' .y, August 15, 1023. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE m mm. 00 PAIN in BLADDER I'rdinptly Hatted by SANTAL MIDY lie mre to grt thr (Irutilne l,Hk lor l!e word "MUM " MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon clos-f prices on Vancouver Kxchange on our li ( board dally. S run give intitant ser-, in buying and selling tf ng Stocks on Vancouver ! Exchange. V- also have facilities for , ling Wheat orders on i' u lwa Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 017 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, IJ.C. RED'S Transfer F n years' experience in HRNITUKE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. .S is our Service us and Save Mono? and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Dav Phone: 201. Nrht Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities M tier ( Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles 1! II Hoofing Building Paper nnd Felts Evcriet Elastic Paint I'lastl, Elastigum Shlnde Stains rensnte Oils Marine Seam Pilch. ''ihutors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WEl MN'GTON TELKWA Af :o Itulkley Hay and Grain. 11 It.ibin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 675 DENTIST MILK MILK Iri lh I'nsteurlzetl Milk nnd (ream Dally. EAIH.Y DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 057. GOLDEN DAYS OF CAMPAIGN CLIMAX NEAR "4 SniBEit or' tiii: (Uiimtkk ahh O 'WSJ" VAl fcPiiy'' Wl period ol the PrtnlP'fvapert Da.iy News' sub-ncrlptlon a:id prize CKOipuign during which votes are at pnr - r.ndb at 9 eu.ic next Mondcy night. .icn cancua.iie :n striving no to dy distance or her rivals and u m cumulate .i mriicient number of vctss to ix the Miidlfputcd leader la tl.c raft lor : lie big csrs. Competition grcwing ke:itr an the final hour of iht -oi.- of .he big vote period draw i.-i'aitr. No stone is beins left unturned by the candida-ea who are planning to get hold of every ojsiible subscription, before 9 o'clock next Monday night, the crucial hour lure if paht ami cum: So tit the big race U Clone as close as candidate could possibly run. Today it is anybody's race. The best way to ..ure a lead at the end of the Wg votra' period Monday night at nine J clock la to hustle out and set a few i;:od subs: rlplnris A nU-yettr Mibicri-i.or. m:j-, vo.oco votes. If It in from a new suok.rlbrr it will count 640,000 v ;tes. I mp b!j suG.-crlpljo;; are what counts fartest now. Candidates are again advised not to verlcok the opportunity of rh second payment plan " Short subscriptions taken early in the oampa.n may now te extended and the additional payment apply on the present Mg vote schedule, also on the 100.000 extra club vote offer. Thousands of votes may be obtain ed by carefully going ovei the territory previously covered and Inducing sub- tsrlbers who only signed for a year or o to extend their subscriptions a lew l?ars longer Ths campaign la close. Btmecne certainly wlU pull out In front by next Monday night. That someone can be you. The prises are so big, so valuable, ao desirable, that you can well afferd W spend every possible min ute on (he campaign between now and 0 o'clock; Sect Monday night. k Mo person 'will be permit Led to enter hradquaifer. after nine cYlsck Monday iilght. But all persona who are In the rfrice a', 'hat time or before will be v.alted on a. id have their subscriptions counted on the basis of the Bret per-ltd schedule ' All candidates who do not And It convenient to report In person st Campaign Headquarters on or before Monday ntgtit at nine o'clock are privileged 'e mall tfeaur subscrlptloiis from any ixwt sffice bv midnlrht Mondav nletit '.tid even though they are not :ce'vcrt tat Campaign Headquarter until Tue-jday. or even later, they will be -re-j-i.tcd on the big first period vote sche dule.. The Dally News' campaign office do rated on the seeend floor of The Newx huildUkf. S43 