WEAK oirr Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Hoofing Chimney Tops Bare Troaghini; Conductar Pipe Hoof Flashlnx Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows Metal Roofs and Siding Phone 340 Bex 467 I T I I ranners Are you fretting enough for your fur? If not, come to Gnldbioom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have larjre orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top price for everything. If yon have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers Friend." Second Avenue World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Aaa'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown fcefthorns. Barred Rock. R.l. Reds, Wyandotte. Buff Orpingtons, Blaik Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Prices. For Price List write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C.. Vancouver. B.C. Radio Radio As well as specialising on the No. 17 Radiol, we wish to draw attention tc thc Radlola No. your ir at UD-tO- date. last sik months modali. a six tube receiver. Price, less Radlotrons SS.es Price, with Radlotrons .. 1M.3 Price, complete with Radio-trona and 100A Loudspeaker I1.1S.7S r. w. riiAMUXK Esclutlve Wholesale Dealer far Radlola Office: SIS MIMh SL Ilex S45 Prince Kuprrt, an. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartajre. Warehouainit, and DlstributinK. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnlturt! M living. POLICE PATROL WITHIN SHADOW OF NORTH POLE MX JOI RNEV M AIM! I XIMEK TKY- IM1 CIR4 i JWTWW ACKOSS KMMF.RE LM ASH awK PLENTY OF GAME SEEN OTTAWA. March 33 (By the Cana dian Pica) How me Royal tanaaian Mounted Police formerly styled in Royal North-West Mounted Police -con tinue to uphold the authority ol Can- ad up in the Arctic was:?. thousand of miles Irom civilization, Is :old In ample. tralghttorwsra lar.guage .n the annual report of that bciy which ' iccenilv made nubile Patrols un dertaken wuhln the shadow of the North Pole Itself, demanding an absence ;f month from their baa. Invoking treks over glaciers, through blinding blizzard and under conditions that call lor the utmost endurance and hard t hood, are recounted a a matter zt routine duty. All the land lying north of the main land cf Canada has Ion ttnee been claimed as the possession cf Canada, and In order to assert her authority Canada sends those stalwart constables to apply the Us of the Dominion to succor the Eskimos, whom Canada has adopted as her wards, when they in office and custom posts, and in general to administer 1:1 the name ol the K.ns that vast sub-continent that I'et ! beyond' the northern aborea Ol thls4 Obde wapv-. Bwr Mt. - wav Sawe. four-footed part of the xpeditlon 'After 10 day the coni'.able and hi iBeklmo returned to the bsae and Ser jeant Joy and hu two native con-1 tinned their jotiniey The trip wa one' jwhich tuought out the (treat endurance r.f the white man and hi native, and the casual manner In which circum-j stance are told form one of the moat interesting features of thc )ournal. SEARCH IOK I'OOO "On the Sth (AprtH Nrokapeetinc- wak and Ahkeeoo walked Inland in enrcn of carlboii. while I in.ide u further atu-mpt to dry out t'lo'nlnx During ti'eir 10-hour absence tl.ty killed four hsres. And many cariboo tracks u few dfivn old. but mi cariboo." I Many mink oxen were neent harea j were plentiful a were ptarmigan, while polar bear nd wolvc ulau put In oc- cas.onsl p pea r.i ice Tlte party re- pliilsheU their larder from the result of a oarlboo hunt, but the after ef fects looked bad for a while. 