y rhone 118 YOU LL GIVE F0RWRMTH AND HEAT THAT OUR GOAL GIVES- rr rflMT BE BEAT! Thankful for thp bird, of course! iiut more thankful for the fire to cook it and the heat to warm us up. YouMI have a Happy Christmas if you use our coal. It jrives the finishing touch to the day. Albert SMcCaffery Limited Phones lift and 117 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, fcoy-ote, wolf, foxes of all kin As, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square dal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN Pembina I'eerlettM Eke $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts (11.25 Alberta Sootleaa Egg S1&00 Alberta Lump $13)0 These Coals are wide cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone S75 DENTIST If Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McRride Street I Ml II n TTtrTT Iwi 1 MILK -:- PRICE Redu'CQcLr to -f I 12 pints for $ni() ' 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pinta for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcllrlde Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th Bt Telephone 157. OCCER GAMES FOR TOMORROW tiir English Cup-lie Contests to be 1 laved With Keen Competi-tion DRAWS ARE MADE LOnLoN. Eng.. Jan. 13. The first .rt of that great national porting drama the round In which the major clubs enter the English Football Association cup competition la scheduled to take place tomorrow. Previous round have sifted out the little fellows and the weakling in the minor division of the English league. The same Keenness which has marked the public Interest In the competition In past years la reported ' to exist this season. The luck ot the draw" has favored the clubs and has swung directly against the southern clubs and the u.iateurs. lu all probability the nrat division U-uma will be found to have a bigger proportion of clubs In the next round than usual. There are only three In stances where nrst division teams are opposing one another. Eight third division clubs are drawn against nrst division teams and In six of them the latter have ground advantage. London teams hav not been generously treat ed. A dozen of the city's clubs. In cluding the great amateur club of the Corinthians, are interested. The Aim- heme. MUlwall. playing the game of their lives this year and heading the standing In the southern section of the third division, are lucky. They meet Derjy county at home and should be confident of the outcome as they beat ttuaftamm in the fourth round at Derby huf year. The London Caledonians, an amateur club, are also at home and must meet Crewe Alexandra. Another London tie will be Charlton Athletic versus Bury. Among the games in which the first division teams play each other, the beat will likely be the meeting of Blackburn Rovers and Newcastle United. Newspaper prophets have picked the following to win: Corinthians. Bury, Clapton Orient. Aston Villa. Blackburn Rover. Middlesbrough. Leicester City, Cardiff City, tverton, Sheffield United. The Wednesday. Huddersfleld Town. Bolton Wanderer, Sunderland, Oldham Athletic. Port Vale. Reading, Manchester City. Notts Pons:, stake city. Swansea Town and Rotherham UiUted. The cup-holders. Cardiff City, are at borne to Southampton. The draw follows: Middlesbrough vs. South Shields. Roth) rham United vs. Exctrr City.' LondVn Caledonians vs. Crewe Alex andra. Mull City vs. Leicester oily. Liverpool vs. Darlington. Huddersfleld Town vs. Lincoln City. Southport vs. Pulham. Nottingham Forest vs. Tfanmere Rovers. niiaafusiat vs. euimm Atttlotw aisncnesiep umiea vs. Brentford Stoke City vs Dillingham. Cardiff City vs. West Bromwlch Albion. Charlton Athletic vs Bury. Wrexham vs. Swansea Town. The Wednesday vs. Boscomrte. Bristol City vs. Tottenham Hotspurs Preston North Eend vn. Ever ton. Portvale vs. Bsmsley. Sunderland vs. Northampton Town. Manchester City vs. leed United, ninrkhurn Rcvers vs. Newcastle United