Save Money T ( )!!pcst way to buy the 1 h i to subscribe by the Wli Tiie cost is 85.00 and your .B. delivered to your address tM i, ,.veniiiK figure out the jm,n ,,t to yu r thai dally for twelve months) Kr, V.I. XVIH., No. 10. 0 Strong Council Chosen In Keen Contest and Lady Among Winners For School Hoard l.itut.-Col. S. V. McMordie, D.8.O., ex-alderman, is Prince i:u,n-rt'H new mayor, succeediiiK S. M. Newton, who now relinquishes tiir mantle after eight years of aervice, the last five terms of which t ; m tx-en consecutive. Col. McMordie was victorious at the polls w stmlii.v with a majority of fifty-two over his nearest opponent, M M. Stephens. Aid. Jos. Greer brought up the rear, being in M il one hundred votes behind the winner. It was the culmina-i,f one of the nvt interesting and uncertain mayoralty contests ; hai has been waged in the city for many a year. In view of the fact a that It waa a three-cornered and CO-OPERATIVE FISHASS'N.;-! V. Nickeraon ImiA Night v . meeting last night in the Deep !.-i.irmi Union Hall of the local . t: -uusrative Assoc is tlan. thr :;.!. iu diiH.tan for the year were J H. Htjajher. 0 MePhee. J i m t. nam Ums. Jack Chris-1 M' 1 Hiftrue. a. Prtta. M . Mkm and Thor Johnson A meel-. tlx- director wilt be held in when they will chooat tbelri id stcrgUry. a. W. xci-- year's president, waa In the ' . iMt night's mert'.nx ire being made wan the pro-!r the rurwrmsfl to co-operaUvely i.-- rmh at this port and market t i . . I. I t.U t..ll. In A UlfriatIM iiirrady been announced In ro.isiderable organisation work imnrlng ha yet to be done and . probably be aome month before - heme la brought to fruition. GRAIN SHIPS U'vcnpool Loading and Expected to Sail Monday or Tuesday i ho Britlah freighter Holm park !'i NT Rupert tenth grain ahip of the - '-mi, completed loading at the Al-' Wheat Pool' local elevator last m nud aalM thl afternoon with a 'i n argo for the Onttod Kingdom r elevee.Ui boat, the Britlah i-iuhtcr Levenpool, la now loading and -iertcd to eatl oa Monday or Tuea--i io with a full oaaeo tor the Hied Kingdom or Continent. 1 p to thl morning, no further ehar-for thta part had been reported "t it i expected Information aa to - will be forthcoming wrthln a day I-"! Home raaeon or other, elevator - nioe, have closed down on giving new i in- preaa and no Information what- Vr lia been available from -that quar-' for the past fortnight. ELEVATOR CLAIM IS SETTLED VANCOUVER FOR SUMOF $133,000 VANCOUVER. Jan 13. The trial Of a claim of the Drltlah-Ortental tii .in and Elevator Company Limited. I'uuinst the Vancouver Harbor Commie-'loner ended In the aupreme court abruptly veaterdav when both parti e Hxioed to a aeuiement tor the um of i .O0O. Ttoe original claim wa for "-riy two and a half million dollar. FRENCH TEAM BEATS NEW SOUTH WALES IN A RUGBY MATCH BORDEAUX. Jan 13 A rugby team ".'""sonuiiH Kiuthweat Pranre yoatprrtny ''1 .1 Nrn li. utli Wulu,, doubtful content, the majority of the winner u considered to be a lUtMtantlal enough one. At all three tables. Col. MoUordle had majority, being given hla closest ooti- at the I-P booth where he led AM. Stephen by a scant six votea. A-H table gave the winner a lead ol thirty j Dim turn for Year 1928 Elected at nd Q-Z. sixteen. OeulU of the tote' Meelinr Presided Over by 11. re aa follow A-H I-P Q-Z Total Greer McMordie Stephens 93 143 113 98 1M 11 68 M M 3W SM SOT Them wane ten spaUsd. ballots.. HHJt tLMKUMPi XKCTE 1 .lOJtlH J Theo Collart led the field with a i!n A thirty-nine votea over Frank Otbb. a new man. who toek splendid vote. A. J. Prudhcmme came third and the fourth acet wti won by George Labor candidate, who cumulated hi fellow Laborlte Ex-Ald-trman Oecrse B Cssey. by a of twelve vote Aid R. P Perry failed to return to the council, ranking In ..r, UKMUa U. lire ,,.. . . .,,,, (J.SCC Wlfcll H.-IUU. thl ( Smith and rrsnx ucrry running cai or the bottom position at the poll. Detail of the aldcrmanlc poll folia: A-H I-P Q-X TUa K-ld. Tlieu Collart IK.1 ITS 18 4X1 IrunU Klhh 1X1 V 4. lrulhHNme . . lsl lie... Kudderhani IS Ex -Aid O B. Caaey 133 Ex-Aid B. P. Perry 135 Ex-Aid. J. A Smith 11 Fi nk Derry 114 130 I VS IK 133 116 10S 101 lacnty-four Vote over the third can didate. Clarence H. Plnley. The reault aere a follows Fluiey McMeekll) Spencer . 171 IBS .p IIHI UK , IM Q-Z 101 116 138 , Total ... 482 456 884 Spoiled ballot 25 AI.VKNA IS HAIK PORTLAND. Malar. Jan. 13 The four maated schooner Alvena In dluea off Cape Hatteraa a week ago believed to hava been loat arrived safely today. