(1.lV, February 22, 1928 TOE 'DAILY NEWS PAGE JHKEE .MiZLJL U. - MERCHANTS HAVE Local and Personal 200 MODELS ANNUAL DINNER BO Undertaiers Pbon tl Read Richmond's Louvre ad. 44 Si Officers Elected at Meeting Last Night l'lans for Year Discussed Dentist. Dt j k (1mm Phone 880 Healthy Finances Wc arc enabled to offer this up-to-date Ladies Spring Millinery at this very special price, as we have no extra expense and overhead in handling it. SEE THESE HEFORE HUYING ELSEWHERE. NO MORE NO LESS C. FUR CO Third Avenue Telephone To Us With Confidence . anils of people have implicit confidence in Henry i -i. bought his new car sight unseen price unknown. -! in hi previous dealings that he deserved their eon- ! MutiKands have ctifidence in Lindberg his exploits ah that he could U- trusted. And here in Prince u;Mid8 have the Mime faithful confidence in Ormes ion Department because by s0 years of fair dealing " i it could be trusted implicitly. Itiini; your Prescript Uhm to Omaswe call for and deliver prescriptions 0T1B: 7ii Dinnt'P.r Druooisis HIRD AVE V SIXTH ST. TELEPMuNLS u20O Silk Hosiery Special A ii-k and new shades in our own special Arcadian ' guarantee everv pair to give satisfaction. IMS " v :i 11 not be excelled anywhere in I'anada the) price, lii'le iii twelve popular shades, sixes SVi U 10. 95c par pair r rasnr I&. ravne Universal Trading Co. . , " "Ti I A 1 Sweaters, MacfcinaV Wind Breakers IM.mr'iMv tff ni.M? f'RNT "HKIlN. siites (i and 7, regular 2.2f. now S"M! Sale Continue. Every pair mul THOR JOHNSON ousting daily, g iAd l,1 bid 8 8 to 10. tr Tommy Taxi Phone 7Q Zenith tl Oet th Big 4 baton WheD thlottnc ot a Taxi, phone 4. tf 3. H. Plllsbuty aalled last night by the Camaaun on a buiinesa trip to Vancouver. Milton Gonzales tailed last night by the Camosun on a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. W. J. Crawford, who lias been on a business trip to Vancouver, ia a pss-enger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning to Stewart Inapector Jh.'dcs M. Tupp?r, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon train I following a trip to the Interior on of ficial duties. Uri. Me th Dsvles, 1083 Ninth Avenue East, la a patient In the Prince Rupert Hospital where her condition ha been caualug some anxiety. She was stricken suddenly on Monday and lost con sciousness. During the past twenty-four hours, 30 cat loads of grain have arrived lrom the prairies for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. Railway offices this morning reported 259 car loads on the division bound here. The County Court case in which J. W. Collier la suing the corporation ot trite city of Prince Rupert for $83848 covering damages sustained aa a result of an accident with a city truck some time ago. has been adjourned until uext Monday: Mist Kfflr Munro of Edmonton, whe hat been spending some time In th? city visiting with her brother and alster-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. O. H Munro. 810 Plfth Avenue East, will sail Friday morning on the Prince Ru pert tor Vancouver. Vic Rodger of the Cirsoid Terrains; Club has opened a flrat class Shlur Parlor for ladles and gentleman at IV Third Avenue West, opposite the Kev. tatprrss Hotel. He also ai ranges !oi window, house and office cleaning anc solicits jfcttr patronage. 41 ... . Pred Cametcn returned to the city on yettrrday'! Afternoon's train from Terrace where be" mat George Young o Winnipeg, western supervisor of tru Intenutlnual Bible sUsafents' Aesocla tlon. who Is to apeak tonight Ui the Metropolc Hall on the subject of "World Event and their Signlflcaoot.' . 'J C.N.R. ateamer Prince Rupert. Cap Harry Nedden. arrived at 1.30 thl afternoon from Vancouver. Powell River tail Ocean Fall and v. ill sail at K o'clock tonight for Stewart and An vox returning here at 6 o'clock Friday mcrnlng and sailing for the south at 0 a.m. Fog caused the delay of the -hip today. The principal Item today on the program at the regular monthly open luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyrc Club was an address by H. T. James resident mining engineer of the provincial government for this district there also bring other numbers of a musical nature. President L. W. Waugh vupled the chair and there was s .ood-slsed attendance of members and meats. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Leap Year Whist Drive and Dance February 3B. "Aunt Susans Visit Church. March 8 and 9. at United Anglican Cathedral Tea Match 17. Catholic Women's League spring sale of work .April 19. Elk Oabaret Aprtl 30. Royal Society of at. George Whist Drive and Dance. April 33. Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. 0. Ames, 85 8L' George Street, Chatham, Ont., writes: 'Last Winter my three boyt bad terrible eoldr and a cough that hung oa so long that It began to worry aie. "I went to my druggist and he asked rue if 1 had tried Dr. Wood's Norway' Pino Syrup "I told him I had not, hut that I w. M, and I must say thai after they liail in.. 1 "1 the third bottle they Were eutirclv rid I'"1 cough. "1 will never lie , J a bottle of 'Dr. Wood ' on hand." Price S.V. a bottle, large family ..,. tide ; put up only by Ths T. Milburn Oo Limited. Toronto. Out, The cool, comforting flavor of WKIGLEY'S Spearmint It a tatting pleasure. It cleanses the mouth after eatlnz gives a clean Uite and swiet breath. It li refreshing and digestion aiding. Read Richmond's Lou we &1. 