u.n-y 22, 1)2R paot rrva ATTACK MADE TEA AND SALE BY r ur AM CID ITCMnir lAlHUUC LADIES it Prices I'-14 -4 1flOA On am! r rcii, mi, rn .. . , . n i d ana pressed 75f j.Mtn'd and preued ,. $2.00 ., anil VPHt m- Jt r,-..ii -t-r.-s i . white $1,00 j , I i,,! , -itraiiicu auu 7r? ): ' leaned ana pren- Jiil.T.T frail, v V.-tH ."( S 8i.oo 330 I Tfif I: a i ir fc . ..;.!. 730 P-oneer Laundry i:t21) Mil. Phone 118 i'riiiif lltiMrt of N'i'W Chevrolet i ( hasMia Sflttl.OO I : k Chaaaia $800.00 SttOft.oo 1 1. 1 1 wry SNON.00 $S0S.OO $!:u. oo $o:tl.oo $10.10.00 $10.10.00 I i "lull JS10S.0(I niicr and l.Var standard ciuip- ;tll Pas.4ont;er 'ii'i'ln Standard i' Imperii I and "iily. On other " .io extra, lire and Tnlx', wan l-ovoffa I'honp 52 s. wew Trappers ! 'tiK enough for If not, come to now e want 'ii. ermine, - "Xis of all kinds, ' irire order from "n in the Kart, "mot fill them we 1 ""in. W pay top ' vrrythinjr. h fve a larjre lot. " I I afaall call v i't'itiombtr. If you "I"' deal aell to oldbloom T"' Trnpp.ru' Friend." Sd'ond Avenue "'R IHEAT CLOSING out SALE of MRVu iu., "WHIM; AND PITKNIS1I. INKS is Mini nn Montreal Importers I T,lJlrt Avenue Miller, I'nmrlelnr Conservative Vaper Object- to' Method of WtlchlnVHefd "i runway OTTAWA. Feb. A HICK :rn la a place where the bny. kno u nice little place to go after they h..ve taken the girl. home. FP you are a wall flower, be proud of It onirhtxly has to wind the gramophone. Till boy who 1. a social surer, at 51 l utji.lly earning 35 n week at fifty THE way to eet rid of a tuest I to ral bun like fine of the family. In The Letter Box WHtT HK KH. Rdltor Oslly News. , I a.-n takinn t.ie llbfrty of br.r.iii't ! to your I, ' ice the absclute usees ty i III N'Mi-lu Oiler interdii Afternoon Howe if Mrs. Araiier A vry ucei-:.:ul tea und aula was held yesterday .ilternoon by the Cath- 22 - In r,.i ;l r Wcn.rn'n Uaaus at the hnm f maoe on sir ' " Fourth Henri Thornton by . Avenue C H Caban, one cf t. pokener M -u'Br of'Isdlea favored the Conservative party , ,pcech .Sj, -'i11 it!l ,1tNUge and Mnnwtlon it: bll(1)el de " w reatlllfn''1 Monday, the O.ta... Journal, a Co. -&hwtt" I Mm. ervativ.. newspaper. n.ad the lollow- nd M. eCffery. Mn. "ig reply: . W. Morrl?ey aud Mrf. McBrlerty "It la a great Dit th.t r u r-. u... Pur"l. thoae uasljitiaK In Krvlnii In. hould have marred ail otherwlae fine " 8 B"tcher' ' W-' lffech Pech by Holng out of hi. way to I! "n- J- L' BWn. : t. O-1 muke Kratultou. attack Uin nir wulure na LouU Am4V9. U Henry Thornton luii. a wi..t a., u '""'K ourove iiMaday. oaamkMi fe. tic.irv . .... " - Tnornt.,n aid at Montreal laal week Oellctoiu and bounteous r- ' ht he i, to Irm"U" alleged huve .aid, N , .V'-riferouaiy aaaUd by Mr Cahan wax " H"rold Mwn w P .Hubrt ahwhuelv irrevMnt in wa 'n chne of the noma rmt jtven neural conalderatlon of the oro-1"8 UWe and ,he rflll"8 pUlow. IP-""'" 'he budget, and the only1 , 1 Batcher, tu aupor- iconaeqiHnw by Mr4 0 Balagno. that can come from Mr ' the win- !Cah.w,-B sarraam ta a fI. nubile be- L "" Wilfrid Onrtton. :ef tha; the Oon-eri.tive n.rtv .. lne '"rnoon there waa a way hoatlle to Sir Henry Thorn-' mu"lcjU program In charge ;lon .md ),. rondurt , th. Cfcn,. wa Mr.. J. J. Uukl-on. .i.n . Hallway, Such a belief ;7'0"e eontr""ln8 " the program In-, prompt, d U certain other aaaaulu .' fl"'dlflM1"'' U,rn" T,t' MlM Jckn- tne c.,:,,d,,.n National r.ii.. I"1"" .Vlr,!""" R!"