'While returning to rmp with the carlbio on the Kamatik. two hare Jumped up from under the dog's feet: the dog swMowrd saw bam like animals rone tnsd and trio; the rprtMlk over s high cut wansT nho a Sjed of rocks, with bad rrstilte ou the koioaUk It took over a day to put It In running order again " " UtN INTO BI.I7.IHI) On April 18. the par'y ran Into a bltrmd while making towards a high cv "We htl barely covered half the distance wlien the utorm csme on again We reached the cape, but the KU-rni made It almnat a dark aa nild- hitr .irid were tnmhle u xee more j'hnn U w f,r t on ) ind or ir The' storm continued un'.;l the muinlng cf ! the 18th when the snow ceased drifting and the wind moderated to a strong fogs and norms became an almost Uily portion of their trip, but even in those exposed wastes there was vegeta tion. Here ai.d there a few tuft of grass, an occasional froaen Arctic poppy and a little heather were all the vegetation ihat could be seen within several hundred yards uff the shore U- At this time we had only two taps of dog , emmlcan for each team: oor dogs were thin and languid, aad I decided to start on our return Journey Immediately " imkrbn roini r.uiinoo However, the Eskimo re-stocked the cupboard with a- large, bearded seal while a polar bear waa also shot and .ed to the dogs On the way back the ' .c to this route. The Esaimca worsea very hard eed of help, to eatabltah post 'jroughout the trip, and Sergeant Joy country I.N r.lKTIHT NORTH At Bach Peninsula, in Ellesmere Land, is the most northerly outpost of civilisation In the wrld It U 700 mites south of the Pole, and stationed there are three men of the Royal Mounted, with three native Eskimo lamilies and a further &niml equip ment of 19 buakie dogs They are boused la two small but comfortable shack lor the native, with living quarters, storehouse, blubber shed and other small construction tor the of' fjeeiB. The winter of 10SS-S7 was a mild one and such being the nature ot communications the most recent news from Bache Pen.nula 1 that of last winter. Only or. night did the thermometer go btkiw 41. and climatic conditions genarally were good Perhaps it was this mild weather which inspired Sergrant Jtiy to uiider- ake hi trip directly acrom t:wnere Land with two Eskimos. Ahkreoo and Nookapeeuntrwak. c vering a distance of 1330 mlle and doltig it 111 M days. The story of the trip is told 111 pla-.i. unvarnished language, with no heroic and no superlative. Tha party left Bache Peninsula at noon on March 38. Constable, Osrnrtt and Eskimo acomparued acomparued .them tbern part part of the anreaaea appreciation of their good ork. The patrol reached Bache Penin-' sula Post on May IS. ISZT. after ha-. ng travelled lJao miles MOTOR SHIPS i THIS COAST !PW.E lHILniX VBV VEsr.LH to opKRtTK rri Kifinr MlOS victoria. March tS. To'Suceetafully mmiiett for trade on the Astute toe style. ,i BRINGING UP FATHER ' By George McManns EMPIRE NOW -TO A AMOcSUt 'i .s going TO Civ X ir .0 AThe - GOOD WINK OF I ( OOWNTAtK-o fjfS R6C4TAL ON HIVlOLlM - UftP un Wall Board ensures a lifetime of satisfaction when used for