class habit Boston Grill Everyone read the Classified Ada LARGE CABARET If you lose, advertise for It. Special Dinners Saturdays Thursdays and If you find, locate the owner. Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to 13.. Whatever you need, advertise for It "VS. Dance Mall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT oet tub classified iiaiiit. I o Accomodation for Prtvae Parties Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'hone 457 ' XVIII. No. 191 PKINCE MJPEhT, 6. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1928 Price Five Cents I Vol ; PLANS FOR FALL American Army and Navy is for Purpose of Maintaining Rule of Law Throughout World Says Cat. President Coolidgc Extols New Kellogg Treaty as Holding Greater Hope for Peaceful Relations Than any Hcforc WAUSAU, Wisconsin, Aug. 15. President Coolidge di dared bofore the Wisconsin state American Legion today that the Kellogg pact holds greater hope for peaceful relations than any that was ever before given to the v orld. The president maintianed that by taking the leading po it ion in securing this agreement, the United States proved its pacific inclinations towards all nations. While it would be too much to suppose that war had been entirely banished, yet a new and important barrier reasort-iiMo and honorable had been created to bar it. 'This agreement proposes a revolutionary policy among nut ions," he said. The President asserted that if the liv.-tty had been in force in 1914 there is every reason to oppose it would have save the situation and delivered the u rid from the ravages of war. "It is for the purpose of r,;tintaining the rule of law il- "HUnilllL! LUIS tUUIIH V MJ Nitration to 'resist evil that army and navy. If the country disregarded the -m ir nee of National defense, it would be to attempt to t iide bearing our share of the burdens of civilization." JUST ESCAPED THE GALLOWS ; TiiitiK vol m men (iimii:mm:ii to HE IIVMHO Itl.l'KIEVKII THIS MOKMNU :x)N Aug. 18 Thie young mm ii,-d to be banged this morning, "i a reprieve from the Hacoe See' 'ihln twelves hours of the tune i i he execution the trio was Taylor, JWW Wmnt, and Donovan, who were convicted of .rdrr of an elderly man near n llwy ttMt were charged with , .nd aasaulUng toe man but he i !:itly died Circumstantial evl-iiKured It reel jr in the case. Il'm Secretary on Monday refused ntmn. STEAMER ON YANGTSE SANK IIW: III MlltEII IM'I.I IHNO IIIUTIMI MIssloNAIlY LIST TIIEIK LIVES ihHi. Auf 16 British naval cir-1 "iiii'iunced today that S00 lives were the sinking of the Chinese steam -'' Mm ii Hiun Tuns; In the Ysngtse l: ' v-u-rdy. The vmutl foundered "" ' iniiiiiK dangerous rapid, in 1'1,1,-ri mon the victims was a I' miKaionary WOMAN KILLED WITH HAMMER KiN(,hton. Aug. 16. Bushing to the of Wilbert Rlehard WlUtam. 4 "' Hge, retired school teacher, In ''-wrr to" a telepWrvr T!l- saying he "''"hi he had killed hU wlfet the " found the body of a woman, ap-'""ly killed with a claw hammer. W " i r in r w. i rhan;ed with the murder CONSERVATIVE CHOSEN FOURTEEN MAJORITY KAMtOOPS, Aug 16. J. R, Michel. iMivatlve was alerted by 14 votes ' V,' J R. Oolltf, Mbeml. in th Kam- " nal teort. Michel's UiUl was ' '!'! C alley's 1616. throughout the world as well UtUUJIU 1LSX2J1. UIIU I IIUCI. UiC the United States maintains'1 HKITISII WOllKLltS l.s'TKMi to si tcef.ii Ml TIIEV St.SU CAULK LONDON. Aug. 18 "We Intend to succeed" was the massage cables by some British laborers bound for the Canadian harvest fields from the steamer Mellta to Sir Arthur Steel MalUand. Minister of tabor. UalUsnd rapMed: "Seat thanks (or your sable. May food luck and the good harvest In Canada prove the dawn of a bettor time tor you all." STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon CiMlng Prlre tf)ly on Yam-oil-er EiehaHte (Courtesy of 8. D. Johnson XM Ltd.) The following quotations ware bid and asked: Argetita Rufus. H-. Bayvlew. Tc.. 7e. n r sawer. 1145 1176 Big Missouri. 48 lie, 41Vc. ' Cork Province. 3'ie.. 10c. Cotton Belt. nU. 608. Dunwell. ISc.. lc Duthlr. II 1103. Oeome Copper. HIM, MM. Oengta Rlvar. 96e., 30c. Glacier. 6c.. nil. Olsslar. 18c, nil. Oolconda. 6113. $113. Orandvlew. 8814c 3c. Indepcndenoe. 10c.. He. Indian. 6tc . nil. Kootney Florence. 3414c 34 Vie. L. L.. 10", c. 10V4C lakevlew. 