... - - . p. m 1 1 in iMMMPiMi.iii'iijfnmfmfl Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. LADIES' Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Itoll Hoofing Ruildinj; Papers and Fells Ever jet Elastic Paint Plastic Klastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 110 and 117 DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load . $3-50 Double Load 4 $G.50 Largo Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerle Eg $12.00 Pembina Wobcd Nut $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 13'J Second Ave. ATHLETIC HOPE IS GIVEN BOOST MACKMKN WON TWO GAMES TKOM wiiiti: sox vi:sti:ii!)ay while YANKS DKOI'I'ED TWO TO '" fi THIERS t lf" ;r&Sp$Mal to Dally News) NEW YORK, July JO--There were be- In'ed pennant hopes In the heaits ol the Philadelphia Athletics yesterday ft' they won two games of a double-heade: . vc r the Chicago White Sox while the New York Hungers dropped two namef to the Detroit Tigers. Thin leaves tlie Mmkmen but nine-and-a-half Kanveh i:ehinri the leaders and. consequently there is great enthusiasm In the Philadelphia camp. Perchance this should be the start, of a long losing streak for the Yanks, the Athletics would yet have a nance although It would be such ft :n suttcn as Bis League baseball has ;.nt seen for many a long year. Cleve land Indians, by winning bcth games Irdm the Boston Bed Sox, went back into sixth place eve. the Washington Senators who dropped two games to the St. Louis Browns. The race tightened up In the National League when St. Louis Cardinals and Chicago Cubs wer beaten by Brook lyn and Boston respectively while New York Giants won a tight ganit from the Pittsburg Pirates and Cincinnati Hed and the Phillies broke even on a clou ble-hcader. But six-and-a-half same now separate the leading Cards iicm the fourth place Olants with the ubs and Reds bat ween, Yesterday's scores: NATION L IJMfllE Pittsburg S; New York 6. St. Lou's 1; Brooklyn 8. Chicago 1; Boston 3. Cincinnati 16-6; Philadelphia 5-7. AMERICAN IKKlli; New York 3-7; Detroit 3-10. Boston 3-9; Cleveland 10-18. Philadelphia, 16-8; Chicago 0-7. Washington 8-fc St. Louis 12-6. COAST J.E.UU'E Los AngeJss nit; Oakland 1.-Portland 6; Missions 3. San Francisco 5; Sacramento nil. Seattle 3:3; Hollywood 9-4. LEAGl'E STANDINGS National W. L. Pet. W ATE It NOTICE Clmrlng streams Take notice that K D. Judson. Limited, ntt,.- n E. n. Judsnn AaMit t fe M LSEiJ 7 1 tfti&gm , This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia 8t. Lous 60 34 .88 Chlcan. . . Cincinnati 55 New York 49 Brooklyn 48 whose addsess to Terrace, a C. will apply " for a lloence to use the waters of Bton 26 I akeise River . near lerrace. Clearing Philadelphia 2a oimuos purpose namety, owarmc ami , .... improving the stream tor -he drlvlna. . ' i ne peuuoa tor approval of under- "" taking and an appUcatlon for approval at the Schedule ol Tells will be beam in the office of the Baard of Investlaa-tlon at a date to be fixed and an ta- tereitrd person nty fUe an objection thereto In the office of the Comptroller or 01 ine water ttecoraer 01 tne uis- trlot. 191 TV.e,1 Mi v 38 !ta Applicant. 