March 23, 1928 HI Li Li ii ;LlJM9JlJ T IT 1 f- 7 . X -'JLWJM or 46 (ear N and knou) (f none oouer 'BLUB REBBOM TEA , C6FFEE BAKING POWDER FECIALS 11 MH CLIPPERS - Key. $1.25. Special price .51.00 MUST MALT Rett. 1.25. Special price $1.00 Ml ATSflVs TONK ALE AM) STOUT Reg. 76c. Special price 000 M UMIX TOOTH PASTE AM) BRUSH Reg. 75c. Special M-ii-e JVOf Ud lM BOTTLES Ktf. 73c. bpecial price flOf SEE OUR WINrOWS Orates IM. yfie Pioneer Drugutsls THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 8?t,200 Special :: Offering -of COATS for LADIES, MISSES AM) CHILDREN COATS FOR (HILBKEN rular value up to SlH.00. Spivial I'l'icc COATS FOR LADIES AM) MISSES nihil- value up Ul to HJ 25.H. ... S-ri;il I" I'li'i' . ...til. tL Have vuur choice ol tin s.l. nIM irarmenw wnno moy '. l'r they will not last Ihk ;tl H"'1, I"'11'4'8- B. C. Fur Company Third Avenue Canadian NMiSML STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN 'SERVICE U( T..l.t. HKATTI.h. tnm VttlSCK Kl'I'lItT for IVHI "d intermediate points, each Htii' "" ' HTKWAUT and ANVOX, fsrh W I 1'' ' K "...,, NOIITII an,l HOUTII WW VUM " . .,1 1 fAKMSNOCK Tit AINH l.r. ' '! , fr vlllM t ll'.OUor,, i:i)M(NTO, niNMI'IXi atatea. AGENCY AM. OCEAN Z ! l anadlan Nnllonal Eress M ' 'TV TICKET OFIICE. MS T11I1UI At r ' 1 :I Local and Personal j 1 Dentist. MarcellU Stunner. Or J. R. O'MM Phone 68 ( Skating dally, 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. t Clet the Bla 4 h.blt of a Taxi pimt When thiniu. Mrs mm. r a. Mouse sailed fills morning on the Prince Oeorse fo.Vaiicouver. Senior Bllllnrd Championship tonlgh. In Grand Terminal Billiard Hall. Lone vs. Hamilton. Mra. D. Frsser and daughter of Haya- pcrt united this morning on the Prince George for Vancouver. Provincial Constable William Smith of Anyox arrived In the city from the smelter town on the Prince Oeorge thla morning. John Carroll sailed this mornmi on the Prince CHorge for Nannimo, being culled there on account of the death of hi aon-in-luw. Secord G. Moore. j i R. H Worker, of the F. O. Dawion Ltd. staff will leave on tomorrow nicrn-.uig train for one of his periodical burliness trips to the central Interior. Frnik H. Tny:or. head of the Tcoley Richfield Mtnlrg Co.. and Mrs. Tavlo; jreached the city from 8ml there on last evening's treln and sailed this morning on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mrs. Delaware, mother of Mra. P. M Crosby of the St. Elmo Hotel, and Mrs. Monck. Mrs Crosby's sitter, sailed by the Prince Oeorge this morning on their return to Seattle fallowing a visit In the city. Martin Miller, foreman for ths Blj Bay Lumber Co.. arrived in tlie cltj from Georgetown yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. Miller and daughter. Miss Marian Miller, to take up his duties nt the new plant of the compauy at Seal Cove. Making her first call here for about a month, motors hip Belllngham. Capt. J I. Anderson, arrived In port at 4 c'clcck this morning from Ketchikan with a carlcad of halibut for transshipment Bast over the Canadaln National Railways The Prank Waterhouse fnlghterKaat-helm Is due In port tomcrrow from Vancouver with a cargo of powder. The easel will losd out Terrdi-e cotton woe d logs from Vtt dry deck and fish meal from the plant or the Rupert Marine Pltducta at Tucks Inlet. Regimental Concert. Orchestra of SS pieces, conductor. S. Aubrey Price, will eive a concert In the. Vrestholme Theatre on Sunday night j 13 Vocat solos by Mrs. H. C Fraser (ad Mi. E. Davia. Sliver collection at the door. Program will be published In to in or- row's issue. Mrs. R. Mills of Vancouver Is expected In the city next week to pay a visit to her daughter. Mra. T. Row Mackay With the arrival of M Mills, four generations of the f.tmlly will be her-Mrs. D R. Barclay. Mrs. Mackav's daughter, la Mrs Mill granddaughter and little Miss Peggy Barclay Is her great grand-daughter. Mra. Conrny of Vancouver la at preicnt visiting with her sister. Mrs. Masky. ANNOUNCCMKNTS StuicUy Couoer: by Regimental Orchestra Westholme Theatre. March M United Church April S. of work April 13. Easter Sale of Work. Queen Mary Ch ipter annual Daffodil Ball, Eas'.er Monday. April 0. Anglican Church Easter Salt April 10. Catholic Women's League spring sale Wl is: League Cup-prla Moose Hall. April 13 Mri i ii urns oiii ti ouni.