- Mr' MCUod head -line year ago, and unacrupul- '.i"i u-.'d d Liberal partlaana In the last ele r.-mn. did oonaldarable harm to tne Ctiuierwative cauae In the eonetit-uncli. mid Mr Cahan. by hta failure U) profn from paat m Intake la merel one moie putting a dangerous weapon nito tne hand of hi oroonenu The Joiiinal doea ntt hold, and ha. ner held, t.iat sir Henry Thornton' words nd ne t ion. .hould be above cntic!.m what It ha. held, and now h'ildn however, la that the criticism ih(.uld be upon worth -while respon-uble and kpeclflc ground., and we don't think that can be .aid for the sta'emenu made by Mr Cahan In the houw of C'immon. veittrday Op the ftiiiiiry. they were trivial, fax-fetched. :. rr it .! ;i the .ubjeet of hi ad-' s iid unworthy of his speech a ii nhale." Man in the Moon 8" 1 -r; COCO M rn.ng. Mcny Sunahinc. SOMK ;,t p!e art ao teptical they won't ,i orxitleKkcr when he aay. he u u.ttie of h:kcy In hi. pocl. JAKfc ':. you cant niake thia town beau J -. I.xik at the people HEA1I1KN :i.,'.ion are unuajiy thoae with ' in iv..i gun and the least amoui.i id polMii gas. WHIN u -in ha "if .he la usually well di - i ' i.nrt hat. plenty of powder ion her ." - inn Mrs Hubert Ward The room, of the anaclou. home aura wieiuny decoraied. the dining room with tulip, and dafTodllU and tha living room with pink and white Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert cnmi ikv a, iit. W. R. Taylor of the O.T. ticket effloe staff naa received word that hi younger brother, a llau tenant in tka Royal Plying Corps, etutalned lnuriea wn.ie nying in the north of England when a mlahap occurred Uonel Hclttnr and Walter Husae nf the OTP staff salted last evening tor Vancouver where tbey will Lake up :i:il..ary .duties. T H. Johnson, manager of tne Cana- dlan PUh Cold toraoe Co sailed last evening on s bastncKi trip aouth CHOOSING A LIFE PARTNER SUBJECT OF INTERESTING TALK In his address to the young people of the Onlted Church. Monday, Her. A. Wilson spoke moat tntsrsstingly on "Choosing a Life Partner." Ha astd that s Christian stardarsl was by the title and ear tain Meals Wat also required but there wart also oOaar factors which entered la to assuring wtddad happiness such as dlspsslMoa temperament, spiritual culture and the practical qualiUss. ssaaltb and piw. slque were Important factors as wail s honor, truth, loyalty, confidence and patience, efficiency on tha part of U weman and ability to provide on tha part of the man. Oosntnon Intireats ta sueb as art and bobbles ware aesarabls snd. finally, a commem latigioas taier- st. While Infatuation or apoo tones) attraction waa often lasBonsfbla la bringing indlvMuais tugs Wall la mar riage, this was not always a re lis bee guide to poraiineaav, happlaesi alaoit that In the acriptare the direction of evoking of the soMtaanal side was of ten exhorted such at "Them ahalt Love thks neighbor as Thyself and love your wives." MEMBERS OF LIEF ERICKSON SOCIETY CARD PAR1X DANCE 'r.f.aa Aibletic Club in Prince Rupert. ... , '.