uhkhbbbv ssssssssssssi PAGE FOUR -: THE vaILY N2W3 H lillliJililJiiiiMJiJja"' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManns PAODV- VQU KNOW I GAVE. UP MV II 1 IfeiEl "1081 I - lb.iniifS ffl MAGGIE-IT RBALUY A HAMB DryQeaniog J i uxx&Wl FOR DAUGHTER TO GIVE HE , SlMGIN" LSSSONV SH6 HA. iUCH A PINE VOICE- at I ARE BROKEN- , , , , , ' M iffii 6.W,T.W7.j J i : n : I ,1 1 1 IMI U Vancouver . Pricls 1 Most Modern Drycleanlns PlnnA In City City - m Don't call the plumber when the kitchen or bathroom drain is choked up at least, don't call him until you have done this: Dissolve 6 tea-spoonfuls of Gillett's Lye :n a pint of water. Pour this slowly down the sink. Chances are that the pipes will be cleared. Prevent disease and avoid plumber's bills by keeping all drain pipes free from germs, grease and other accumulations, with Gillett's Lye. New Brighton vs. Corinthians. Reading vs. Grimsby Town. Burnley vs. Aston Villa. Wolverhampton Wanderers - vs. . W $H PURE FLAKES EATS DIRT Swindon Town vs. Clapton Orisnt. Portsmouth vs. West Ham United. MUlwall vs. Derby County. Notts county vs. Sheffield United. Bolton Wanderers vs. Luton -Town. Birmingham vs. Peterbora and net u lire uie only seniors to be drawn at , ton United. Chel- The matches will be played on the grounds of the first named clubs. 1 SPORT CHAT ing lite first half of the basketball season and. doubtless, this will be continued for the rest of the season to further attract a gradually Increasing Interest in the sport. Elks and Native Sons of Canada, rivals In the first half, will provide excitement for the fans In dBsJb sflfi-d ere Get the genuine article refuse all substitutes follows: Ccld Storage With the resumption of basketball I inland billiards tonight, the second half 1 . of the local indoor sporting season will M. be well under way. An unprecedented fine quality of play was turned in dur- :. the openlnr. Senior League engagement .pertty ol tonient while -Big Pour and High Iductlon i. Bcnooi, intermediate League rivals, will I dcratood make the dun fly In the second match. A Ladles' League game being scheduled to round off the program. In the Bll-.'Itird league, Cold Storage and Oyro Club, leaders and cellar dwellers. . re-pectlvelv win open the season. Basketball league standings follow: Senior league W. D. L. Terminals ...... 2 6 Intermedial? League High School 6 ,t( Big Pour 4 . Elevator 1 0 Indies' l.eairf)' High School .... 4 0' Drill Team 1 8' Jnittf 1mH Tuxls Boys 0 Stars 0 0 to d..t U 3 8 1 4 0 1 4 0 5 Pt . 18 S 4 12 8 3 8 3 10 0 I-eague standings to date In billiards (continued from page one ) entailed. OPTIMISTIC XOTK President J. K. Gordon then addressed the meeting and struck an optimistic note by saying that the past year liad been o : notable success and improveni. ..nly in our own dls- It play , amor, like t Board mers wl -..iry ;.i:tc'. ill' Played 4 Maple Leafs 4 Grotto 4 Grand Terminals. . 4 Oyro Club 4 Total Aver. 3803 BS1 3704 oae 3461 899 346S 864 3438 880 TERRACE ROARD OF TRADE PASSES RESOLUTIONS "ii? the province and n.i asked that in the -; uld endeavor to m' prosperous in the i. lefore. To do this ' be more tolerant. mil willing to dls-'i and helpful spirit He said he would ..ii interested In the nil especially the far-; iv - i..eeeasary to the pros-ii ': t. He felt that pro-'i . :- jrerc fairly well un-i u led out but there was undou. .i ,i:v great need of better trganifcatio.i .; ., co-operation In the market ina ana n itrlbution of produce, .rnd atieiwiinee at the Board meetings ould ossi-t in overcoming this draw-bnck. He rialmed It was foolish to taOs ;bout the potential natural resources if the district vrtltiut actual devetoo-.neiu ..rk bcli carried out. Ett-''UrjiHemer.t nhnild le given to every uft :.:itl this should be forthcoming' nrniRh 1 1-4. Board of Trade, oi'iirERN ki.k( ti:d Elertl! ii of officers resulted In last .ear's ofiii rs all