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked. Canadian 4 1936 bond 101 United State Steel (closed) 147s. CF R. 3I0H- Wheat BC 'Silver Big Missouri Coast Copper . . . Cork Province Dunwell Oeorne Copper . . Olaclei Oladatonc Indepemdenfe India' ........ L. t Lucky Jim- Marmot Metal . . Premier Porter Idaho lUchmoud 8llvercret Silversmith Burf Inlet Sunloch Trr:c III 415 (HI 413 Mi SIM 103 38 88 337 88 298 75 390 Vhete were nlnete-n (polled ballot. ftCIIOOI. Till NTEES In the contest for achool trustee. Mr. Thomaa Spencer beaded the poll by wide margin. TruHee Thorn McMeekln being returned to office with 147H . 130 .40 .41 50.00 .34 .-KV4 .36 .28 3.80 .03 .10'. .13 13 9 .17 .33 35 .09 -4 10 340 3.31 .38 38 V4 .19 .07 08 .38 .30 .0014 1.74 1.75 I 50 NEW MAYOR IS APPRECIATIVE Col. McMordie Finds it Difficult to Express Gratitude Congratulated by Opponent "Now that It I all over. It la with difficulty that I find word to expreaa my appreciation," etated Mayor Elect S. P. McMordie thla morning. "I am, how-aver, deeply gratified to think that thla election ha been one of the cleaneat and tecenteet ever held In thla city. I apprclate the opportunity that haa been given me to rv tho city and I intend to ate my beat. If I tall. I realise what wt Jtapven to w." , mar-iiaat nig I Aid. Joa. A MAN HUNT IN MICHIGAN Child Snitched From Sidewalk, Slain and Ilody Dliwectcd II.INT. .tlkh.. Jan. 13 The ' Inlr nle man Imnt In Mirhlgaii lil Inry I seeking Hie khliu!prr and kluyer uf the tear old Hitrolliy Kelinelder, h. wa naleliel frm the sidewalk a bkirk freni her iMtme alille lite im.t her ratrlted Iter rrlwrHlug from (lie kindergarten. The rliilil wa taken to Ih rntrn-Irysfite, l.ruUIh klul, leli InHly l'n-seflrd an.l a HKlkm of It Muffed umler S Iwlgr of lee bordering u rreek. The lulher I an uul.i fartery wurk-rr. NEW WESTMINSTER" YOUTH INJURED IN EXPLOSION OF GAS According to news received In the City lset night, a young man at New Westminster euataiued serious injuries yattardaf. In an explosion aa he waa working around a gas station with a torch.. The message stated that the youth, who was blown twenty feet In the air, had a .'ighting ci.a.u-e for BY VA IS BLAMED flEAiMPER TERR .jinan the. result at the mmpmm twa it, AM. M. u. ntepnena ana Orarr, de tented candidate. both eatended cokgratulation to Ool. McMordie and aeaured him that. If during tba) com lug year there wa any w-latanco they could give in furthering the advancement of the city, they were at hla eervlce. There were no recrimlna- ttona, both candid tea taking their loas well. The new mayor quietly retired from the voting chamber and, upon entering the atreet. wa aerenanded by the Boya' Band. Hla eotd friend led him to the Canadian Legion Hall where there were brief spaeche. after which Ool. McMordie proceeded to hla home. FORPERSECUTION HOME. Jan. 13 -Obsservatcrc cmano, the official organ of the Vatican, prtnta a leading Hrtlcle saying tne Mexican persecution of the Church and the "conspiracy of silence" concerning thla, ate largely due to the Influence of Noi'.li AiiR'ilciui inat'onry. L PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, BiC, ' FRIDAY. JANUARY ' iSV f923 ' ' " in ACE BOAtiD OF TRADE HOLDS BUSY ANNUAL Colonel McMordie Was Elected Yesterday as Mayor Prince Rupert RULERS OF THE RADIO Ai ft: United States who have virtually absolute control i.ioadt a.itinx problems south of the line. Left to right: Snm ?ick-ard; E. O. Sykes; W. H. G. Bullard, chairman nf the commission; Carl II. Rutman, secretary; 0. II. Caldwell, and H. A. Lafount More S.O.S. Calls Are Heard Frjom, Steamer, Griffco but No Particulars of Trouble Indicating that the vessel for the safety of which grave fears have uoen held was still afloat, "S.O.S." calls were again picked up from the freighter Griffco, enroute from Port Town-nend to Honolulu and believed to be drifting in the Pacific at the mercy of the elements several hundred miles off the Washington coast, at 5.20 yesterday afternoon. Her calls were picked up by the s.s Aorangi, bound from Vancouver to New Zealand, and were relayed to Digby Island and other stations on the coast. Ho further, details were given, however, as to the distretuied veaMl's position or pHshL. FoUajvlog the recei -of jagerdaftrnoortw-merTrtT up to about the middle of this morning as to the Griffco. The United States coastguard cutter Haida is scouring the Washington count for the vessel. Capt. Herbert Martin and all members of the crew