PACE TWO "Orange Pekoe" fs only the name given to a stee ci leaf Some good, many pcor, Orange Pekoes are sold- The most economical and yet the finest flavoured Is "5ALADA" Orange Pekoe Sealed In metal pure fresh delicious 43c per 4-lb. The Daily News PR I NO K RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except .Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - -' - Managing Editor, Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers, per insertion, per line Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion .per agate line Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION "$IoreBre(daiidMeiBiwcl ' i LtlUK fJhe quality is always Ik same V1' $1.40 $2.80 .25 .2 .15 Friday, Jan. 18, 192S CONGRATULATIONS TO MAYOR The Daily News extends congratulations to Mayor-elect S. P. McMofdie on his election as chief executive officer yesterday. Possibly, too, we should congratulate the other two candidates on escaping a lot of trouble. The office Is no sinecure but it is an honorable position and one that we feel sure will be well filled during the coming yer. It is to be hoped that the present year will see even greater growth than last year. There are all sorts of possibilities ahead and we must be ready to take advantage of them. THOMAS HARDY, 'NOVELIST Thomas Hardy, who died yesterday, is best known to the world as a npvelist although he has also written a good deal of poetry. Publication of "Fur from the Madding Crowd," 1374, brought Mr. Hardy his first groat popular uccesa as a novelist, although two years previously he had won a name as a writer of fiction with ''Under the Greenwood Tree." The story of "far from the Madding Crowd" was first given to the world anonymously in the Cornhill Magazine and was attributed to George Eliot. Hardy's best-known novel, however, and the one on which .hll fame, moat securely rests, is "Tea of the D'Urbervilles," pub lished in 1891. At that time the time of the Yellow Book the publication of "Teas" brought immediate fame. In that single creation, strong, bold, poignant, Hardy lifted himself immediately above the mediocrity of the period that posed as genius. Among Hardy's well-known novels and tales are the follow ing: The Hand of Ethelberta," "The Return of the Native," one of tbernest sombre of his v.orku, "Tbe Trumpet Major." "A Laodicean," Two ti 's Toer." "The Mayor of Casterbridjse," The Woodland-"Wessex Tales," "A C.rotip of Noble Dames," and "Life's Lit-le Ironies." , . ; In Thomas Hardy the world hadanpic poet who was concerned with the philosophical interpretation of-life's experience and a novelist of intense sympathy with the struggling English peasant, especially fbose of his favorite MWesex" district. Hardy's Wesaex is not a region of strict boundaries, but for the purpose uf his stories the eountie of Dorsetshire and Wiltshire ehiefly Dorsetshire comprise 'J'eivie. He was fond of the English countryside, the heath, the village: and in the peasants struggling against fafe he found a never-ending source of sympathetic interest. Though living in retirement, Mr. Hardy received Royal recognition in July, 1910, when the King conferred upon him the Order of Merit, a special distinction given to the poet-author as an eminent man of letters a distinction conferred on Henry James, another great Victorian, shortly before hi death in 1916. Mr. Hardy en hit 70th and 80th birthdays received tributes of respect and admiration from literary and public men throughout the English-speaking world. NOT FOR CANADIANS TO CRITICIZE United States is planning to increase toe navy and it is not for Canadians to criticize the move. This country has been talking much of nationhood and Independence and equality of .the British nation but so far has shown little tendency to take on the responsibilities of nationhood. We -have allowed Dritain to shoulder the whole burden of defence and have sat back with smug self-satisfied indifference. , We are not advocating thi buiiding of a filjr navy but we do think this. country should do its shire for the Empire if H4s4o jrfv, main a member nation. To continue to accept protection from Great Britain is to lose our self respect. ANNEXING THE UNITED STATES Again the question of annexing the United States has been brought forward by an Knglishman who aays the time will come when Canadians may walk southward a'nd possess that country. Just now Americans aiv