walla and ceilings; flts'true and standiirj djfring th$ life jpS Jt CRACK Wont warp CRUMIU.E RURN or I ; 1 ; :ag company of Japan. wUl have three larsjof motor liners In commiaalon by the tarty part of the year 1990. it a state) fey TBtliie H Kawada. general passenger agent of the company at To- ' klo. who baa ben: In the city on the j course of a world tour studying traffic jiujlttona. Interviewed here Sir Hawata stated ; :.iat the first ol the three motor liners now under oonstructian la Japan win I . , .... m,ia. the Pa- .WANTED DO IJJSMIIIWIVU clfM by tupttmbar 1 l The vee-sel wtll be Use first of two motorahlp-kutMlac at the Ultau Biahl plant at ataaatl. The third veasel. building at tha plant of the Yokohama Dockyard miiipaiij will be turned over to the r-nmpany In March. 1B30 M'rtKY VESSELS All three thips. Mr Kawada state, will each be of 16.000 tons gross and will have a aaa speed of twenty knot. looa supply Became ukw rx. K .lon for 300 the storms and Oat fog continued. The tergeant found evidences that led him to believe that in that part of Blea-mere Land cariboo were Increasing, but they appear to be a very stupid anl- aal. even more so than the barrets r:'rtbn rsJ, third -clam passengers and will have iaree cargo-carrying space. The new motorshlps will be operated by the N.TJC in the service between Hone Kong, Yokohama and Ban Iran- ' Talyo Maru. formerly the Oenaan snip ever the noise made by a team or a ' . ow,-a u.ru number of teams of howling Eskimo ' .,. , M, KmwaAl Jog. For the latter reason It would be ot oontm,tin, thc ooaatructlon uteresuag to observe how they would mu linen for the xt when being approacher or stalked :7 wolves The avoc with such easy prey. Morth Pacific service between Hang woives must piay ,,-..- axtu Antl 00 . ,..t until Mk time these vessels are ;oubt many die annually from awrra- d.)wn p,,,. tne company on and aickneaa. for they are wretch- v1) ncudc m of the dly poor in the spring and not all can r,nmMii t.11to Uara. Korea Maru and te lucky enought to survive the winter (rom PT-fcuco aer- SPEAKER URGED GYM. MEMORIAL CLAIM MIIIC T I'lTIIKU SO SON IllMjl KT T1IIT III II IUNfl UOI 1 1 HE MOKE IITTINO Over fifty boys and dad sat down to splendidly prepared banquet last alglit at the United Church Hall Boy the Trail Ranger and Tukla Oroupa aith their mentors and officers pro- td the auuper and served it In good Nippon Tow Kaiaha. pvwAlar hlp- , B b Irvine Tuala praetor, ptwsldad and La - Sold the World Over IT- W W Ok' X V3 w w tTil wTv Asv0wwTtM I I Hb Mjtrt 11 mam io V World-wide recognition is, positive proof of Superior Quality. t HIRAM WALKER & SONS LlNtlTED wwraAiav and hu ernes , wauieaviua'. caxsoa ESTABLISHED ttSI i Writ fo-otrr Montreal Offic. it! PhillipB 5o.,oron oour FREE PATENT WALL DO TTLE-pPENERS i Tanadian fiUB" Whisky This advert i'ltnt-nt is not published m linplayed by the Liquor Control ll'iard o- rv thn Internment of Ltntisb Culurobia V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTED V ANTED PORNTTtmi OT ALL DCS- crlptiona. Highest prleaa paid. Spot cash. Phone O. Dawes. Black 130. tf FOR SALE - -4 FOR SALE S H P HEAVY DUTY RE- gal. Atwater-Kent Ignition, complete 3&000. S h p Callle SSO OO. Baldrldge No. 3. clutch M0 00 Pord Manifold. MOO S 1 34 Sehuta field glaaa M500 3 left hand propellers 14 and IS- L. MAHOMET, Anyon. B