of the Griffco hail from Seattle. The latter, who was a storekeeper, la survived by a widow and child. One of the search parties was made up of Provincial Constants Raybone and Cusloiua Officers Smith and Xnglls who returned to the city halt night after having -j.ent a couple of days scouring the waters and adjacent land between here and Port Simpson on the power boat Bertha O , Capt. R Searching by Indian by Dominion Constable A j. Watklnsou who also returned last night from Port Simpson. The boat In which Wesley and Kyan 1 Two Port Simpson Indians Lost When Going Home from Prince Rupert and Search Proves Vain Edward Wesley, aged 30, and Joshua Ityan, 35, Port Simpson Indians, are presumed to have been drowned when a small gasboat in which they were returning to their home last Sunday from a trip to Prince Rupert was lost Wesley and Ityan left, here at 2.30 Sunday afternoon and never reached their destination. A thorough search has been made by the authorities and by some six or seven Port Simpson boats and the only trace found was a gasoline drum which was believed to have been from the boat thought to be lost and which was picked up on Tuesday night on Wales Island by one of the search parties. The tragedy thu suggested is now conceded. . -irvimnnA rt a win 85th Wesley and Ryan were i lE-tf 1 14 1 I II VAfirl known native resident of Port Simpson. Ultll 1 jV Uni Li SHE REPORTS SEATTLE. Jan. 13 The Aorangi today radioed to the missing steamer Oriffco and was advised that all were well on board. Oammou. i There is conaiaerame oouot wnetner directed the Orlffo ever was In distress. One coastguard officer believed It was a case ,.r a "greeny" radio operator them on a wild goose chase. attempted to reach Port Simpson is re- nniTII fin pltll Ft ported to have been leaking badly before VLn 1 11 Uf L.I11L1I they set out. The weather on Sunday and following days was very rough and it la believed that the frail craft aa well aa Its two occupants perished In tn storm. IIKATII 1)1' ALtNKAN SBATTUE. Jan. 13 Palson Joslln. pioneer Alaskan mining man end builder of the Tanana Vaiuy railroad, died yesterday. AT METLAKATLA METLAKATLA, Jan. 13. Death occurred yesterday to one year old. Muriel Prcvopi, adopted daughter of Mr. sad Mrs Jas. A. Prevost. after a brief ill-nee The mother Mrs. E. A. LeighUm died s year ago at the, child birth Tne funeral will take plate on XMmfMordieThanks Col. McMordie desires to convey to his friends and sop-porters his sincere thanks for their exprcssiona of confidence in htm yesterday at the polls i" the cleft ien ui Mayor for Prince Rupert for 1028. .AC ikw id was advised to watch develop-1 .-..cuts during that time and If these i were no naUslactcry an lnveatlgation i would be made before the license waa i renewed. A met Ion wa passed asking the gov-; ernment to notify this Board before j , any further renewal of the water right j were made. 1 A letter from J. C. Brady. MP., wasi read regarding the s eatenaton of the road to the LakcUe Hotsprtng and suggested that as the road would un-,1c u beastly be of great benefit to the Dominion Flab Hatchery, federal as weU at provincial aid should be asked toward the cost of putting it In proper condition. j I The annual report of the year'a actlv- j ! ltie wa read by II. Hall I well, secretary, and waa as follow: I THE KEPOKT - wide and the Board making Its influence felt m a very satisfactory way. "Prc'iably the most permanent of the results of the year work la the establishment or Terrace on a municipal basis. The BoarO not only tar ted the movement In favor of Incorporating the tillage but also watched lta progress -!!h keen Interest and bore the brunt of the preliminary expenses. It la safe to say that the fact that the board was behind the movement was one of the main factors in securing Its success "Pressure has been brought to bear on he Public Works Department In many matter and the result have been of exceptional benefit to this district. Principally because of the prompt , action of the Board a large additional aum of money' was allocated to continue the woyk of the construction camp on the new transcontinental road at Usk. A number jot other claims to attention ere also treated by the department with greater respect than personal rcrre-entrtn would have been likely to secure. "The mining committee has been bury on several matters of Interest snd Importance to the mining fraternity and tie results of their labors will bt msn.fest In the years to come. "The publicity