Frijav. 'December 21, 1928 UNITED CHURCH to SUNDAY SCHOOL L TERRACE PLAYS Tl i:i:A( Dec. 21: The Unl- I Ll . 1 0.1I II thi ir i n it ci n nunuay ocnooi neia Christmas concert and .III'.. m 11'- .1 t flin ; in. is irw on Hfuiiusuay .,. in the Terrace Theatre, ti wiis filled to capacity with lP n ami friends of the chil- 'I i , i illoiving program was ' ' ''' " rt:n.' Primary Department , , ,: -'Truta Him," r, .m ion "Thank You," Mary -' the Cradle." r,. . i 'an -"God's Care," Ad- i "Merry Sunbeams.'' ;i Song, John Little, r . , Jack Grant and Bobby i S-.iiK. IiOrna Smith, Mar-t ,;tt!f, Dora Darker and I ri:il-y . I ; i rmedinte Depnrtment iMii "VtHit to Santa '-lmn Olscn, Tna Smith, 1 Kenney and Audrey Will U tion - "Rinjf Dells." Mar-;.. ,(. Juth Little, Margar-i )i: -v, hVlwn Olsen, Lillian ,r,.i .ir.y Little. m:. -"Pussy's Phllos-mv Little. -'JVm. Much Candy," ; .i n.!. M rjorjr Kenney i II '.uirhlnwl. i; i i "SeefKff Bantn '.,' Coir. o i "Cabjri Stocking, " . .n -"Christmas Stock-i ri fle MeConnell. " i 'he Shepherd Beauti SCARVES in dazzling new mod- ful," Nora Digglesand Marjorle Kenney. Kecitation "Gratitude," Lorna Christy. j Senior Department Hay "King and Queen Christmas," King, John Smith; Queen, Lillian Christy; Courtiers, Bruce Smith, Walter MeConnell, John Christy; Trainbearers, Ina Smith, Nora Diggles; Herald, Lewis Mc-Kenney; Page, Lloyd Thomas, Christmas Greetings, Elsie Dann-hauer; Christmas Bells, Hazel MeConnell; Christmas Lights, Annie. Allan; Christmas Decorations. Ethel Monro! PtirUimaa Snow, Carman Smith; Christmas reastinir. ii v Allan- rhut (Gifts, Margaret Glass; Christmas , T tt if.i .. . Christmas, Fred Thomas; Love, r.veiyn Thomas. Mrs. Glass and Miss Kathleen Burnett accompanied. Santa Claus paid his 'annual visit and superintended the distribution of a plentiful supply of candy and nuU to every child present. ASSAULTCASE we bw FOR ASSIZES Fred Morris of Usk Tried at Ter race and Goes For Trial iliminary hearing In the case of 'Fred Morris accused of assault occasioning actual bodily harm to T. Shackleton of Usk several wieka ago was held here before Magistrate E. T. Kenney on Wednesday n'ght and the nrxuse'1 wn Bnt up for election in Prince Rupert. Witnesses at tfc" hearing were T. M. Srwn'-cr an-' J. Williams of the t"'n Crew Dr. Ilrumrritt and it. McKay.r A Dally News want-ad wilU bring results. Christmas Values W f i imi if GLOVES 'skin, Buck tkin and Pi in all :i.e. Al Mii'b4 and w oily in il. TKWW'ATION SALB 95c W 82.95 TIES Silk and Knit Neck Scarfs in a host of wonderful colors and pat-term. Most of them are hand tailored. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE, W to SHIRTS S1.35 ,'""imuinninj;vwiuir,. A " n'"1'1 nd smartly tai- Pure White Broadcloth Shirts with TKMPTATION SALE C0iar9 attached and unattached! ' " trom Q-fl QlKxpcrt fitting and well tailored. t vJHW TPMPTATinN SAI.R $4.45;''ES1.95 AND S2.95 The SWEATERS Fancy wool, slip-overs n newest pattern and colors. Reinforced ruffs and bottoms. A wonderful gift for men. TEMPTATIQN SALE PRICE, from 1,95 4.95 Acme Importers' Third Avenue-Terms, Strictly Cash. ANGLICANS AT TERRACE HAYE CHRISTMAS TREE reason for the celebration of Christmas. Following this each child was presented with a gift. Special 'mention was made of the fact that Velma Greig had been THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE day morning and all but one Sunday evehlng. Before closing three cheers were givenfor Mr. und Mrs. Robinson, Jack Sparkes, A. Chalk and a number of the mothers of the children assisted In Ihe entertaining and expenses were met by . Women's Auxiliary and private TRnnArR rw oi ThP' contributions to tne wonc. Xmas entertainment of the Anj)i-; can Sunday school was held in the lower G. W. V. A", "hall on Wed-' nesday evening and took the formj of an Xmas party instead of the. usual Xmas tree There were dp- FOUND DEAD IN LONELY CABIN ward of ,GQ children, jiresent ww all entered Jri,tb m iiMtfot YiHTERBACtJ, Dec. - 21: Joe games playedfwifl)gi-M glev lf- Reeves, who came here from freshments wefe served and much prinCe George about two years enjoyed .by the youngsters, after' ajf0 was found dead in the cabin which Mr. Robinson explained the, ,,t Thmn Pnirfv on Tuesdav evening, death having apparently having taken place some time the night before