89 40 37 45 45 59 61 .596 .87S .5T0 JilC .500 an booming, or rmlttng of logs. ew Ior 08 37 .718 in point am the stream between rauaoeipnia SB 39 .617 whloh It la proposed to clear are ft-oBa St. Louis 51 48 ASB vuuv poiu. av wrucn lAKeise River . oj,,.. loaves Lakelse Lake, to the mouth of the cnlc0 48 11. .458 Lakels Rivet. z z ez a as uieveisna z 03 7. he euunated mlhuii between the Washington 41 53 sa.d pj.nt3 a ten 4 10) miles mare or less tw.. ihc texiu oroDcaMl for the license- is 00 21 years. Boston 88 58 This notice was posted on the ground r - . cow oj ttnVnoUc ' and'sn apptl- NO DECISION MADE "Water Act" will be filed in the office! IiDDM CAPPED CCDICC 3f ths Water Recorder at Prince Bu- i UrUil jULLCIV iir.r'E.J pen, . c Oblectlcas to the snallcaUon ma be filed with the said Water Recorder of with the OoaofitroHer of Water RlghU, Parliament BuUdlngs, victoria. DC. within thirty days altar the first appearance of this notice tat a local newspaper. Iloxlnc Tnornsinrat M It li Oernn Falls l"ar(Mjwtltif, KugrrMnl Ocean Falls daring Fan- Week. The question of financing the trip was under wrtsMkeaqion. The cost would be between 8488 and M0 and the meeting did net feel jaatliled In taking the re-1 sponstMllty for such a stun of money. A deputation will Interview the Fair In Prince Rupert Land Reeordlng Die- make the final decision Bay, Moresby Yl Island, island. Skldegate Skldesate Inlet. inlet. T5? Classified : Ads. ",!excavTtini WANTED WANTED Middle aged woman with ome experience to look after rooms. Must be reliable. State wages want ed. Omlneeit J! Lei- RuetVi-Xelke. B. WANTED-Rt dawbr by co. 4 ck' m jMaet. a WANTED Maid for general housework. Phone Rl &7. FOU .SALE TOR SALE-i'IRST CLASS ROOMING nouse; tweiny-:x rooms luny iur nlshed and In iiood condition. Ex cellent oppdrttinity for a couple Apply T; McCivmont. tf OLD NEWSPAPEP5 MAY BE USED IN-stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Get special price on large quantities. Dally News, 1 1 FOR SALE LAUNCH GWEN. FOUR Horsepowet East hope engine. alt complete and in good running condition. Apply Pullen. Dally News, tf rOR SALE. Offers wanted on one wo-ton Traffic Truck: and one one-ton Ford Truck. Apply T. McCIy-mont. tf FOR ftENT X)R RENT'. CLAPPER TON HOUSE, Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasonable. Apply City Treasurer. City Hall. tf OR RENT FIANOS, PLAYER-PIANOS, Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. tt FOR RENT. FURNISH H FOUR roomed apartment with bath. Water paid. Phone 547. tf FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM APART-ment, hot water heated. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf FOR RENT. Furnished room In pri vate residence. Borden Street. Phone Red 148. 174 83 ROOM Hotel tor Rent, partly fum- Ished. Apply to J. C. McLennan. 178 FOR RENT. FURNISHED APAHT- menU. Apply Mussaileaa Grocery. FOR RENT. FURNISH KD ROOMS; also small suite. Phone Oreen 690. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room In private residence. Borden Street. Phone Bed 148. 175 USED CARS FOR SALE Ford Ton Trtiek. panel body .. Ford Ton Truck. Chassis only F IPs starter type" ..n. 1108.00 5150.00 .438 good condition 5175 00 .408 Oakland Sedan, 1935, four wheel .3981 brakes, baloon tires MB0.00 Two Ton Traffic True, new tsrea 55OO.O0 Terms can be arranged on a bore ears KAIKN OAKAOti Phone 53. FURNITURE AND RANGES Fawcett Ranges. Simmons' Beds and Bedding encludlng the Ostermoor Mat- A meeting of the football executive we"- Dlnlngs Room Suites. Bedroom was held last evenlnc m the Oltv HaU. 1 8uU- betfVtld Suites, Window Applicant. , w. K. wnilsorort in the chatr, to oofvHl- BIno. Linoleum and Unoleum Rugs We sell at very reasonable prices so It wiR pay you to gtre us a call. Watch our Windows. A. MACKENZIE, Furniture. Phone 1M man, Oormminttp , Servlee Committee Gyd Johaaton. CHslrtmn. Club Service I.ANU ALT1 !u .." committee. Harry Rocbester. Chair vnrnr. p .vtT;- t v rJ? L? 1L Subcommittee. Tl'ase iAnii i ZT T: L OtmMmHj Service