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert) win be open from e-m. to I p m. each day Telephone M " NATIVE DIES PORT SIMPSON ci i Milky ahbott w ah hki i. known TO NATIVM AKD MlllK.s AI.I, AUIMI t(aT FORT 81MPSOM. Aug. Ote of the oiost prominent natives of Fort passed away yesterday in Use person of Charley Abbott, a wall known figure up and down the coast. He was 74 years of age Charley was canoamaa for Mev. Thom as OroaMe in the early days whan the natives were reached only by paddling from place to place WUh hi aid the tntrrpid mtwlonary travelled the coastal water and up the Inlets ajd rivers. Uur he was mlth the missions on the steamer Olad Tidings. vUlttgff ifJI parts of the coast frm Alaska and Queen Ch.iriott W .nds to Victoria. A mrpeiiter by trade Mr. Abbott helped build the first house at Georgetown a:,d of late was gardener at the girls' home bere Mr Abbott predeceased hlam several years but he leaves a daughter. Mia. J. H Morlae Rev W. H Pierce of Port tulimtDii u a cousin. Tlie funeral is taking ptftos heae tkla artemch.n. Rev M. P. Kby officiating. DINNER GIVEN BY JAPANESE LOCAL 111 lKNMt liiHKi. MHt rONSI I, I I Kl MA AT PUINt i; Ml PERT IIOTKI. T. Pukumu jnMtn-se con-l at Van couver, who !'!' morning b.s ,fnn.n:inlel bv T Ode, wa We 'leuart of honof iBt vciiinjLLltfllBnr I"-"?- .. o,..-.rt ttntol bv given in me rrui of the Prince T BMmlKU. vlce-prnldent Rupert Japanew A- iauon .Mr Shlmi- su presided snci nr the gue-t of the evcninn with Mayor McMordle on hU left Other guestt ln-cludad J. C Brady. MP.. J H. PIIU- bury, luga hiro. T Ode. H r rulU n and Messrs Obata. Mo'hld.v Kitagaws. Sue-ui.hiir.v ami Vimninaka. Messrs Pukumn an.l o.ip brought their golf club to Prm - Hi. pert expecting to enjoy some gan.. and were disappointed to Uad that there was not 'ven a nine hole course here Th-y 1I ""' the clubs at Jasper. VOT ga9 laigl gtlig As close as the race now stands, success or failure, gold or glory everything depends upon what each candidate is able to do these last few days; First period closes Monday night, August 20th. Hustle is the only key to t!ic Treasure Chest Successful finish. DISTKICT NO. 1 District no. i includes only those participants residing within the city limits of Prince Kupert. One of the prise oars and as many cash awards as there are active participants will be awarued to candidates living In this district. 'the names of thote entered In District No l up to the preheat time, to-gtiiitr with all votes oast for publication up until yesterday noon, are at fuilows: AlliHtone. Miss Mary 5,000 ia ley, Miss Jean M 672,40b Buey. Mrs. Wm 678,350 Colllton, Mrs. J. M 675,800 Domlnato, A 688350 Srickson. John E 8,175 Pleld, Mrs. J 346,400 PrlsBeU. Mlas Xura 082375 OUker. Mlas Edna L 679.160 Herman. Mlas Mary 21500 Jones. Mlas Margaret 314.779 Krlkovsky, Mfe Victoria 407.200 Love. Mrs. A. B 5,000 MacdonaM, Mm. A 643.2U0 McAuley. Mlas Helen 46300 MoCroa. Mia Alios K 686260 MeKlnUy. Mm. Robert L. ...... 52,700 Morgan. Mlas Connie 689J26 Nlckonon. Mia. Ohas. M . 302,400 Postolu, Spero 88.230 Prltchard. Mrs. J. H 36750 Bood. John 114200 Bhea, Uoyd 5OC Smith. Mrs. Hugh M 670,900 Stevens, John S 584250 Stuart. Miss Sheila 271.500 Wicks. Roy 5.000 Wermig. Mrs. P 666,425 Unger. Mies Sdna 407 S0 Zaretll. Mia Brmy 68&.7M DISTRICT NO. 2 Dtatriet Bo. S laclvdes only those par ttcinantd realdmt outside the e'ty limit of the City of Prlace Ropart. One of the prtae can and aa many cash awards as there are active participants will be n warded to candidates living In thts district. The names of those entered to District No t. up to the preheat time, together with all votos oast for publication up until j ester day noon, are as follows: Beaven. H. R., Queen Charlotte City 5,000 Hlroie. Arthur E., "Pete," Bmltbers 386.150 Campbell. Mlas Ofcerrle. Stewrt 368.400 Oiooona. O., -Port Clements .... 17290 Dover. Mm. Oeoafe. Terraoe .... 