-f - ;v It hao ifn (M li Iheipast. i foaiL ewOal, ''astsaS rfsfqWr bnflily 'some re - ,n. it did not meet with uc-1 meeting last 'Bight, members of the 'cess Wli) rnt we Mart one here? A j Lief Krtcksen Society to the number lee of inm to Join :.ml 50. xt month r.f about sixty en)oyod a whtot drive would help in make It n u revs Any- and dance. ' nuewted In The card playing. M. HalkesUd one la Prince Rupeii In snort would ' 11 i. Mirhjwon the flret prlre for the htdtsa on a a fee In PR., as II "i:'' nall cut with Mra Karl Dybhuvn while to muK. , ii ,.n nlens- ladlen' consolation pHat want to M ur. A club like : . ' i;.p'ojomd The mens first prise was1 mony :ni; men out of lew profitable won by A. Sund and tha consols! Ion j 'nlacra 'a-Ki ihey would if h'tter from by Elnar Btockland. . ,i,vi, al MMidpotnt If the i.eoplei RefreshnienU were served after whlcl: i d v ii ire iDtereated In P"r n:"J " '"r.'"'. I l... (ini..i.1 .Ha f ..u more encouraaaaant ulo.u mat nue iuu.u u, n it, would help toward. om. 'i.inK tliati Theoommlttee In charge of theeven-oenaary '"fr"'1 n,rtlnn','',t conaislted of Mr Vl'iBiiklna. 'yoii Mr Editor. I remain and Mrs H Dahl. Mrs. Wlkdahl. Tom A SPORT PAN Dybhuvn and Mra l.lndaeth. Look out for colds these days! Builds the health that protects Gives body warmth and energy Serve it hot with warm milk MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS Prince: men's second, I. N, Olasi; Indies' first, Mrs. Keron: ladles' second. Mr. J. 8 Irvine. After cards. refaathBagfeta ware eerved unci dancing followed Artth music by an orchestra conalaMng ot A. t. Sharp, Dnve Eastman and J Underwood. J. E. Doddle was master of ceremonies and Tom Tombelaon presided at the door. The cnnunlttee responsible lor the mice ess of, tne pvoosedingt con-slrted of 8. V. Cot, Mr. TMuram and Mi. Tombelaon. TIMELY RECIPES (Dy Barbara 8. Baoks fiior-o-itniN i 2 em;.. 1-3 cup .ugnr, 1-4 cup strained honey, l square melted ehaoalat, l cup aV--rn. a cup. flour, I tcoajsosn salt. 2 U'aipoou. Uj.i.ng i: i:'.:r, ! teaspoon as Paris expresses them for Spring 1928 presented in new sizes in lljalel.i to fit WOMEN AND MISSES A new chapter in the history of Fashion was begun when we opened our. new .store on Third Avenue less than a year ago. It was more than new. It was revolutionary. No one else was doing it. Rut it had to be dont; because you wanted it because you demanded THE SAME CHOICE OF CURRENT STYLES THAT ANY SMART WOMEN ENJOYS IN THE SIZE TO FIT YOU. To give the needed ease at arms, bust and hips, and to give the style unchanged meant thought, required special organisation. "Why go to all that bother" wfls-, and is the attitude of most fashion shops. ' . i Why, indeed! Except as a greater service to you. Richmond's Louvre decided to givd that xreatcr service. Created the organisation to give it.. Planned theiicw store, with adequate space and a modern environment, for the proper showing of Youthful Styles in a definitely new range of sizes, originated by us, misses plus -fizes 16 pUis to 3fl plus (to fit to 18 bust). ' ., , , MILLINERY FOR LADIES We