T- H. Johson. "TV"'"B (Chairman). Geowe BrVeAt. Home L Alexander, ' Thos. McOmoirt. Dr. W. T, trtct and altuate adjacent, to Anifora 1 n u felt that, with the support of the ..,-LZ. 1 v.. wwmm Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver, DC, occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intends sporting putollc aad the active co-opera- Uon of the too teal less especially, this Club Service 8. .D. Johnston (Chair manl. James L. Lee. Ham Pullen. W al oe aiiaiSBStl. II SUg- 1 ,M Orrh.rH Msmua Watt to apply for a lease or the loliowtug tie- s" -" "" Vocational servko H. B. Rochester scrlbwl lands Commencing at a the talaad to point of oommeacement, and containing one acre, more or leas. PACIinO MILLS. LIMITED. Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodadon. DAted Agent for Pacific Mills, Limited 1938. LAND ACT. NOTICn OF 1NTKNTHJN TO AI'PI.Y TO I.KASi; UM) and situate adjomlng Lot 8180 on Bast siojc oi Bjawena tuver. TAKE NOTICE that Christina Corley. of Pacific. B.C.. msrrted woman, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:- aaatoh - aeries and ttoeve la also the pos- . . . . . . , ii.nwiririBii i POSl Dianvea On VIM hn.ln. Imim.nAnt ROTARY COMMITTEES J", p n. 1 1 Thompson. Thos n.eh water mark of an Island; thence - Andrew, II. A Molean. Thos Trotier. following the high water mark around at the same trine. , I lie paper wwn m riueea w rare i , , i , some clever etpenents of the manly ! I; game and with Interest lit bong as1 SPORT PH AT ujl 1 keen as ft la loeally sua as event would j II , V. be sure to be a big attractloh. i K Interest loesllf In the InaiyMOjot 'boxing fight today has been very alight No betting hae been iicoraVsd at odds vim) vlmd ccirrTrn iww n- 8i oa Tun 1 tilt lLiitll ULiLiLililLii Th M.uit will Iwt avallakla this afternoon and anything leas than the . II. Johnson, s. D. JohnMon anil II. II. knockout or Heenoy wul be a surprise ICtx-heMer Are Chairmen to local enthuslaeU. Tunney has a re - cord for thirty-four knock-outs to his The following committees of the Ro- credit and n:i of 68 matches has loot "cJSne? of BlSa RaSie 5 tary Club for the coming year have only one when Harry Oreb beat him In Coast District; thence north 80 chains; been appointed by the president, Geo. 1023 thence. east 30 chains; thence south 80 I , , . m I tone 'PtctI-! Mrs. J. Field Strang and son were raining 100 acre, more or less. Alma. Objecls Oeorge Borie4 ciiKitrriNA Ammt xwwitririni ! not. B. nnn. uec'ii- passengers on tne rairan iyni iuvw nrv (ex-ifflr'oi: Tom Johnson, Chair- list evening to Vancouver. frlACDONALDS Eitte rXlX ct perfect blend, for those who "roll their ccon" with the free ( ZIG-ZAG ) V CIGARETTE PAPERS J ctttached (euso v 'Alb tin 80) rmmcaaAsm bvsjsi SALVAGE AND TOWIXG Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Cq. Ltd. ; HAS BARGAINS IN OAS BOATS Agents for Bastbope Engines, OoolMge Propellers, and Tuxhibe Oil 1 Boats of all description for Charter Salt Tkes Ferry service week days on the hours 1 pjn. till 8 p.m. Sundays and Holiday 11 a.m till 8 pjn. Phone M4 SUMMER RESORTS AKEI-SE IIOTSPRIN0S LODGE .NOW OIN AltdKST IIOTPI'ltlMl IN CANADA (LI this Water) Trotjt Fishing on Lakelse Lake now open GOOll ACCOMMODATION FOR FISHING PAUTIKM f J. BROCB JOHNaTONE, Mtnaftr. Lakekse Lake. Terrace, D.O AUCTIONEER. I'ltlNCi: Ktfl'FRT AI'CTIOV MART Federal nimk Furniture of all Htnds bought, sold or Moaanced. Crating and packing done. OoetH aotd on Commission G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer. llbrk IJ(r AUCTION SALE - Awtton Sese. will be hrld on Thurs-if