44 Inspector W. Splller returned to town today lrom Vancouver. A. A. Connon aalled last night by the Camcsun for Vancouver on a brief business trip. ' Mrs. D. C. Patterson returned to the city on today's steamer after visiting In the south. Poll Howard came off today's steamet from the south where he has been away on a long holiday. Jules Seguln was among the paaaen gers arriving la town today from the south, by the Prince Rupert. Eerl Haines returned to the city today from the sottth where he has been spending th no-flshlng period. R. H. Ltighton arrived back In town coday from the south where be has An on a short business visit. W A. Talbot, of the Provincial Public Works Department arrived in the city his afternoon on his way north. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Starr returned to he city today from the south where they have apent toe winter months. Mrs. C. P. Rlel arrivals from the jcen visiting for t! am""' sr today's where she has t week or two. R. E. Landrail dtl the Washlnatou Mine at Stewart Is Aapejenger through to the aarth p the frinda Rupert to- Mrs. St Amour returned to town to-ay (run Vancouver and southern .ties where she has been on a buying .'Islt. MIm Doris Lack sailed last evening i tre Camaaun ti.r Vinmnvrr uwmti. ii.l be In the south. W H. Tobey. C.N.R. divisional super- Officers for the year eiAfoIlows were elected at the annual dinafer last even ing In the Commodore KCafe of the Prince Rupert Retail Merchant' ah soclatlon: President. D. C. McRae. Vice-President, L. M Puller (retiring president). Secretary, John Bulger. Executive Dan Jebour and N. Mua-sallem. Retlrlng President Puller, in a brief speech, expressed his appreciation to the members for the co-operation and support that had been accorded him during his term of office. President-Elect McRae thanked the meeting for the honor which had been bestowed upon him and stated that be would do his utmost to carry on the work successfully. The financial report, presented by the retiring secretary-treasurer. Aid. Prank Dibb, showed the Association to be In a healthy condition with a sub stantial balance in W '-''; to 1U credit. Plans for the year were discussed and It was decided to have a series of addresses by members of a vocational nature. It was also decided to resume th annual picnic of the Association on a date which will be selected later. A letter from the cenotaph committee requesting support In Its forthcoming campaign for funds was read. "ARE YOU A Mj-SON?" WILL BE NEXT PLY Prince llupert I'Uyrrn' ('Ink leWll tn Stage fare 'About End of April Meeting last Night The Prince Rupert Players' Club, at Its regular monthly meeting last night In the hall on Second Avenue, decided to stage the farce "Are You a Mason?" about the end of April. The meeting was presided over by ' the vice-presi dent. Miss No -a Rlvett. In the absence of the president. A. A. Connon. and VI lac Caroline Mitchell acted as secre tary in the absence of Miss Vi Cam eron. There was a good-elxed atten dance of members. Following the business session, the members of the club enjoyed a dance for which music was furnished by Miss Irene Morrison and Jimmy Currle. In the course of the proceedings a solo was sung by Ernest Smith and a duet by Bill Smith and George Mitchell. ff. .J.' 8hen tea. inspector of mines, left on this afternoon's train for Telk-wa on official duties. NOTICE. TARE NOTICE that an application wlU be made to the Parliament ol Canada at the next session thereof for an act. .anymg Mr.. J. Fox. whose gum 7 We ate Ilrttl.wu1rrs far stone re- IKtlrtug. Send tUm In in for value. MTvlee aiul MlUfaetloii. MiuArt bur's Kbue More. tf CNR. steamer Prince John, Capt. E. inbbs. la reported to be due early tomorrow morning frcm Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. and Pacific Railway Company, or such other name as may be ilven. to con struct and operate a railway aa follows: lal Commencing at a point at or nea.-the Cltv of Letbbridie: thence In a Westerly direction to a point at cr near the Town of HoLeod; thence Westerly and Northerly in a direction generally parallel to the Calgary and McLeod Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway to a point at or near the City of Calgary; thence Northerly and West of the Calgary and Edmonton railway to a point at or near Lacombe: thence Northerly to a point at or near i ik iay oi iamonion. tbi From a point at or near the City of Edmonton by the most feasible numdent. left on this mornings train route t0 ,a(l ,long th ,uk oI 'or the Interior on Inspection duties He will be away from the city about a week. St. Andrew's Society will hold a jelal evening on Frtdajt, February 34. it 6 pm. Ladles' Auxiliary and friends Invited. Refreshments served. Admission 39c. J. J. Payne snd his little son Douglas were among the arrivals back in the city this afternoon