8V.C e. Dicky Jim. 3',c. 39e. Marmot Metals. 1014c He. Marmot River Oold, 16V4C lOVfcc. Mohawk. 6c c. NaUonai Silver. 14c nil. Nonnds; Ml 36. 651.30. PeMd-OreiUe. 6U.40. 611. 80. rorter Inaho, 71c nil. Premier. 4S. W-46 Ruth Hope, 81c 62c. Silver Crest. 1V. luWf- Silverado, nU. 8 Silversmith. Blocan King. ' V 6-. Terminus. 18c uii Topley Richfield 60c 80t,c. TartC. M80. 63 30 White Wster. 83.10. 62 30. Woodbine. 34 '-.r. 2c. Sunlock. 82 50 62 75 OII.H Dalhousie. 61! : Pabu. 14 !,(... lt Home, 63.70, 62.75. SPEAKS FAIR ATTRACTIONS ARE TAKING SHAPE CROP YIELD IN PEACE BLOCK MILLION IIIMIKLS EXI'ECTEll THIS YEAH IX HltlTlslI (OMMIilt SECTION Trsm the best Information tost I ran gather there will be a yield or one million bushels of grain In the Praoc River Block In B. C. this year and as for crop. I have seen no better on my way out." declared L. P. Oodona. postmaster of Kilkarran. D. C. who was in the city on his way to Va&eouver and 'victoria by motor. There Is from 15 to 36 per cent, added acreage In crop this season near , 1937 and much new breaking Is betas; done. This advance Is being msele al-hough one-third of last fills crop le stUl lying tn the granaries became of lack of transportation in the Peace. River block. Only far, two months m the winter can sleighs be used for takis at ossjr thJtaitttrvr.- -wy atr. coaona. NEEH THANSPOHTATION" "Olvsn transportation, the yield would increase ten tunes within five because there is the very finest soil and beat type of settlers And the very tact -hat the settlers have prospered de-iplte the handicap and have been able to buy lota of aulas proves It Is a good country." claims Ur. Cod on. PROSPECTOR LOST LIVED UPON FROGS Wandered Aimlessly 48 Days North of The Tax Then Found lly Searchers THE 1'AS, Aug. 15. Lost for 48 days during which he wandered nimlely through the densely wooded country north of here, Andy Taylor a local prospector, was found by searchers near liurnt Lake and brought b.Vairplane here. Fated by starvation Taylor had killed frogs and eaten them and at limes when driven to desperation recovered dead fish floating on the surface of the river to relieve his hunger. HALIBUT SALES ARE LIGHT TODAY AND PRICES ARE FAIR Halibut sales were light at the fish exchange this morning a total of 54.GO0 lbs. being sold with high American boat Retting 14.60 and 8o while two Can adian boeta got 12 CO and 12.30 for med iums and 6c tor seeonda. AMERICAN' ' rxtnocra. 21jOOO lbs. to AUtn Pish ClBrefABjr 88 12 Jc and 60. Wabash, fcOOO lbs. to Canadian Fteh & Oold Storage at 14 60 and 8a. Charlotte, 4,000 lb, to Booth Fisheries at 14 SO and 8c. Cora. 4.000 lbs. to Canadian Pish and Oold Storage at 14 60 and 84. CANADIAN Johanna. 10.000 lbs to Canadian rtshj and Cold Storage at 13.00 and 6a. Toodle. 900 lbs., to Booth Fisheries st 12 30 and 6c. MtOWMMlS IN IJI E1IEC QUEBEC. Aug. 15 Drownings took toll of seven lives In Quebec and dls. trlet yesterday. Three were drowned In Montmorency River, two at Lea 8au-les. Lake St Josephs and one at Ste. Anne de Beau pre Advertise in the Dally News. It payil ON HAD VOICE "LIFTED": Louis Graveure, formerly a baritone with a beard, is now a teiior without one- He and his wife, Elaper Painter, scored a success in "Carmen" Call Loans Dropped at New York qndlocks Began to Move Upward Phis Morning Five lo Ten Dollars NEW YORK., Aug. 15. There was a burst of activity today and bulls and bears alike scrambled to rebuy stocks. Call loans dropped seven to five and a half percent and the market began to take notice of the encouraging business news. More than a score of representative issues were quoted at five to ten dollars above previous close. The struggle for leadership was vigorously contested by General ilotors, Radio and American Can Company, shares in which went up sveen to ten dollars- Apart from a rise of six dollars in Delaware and Hudson Railway stocks, rails were sluggist Bears Tumble and Squeal Climbing of Trees by Bears and Men ALICE ARM, ug. 16. This is not just a "bear story " But one of those little interesting actions or byplays that Nature sometimes serves up to the observer or participant, and which is staged on the stage of the great out doors. Most of these actions go unrecorded but now and again Nature is kind and gives us a