tonnage. The Consolidated, it Is under stood, plan an SKtensive prograai of The Daily News diamond drilling oa the property. me PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi work to be inaugurated -is o.:i equipment can oe put cn tne 0..h.j.J. Work will also be carried :; In the Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert lunnels and on the surlace. Gale dc Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Ufton of Smlthers had cjnsiderable to H. F. l'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. do with the putting through of the deal with Consolidated. SUBSCRIPTIONJ&RATES , City pfMy. tiyTtwrHPteC pal paid For ktfift miMAin.adntMiMtb ... Uy mairio an parse hi ituMiiCJJi" in adySnce $5.00 stral Britffli toiiirnbia, .50 paid in a'ivaiice for yearly refrod .00 Or four months for ....... l. 51.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 93 86 Wednesday, August 15, 1928 fall lair and make it a success. We suggest only that this year a little more ginger be put into the fair support and that an effort be made to stage an event that will be a credit to the city. Civic pride is something that every good citizen has and it is a compelling force. A CANADIAN FLAG (Victoria Times) If the proposal of a distinctive Canadian flag were to be submitted sldrrsblr drvelopment work In tbr way returns A number of large mlncrallred of '.hattii and tunnel, highly eucour- ones hvc been opened up and rich aglr.g rrsult having been Tielded Iu silver values hsve been disclosed In all the course of erttlopnient, over sixty the woTklngn. thf property gradually tons of high grade copper -il ver ore has Knowing promise of developing large Important-these hot days ! S HRED SAT Playing children and working grown-ups require this light but nourishing food ! Delicious with fruit - Easy to digest TRISCUIT AWafer that's good for everybody VISITORS WELCOME TO ALL FACTORIES Great success Is reported tu: iaT t- tended the opening up of the iti0vics.:i or the Jessie group, uer Sail hem, vhlch he been proce ding all sumaies. A reoriit discovery of ore in No. 4 vela hows nearly thrse feet wide with a length of over fifty feet. The ore la arsenical iron- with, high grides m goW .is well as zinc and ilver-lc;td The ore runs from S to 150 acr-.-s :.. .i-v.tdth Jf the vein DcvetGl)u.n: Proceeding on this showing in ! -"' several -Jther vein and th:re is uncovered a length cn the surlace Jl I.eOO feet wlta goo ore thrjug.'.ut this length. Tho Mo 2 vein oa four hundred feet In length with value up 'o S165 per ton. Wo. S U shown for 2S0 leet with value up to jo i" ton. No. 5 vein Is 640 feet locp and No. 1, three hundred feet. The property Is to be surveyed thia month by Allan Rutherford. J. R Turner, superintendent of the Duthle mice, confirm report thst new ore body has been discovered as UNITED TO HELP FAIR a resuIt ,o1 "mona arming ' tlon oi toe striae snows inc uir Priace Rupert people will undoubtedly do this year as they have j xten(J muciJ towCT thBD thf 700-ioot done in the nast. They will enthusiastically ifet behind the annual i.Vei at the niu site, the istm r:ce ming at a point in leet irom me mill tiMUket In which drill are opening. The eslstenre of Vhi high grade ore in un worked sections of t ie pr-;crty aatt at much greater depth assure continued profitable operation of the Dvtfcte and establishes the future of the property vary satisfactorily. Capt. J. J. OTJrten of Philadelphia to now la Smlthers to check up cn extsn- to the Canadian people, at least four-fifths of them would vote in ,iTr tiiahiimum operations which are favor of it There are not many crown colonists left in Canada. Nor bemg earried on on the victory andl should there be apy delay in putting this country on a level with(K1 T pwpsrtis. Australia, New Zealand, the Irish Free State, and South Africa, all ,ITL , . . , , ... ' , . . , ... 1 r. & Woivrton,x M... ha arrived of which have their own flags. Other countries are surprised that Vmm - - entree of oo- Canada, the oldest and most prosperous of the younger Dominions of eratione on tne Stiver cup mine for the the Britannic Commonwealth, remains without its own national em' blem. Canada inevitably will have her own flag and in this there should be both the Union Jack and some Canadian emblem. This would typify the union between Canada and the United Kingdom. The Union Jack, of course, is emblematic of only the union of England, also under construction, it u hoped Scotland and Ireland. What the mill wUl be in o;crjtton by ' I October 1. Xt 1 located about 4.500 feet WOMEN AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES (Vancouver Sun) The International Amateur Athletic Federation