-. Liu. distribution Ladles' Auxiliary St Andrew's Society Easter Sale and whist drive. April 30. Royal Seclety of St. Oeorge Drive and Dance April S3. Prlnrc Ruprr Pinrc (rll 37 Whist Girls' Drill Team of Eczema Are you read I no- the weekly Canadian letters, tslllng stories of suffering from akin dlaeases ajkd how relief wna effected? Hera la part nf a Kttrr (ram Mrs, B. Olbsan, Itoi 11J. Midland, OaU Writs hr If ynu desir. "I had a vary sad can or wbbi en my face aad neck, also acalp. Could not Had aartblot ta taSra. ms fsNkti . Oae small bnitla ifi ft, ,4J. D. tars me relief, so then I secured a firoat The proof ef the TvuoMUt 1 In the eating. When a pres. rip-Hon for skin disease has Utters ef endorsement from nearly every city and town In the Do minion, surely It la enough to convince the moat skeptical. llellef tram llt-klnu; lurment U Immediate. Ti v im Sl.tW bottle of IV l 1). tliiv on th positive guarantas. And D. II, P. Soap, too, JO.JCaf.Od CSS, loCon for 5Wn Vbwso MtlllK. I THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE aw C WHETHER It be a cut, a bruise, sprain, burn or scald, Zam-Buk provides the handiest and urest means to quick, perfect healing. It Is from certain valuable herbal extracts that Zam-Buk get Its power to subdue pain and Inflammation, Its germ-destroying activity and fine akln-ijrowlnjj property. Zam-Buk is splendid for chapped hands, frost blte.chll-blalns.etc. Get a box to-day t yamBuk I 1 M Tor QUICK CLEAN HEALING Vulualla meeting tonight. Elks' Annual Dance April 30. We are lleailijuarlrrs for shoe repairing. Semi lliriri tii us fur value, service ami atlfartlon. .McArthHr"s Shoe 8turr. tf 71 Oeorge Cummlngs was charged in city police court this morning with Indecent exposure, the case being adjourned until tomorrow. Oeorge O. Bush by, bead of the Rupert Marine Products Ltd., sailed on the Prince Oeorge this morning for Victoria. He expects to be back In the city In the near future. Charles O. Sttmpsen. general manager of the Baxter Pole Co., arrived In the city from Massett Inlet on the Prince John tUs morning and wUl return to the Islands tomorrow .evening. Mr. and Mrs. aUward l.lpsett. who arrived from Vancouver in Wednesday returned to the cltv on th Prince Oaoree U.S. PLANNING USE AIRMAIL U1IX t O-OI'KKATt: WITH 1IKITAIN TKANWATLANTIf A I It MKKVICU THIS FALL IK CARRY 100 PASSENOEKS Ml fXKHhlt '!,, 111(1 COMPANY. 1VU.L UIT:ilATK . ItUll I. Wt E!(VI( r! Willi MIMICAL SUM'S WASHINGTON, D.C., March 23 Con fident that forty-eight hour air mall and passenger between 'London and New York Is so close at hand that Its , attainment Is only a matter of months, the government Is clearng the way for participation by, the United States In a new era of trans-oceanic transport. I opurreu oy announcement mat tne ' giant British dirigible R-100, nearlng completion In England, will make de-! iDOiuttratlon voyages over the Atlantic ' In September to show the feasibility ft , the plan, executive branches are moving , quickly t.- assure full United States cooperation In consummation of an air line over the Atlantic. The pos' ofllce department, through Warren I Olover, assistant postmaster general in charge of air mall, has Indigested that If Britain institutes regular! trans-Atlan'.lc service, the government , lll be ready to despatch mall In quantities to Kngland by air at the regular two-cent postage rate now In effect. Similar plans by British postal authorities call for a three-cent letter rate on United States-bound mall with a surcharge, of nine cents. Rep. Clyde Kelly of Pennsylvania has offered In Congress a measure authorising the postmaster general to