fAGE FOUR NOTICE CdntraetoKs - I The New Method Coal and Supplies Lunited of Vancouver fat Y. jfoafffrf Manaater), wil opes a branch in Prince Rupert t once under the local management of the Thompsof Hardware Company, Ltd. .Quotations given promptly on big or small orders for all kinds of bnflding supplies and materials, It will be to your advantage to make rnqmries. The Daily News PKKCE BCFEXT - BUTISa COLUMSfi Daily Nrwf, Lom:. Ti;rd Avcaae. H. F PUUJLS THE HAILT SEWS Friday. DECISION OF THE PEOPLE was vigorouund ntfstnm was left imturned in the eflort to win. . We suggest now that all those who supported the ml' . . . i i - i l tciags ana txai n wiu re iouowea oy muusure uuu. ui I help use that power and increase oar prosperity. The American StaLe Public Service ObWay recerttrfK r y " ; wry strong support and they can coneratnate themsehpes ' : 'that they were able to get within OOQratee of wmnmg nnrfimn, . rrmiTO f PRESENTATIONS S b .r Batarr OiS yeray a aaaaber they co.U art secure tne passage oi we necessary oyiaw :o enane we rf tfcr db tw ratort coujkm to complete the deal if the American company had won we should have urged similar action in regard to them. With the passage of the bviaw and the signing of the contract and the carrying out of other necessary pre- km, mm Crcrkahaak. miliary proceedings, the Cananuui company vnll proceed McCtyamt. Mr. r Xn HAMPERS FOR The people by vote yesterday decided that t be contract Jrfflakob railway fe vetopineni within that , NFFDY PFflPl H to pply Prmc Ruoert with power is to be placed mf" itTJfflnb. PRuW nwrennanenUy on imLU 1 LUrLt T If-t.01 ll rer orporauon of Canada throogii: tpert aan.lf the C. P. R. should decide to Nesbm, Thompson Company of Toronto. It is a C-j "rtthey would be given a hearty wel- ZZlJ7?LTme, tt P0" W and their aSent would certamlean a great deal friopment work and wvean lootto them for our futare Weiookfer great developments within thfnexi few mPPV- i . .m) . f nmcnoritv n mar nut for US lIL ana OUwra Ar Exj There are -tread? c needy families hstt a bv the Sahratina t . - - 7 UK ... . . ... in face of the recent growth of Canadfea patriotic ean KulAKT LLUD JB rV f s ? 'JL 1 'l? ' menL. UP a wry genGemanly camgn, but it Eourr. oce iiu- -mi c,r ? elateed that the grocery wma w"""tJt wHit ht at, cmec4d ntH Wallae Orrhari th iachri At t& wh heche of the KiM that wtthoat traBMttatiea fin1 thejr raal yat fTocerie. The tiMtji that withovt ! wm the MM rar were traBsrwrtatica am peeole wosM na ao aelay Utth sifts were awie to tar thHr gmetia ia twm. hr Patriae rt Geocve Barie Scleral of thme arraeat UM am hefcalf t the awarfini The fcow thejr earaed their fint dot-' racipaeats were Xit Jeaa Har- ar. Brraat. Mrs Oa appeariaa hefor Jode to spend a million oouar? in the neighoorhood. tne total tr,T$ t oar in coaaty rnart thw f ' rrj r.f PTrliu, rznni cVtatetar that sun. Mi M.-.-ori LkB.artr. Miw ,cnKr feB jjf etl fr They employ a V. of and aafoeal of money T if,aT ',rk. I? is hoped tiat wiH be or.iy the 'running of ' m. accr-r.i r i, falr trlth a ae Ttaterdt -. Prerioaaly arkaowfcatJ. j n Miaa HarrUoc .... J Ireae F. 2 Mr Pajaa ... . MerrhaM vi' : A lady .-id TiKaaaevH ism. Al -:,t I -a S. 12 :, i-i LLJM r. J - J .. - i IIFTS AT OUR SALE jr V V ' 4 LADKSEISf r XASKWK SETS-- FrtI. CI AO TO Q?? Qg UXGgfcSETS Vest and Moomers. Pri S2.7i5 STATIONERY BOXES F 49ctos3.79 SCAKV8S-SHk or weel Fr S1.98 MEN'S GIFT SUGGESTIONS SOCKS Fancy, from . .ggc TO 9g( siuirrs-FmV.. si,35fTO 35o PAJAMAS From .2.38 TO OAItTKR AND BELT SETS From $1.39 TIES From ...98c TO SL50 GAKTEIl AND ARM HANI) SETS jJ LADIES' GLOVES KID GLOVES Latest shades and beautif aHy trimmed. Regular $3.25. Sale price $2.35 FABRIC GLOVES AM color. kegcOar $15. Sak price - 9gc A'SI'BCILPFFEK: LitDlS GtOVtS , Regular $l5i. Sale prij? . ........ .fjjc k 3 fM'R TORE IS FILLED WITH XMA8 f.IFfS Ott AW VlV wriMA v ff? fIIII n AT myrr-uc i-itiiiv tul- it - - aai - - - a vuiii. va v in .wa a mt ii i i in i i i i w. ivr ; - COaJjnN" ANT) LET LS HKLP YOU FILL YOUR LIST. HANDKERCHIEFS p LINEN ILVDKERCIIIEES Whether loose er In hexes; !&afa pwre, made in Ireland; with and rt wntiala, We have them in abundant quantities ' T d tkbh:f4 for ladies or men. Prices start from the bWe Sc each to, pcrlbox g2 75 DOLLS, DRUMS AND TOYS GREAT IrlETY Itcxular 75c. Sale price . ,49 c 9-iitrhshse. Regular $1.11 Kale, Price fQ DRUMS We have them ia a vari-"" ety af 3k-U?13ifrthi i.i 25C j LADIES' HOSIERY ART SILK HOSIERY AH :aCH tTFf BMHRY Special sale price 7C SILK IIOSIERY-'HeMrraft. Up from S1.50 ALL SILK, SILK TO HE TOP HOSIERY Frsw, per pair .,iiJ1.95 T0 S2.75 SUPPERiFttT.SUPPEIwSffi cins,M EruH f ' INDIES' FELT SLIPPERS ' Vnm ' SI .15 CHILDREN'S FKLT SLIPPERS- 1rk .........98c IILYS FELT SLlPPKItS- Vrom S1.50 S4L Toys Reduced 2$, to 50 per cent. It is impossible to list every toy we Iwve in our Toy Department, but what we have is offered to you at a redaction from 25 to 5 per cent off the regular price. Toy I toft. Drums, Sewir Machines, Dish Sets, Musk Sets, Tops and Xmas decor-ations arc bought for the Xaas trade and must be setd before the Sllh of December. Tfcte Is the rcaswi for offeriftg this sale and these reductions. . Sale continues till Monday, Dec. the 24th. Store opens every night till Xmas JABOUR BROS. LIMITED