walking northward and annexing part of this country. Their money is operating our industries and their officials control them. If they withdrew, the country would go to the dogs. When they have built up the country their descendant may turn again southward. It will take more than high tariff walls to prevent this occupation and Americanization. NEW HEAD OF CITY COUNCIL McMnrdie la Prince Rupert's First Iteturned Soldier Mayor: Wounded Overseas WAS POLICE MAGISTRATE 'One of Pioneers of City and Extensive JJJbperly pwner Here at Present Prince Sfcupert at the nolle yeaterday elected one ef Its ossst distinguished" citizens as mayor. Lieut. -Col. B. P. Wc-Mrdle, D 8,0., tbe new chief magistrate. xsame here in tbe early year of 1909 and the neat rear m found artvely engaged in tbe building up of Prince Rupert following U Incorporation. A a contractor, be waa responsible for the carrying out of many heavy Jobs In rock work on tbe city streets. Having taken an active Interest Ui tat old Earl Orey'a JUXfea. first mlllUa unit in this city, Col. McMordie held a captain's comouaakm in that -body and. m 19 IS, as a major, he left for oversea ervV-e m command of Prince Hupert'a wound contingent for tbe Oreat War. .He was Mail on active service In France with tbe 47n Canadian Battalion but tt wa not long before he received aerloua wounds which necessitated hi being Invalided to England. After months In hospital, be was finally discharged but, lntead of returning home, be ebons au Columbia who had to naas lliuiusli his bands. Wtth Mca- MdUacdfe. be tcok land continue in service and for a while was Identified wit! the railway corps and finally took up instruct Ira duty in England and. m snob aapaotty. became widely known to all off lean from Brit- up residence In Folkestone, Eng-In the meantime, he bad bran promoted tto the rank of lieutenant colonel besides winning -the cherished decoration cf the Distinguished Service Order for valor on the field. POLICE MAMSTKATK As a military officer, Col. MoMordle achieved note as an executive and dis ciplinarian and, on his return to Prince Rupert, It was fitting that, upon tbe death of the late Alfred Cans, he hould be' appointed police magistrate of the city. He conducted his duUes on the bench for several years fearlessly and In an admittedly fair manner. In 1933, be resigned as police magistrate to seek the mayoralty, being unsunceas ful on that occasion against Ex-Mayor H. 8 Bochester. Col. McMordie. who Is an extensive property owner here, also engaged In ocntraetlng on his return from the war and, during recent years, has been aen ager of the Westholme Theatre. Matching the ability and dignity of her liuttfcuul iu ais new capacity as mayor or this city. wUl undoubtedly be Mrs. McMordie as mayoress. A pioneer woman of this city. Mrs. McMordie lived during tbe war in England. She is well known and popular as a hostess and aho s a leader In women's society sad pub. 11c service work. She is a past regent M Municipal Chapter. I.ODI., and last year waa president of the Women's Canadian Club. KlIillTll MAYMK Col. McMordie. who was born In Ontario, is. incidentally. Prinee Bupert's first returned soldier mayor. He Is tbe eighth mayor Prince Rupert has had although tads is the eighteenth aatyer-slty term since the Incorporation of the city. -Prince Rupert's Ust of mayors saves Incorporation has been as follows: 1910 rted Stork. 1911 Wttuam Maasoa. 191S 8. M. Kewtoa. 181S ?. D Pattullo 191 1 6. M. Newton. 11841. M. Kewtoa. 1918 M. p. McCaffrey 191 17- -M. P. MoOaffsry. 191S Thomas MoClymont. K919- Tbosnas McClymoat. MM Thomas UcClyayMt latl C. B. Rochester. mm H. B. Bochsster. UUM-eT M. Newten. 1386. M. Newton, lata s. M. Newton. 19T7 M. Newton 1388 P. McMordie. DR. MAGUIRE BRINGS NEW PLATE MATERIAL firearm Uie Vers jitet Kupplles and Take nrrtal Cune In TertinkUe tW llrilef DfutMry Dr. Magulre. while In Portland, received a special course in tbe technique of the new plate material. Reaitute. A plate made from this substance is, lighter, matches in color the natural, sums and is considerably stronger than; the vulcanite plate This material re pairs the same, although these is leas danger of bsaakage end It lakes n a beautiful polish The Commercial Dental Laboratories of Portland have been working overtime supplying these plates to the practising Dentists. While I waa at the factory, an order was telegraphed In from