contract for trans-oceanic mall at three dollars a pound. Its passage will remove al- moU the last barrier to United States use of the liners for mall. President CooHdge has expressed his Interest In the plap In connection with the visit to Washington of C. D. Bur-ney. member of the British Parliament and representative of sponsors of the R-100. At the president's direction. Secretary Wilbur of the navy is making available the mooring mast at Lekehurst, NJ., for the demonstration flight, and Secretary of Commerce Hoover is looking Into the project with a view to aiding It as he may through the department's section of commercial aviation. The R-100 will be TOO feet long M feet longer than the VS. navy dirigible Los Angeles. It will have a carrying capacity of 100 pasiengwrs and ten tons of freight, a cruising radius of 4,00o. miles and a speed of 75 mUes an hour. I It will be able, Burney estimates, toi voyage from New York to London In about S8 hours but the westward flight ' styll take ten hours more because of, thla momlni after having made ttJ JH VW U VFmato The round trip to Stewart and Anyox. John Watklna of Stewart, an old time resident weU known in the north, came in yesterday from the south on bis way to the mining camp when be was taken Hi and Is now In the Prince Rupert General Hcspital. McDonald. R.N. and Mlsa C. A Clare. Rlt. New Westminster, who have been on temporary duty at the Ha ( lion Hospital, armed In the elty from the Interior on last evening's train and sailed this morning on the Prince Oeorge for the, south. Sergeant W. J. Servlee. chief of the Smithers district desaehment of the provincial polios, arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train having In hla custody Fred VPycott who is to be taken to Okalla where he will serve a term of three months for sup plying liquor to Indians.. Sergeant Ser vice will return to ths row. Concluding the company's winter schedule of sailings. C.NJI. steamei Prince George. Capt. Harry Nedden, ar rived in port at 7.S0 this morning from Stewart and Anyox, sailing at 0 a.m. for Ocean Palls. Powell River and Van couver Next wek the twlce-a-week spring achrdudle of sailings will be In augurated by Canadian National Coast Steamships. William Meams. superintendent of the Koyal Arch Maona, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this momlng. accompanied by local members of She ord. r. nrter paying an offlelal visit to Observatory Chaptor nt Aryx. and will mill tomorrow morning by the Cardena on his return to Vancouver. Mr. Mcarna will my an official visit to Kalen Chapter here tonight. IIOlll. AHUIVALS. rrlnrr Hiiiert Joprh 8. Ropers, city; Mr. and Mrs. Mm tin and M1m Marian Miller. George town: Mr. and Mrs G. H. Tycho, Mi and Mrs. P. H. Taylor. James Rutherford and W. J. Service, Sml triers; p. j Gillespie, Charles G. Stlmpson, William iMcKlbbln. Oeoriie Kerr, A. Johnston. Mr and Mrs Edward Upsett. M. N. j Kelly. W. Menrns and It. E. Elsdcn. !Vsicotiver: Miss I Kerr. Terrace; Miss MaoDonald mid Miss O. A. Clare. R.N . jNew WcstmiiiKtrr: J. T. Hunt, Burns Uk: E. P. Smith. Dlgby Island; II. R. Beaven. Queen CharloU City; Oeorge A Cameron. Stewart; W. Smith. Anyox Cent ml W. Marsh. Prince Oeorge: T. II. ll dchard. W. F. Taylor and W. McKay. C N R . It Kirkpatrlck and E. Stewart. Port Clements: Dr (1 O., Pains, Telkwa. limii) HiikIi McDonald, city; D. Morrison, CNR; E C'lmirh. 