from Vancouver where Mr. Payne has been for the past two weeks on s buying trip. Sergeant Duncan of the Provincial Police arrived In town today from the m nth en route to his post at Pouce Coupe whither he will proceed by Sat urday's train. Frank Pitch of the Real cut3iii offices left on this afternoon's train for ' rlnce George where for the next threv weeks he wUl relieve Percy Home wood who is going on a holiday trip. LADIES' WHIST .Mmwr and Canadian .National Ijnllf Now Tied for laderslilp Uesult of t Mgbt'a flames As a result of lMVntgbt' games, Moose Ladles and Canadian National Ladles are now tied for the leadership of the ladles' section of the Fraternal Whist league On the results of the final scheduled games neat week will depend the sea-son's honoas as far aa this division Is concerned with all tour tcsma yet having the chance to win out. English Ladles defeated Orange Ladles by 5 to 4 last night. Canadian Null mil Ladles winning over Mouse Ladles with a n!m!!ur score. U'tniue standing to date are as follows: W. L. I'ts Moow ladli-n . 8 ft C N. Ladles 8 A (i O.anire Ladles S a : L::... . ' r. the Slmonette River to a crossing of the Smoky River near Its Junction with the WaDltl River at or near Be.anson to the Town of Grande Prairie In the Province of Alberta; thence South Westerly through the Menkman Pass to a point at or near Aleza Lake on the Canadian National Railway to the Province of British Columbia. Idi From a point at or near Orande prairie in a Nortn westerly airection to a point at or near Pouse Coupe and from a point at or near Pouce Coupe in a North Weaterly direction to a point at or ncr Hudaon'a Hope on tne reace Hirer: tnence in a gen era! South Westerly and Weaterly di rectlon snd North Westerly bv the most feasible route through the Pine Pass to a point at or near the Town of Stewart in the Province of British Columbia at the head of Portland Canal Id) From a point at or near Hudaon'a Hope crossing Peace River In a general Krister) v direction to a point at or near wrt'telaw: thence in a nor therly direction to a p ilnt it or near Fort Vermllirm and thence Northerly snd Westerly to the rliiht bank of the Hav H'ver Ht or near us intersection with the Northern boundary of the rr-n'tnce ol Aioerta The said railways being declared to be for the general benefit of Canada. 3. To authorise the said Company to construct wnarve. aorta ana noteis ana to own and operate vessels and to collect charges on telegraph and telephone messages of the public, to file upon and acquire water power sites and to generate electric and other energy and to die-pose ot the surplus from and collect charges therefor. 3. To authorise the aald Company to Untie securities in respect of the said line of railway to an amount not exceeding Forty Thousand i $40.000.00 1 Dollars per mile for the prairie sections and not exceeding Sixty-five Thousand lS8S.000.00) Dollars for the mountain section DATED at the C'ty of Edsnontou. In. the Province "f Alberta, this, 4th day of January. A D. 1938 I Signed' ,l. STEWART Ol.ARKt On beUlf "f the Applicants) c-o Ewlng. Rarvle Bury. Barrlters. Solicits!- etc.. Oil Ices Bank of Toronto Bldg.. Edmonton. Alberta. Canada PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Issstf b SftNTAL MIDY as sure to gt . th Qsnulns Look toi tits sore "MIDY" Dultl tu n ihul lists mi Peispkation Odour is no .respecter f Persons- r Seasons Winter and Summer one perspires . - . everyone . . . from one to two pints daily, the doctors say. One needn't be in a warm room, it may not be a sultry summer day, for sometimes excess perspiration is caused by emotion or plain nervousness. But, whatever causes perspiration odour, no one need ever offend because of it ... not while there is Lifebuoy Soap to be had practically everywhere. Lifebuoy Soap used for face, hands and bath makes one sure of not offending. The creamy antiseptic lather not only cleanses but also purifies the pores and keeps them antiseptically clean and sweet from bath to bath. Lifebuoy is orange red, the colour of its pure palm fruit oils ... it costs no more than the toilet soap you are using now. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects To Keep Well Drink plenty of water, perspire freely and prevent perspiration odour by using Lifebuoy Soap. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto LMM Tirftinfm"wvtlMmA i--em- tvRrfvVaSis j'fv ssismsssBatBj DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAINTIEST HUEAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & CoH Storage Cv W- ICANADIANf 'Xtsiiwsvf Prince Hupert. B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway- B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. tYranrell. Juneau and SKitgwui imiimry S8, February 1 1, U Te Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle tviiruary I. II. anil JO. PRINCE) III; VI KM E Per lluledale, Raat llella Itella. 0e talis. Namu. Alert Hay. raiiibrll litter, and Vsarnutcr etery 3aturd.iv. II a.m. trrnry for all Mieamshlp Lines. Pull Information lrom W. C. OIICIIAKII. General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prime Rupert. B.C. Phone 31 1