Den v,J ftctef -on fnr evojv ; Ma materiel itoaover sn plates I have leafliiud eawtpment best tar. he fflsfyeae or aiaaW taese ptaa far e peieW Of Prirsjt Kufcm and this vicinity and have gone to considerable expense In order to give my patient trie benefit of the lateat material known in Dentistry Reslalte 1 truly the last word in beautiful dentures. Per appointment phone MS Advt AdvertUe In The Dally News NELSON CITY FINE DREAM Sees nil Taxes Except Schools lieing Met From 1'rofits of Public Utilities Kelson News That .Nelson will see the time when all Its, service, except the single one of qeiioblo. will be maintained VttBOut taxation, acd chleil) from the eeeeovie fr.ui rta, nubile uUllues, the only tax levied than being- the school kx,' s 4JM prediction of City Clerk W. E. Waaaoni confided to tbe retiring city council and his fellow city officiate at Mayor Ms Donsld's little dinner to the associates Ir.m wham he Is parting. This Is about the first public of City Clerk Wesson s dream, but Is It so) very far-fetched? The city the put yeai expended for current purposes, say 1 250000, more or less. Of this, only 1100.990 approalsaately waa raised by- means of a levy. Thus already three-fifths of the city's current needs are provided for from other sources than real estate taxation. After this year which wUl sea tbe retirement of the last power system debentures, the annual power surplus wli! run 1100.000 very close. Fl KT1IEH POM tit KIliHTM The city has further power rights.' and further power needs. If it la to de velop fur -her industrially, 'it will cer tainly need to completely utilize those right. If the city's power continues to, be administered on a business basis, any further utilization should be aoeoav mulled by proportionate Increase la revenue. Second to power as a revenue pro ducer, but nevertheless a. counting (or a surplus annually In five figures. Is tbe city's water department. Every sewer that is put in Is perman ent, and good fr probably two generation at least. Yet. once It Is paid for, It produces rental perpetually. ' And no one can criticize the rates , for any of these services as high and out of Une with the lowest In other places to fact, they compare favorably. There la no manner of doubt that the gaa department, which now pays Its way. will be a regular surplus producer when Palmew settles up more thickly, so as to justify extending the j gas malasMato thai Important area. STUF.tT It.ULtt AY I The street railway, which at present , does not now meet Its charges, will soon be paid for from tbe sinking funds set j ntkle from taxation, and doubtless from ! Ihat date. If Nelson continues to grow, i wlU be self -maintaining. I Let us assume that Nelson will be i materially larger in Industrie distributing bouses, wealth and population in tlie next 10 years, say. A power plant extension wlU be necessary, but txlxti an asset it wiU be in every way. including that of revenue! We are provided with water up to a population of 13.000 now. Our ras plant j Is squal to a city of even twice 12,900. j Our streets arc sewered. Our street railway will e'ther add to our revcaue, or alternatively, serve tbe public at cheaper fares. Extension of our atnei improvements and increased personnel wUl be our principal new outgo, yrhge our additional revenue from our public utilities will far outstrip it. Mr. Waaaon's dream may be realisable and at a date not so eery far in the future. FIRE HAZARD AT KETCHIKAN City Coundl and Fire ilarshal to n letter Protection Fr Citlren KaTTCtaKAN. a. 13.-4autty days In which to get new chimneys to esenply wltb (ire regulstlons will be puWkaaed by the fire marshal and the nuiiniiMinsii at s meeting reeently assured ttte marshal that they will stand solidly behind him in his efforts. This action resulted after a discussion of the pro- IT Vt QUICKLY BANISHED "I suffered years of agony through blind itching piles," says Mrs. W. Hughes, of Hochelaga St, Montreal. "Paiu, loss of strength, complete misery, was my daily let until I came across Zam-Buk. I know now that there is nothing on earth to equal this grand herbal bealcr. Since t lilted rae from misery my earnest wish is to make Zam-Buk known to all sufferers." . . Moves Pain Lilto Maglo ! W'7.VJ7J.Tiri ssnasssssssasaa' i r t m f . w ear- m posed regulations for controlling oil fcuroera. which were passed over to the Kg oes Mj AoiW mat scientific