committee have their scheme for serving the Interest of the district but unfortunately the need of conserving funds haa prevented them making great headway. Thla la regret- lable because no less than over threo thousand applications for Information as to local conditions were received from possible settlers but, owing to the lack of a. phamphlet describing the main features of the district only s few of these could be replied to. "Other committees have doubtlen been working quietly and possibly efficiently but their efforts have not been much In the limelight. "Special committees to deal with special subjects were cat up during the year and most of them duly carried out their duties. In particular the committee of Public Works Improvements sug- trtcd to be carried out in 1838 provided a very lengthy Hat of works requiring attention in all parts of the district. Tbjs suggested pros ram. la being aerlotalri considered IT the Depart- mei-t ansf will doubtless ce tne basis of the work parried out during tbe present yeer. "Mtoethar the Board hi sb-indnnt-hM fus titled It existence and fully itferlts trie hearty support of every resident ahd owner in the district." fiOt'So I'INANCR A detailed statement of the finances rai then read bv tbe treasurer A. B. Barker. This showed receipts for V year amounting to 6301.38. with expenditure of 1183.87. thu leaving s ball "ice of U J5 Tnls report waa ac-rrptcd and a vote of thanks pase-l to the treasurer and to o. T. Sundal and W. C Sne' auditors, for the work (continued on page four) Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing: floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Pive Out? Terrace Board of Trade Passes Resolutions, Elects Officers and Receives Very Optimistic Reports TERRACE, January 13. The annual meeting of the Terrace Hoard of Trade with J. K. Gordon presiding was very well attended j and resulted in the passing of several important resolutions and the election of officers for the year. The annual report was submitted and an optimistic message speaking of success in the past and greater prospects in the future. It was reported that information had been received from the Provincial Government that a license covering the water rights at Lakelse Ilotaprings had been issued to the present owners covering per.od to September, MH8. The --. - - ----- . TWO EXECUTED AT SING SING Mrs, Huth Snyder and Henry Jud Gray go Together to Electric Chair 088INIKO. New York. Jan. 13. Mrs. Ruth Snyder and Henry Jud Ofay, her lover, at 11 o'clock last night In Sing i Sing priion expiated In. tba electric chair the murder of the former' hus-; band. Albert Snyder. The authorities. desiring to carry out Uaa emcutton aa quietly as poselbl without undue publicity or stemonetratlosV, excluded all i newananermen and aDectators. the elee- Taufcaed lu yW"y. 137. ruaa taUng place ta . the presence Board has espertmeed a short year oa,'' frw ofnclsl and nolle officers. much activity and vmtLmSmiA jaj - Tiiifgyr A, - Atttti ideWm: lesavar weaiTTaean whm ' rf has has succeeded- mrafiariafl In in Jglve them. PaOiar. tot they kiew not . what they do." ELECTION AT PORT SIMPSON Ernest Dudoward Chosen Chief Councillor of Indian Village This Week At the annual election conducted in Port Simpson thl weak bf Indian Agent W E. Colllson, Ernest Dudoward waa elected --hlef councillor for the village. Other member of the council are Henry Pierce. Robert Tait. John Sankey. Harry Brooks. William Bryant, Stephen Mor- rjon, Heeeklsh Wesley. Thames Oot-r.ell David Johnson, Peter Weils and Phillip Green. COASTCOPPER VICTORIA. Jsn. 13. Coast Copper ttock Is to be celled in by Cons-jlldated snd exchanged for Consolidated stork. according to report from Montreal. which say the trsde will be on the baMs f four shares of Cat Copper for one of Consolidated. COLONEL AMERY ON AIR LINE POSSIBILITIES EDMONTON. Jan 13.--Co)0rfl Amrry !ert today said he foraaW the day when Edmonton would be the northern depot for a great Britlah airline service across tn Atlsntlc north through the Peace and across the Rockies to Van -ouver. UPSET FROM BOAT AND WERE DROWNED FISHING IN RIVER ROSKIN. Jan. 13.- Ernest and Willie (Sheer, brother residing on the Indian rticr.'c htrc, Jiwwa a Oak bottomed boat in which they .Jrara" fishing upset Ui the Hooded Stave River. BENNETT RESIGNED ' ROYAL BANK BOARD MONTREAL. Jim 13, Ttie resignation was announced rf ffci. B. B. Bennett from the directorate of the Royal Bank of Csnada at the annual meeting yp terday.