has voted wisely Duke Mining Oo. Work 1 now proceed lng preparatory to the Installation of a fifty-ton oil flotation mill The company is building a substantial and well-appointed bunkhouse for a large crew of men, and the mil! bunding 1 below No. 4 tunnel on a creek which drains the basin In which the property 1 Is located. The present tram will be re- . bufrt and an extension made to coin- to retain the women's track and field events in the programs of the'pieu the distance. As soon s the mi.; Olympic Games-It is true that women, by indulging too strenuously in sports, may unfit themselves for the duties of motherhood. But for every girl ready, mining will be resumed and shipment of concentrates will commence. Knough ore it already devi-lo;-' : ... - ia,lt mtltllBD fn A WW who injures herself, through this opening of athletics to women, ip,,,,, of time out deve:opmei.t win be there are a thousand girls who will be inspired to take just the right Iretumed u order to assure a large body amount of exercise to save themselves from an unhealthy life and an early grave. The Vietorian type of girl, languid and helpless, may have been an adorable person in her early years. At least the novelists say she was. But she must have made life a merry hell for herself and her family when her later years turned her langour into indigestion and her demureness into bad temper. The novelists have neglected to tell us about that. No person, male or female, can live a normal, kindly and useful life without adequate open air exercise. The old Greeks knew that. And women played a big part in their original Olympic Games. If the performance of women in these modern Olympic Games can encourage girls all over the world to get out and indulge in vigorous open air exercise, even the ruination of a few Olympic contestant will not be too high a price to pay for such a hygienic and eugenic benefit. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Consolidated I Very Active Around Smithers Success Iking Met or group Much Activity in New Hazel ton Area. With the acquisition of several properties recently, the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. is becoming wry active in the area around Smithers. Properties this important company have taken include Harvey group, Driftwood Creek group. Judges group, Silrer Star group and claims owned by J amen Wright and Frank II. Johnson of of ore. The empsny will aire bill:.' office and warehouse af" Haaelton as. weU as an ore storage tank. Mining development continues unabated In the New Haaelton section. Messrs. Fletcher and Laddlngham. director of the Atuimbnt Mlnir.g Co . whose property 1 located on Hoc her de Boole nsoantaen. and Mr. Oliver, son of the late Premier Oliver, made an Inspection of the mine recently and eapreased aatteftcttoo with their investment. Grant Mahood est the Alexandria Odd Utees IM. of Toronto, examined the iBntrtsa, Vetfc. -liyiand Basm and Oro- nm properUfs. Angus Dn. awneral field manager of the Payne-Whitney Interests, inspected the Mohawk property while on his way to the Great Slave lake district. Mel vis OVrten. general field engineer for the Consolidated Mining dt Smelting Co.. Is now in the district looking over various properties. Charles Kk la running crosscut on a prospect just half a mile trsm Beaatent aiding and hopes to soon break Into a sstvaa showing with copper and rtac Tauill.niH has srrlved from Van-eoufcer '. tor aeotinu dereMpment or. tW Oomet npoprrtT on Pour Mile Mountain and 1 expecting rep-rn-Utive of a did country mining concern to examine the property sror.. At the Mohawk mine on Pour MUf Mountain the tunnel on the lower '.eve! now In a distance of three hurfirec' feet and It Is expected to so-.n pick r parallel lead which la kr.-f Smithers, making a total of thirty claims taken by the Consolidated jn the surface. Tonnage i being stead - for immediate development. The Harvey group, located about twelve developing on the property. mites from Saitbero. has long been recognised as one of the out-! J580 "V!?UJJC . .. ,. . , , . . , . out extensive developments, the Mona staHding properties in the Motion. It was located a number of years Ltd on rcrr- near Tcb- ago by C. Q Harvey who has done con- been shipped with prod table smelter j r-nlkut Lake, s few miles south of Bum Lake I eipsctsd. to soon become a proved mining venture. Mr. Owen, a former resident of Burn Lake, who is largely interested in the mine, has arrived on the ground and state that heavy mining machinery, including oomprtssor. 1 now on the way and an unsMdiate start will be made on the work by a crew of man. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert The pente risurtsnee to the Allied advance German smnsnarinss ar active off Nev. York barter Canadian airmen i re doing very exTectfve bombing of enemy centres of assembly. XI 1st A. L. Tlngley. assistant principal of Borden Street School, sailed for her home at Port Clement Uim Captain Alan Morton Davie has bern appointed to the wswnand of the War Caribou the fifth of the wooden steamship to be penal Munitions i V.ju.ouver yard of building Company. Alas Munro. chief Prince Rupert, was .'.st pveulng and rlnce Eupert Or he will br optrat';! A prince should be our tin To- 6 r 1 kome is iia New Library Model No. 8-36 with albums of real leather in brilliant colors $385 or with Eloctrib Motor $425. lace to hear -night, or any night, ask your dealer " to let you have a new Orthgionie Victrola at home Then listen, and enjoy at your leisure; Music is essentially oi the Imubc. ami home is where one may best enjoy tl. Knowing this. His Master's Vce dealers arc arrarnjiOR to allow r- ' rwHwnsiWe i.rson to "test out" the wonderful new Orthophonic Vrctrola at how. Why not you? This means that you nerd merely say to your nearest His Master's Voice dealer: "I should IMp a home demonstration of the new Orthophonic Vietpala. I want to fiad out for myself, right in my own living room, just how rrtuch comfort and pleasure and ay tfce la st the Nertfc the LvmU StUB- ca If if only wearing cloth. t But Wales is sDrnettrtng more that As everybody knows. Orthoph l "'True in Sound Ml HoaplUi where tot aspsndioMes. The bortsge of to wtatob ha up many fishing vsassla has been re lieved and all vessels wsw supplied this morning, firtyttsSM tons of tee '.e!ng required. a r.' i nir - - i Man in the Moon j it , n fTha Bklpce oi Wais rather startled he.pspsle of. lndoav hy insstHng on AujH-t l, ISIS .. wXVue sUeet .wiUK-ut . rask -U IMefcsns German army I tftsriwr' -derwsd beca srcui.ti he would nave char- artmzed the P::n . as s damned radical don't you know. than A contemporary suggvat that Vesuvius Is spMitin lavs and the two Mg political hkri are nwking apeeshe. No sooner do we get aid of the Oly- mpic ssroes than the ScaMtsb fcntteOl season starts. Oh well, there's got to be some kind of a damper oa ear enMra- Dp the Bkeeo Blver they say the ansnltoes are tired end have quit Mttac. If there had been no sutos that road cross the Island would hsve been rienty long enough. There are some b)ectlons to progrms WENT TO SHAWATLANS FOR TROUT BUT BROKEN ARM WAS ALL SHE GOT Mm. Frank Scadden u going around with her arm in a sling sad people ar wondering why. Her l the story She was ost'wiu her husbsad at BhawaUans last Sunday having, gone acrom in their fine little yacht Morning Star The weather had cleared and they derided that trswt wouM nuke a good dish for supper. Taking along their tackle they tried the game from the logs st the lower and of the lake Frank was pull-lag in te "speckled beauties" and finding It good fun but Mr Boadden was not getting any She answered a cell to Join her bu-aand when she trifled on a slippery kg fell and her arm was useless. Returning heme at once the services of Or Cade were requisitioned and that I why the ding 1 required. joy I can get out of this great variety of music of which everyone talks." Thai's all there is to it. The new Ortho-phonic VTctnia and a selection of V. E. Onbopbonic records containing your own sekctinn of music, coiues to you for an evening, without obligation. Nowhere else can you olitain the variety of music that is on Victor records, and nowhere eW can you obtain the qualit y with which it U gives to yuu on the new ()rthopfaoeic Victrola, with Its Victor controlled princtfiie of "Matched IfRpedance" or "Smoodt Flow of Sound." Models are from $1400 down to as low as $115 oa convenient payments from all His Master's dealers. Arrange for this evening of music in your home today, without obligation) onic Trade Mark Keft'd Victrola Orthpjtfioriic only if it bears the cIor Trademark Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal " J a iT t - - in r iniiTiir-tasr FIKST WEEK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA VOTES8 This coupon, when accompanied with ihrvv y scriptions or their equivalent, to the Prince Itn ' News, entitles the candidate to 300,000 extra v i scriptions are turned in daring the First Weak of Name of Subscriber Name of Subscriber Name of Subscriber Candidate's Nsme One First Week Coupon can be voted by each iin ! every three one-yenr subscriptions, or theL- equival- tr in during the candidate' first week in the camisitfi. S. E. PAUKEH, LTD 3rd Ave. East. Phone 83 Cars ; Ir Flat Kate Ueo GASOLIM Amalie and M:o v lu PartH and Ace "c DOMINION Tires and Tu'"'