iavsatiua ttriWta (mm tnr laboratoMH el tt creators M the new QratKgeVmfc WetrtU This ratrst drveJoMamt ' tndy augwbf in the srenslafi miracles tt tfaastwiies sate gkwious rrakUy. Kswfc - mkx en-iroOrd treea a wr wfcsaper to Uotiksous ressnanrt', to tatt orchestra, organ sed CnOnM Vmnmm This new woader taattufnent is Btedriml, Ortktpktnit and Am0it nt mmii ckun'l Von wsatotawiy caoow twelve next meeting. ; Tbe tlae marshal said these ware a, 3 umber of old buildings wttb tin chlm-; ay which wece unsafs He was aa-: used that he ia given full power to In- i peet. condeawn and tear doera all such . under the farms of the building or-' aim rue, and Uaat it was bis duty to; -we that all defective pipes west made . tare. Ia one new eeatlon a is also proposed : that there shall be at least inches! of air ipsor between any all stack j or chimney. I The flu marshal was Instructed to buy a fire alacat boa to be stationed near' the street corner in front of tbe Ketchl-1 ksn Oeneaal ilaspstai and aaoUwr to be placed near the White Cliff acnool The one tar the hospital wUl be wired so that auxiliary boxes can be placed oa each floor of the hospital. COMPARISON MADE . WITH KETCHIKAN -'.,. - -tr , , These who apeak of Ketchikan being as large or dokng as much business as Prsnot Rupert may . compare tbe public eorouau of that city with those of rrince Rupert. Tbe total revenue here lsst year waa about tiM.OM wbaraas In i Ketewiaen vne el vie revenue waa 1158,717 rue figures are aa follows: Urceipla elaaiclpaJ oourt 44M.W Street ssssasntentt jaa.7 CMy liceasis Oovernment licenses 144. tt Taxes 10741841 Interest from banks iM.o Miscellaneous rocelpts 141048 Total receipts tl33487 JBsiaace Arll 1. 1827 as.44 Grand total tlM.7174 Itlsburkenieiiti MlarelUaaous 8 S4N4t eewer-geaeMl 881.60 rollee depsHrneat 74484 0vy payroll .4S46 Int on school bwoert 7.7440 PuvMc school 184U.M -Hrary g78JS Light and water 8t40 Surveying 44140 n St. IrpyJwnM 4fOM48 fecial aft, MaMMauV. - Of MOMi qty doek sad float 44444 City hall 14M44 Pare department 74341 White Cliff school . . . ??.38fl41 Total disbursements 8187,08341 Bajaocr ui banks 860 81 Cash on oand 77448 Orand total I1M.71746 (verythmg Orthoph k " Trus injl Sound Krlday, Jaim,, Automatic Electrola 10,31 $1400 Complete 4 foviou Newest and most amazing instrument gives you music electrically from wfiisper to full orchestra volume and changes its own records ! nhniom you tike, and give them to this sMtrursent. which in a awasier aorhsng shen of Miiteat piaya thra all lor you one by eae. waSe s ssakpr ail. sm-aatl owmi All Ue volume flexibiHly of tfce Electrota. CM tfce perity wMeh rKe attaripit oi "Matcned lajpadaacr" gives you ttiexstgii oV OrtrwfsVisuc horn, and a tmtit a (JkesgaV And reiaeflsUr "MatdMsl ImswUscr" is Victor coatrofJed, XJrioonr" a i iw-istered tiwiamark. and "Automatic mesas ne easy self ncord-changui hoant mstru-meat ia uW world. On conveoiewt terms at all He Master a Voice" Dealer.! Skclrkai. Oraspses and A fmtU I otiic Trsds Mark Reg'd Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, M.tri L-ii i i Electrola-only if it bean the dog Tradem.irl. OUR SALE Continues Till further notice and you can't afford to lose (he Special Ilargaina we have to offer Beside those already advertised, we have the fullowi:,, at greatly reduced prlcen: Ladies' House Slippers, to dear at 1. (XI boys' Rubber Boots, sizes 1 to 6, to clear at 8tt.7 Youths' Rubber Boots, sfzen 11 to 13. to clear tt 52.7" Men's Felt Slippers, to clear t $1.50 Men's Pelt Slippers, to clear at 81.10 Men's Knee Rubber Boots, rood quality, to clear at $1.1)5 8 skeins Shetland Flos for $1.00 Children's Sleepers, for sale at $1.(10 White Flannelette, on sale at 6 yards for SI .i Kitchen Towelling, on sale at 7 yards for $1.00 Pillow Tubinjr. to clear at per yard . !() JABOUR BROS., LTD. Pfcoa 646 1rd Avenue and 7th Stn Buy Guaranteed (o please you belter. For Sale by all Good Grocers. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED! Tallinn from Prince Iteuert. 'or y.wnil VKIt. VICTnitM, llutnlnle, Alert liar, nr., Tuewtay. 8 p.m lor AM ot VI.U. VICTOltl.t, Kwanon iuy. Alert iu, Hr., 4lurs.i. ' (un. tn I'ORT SIMrsON. NAA9 RIVrjf TOINTS. ALICE ARM, ANYOX STEM AltT, Males Inland, Mtnday. 8 pjn. its tnd Aienu. R. M. HM1 rif. Agent. rYlaee Reiiert. B.t Throuih tltkrtt sold to Vlrtoil aid Seattle, and battue rh ' tlironju tu deallnallou. Vt Ft I