C. 73 FOB BALE. OAS BOAT " V ASA " Length 41 A: beam 10 ft. IS HP Atlas 4 cycle engine: price S1B00 This boat would make excellent paekar. Apply Pujlmoto. AUln Ave or Ward Electric. Cow Bar tf amino boos 11 oo per setttno from bred-to-lay thoroughbred. SC Leghorn and Barred Moaft. HOP stock The Royal Pur and Poultry Ranch. Pacific. BX. SI )LD NEWSPAPERS MAT BR USED IN-atcad of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oct special price on large quantities Dally Newa. MUBKJV1T8 JeOW BOOKING ORDERS for summer and fall delivery, finest dark mawkraU The Royal Pur and Poultry Ranch. Pacific. B.C. l FOR SALS. - OflTHOPHONIC ORAMO-phone with 31 rocrrds Also Binre. machine In good condition. Spot cash. Phone Red 24S. V0 POR BALE JONSB. 613 TODNO ST -Piano, davenport, dresser, hall-stand aawlni machine, kitchen table.- 71 FOB SALE HOCBE SCOW. IS BT suitable for camping or fishing. Ap-Mv Boa SS. Dally News. Tl UMTJBTJALLT pat (or LA ROE WILTON Apply Pull en. TERRACE TENNIS ri.im.Hni.nia its CAR Dally tf after supper called on the company to r-se to the toast of the Bins, which waa followed by the National Anthem Olen Mohr proposed the toast to the Dads and J. S Irvine replied. The toeatmaaksr called on the com pany to rise and sing 0 Canada." Ron ah WUseo tsjssk, aeatjaaad toast ta Canada which waa responded to by Earl Barrte. Eddie Anderson gave a humorous re- ettaaiati "Pinigan and PUntian.'' Jim and piano duet In splendid style and responded to the hearty encore with ecnnd number Jack Cobb spoke in a humorous vein and Oeo A. Wilson. Tuxls mentor poke on the OBET program. Bruce Steven, mentor for the Trail Hangers. In the course of his remarks on the work of his group, expounded forcefully the viewpoint of the young folk in regard to the proposed oen ph !i a memorial to our Canadian valdlera. iu which he claimed that a gymnasium I would be a tar more fitting and tiarful Others speaking in commendation ot the CSB.T. work were S. D. Macdonald and Jack Btevena. The progrwm waa Intersperse: with community singing led by O 8 Wilson, aecomeanled ably on the piano by Cliff Cameron The evening closed win. the tinging of "The Mapn leaf " ill H EET1fiG fH THWAwl. Uirrh 31. -J The annual I PRINCE FOR KENT TO EXCHANGE POOH OR RENT MODERN POOR-BOOaWD Vancouver notise convenient w owe we roomed bungalow In South . . . .... m rm Dock. Phone Oreen MS. TS Apply S. Bunbury. No. I Bub past office. Prince Rupert. 72 POW PENT. - rURSISHED APART- ruenu, four rooms and hath. Water paid. Phone 547. tf no uwrr VfTRJfUIMfm HOUSCXEKP- ins rooms br the day. weak or month ' rm Vaaeoat er. Phone Red 607. A DCTIO N EBRS. tf POR RENT BOOMS WITH OB WITH-out board Central location Phone Blue 163 it POR RENT PORNISrIBD HOUSE-keeping rooms Apply Museailem Orocery. (FOUR ROOMED HOUSE hot and cold water. Phone Bed MS RI'PSRT IITTIOJI MBT Federal IMork Furniture of all kind bought, sold or eaahanged. Crating and packing done. Ooods sold on Comotisalon wrtinree. G. J. DAWES, 41 FURNITURE AND RANGES CHECTERFECLD StnTES. Suite. Dining Suites. Kitchen Table Range. Linoleum aad Linoleum Rugs Carpet. Blind. Curtain Reatmore Collsnrtnas and Mat Blankets. Cretonne Window Curtain good. We have atlll a tew mat left at tha old pries. High 1 01 High low High ftC! p. 1 .s High meeting of the Terrace Tennis Club was j held