being reiiutated un-iilmonciy These are: President j. n Gordon. VIce-prcMdent E. T. Kenney. Secretary -H. Halllwell. TreaMin-r A. H. Barker. Member of the Ccuncll were elected as follows Messrs. Riley, Pranks, rlash. Rover Burnett. L H. Kenney. Sundal. W. A. Kirkpatrlek and Allan. A nnmiicr of amendments to the By hi W anted . For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Si 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c laws were passed. Chief among these providing for the holding of general meetings quarterly Instead of monthly as In the past year, with arrangements tor the. calling of special meetings when r.eoeasary. Members may also attend the council .nee tings but wtU not be per.ultted to vote. The number of members to make a quorum was changed from seven to five. MAItKETIMl ACT KMKIKKKII II. L. Franks' motion that the meet ing express fullest confidence In the committee of Direction of Marketing and in the basic principals laid down n the Produce Marketing Act as well k a request to have the Act amended o as to extend Its jurisdiction over he whole province brought forth some tealed discussion regarding local marketing, but the motion was unanlnious-y passed. The unsatisfactory accommodation of '.he station waiting; room and platforms, inflnlshed approach to loading platform, etc.. was brought up for discus-ikon and It waa left with the civic committee to take action on the matter ii soon as the pwaoawil of the commit-ee Is named. POt I.TIIY PKOJECT The secretary reported that a number f inquiries hat! been received from Deal residents for more Information bout the Poultry Cc; .ny project, but o far no further uetalls bad been received from the Los Angeles Co. that id asked for Information with a view :o starting a colony here. FATHER GODFREY IS OFFICIATING PRIEST AT TERRACE WEDDING MIm Marie luKe leJanllnra llepames llrlile nf Ted llinloti imi Tuesday MurnliiR TBRBACE, Jan. 13 --An love resting wedding was solemnized in the Catholic Church here on Tuewlay at 10 am. when Marie Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrfc. J. Dsejardlnes of Terrace, wets untied In marriage to Edward Albert (Ted) Johnston of Terrace, son of the late A. L. Johnston and of Mrs. Lewea sf San Francisco, formerly of Terrwee. Kathf-r Oodfrey of Prince Rupert offlel- ated. The bride who waa charmingly gowned In pale pink taffeta with bridal vet! caught with orange blossoms ..was ac- compinied at aer aiakar. Frank rVMi twine ai bnmeeUately toiioijig the aervloe ke bridal party repaired to the hone of pe brldeH mother wham a dainty wetttUa fcrngfast waa served. a recesMRbk) held l.Vjee)Md. at the home of Hr and Mrs. J. Vlgar, where the bride and groom entertained about thirty-five fitcmi. Congratulations were showered on the happy couple and a very pleasant evening waa spent in music and dancing, refreshment being served at midnight. Many beautiful gifts were received showing the esteem in which the young couple are held in the district. The rroom has lived in Terrace practically all bis life, his parents being among the very first settlers in the dis trict, while Mrs. Johnston has lived here for the past six or seven years and made many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston are taking up tbelr residence In the groom's home In the northwest of town. TERRACE PROGRESS CLUB NEW OFFICERS TERRACE, Jan. 18. The annual meet lug of the Terrace Progress Club vra held on Tuesday evening when business pertain lrvg to the past year waa ' conducted. . BieetloB of officers .took place result Ing' M fetWwa: r resident T. J. Klrgpatrtck. Vice-President Mrs. O T. Sundal. Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Oeo. Dover. Directors L. 11. Kenney, O. T. Sundal. and J. B. Agar. Ille V Lane, who reached the city earlier In the week from Stewart, salted this morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. WANTED (URL WANTED TO KEEP HOUSE POR family of three out of town. Only small house but must be good plain cook. Ideal home and light work. Oood wages. Apply Box 88 Daly News offl.ee. II WANTED TO BUY. OFFICE TABLE, small typewriter table and office desk. Also seetioual filing cabinet. Say where seen and price to Box BO, Da'lly News Office. 10 WANTED. SMALL OASBOAT AROUND twentyrflve feet long, in good running order. Sate cash price, ,make and age of engine to Box SB, Dally News office. 10 LADT WOULD LIKE ROOM AND board with private family. Phone Central Hotel. II FOR SALE TOR SALE.-JTVE HP PALMES BN-glne. Atwater-Kent Ignition, first-class condition. Giaa-putmas dutch; Inch and quarter bronxe shaft. Pslsner wheel: 30 gallon gas tank. Price MtO.00. Apply Chaa. Lord. Port 81m peon, B.C.- It FOR SALS. CHEAP POR CASH. Several First-class Preens, alas 80. Apply Box 91. Dally News OSVe 10 FOB SALE - SECOND HAND CARPET in good condition. 18 ft. by II ft. Apply Dally News. tf FOR SALE. OLD NEWSPAPER, large bundles for lie FOR RENT rVttXITI'KB AMI HAMir Two tf FOR MNT FOUR ROOMED HO OSS. fully modern: splendid marine view; Fifth Avenue W Apply Tbeo collart tut. u FOR RENT - ROOM WITH OR WITH- out board. Central location. Blue 188. f-Xbryfi 'Ry blaarlflat tery Ltnoltuta Rosa and we will carry eOMtseve IhM. Thwt are aathMl aw Jubilee patterns, Call In and AvmPit:riHNiTUtR Phe 7T8. EXCHANGE SMV AND Kf (ln MASH FURMTI'IIK bought and sold and exchanged. Player Piano aad Two Cash Registers In ssoek. PAP.uinrt i.n.4 a mauas 839 Third Ate. Tliniie 818 riUNfJE HIII'Elrr TIDkS rillllAY, e . 33 '80 n m LOW a M a m 18:19 pja. mi:im;hii.v. jamtahy llh 10:18 aj. 38:88 Dm. LOW Itisrii IiOW 8:68 a.m. I7:uU pm. JANl'AICV 0:09 am. M:48 pjB. 8:47 a m. 18:88 pjn. 4 RATI'ltliAV. JAM'AKV II "ish 8 58 a.m. 188 ft, 18:38 p m. 18.8 M tow 0:10 a.m. 1.8 13:08 p.m. 8.0 " M'MIAV. JAM AP.V 15 lun T-n am. i.i ft. :88 p ra. 18.1 Low 0:88 a.m. 8.8 M:l p.m. 88 MONDAY. J AM'AIIV 18 '8h 8:44 am. 18.8 It 81 :8 pm. ' IB 8 tw i:ss BJn. B 4 18:89 pjn. 8.J TILISIIAY. JANI AItV1; 17 "W" BSI am. if ft. 18.8 .l . T.4 18 19.8 tt, 18.4 " 104 " 8.4 " 17.0 ft, aa4 10.0 4.J " ALDERMAN STEI'lll 'v THANKS To those who so MUjiported me t i . yesterday I lYH Krateful. In tie i .. I -only the kindlient ! , . . for my opponents. I alignments wen- and if for no otht i .the content wan u, while. Now let u- .. for Prince Roprt .. i port the council elected. SI. M. STKI'IH CARD OPTIIANh- I winii to to exti i, . to all those who u me in th election -. Ve foueht s clean and made a K""il Now it is up to in-behind Colonel Mr. . help forward the i i.i. the city. JOS ' ' saxaxei TTt4tTTH J. CARHOP THANKS Theo. Collart desire,. t vey hla aincere thankn t many friend for fheir .- eeftflful support of his t un : H.'' dature at the aldermanic el house for rent. 8 rooms and! tlon yenUrtUy. BATH. Apply Mtwro Brae. tf FOR RENT. FOrWIRHED HOUSE. Apply MS Fourth Ave. Seat tf CHIMNEY SWUM II. J. 7.1TMKF.IIK (leneral lUmlr Man Furnaeea and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired. OMcriMes Swept. Oeeaetery Plots Oared For. Phows Bed Set. Prmee Rupert. BO CARDF THANKS til Prank Dibb wi.he tut . hi RupporterH aiwi ti for the confidence repc him in hiR election t. aldermanic board vot. ttTTvev44444f CARD OF THANKS A. J. Prudhommi' tt ..' hi many friend fur r votes yesterday at the and for his election ' r man for 1928. CARD OF THANhs To all those who hiipi 1,1 me in resterdav'a ! I wish to render my '" thanks. GEO. RUDDKIMI M. JK. . CARD OF THANKS Ladies and Gentlemen Kindly accept my vei i"1 thanks for the splendi'i -y Dort triven me veaterdnv in candidature for School ! tee. JHlfi. filtAPR V. ?PKNi HI' 4tT tt t CARD OF THANKS C. It. Flnlflv deniivs to thank all his friends 'l" porters for the coiii 'l'1"' slinwn In lilm ot Itwi ,.1,-i-t i''" yesterdnv. AHhnuirh '" not win, we made it estliip; to iro in. nti'i" TTf444444ftr'