171.226 Byotfaan. B. E-. Oalsd 374J0O0 Laaey. MM. James. VanderfesMf.. 42.400 Mclatoah. Uft Mtrgartt, Massett IflOQ Mt Resale. R. O. Queen OhMlotte City 5J0O0 fJsnaom. Jafcn L, Cedsmle . . . . 14J00 Taylor. Miss refgy, Port Esslng- ton 70JWO WUaon. MHa Ney, Aayox 5 wo LATEST 1928 MODEL Pontiac 2:Door Sedan Purchased from WALKER & ROSS Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert Retail Price $1,200 ONE $500.00 AND TWO $100.00 CA&I PRIZES LATEST 1928 MODEL Ford Tudor Sedan Purchased from S. E. PARKER LTD. Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert Retail Price $860 r ,PER CENT COMMISSION TO ACTIVE NON-PRIZE WINNERS. Winning Votes CAN BE SECURED Right Now To Readers Look over the list of entrants. Settle on a favorite. Then take out a paid-in-advance subscription, giving tha votes to the candidate you wish to help. You can pay the subscription direct to the candidate or personally to the office, or by mail. In the latter event make sure you SPECIFY to which candidate's credit you want the votes on your subscription to go. Win The Prize OF YOUR CHOICE IN THE NEXT Four Days Schedule of Votes and Subscription Price of The Prince Rupert Daily News FIRST PERIOD Op to and Including August 30. the following number ot votes will be Issued on sub- serluon; No. By yrs. Oarrirr 1 0 500 a M.00 3 1500 4 20JM 5 25.00 e 3OJ00 By Mall f 3 XX) 6J00 BOO 12.00 Votes 12 000 30.000 75.000 150.000 15.00 350.000 1840 340,000 SECOND PERIOD From August 11 to August 31 Inclusive, the following number of votes will be Issued on subscriptions: No. By Yrs. Carrier 1 5 560 3 lOtiQ 3 15.00 4 39.00 5 30.00 0 3000 By Mall I 3 .00 6.06 0.00 13.00 15.00 IBjOO Votes 8.000 24.009 00,010 135.C00 aoo.ono 300.090 THIRD PERIOD . Pram September 1 to September 7 Inclusive, the following number of iotas will be issued on subscriptions: Mo. By Yrs Carrier 3 S.00 10.00 15.00 3000 35.00 SO 00 Mall 3 SjOO The above schedule of vote whlofa is on derttolng baals. positively will not be raised iniwunMMMI A anarlal rata etaarlit nrnd fnr 1 00.000 extra votes will be Issued on ever Votes 0.09 30.000 0.00 45.000 13.00 100400 10.00 100.000 10.00 300.000 FOURTH PERIOD The last period termlnattnH September 11. the foUowtaf number of votes wSl be Issued on suoacrtptloaa: No. By By Yrs. Carrier Mail Votes I 5jM 10 ) 16.00 30 00 35.00 30.00 during the competition. m 3, wXjQ MOT SjOO 30JH0 now aueaa 15.00 1 00.000 1S40 175.009 6e opening olub" of 015.00 turned In. The "clubM nay be oampoaed Of small or large amounts waning siojsj worm, inn arraogesnssH win oe m eiiecv varouiHni sow Man eaanpalgn and la to be consWered part of the regular aehetfuie. HO aubaorlptlona will be accepted for more than all years In advance payments through say one candidate. . 30.000 extra votes will be Area for each rear of a NEW auVcrlption turned In during the first period: 30.000 extra votes will be given for each year of A SEW UtttOClpon turned In during the second period: 10.000 extra votes will be given for each year of a NEW eubwription turned In during the third period, but NO actrs votes wU be given for NEW subscriptions turned in during the last period. ... . The subscription price of The New outatot of Northern and Central B.C., Is 08.00 par year In all parts of the British Smptr and the United States; v all other eountrtss the price I1J0 per year. Nomlnalion Illank in The Prince Rupert Daily New 'Everybody Wins" Campaign. l' Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby enter and cast 5,000 votes forj, j, y lfl fj,. ! MUo, Mr. or Mm... a n candidate in The Princo Rupert Daily News "Everybody Win Priie Distribution. Address Phone Note Only one noininntinn blank will be credited to ench candidate Nominated. For Full information, 'call on, Telephone or vritc CAMPAIGN MANAGER The Prince Rupert Daily News Phone 534 Campaign office open evenings until 8 o'clock. A