on Tueaday afternoon. Last year's Low ofllcers were re-instated R M Cory.; A. MAPHENSIK. Ft'RNlf I'BB PlMHSe 77V nililNKY SWEBP II. J. XirtlKEtrat Oeneel Heady Man Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned aad Re paired. Chlmnlea Swap. Osanatrry Plow Cared Pe Phone Bad S4S Prlnee ftunert. B O EXCHANGE NRW tNft SECOND . UM Fi'BNIf I'BE bought and sold and egehanred. Player Piano and Two Cash Ragittera nt stock MPriefrHS i xss Third Ave. t. I Vsa !ehtt CHIROPRACTIC lR. R. r. ETOLFMIN Chtrwprartar 3 Third Avenue. Telephone for appointment now to Blue St. Residence phone BcsSt 3SS. Evening call made as arranged Make your appointment now. PHINCB RUPRRT TIDK8 FRIIIAY. MARIII 3:34 am 14 p at. 8 43 m. 30 51 p.m. UTI ROW. MIECfl t4 3-ss ii m. 15 11 pm. s as a.m. I 30 pan. SIWAV. MARCH tS 3:87 s.m. Iflis p.m 38:01 am. r, p.m t inNfitV. VLlHCH IS 4 :30 a m 17:16 p-Ul. I0:5S am 334 ft. 317 " It " 30 " 3SS ft. OS " I " 4.3 " 8 3 ft. IS 4 17.7 " 8.5 7.S president and Mrs A H. Barker sec-' Tt RNIV. MARCH 37 trea Owing to the damage vlone to High 511 am. 30 1 ft I the tennis court by the rire 1st- m....-' mar extensive repairs sre nseearv sun !. these will he carried out at oulc. 1 weather permitting iHlgh j Munbenhlp fee wn fixed at & per vr rr tl ahcre two In one family low Joined j IS SI p m. 1 3 " 1 1 .Set p m 4.8 '' UKItNKnlUV. MAR4H M S IS am. ir ft 20 00 p m is " 0 02 :t 111 0 4" 13 OS pm S8 " Artie l Lnit jrd ourVot STEAMSHIP MOVEM Par Vaareuver Tueaday a rejnnrtu Friday as Pr:ce !( . Saturdsy u vent-.;:. as PrlocKM li - . March 1 - Prir.. ' March 25 m Crm .. Sundsy m Cin-otna ISgdneaday l'r R . Saturday ':.-Saturdsy ss P- nir--Marrh 1 1 i-,u. . -.-March 31 1 r.n March St- m Hrtn Far Pert Sleaaesa aa4 nj-Sunday -a oamcsui. From Pert Stpwa im . Tneeday- as Cma For Anyt and Me in iy ss cmo'." COMPUTINO SCALES SCAU METler Ihrta- licer. cheeae cutter and raolnet. Mrch II- meat chODoer. coffee mill. r.ih rrt- , March 31 uteri and peanut butter mills. Ex- pert repair and ad)u.menta Str- : Mr contracts New. used or rebuilt machines. Easy terms or casta discount. THE STILES HOP !.TI. Sft.1 Carwa-ra M.. IV. Vaawwwter B.r. To Vane ever y Prm. K I Tern Aajei snd lr4" Twawday s Omof i PrMay- ft i- Qweea f'harl,ate- Maieh 10 I:.:. March 34 - in rtwea tjoeea ( brluir March S r-lnc March 39 Pm a P. ... March 11 Pi Flaw Alaska JgarO 15 -aa. Prr March JS -as. Pr - MAIL SCHEDULE Far the Bast Mondays. Wedoi the Kal- Thu'd Twaadaya PHwaya iBtawdRsa CP. Feb . M. Trains. Mopd.ty Satordav Fiwea Aeowver Sundays WSdussdayf Saturdsy cm.- March 11 ' Ttalna. Sundajt. 1 a!- ; To Aayt. Allre .r rveenler Ssmday rrsaa Aoyox. Alice n Preeaier Frtdaye To Nana River PeWit Sundays rresa Nwa River rw"' Tweaway To taseka INtial March II. 31 and 11 FPMI Ala Pw)a4- Ph S March 1 TO t)wrea Char MM I r March 10 and " Qaeea Chariot 1 March S and Tl LET7l.lt WIX ""' Otobaai Atim Av la Ave. Sth tlh Ave. r iton ? Sth Ave. t ' iomp ' nth Ava. iherbr llth Ave. U r .-iri Sth Ave at Haya 1 9th Ave. at Hay C Sab Ava. Cotton s Sth Asa. Oreaji 8t .11 Sth Ave. McBrMe Prov. Oovt. BulldinK PTOV, Oovt. Wharf O.TJ. Wharf sum Station . . ,5 r ycm. faaw agdl Ava. Ava. tnd nt 91 n ftjaro Ave. m r. Srd Ave k Sth St Sundays One colle. pm. collection CUR. TRAINS for Ihe Ea Monday. WednetM at IIS0 am from the r.al Tuen-lavi Ttvir-t (t 9 80 P