8-iil Cove; A. Ward. yiirrn C imrKiiii' City; E. M. Andcrion, Ni a M.. -ii;. infp MWl have the luxurious stateroom and appointments of an ocean liner. Present plans call for endurance maneuvering and mooring testa for the R-100 in July and August, to be followed In September by the trans-Atlantic tests. If these succeed. British capital la prepared. Burney says, to organise at one a SSo.000.000 corporation to build five more ships to serve with the R-100 as a trans-Atlantic air fleet. NIZAM OF HYDERABAD HELPS LONDON MOSQUE (live tm,MMi TnwariW t'twt of Krrrt- lnga llullillng fr Mixlems Uilug In London LONDON. March 33 -Information has been received by Moslems In London that the Nasam of Hyderabab baa promised five lakhs of rupees (about 140,-000) to the fund which to being raised for butkUng a mosque in London. The gift was made as the result of an appeal by Lord lleadley last December at Delhi, where he presided over the All-India Tahbllgh Conference. Lord Head-ley was afterwards the guest of the Nlaam in his capital. About 600 Moslems are resident In London, and throughout the country there are about 3.000 but the floating population la much greater. At pre sent there la a mosque at Peckham and one of the Ahmadlyeh section at The movement to build a central mosque for Loudon waa started In 1906. but the war stopped Its progress. The total ccet of the scheme, which In cludes a house for the priest, a guest house, baths, and possibly a restaurant. is cermatea at ( A aubsiantiai sttm remains to be raised, but the Nlsam'a gift will enable the committee to prcceed with arrangements for con struction as soon as a site has been obtained. Moslems resident In Oreat Britain In tend presenting an address to the King of Afghanistan during bis visit here. SPRING SCHEDULE OF CANADIAN NATIONAL COAST STEAMSHIPS The sailing of the ss. Prince Oeorge from Prince Rupert for Vancswver on Prlday. March IS, will be ths last -salting on the CN. Coast .Steamships winter schedule. The double weekly service will be effective from Vancouver, Monday, March 36. when steamer will leave there each Monday and Thursday, arriving here ruch Wednesday and Sat urday at 10:30 a m SaIIIiirs for Ketchi kan and Aryox will he each Wednesday at 4.00 p.m , and (or atrwart each Sat- urduy 10 00 pin. Bulling for Vancou ver will be each Thursday and Sund.iy U 1100 pin Queen Chnrlotte l.-UluH vAi Wii. : i nulla u at j'rtatiil. 71 I loJ ymt&m 54 ALWAYS IN Phone 613. Nothing to Slip-Nothing to Bind! May Belle Combination THE Brassiere Top Bloomer is much loved beta use of -its real.i r try 1 1. up comfort ana competencv4v neiu. firmly in place at the wa no-elastic bloomer, the brassiere can neither slip nor catch and bind. Smartly cut and beautifully tailored, of soft, lovely lockstitch rayon, in fascinating pastel shades, moderately priced and durable, this dainty undic is indeed a treasure and is typical of ail May Belle Lingerie. Let the May Bells label mide each garment be your guarantee for smart, desirable lingerie. . The adorable May Belle Junior Lingerie ranges from 2 to 14 years. Ontario Silknit, Limited Toronto, Canada. 1 l A. , II EQy tne;j T4 Xincmk LINE WITH THE MODE Modes for Spring New and popular styles featuring the latest fabrics and color schemes, are being introduced in our new range of Spring Coats. These models have an individuality which is particularly pleasing. High Quality at Popular Price is our Aim. Special lines for Stout and Little Women. JABOUR BROS., LTD. Third Avenue and 7th Street. For Best Results ,i all your baking use obm Fl DO POSITIVE MONEY HACK (JUAKANTHE IN 12V Kit Y SACK canadian Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince.Rupert To Ketchikan, tVrangrll, Juneau, and Kkagway March It. tl. II. To Vsnrouver, Victoria and Mat tie March IS, SS, April 4. flllNCKSM IIKA1KH t lor Hutedale. East Ilella Hells, Oeean Pall. Nanin. Alert Hay. Campbell Kim. and Vanrtuer every Haturdvr. U ajn. Agency for all Stesntahlp Line. Full latortnatluo Irora . W, C. OKCHAKIi. Ueneral Ateal SA Corner of 4th'Slrert and 3rd Avenue, I'rlnre Utrpert, ll.fjP Tbene 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Nailing Irnai lrin'e Huneri. lor V ANTOl Vf;it. VICTOltll, llutedale. Alert lUv. etc. TtiteUsi. 5 lor V.N((atK. VICTOKIA. Nwsuson Ihiy. Alert lUy, etc., Mtsrihty, 3 S.lll. Tor PORT SIMPSON. SAAS UIVEh POINT". ALICE AHM. ANYOX, HTF.IV.tltT. Wales Island, Sundsj. S p.m. US nd Arrniie It M. HMITII, tfent Prlnr Kiiert. aC. Through tickets sold to Vlitoila and Seattle, and baggage checked through to destination.