July 86 on the premises st S8t Seeobd Aveciue at 3 JO p.m. House and Lot. Double barrelled shotguns, 13 gauge. Machinists' Tools. Anvils. Gramophone. And miscellaneous nrtlcles must be sold. GEO J. DAWES. Auctioneer 178 CHIROPRACTIC Bit. It. K. F.rol.l!ON Chiropractor 833 Third Avenue. Telephone for appointment now to Blui 85. Residence phone Black 3f2. Acute and Chronic Disorders success- fully treated. Established 1934 RESTAURANTS GOOD EATS CUE . , Mm. linger. Proprietress Third Airniir, nut OAV.V.A. Oood Hams Cooked Mssls and Horns Baked Dread Mperlal Clilrken Dinner Every Humlny Evening from 5.30. HOUSES FOR RENT ONE four room house ne:ir Cutlie"? Ch'irrh; one on 8th Ave near It: one on Ninth Ave.; all modem. hoiseh nut sua; THE fine we live In: ami .n,,' nt 718 Th'!iiicii Kl. faelnn 7-', Ave. ulao, furnished, will sell at imlf cost W Hart. .- s-:-' 'No Question These are the lowest prices in our history. ALL WOOL INDIGO SERGE Goodrich ilvertowB 23 oz. Serge, flfef! wfa ! for $."7 20 oz. Serge, reg. $60, bow 1 for $T0 17 OS. Serge, reg. $80, now far in Superfine Worsteds, Super Whipcord, Foxhound Tweed and Irish or Scotch Tweeds, etc. All finerft quality materials at aMtonishingly reduced prices. Come in today and let u take your measure. Rest workmanship and fit Ling the Tailor 817 Second Ave. Phone CI9 Don't forget our stsam pressing and cleaning service. Suit called for and delivered to any part of the city, PHONE US TODAY Form No. It. Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICFJ OF INTI.NTION TO Arn.Y TO l-Mlt'llASI. LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate about 0 miles from the mouth of Khutr River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining dompany of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Mining Company, Intends to sdcIt for Dermiaslon to pur chase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot distant from the Witness post on the West side of Lot 173; thence westerly 80 chains; thence southerly 30 chains; thence easterly 60 en tins; thence northerly io chains, and eontalning 100 acres, more or less. F. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Oo. Dated 18th April. 1928. CHOLERA INFANTUM THE FATAL DISEASE g OF CHILDREN ' Cor Tires ' No. environment fcia'.'tVatatifiil, '!no';paVerncni,;tpb srrt6oth and;ho road too rough fpr Silvertowns.' You'll sec them on every size and make of car giving th.it full measure of service and value which is characteristic of all Goodrich products. ... !l rnY Is a vnlualH9prrTaraUon that has liern on the nmrketfor the ntut eighty years. It has no equal for oft-setting the vomiting, purging and diarrhoro ol cholera infantum. I'rion, Uk. a hottle at all dni(rjrisU nt donlera; put up only by The T. Milburo Co., liuuled, Toronto, Out. Silvrrteum Tires and TuVi are mod try Oi Can,ulu,n Goodrich CVmpsny u t KlUhtner, Ontario. If your dealer doesn't carry them, your neighbor's dealer does. Ihcy Cost ncTiprc jslli K iff ss.aaiuwai sWMrWiWTit aaMaf 1 . II. S. WALLACE in. t LADIES Bathing Suits in JANTZIN UNIVKRS f and PENMAN mak" IJATIIING BEIT" H. 5. Wallace (XM. Phone ! 3rd Avenue and 1 Bathing Suits with Sk i i For Hoys, l.irl n ' Children PURE JERSEY V"'" Regular W- M - for Montreal Importers J. II. Miller. Prop .1 Third Avenue, Prin. I LINDSAY' CarlageandStoniif Phone 6S Cartage. Warehoiisl"K-Dlstrlliutlng. T"'"'1 pT Motor Servi'-P Coal Sand and , We Specially in Pi" ,iW t IJurnltunt Movinjf s-x'r-v. COAL Your choir' I'ncinv TASSIDY LINGTON TEMW V Also llulklcy liny nn i Agent for Rohin II 1 ' Phone 5S Prince Rupert Feed