from natural causes. He was about seventy- four years of age and as far as absent from Sunday school only j in known has no relatives here. one Sunday in the year, had beeu been at church service every Sun Funeral arrangements not yet been made. trie fire burns cllr and good friends, gather round over afftT thercsits gfiTTlicn comes thaC delightful social time, Christmas afternoon. Friends drop m to wish you rrd. There is an cxdiange of greetings. Sun shines without, on, the snow. Before the fire there is merry' talk. And to express the warmth of your feeling you serve your guests "Canada Dry." Here is; ' a Christmis beverage . . . bubbling ovemvith mellowness, fine flavor and quality. From its amber depths you drink and understand the giqnuiteness of this fine ginger ale. It is dry like a rare old wine. That is. because it is made from finest quality Jamaica ginger and other ubsu-? lutdjr pure ingredients. It mixes well with other beverages. It expresses the true spirit of the occasion because it is a true ginger alelH. Serve "Canada Dry" on Christmas Day Drink it with dinner. Fol tb yotir5 Idblij to'youf liouw, it will bring that same, air of distinction ' which it brings to thousands pf homes through-, ' out Canada. CANADA ! ' '' iff '", " J - mm '-"M have ;'' Made in Canada by Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Limited, Toronto, Edmonton nnd Montreal. Formerly J. J. McLaughlin. Limited, and Caledonia Springs Corporation, Limited. : I j Wholesale Distributor, F. G. Dawson Company, Ltd. ANOTHER SKYLINE young thing. "I thonght a ham-Europe and are prompted to rave over sights and scenes that escaped their attention are earnestly urged to take a leaf from the guide book of James J. Walker, Mayor of New York. On his vacation ; abroad last year, having journeyed from, Paris to Rome, he was asked what he thought of the Alps. "I didn't notice them," Jimmy ( is reported to have replied. A Strength-building Food For Feeble People SCOTT'S EMULSION Rich In All Cod-liver Oil Vitamins Scot! ft Boa. Toronto, Ont. Dr. Alexander PIIOXE 575 III.SNKK HLOCK DENTIST CLOC Formal an jo "roa our 7 n DAY BARGAIN! at the otreaJ Importers j;l)onf 140 to bed willi rold feel these damp nights. (U'l a pdlr of Hciliooin Slippers from our large slock. We h ive tlifin in all sizes. I'orall Uiey cost, you inighl as well he (ojnrort:il)lc. Your friends, loo, would appreciate Ihoiiylilltiliicss in receiving such a suitable gift. And the price is remarkably' low'! FOR GIFTS Oir stock offers you ti wonderful .selection of everything for men's w'car, and boys, big and little, too. We' have NVrklfes lit infinite-variety, rill in fiincy byes, ranging in price from 15c lo 7oc. fliese are great value. Hie value we arc offcrinc in Men's'Sliirts is'inn a rax FROCKS 'large stock of these from our shelves last. WeTiiive S:iles ul $1.05. Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords, too, is another bargain line which our numerous customers arc appreciating to the full. Have you seen our prices for these quality shoes? The value is surprising! Montreal Importers THini AVENUE J. IL MILLER, PROPRIETOR SALEM am i mm I. DRESSES STREET DRESSES AFTERNOON DRESSES EVENING DRESSES On Saturday Erpm 2 to 4 o'j Chic Velvet Frocks uniyi the fabric hit of the season. And here we present our entire stock of fine quality enff Volvof F'rnolfB For holiday formal attire we have the very newest Paris , e eatlons. Gorgeous Satins, Chiffons and Velvets are in Wonderful colors and Included in the very newest details. Flounced effects,, 1 cfvip(, nf fatieb at d nrr daring necklines, in fact, everything about th.m is new aarinS Pnct and daring. far beyond compare. JA One Price Only-$10.00 Each Never before in the history of Prince Rupert have such dresses been put on sale at such a price. It is a genuine sale, for quick turnover. There are no old goods cither as the store has only been open since the beginning of November. We have to move these dresses out, however, and this price should doit. , ' ' ' , REMEiIIJER -SATURDAY, IRQMTO i O'CLOCK. , $ TermsCash Only. No C.-O.I). Annette Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, Ltd. Gia Third Avenue, (Upstairs, Over P. Burns' Store) PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 11 H SI I' it i 8 I!. t; IS V- it t: it 1. '1