have a few original models in Millinery, also a few very good copies. Ladies' Spring Coats and Dresses We have these to suit every pocket. Do not think that because we have, an up-to-date modern store that our prices are necessarily higher than you want to pay. Just drop in and see the variety of our stock there will be something to suit you bot(j in price and quality. And if you are looking for something new in styles and materials, we have it! Jib m ODDFELLOWS GIVE SUCCESSFUL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE' icomoo 1 cinnamon. 1-3 cup melted butter. Beat egg. slightly aud add sugar aid haney. Bast thoroughly and add melted chocolate and bran. Add dty Ingredients which have been sifted and melted butter. Drop from a teaspoon on to a greased pan and baaa In a moderately A suceaMful whl.l drive .nrf rt. l leg. P.) lor 12 mi mi tea. which was alrgely aiaanded was held last evening by the Oddfetlows: Men's fnxt. R. L. Parry on out with J. A. Plaid : 2 doaen cookies. NOTICE. , Re -Certificate of Title No. 3M I to Lots five Sl and six ibi, Block nineteen (19), aectton six (. Re-Oertifloate of Title No 39011 to Lots seventeen ( IT) and eighteen (IB), Block twenty-six (38), Section I ate (6). I Re-TerUflcate of Title No Bv02 I to Lot uliieLeen ll). Block ten (10), Sec tion icven (7). Re-CcrtUlrate of Title No. 2447 I to Lot. forty-three (43, fi rty-four (44) snd forty-rive ! 45 1 afftM twenty-sevan (271. Section HkhtV8). City ot Prince Rupert, Mao MB. Whcrsas proof of luu m the above Oertlflcatas of Title luueaT'ln the name of Ira E. Mohan, has been filed In this offloe. notice Is hereby given that 1 shall, at the expiration of one month from tha data of the first publication hereof, issue s provisional Certificate of Tttk in lieu of each of the said lost Certificates, unlcni In the meantime valid objection as to any be made to me In writing DATED itl the Land Regiatry Offloe. Prlace Rutiert. H.C this 3rd Januray. 1038. ' H. P MucIOD, 83 Asglstrar of Title. ktaa F.ANAD ian National Qic Largcft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'HINCT. Itt l'KItT for VANf'OUVKK, VICTOtl.t, KHATTIX. and lutermedlste polnu. each HtlDAV, 800 aaa. For NTMVART and ANVO.X. sacb UKUXEfOiAY, 10 00 p.m For north and sol Til (ji i:kn ciiAKi ottk iM.AMis, PorantghUy. I'ASSCN'dKK tiuins lbavk prime kiikkt " Each MtlMIAY. WKDMlrillAY and sATI RDAV at 11.30 a m. far PKINCt ' OMillOi:. EDMONTON. UINMI'lXi. all poluU Kasleru Canada, Oalted, States. AOENCY AM. OCKAK MTDAMMIIIP LINES. (o Cansdlan National Exprrst for Money Order.' Ferelin fheoe. .Ih .Im Ia r . ., . .. -1 . 1 ........ , ' & CITY TICKET O FIICT. Sis TIIIIIU WE.. ntlNt t Rl'rCltT. r. i-hfi ine ta UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED J sailing from rrlme ttuprri. fnt YAN'COli VKR, VICTOItIA, llutrdale. Alert May, etc.. Tuesday, fun. lor VAMTH'VKK, VICTORIA. Owanma Hay. Alrrl tu, etc.. SatunUy, S B-lll. tor ll)KT HIMI'KJM. v... BU'EM POINTS, AI.ICB ARM. AN VOX, ttTt'.-VAUT, Wales Inland. Hsndsy, p,m. 113 3biI Avenue. R. M. HMITII. Agent. Prince Ruiwrt. 11.1'. Throiith thketi sold to Virions snd Seattle, and lutMaie checked through ta desilnalluu.