front seat and the show between actors Homo Sapiens and some others takes place. In the play under review the "others" were Mrs. Bear A rug Americanus aiid her two cubs. ' The play as viewed in one act, and two scenes and of the style style tragedo-eomlr. The soane Is laid In the beautiful little mountain valley , u hat lies between Mount, McOraw and; Mount Theopoin proper. The terrain l woa a lovely landscape of small ponds and : UU grasMs dolled with dumps nl U trees. The ray of the aun glint from 4, the mountain top. and the valley 1st 4. filled with a fullness of sunshine and j a, warmth while a little brsaae fans the 4, grass into wavrleu and the gentle rip-! 4. pica on the ponda sparkle back the 4, light. 4- Enter crosslnit the glade, travellers. , two Dr. O. A Hsnsan of the Domln-' Ion Otieogieal Survey Mad studenW as- slstaat Ooransniv The paaoeiui giaoe r with Its serenity is at the Now. with the Vtam the Present M things geologic and period pfc-Cambrlwi art down in the suh-oonscious. TtMt trsVsalsri round a clump of trees whea action, squeal number one is followed by squeal number two and two cub bears race tumb-linfty away. "Beans shout Han.n. "bears!" hout Oor nesn. and each elect a tree. Danger!" snorts nyHhev-Maa. and she leleots two trees. "0U4. ouff." nd she boosts up li-r cubs. Oil Scene two Pee tstgns In the valley. Mrs. Bear Uraus-Aoertcanu aim lack and pai.tiiialy lotla out her red tongue. All Is safe. Two eubs ara up trees' likewise two travellers. A minute drg by. Cub number one is txstleu and shinnies down, student assistant Ooranaon divines the situation and sh'nmet down and thus niaki it on "l and even on the cub bear actor. 0b boar mimbrr two xhlnulet down Kklt Urs Bear and fam- ANNING M jf. chlef Hanson shinnies down. Han- ooranaon salt right. Curtain, . . x . t 1 1 r 4 4 t v t 4- t INTERNATIONAL 41 ANTHEM I'Mill WHEN i:.S. VIITOKM HEKR Two Bknsarta by the sea. Two nations great and free. One anthem raise. One race of ancient fame One tongue, one faith we claim One dod whoso glorious name. We love and praise. TANKSEXPLODE DAMAGE LARGE WlNNIPBO. Aug 18 -The North Star Company's refining plant st Bt. Bon-ifaos waa partially destroyed by fire last night. Nine storage tanka of crude oal and gasoline exploded causing damage to the amount of 850.000. One man was badly burned. Sl'THEIILAND'S M.WOItlTV REVELSTOKE Au 15 With the ob-sentee check completed, the majority of Hou. W. H. Sullieilaud over the Oon-irrvative Adam Bell wae 284. Large Number of Attractions Already Arranged (or Pair This Year and More May Yet Come Here Uodco and Boxing Outdoors Comedy Singers Dancers Monologues Fireball Stunt and Possibly Flying The management of the Prince Rupert Exhibition to be held here September 11, 12, 13 and 14 are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to provide attractions that will appeal to all. There are entertainments of many kinds and every afternoon and evening will have its own special appeal. There is unprecedented i vari'j y and each turn is aaid to be undoubted quality. i The chief event will be the Rodeo which will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, September 12 and 13. Jack McNeil well known .Telkwa merchant and expert in putting on such entertainments is taking personal charge of this feature. . He U specially -e)ng to the selection ' f ? ra ard heroes that wlU come up i to the wildest expectations of what ! may be expected from wild and wcoly western bronchos. -Ttieae animals will rr bmuxht in tn ample time for them i to be rested from tte train Journey and .will be fun of Tim and wickedness. On the opening evening there will re the first out-door boxing contest to ) be held tn Prince Rupert. Madison Dlx ' win meet All Harding and this alone Is a big attraction. There will be flee trad preliminaries each of which 1 looked on as a top-liner. " SHOKTY VOCXQ Ts Young. -Sfcertf- or the Mvvlea. m he ithofter aftraeUOB of rare appeal Tex has Just nnlshed tn the. screen version of Zane Grey's novel. "The Waterhole." a Famous Players Lasky production that was released only on July 21. Tex appears In person st the Prince Rupert Exhibition and will give hls weU-known monologues ss well as . !aUc apparatus and rolled forward, an exhibition of rope swinging that la ' The