vii im mnnn ausi. rrr, noun nouae. Prince Rupert. The sucosaaful tenderer wUI be called wii wi.u mot njn 'uisunr i nt Minister of Public Works, an aoeeptsd I hSfllls Mtul tA tM rk Mnt i Iftnr I the total amount of hi, tender. Tenders will not be considered unless made out on the forms en: plM signed with the enclosed In the envelopes furnished The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O. C. MACKAY. TO District Engineer. MINERAL ACT (Perm r. CniTIIIPATB op iMrnovr.MKNT.s NOTIt'K PHnrewi Pat tjnt ItM' PUnt t.i laai. R A V TaI J Turn rVSummmm T A 14..' Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlin Min ing uiTision or uawiar uiatnct. where IflMlMl nM Miimmi llnnnl. im W. . . mllB frnw, Ik. .mwm nf ..II TAW urvi-Trv ih.i - -MU b. -, t-w.mOT ...n ww. ii.iMn OMMH and c. n. Praser. Pree Miner's Certificate, no. oHvou-wuuai. intena. aixty days from I the dte hereor, to apply to the Mining I Recorder for a Certificate of Improve-; menu, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim. Aud fu-ther take notice that action, under se.-im 88 must be commenced before ihr issue of lueh Certificate of Imnrovemrnts. Ds'ert tins 5th dsy Of March. AO. IMS. H MpN rnAKEn. Aent LJdss LJdss Barona" Model 4-4tf $225 ; or with Electric Drlv i p trv I all Ihdre Fifes clarinets and flutes, - --as well as bass viols and traps, - - - tympani - - - gruff -throated tubas---all clearly heard., Lfcfuid treble, deep, low fundi men la Is. tfctse tflftea ftive Orthopaonic Victrota music it beauty aad color. So that today a public emtem by fijanm artists and an Orthophonlc Vlctr pettermeatc by the same great artists, at two things alike as twins, and you aet not itir fraen the buy comfort of the ftmidc to bear the Orthopaonic VktroU. It's miry man-Htota when you come to think of it. We moderns owe a tribute to the scientist who have contributed the rich Orthoph 1 of "matched Impedance" or "sraorxti r of sound" to the Victrola. To Vicn r was ejrteadad the privtlefr of developing this principle for your gseater enjoymeni. As a remit you may hare beautiful, realistic mueic at hotae, and you may have it mntained hi graceful cabinets wrought in fine wrn.'i. ArtMtically deaWaed nodels,--all eiiuipil with a device which stops each rro.rd atur phtyinj. Electrical drive. If you mh. ..i sliest additional cost, eliminate, winding. Prices from $1400 down to as low a $1 1 V on convenient pa meats from all lln Mastrr omc Trade Mark Rtg'd Victrola Machine Company of Canada, Limited, M..trti it bear the A I- Montreal :: Importers OUU WIIOLB STOCK MUST HE DISPOSED OI (1 i' UT BN'GLISlt GAIIAKDINR UAlN(t)ATS Imported from the best maker. lleK'i '; " from $20. and up all going at half pi it e. UUNNLNT. SHOES FOR SPIlINfi WEAK Dominion Make Men's Running Shoes, regular $1.75. Now Boys' Running Shoen, regular $1.50. Now ... Youth' Running Shoes, regular $1.25. Now Children's Running Shoos, regular $1.25. N" Si si SI 1 (.". Montreal Importers Telephone Illue 118 Third Avenue J. IL Mlllvr. " i- ' " " To Every Woman who is eager for new Ideas In home decoration u !r combinations for the sun porch, new color schenn' r ;", room, now color beauty everywhere in the house""' 1,1 ' ing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Advertise in "The Daily News"