Indian woman came from Wind-marvelloua. He la known as a cowboy ermere. comedian and Uvea up to his reputs-1 tton. . In connection with the Rodeo those! who saw the stampede last year will re call the very successful attempta at riding by BUI Sherman. Kenny MeQuaig. Harry Astoria and other local broncho-basins. These riders are all appearing at this year's rodeo and already have gone Into training for the event . As an added attraction Joe Brown has unearthed a particularly fine simple of a branch that will not be rid den. Any who doubt this statement are irvlted to try to rids it and the win-j will sat the animal. Joe Is paying the cost of bringing tn this animal and j eays ha will gat his money's worth anyone can tide It. 1 Other attractions from outside .points: include Ruth and Malloy. Vaudeville Comedy Bingtrs and Dancers. Thess I come wish a very high reputation and! those who have seen them assert they are topnotchers. HAKE llEVIL LVNIIV "Dare Devil" Lundy will do his Are-ball stunt aach evening from the top of the Exhibition Hall, on which a special pole is being erected, to the ballxround This stunt will be performed each evening. Lundy has been performing In this stunt tor twelve yesrs and everywhere It has caused a sensation. Two "unknowns" who make a specialty of clog snd step dancing will provide another form of entertainment. One of them manlpuMtes five ropes at once in a clever rope-ewingtng turn. On Friday evening there will be the big dance. This again will be put on In a specially attractive manner. Negotiations are still In progress with Major McLaren of the Canadian Airways to hare plane here during Pah-Week. They win do stum flying snd, It la hoped that arrangement will be completed for trtpa for those who have not already been "In the air." The American Consul la also trying to arrange for the presence qf an Am erican warship during fair- week. It can be readily seen that this year s Exhibition wut hav a wtder appeal) even than previous yr' fairs. There will be the usual exhibit of mining, agricultural and district products on view all the time tn the Exhibition Hall. These exhibit will be well displayed and will provide an attraction equally with the program of eporta and am-usementa. The program Is one of rare variety and has sn appeal to all from an educational, sporting and entertainment oint of vli'W 1 Advertise in the Dally News it pay 11 j WAR and INDIAN WOMAN WAS KILLED .MKT ALMOST INSTANT DEATH WHEN T1IUOWN IKOM HOUSE IN VAN-COIVEK RACE VANCOUVER, Aug. tk Rossi Klm-aasket. a member of the Kootenay tribe i Indians appearing at Vancouver ex-Uhstastt. waa aliasst Instantly Jellied yesterday atternoo at Hastings park ha her nioujstuajgtaawapg .har (be track. She died aw minutes later. The accident cceurnid In a horse race for Tndlan women. There were two par- Uctpants. Near the finish Ressl's horse struck a guy wire attached to an acro- AUSTRALIANS PLAY TENNIS HEAT TOKONTO MEN IN SIMILES Ilt'T lOt 1JLKS WAS TIE WHEN CALLED .T7 POI KTII SET MONTREAL, Aug. lS.-Jack Crawford, the Australian, dated OHbert Nunna of Toronto 8-4. 4-8. 8-4, 75 In an ex- hibitlon tennis game here yesterday Harry Kopman of Australia defeated Arthur Ham of Toronto 6-1. 3-8. 10-8 Wright and Crocker played Paterson nd Hawkes and the game was called brfcre It was completed. The score was 8-8. 1-6. 6-3. 5-7. Australia taking the second and fourth sets. EMPIRE WOMEN WIN ATHLETICS LONDON. Aug. 15 The British Em pire won a hotly contested women's international track and field meet at Stamford U ridge field yesterday, accumulating 50 points to the Germans 41 and French 15. COMMISSION TO SIT ON U.S. CLAIMS FOR WASHINGTON GROWERS WASHINGTON. Aug. IS The Governments of Canada and the United States have agreed to refer to an tnternstto-nsl )otat comm tattoo the Msg standing grievances of the Washington state fruit growers against the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company at Trail. B.C. CHARGED ABSCONDING WITH CASH FROM BANK NELSON. Aug. 15 Ocrald Bennett of Ottawa was arrested here at the instance of the Ottawa police and will be held or. a charge Of absconding with. 837,000 from the Standard Bank of Ottawa on June 8 laat. He ha resided at Willow Pomt near here for the past live weeks. Advertise In The DaUf New