T, ,, :duv, August 2, 1923. THE OMILY NEWS PAGE FIVE i R. W.CAMERON'S The Milk for Hot Days STOCK ON SALE BEFORE MOVING uiioi.k htock or 111,011 gk.uik akw- ' F.M.KICY AMI MI,f;uU Ol'- CARNATION is ideal for summer use. Keeps sweet without ice no waste. Adds food value to light summer dishes. Gives extra smoothness and flavor to salad dressings, desserts, ices. Just pure whole milk evaporated to double richness, kept safe by sterilization. Write lor free Cook Book Carnation Milk Product Co. Limited 1 14 Abhoti Smrt VANCOUVFB, B.C "vuiHDGtuuor. r0H0WIN40MKH IK ft? ' ,! HI Ml -tHKMf 0 ITOma at is DEMAND Produced in Canada Carnation Milk 'From Contented Cows l'IMDAY AND SATUKI) VY OF THIS WBI3K ONLY White Planoelttte, 6 yards for W$ VVdiie Cotton, 5 yards for lK5f I lid leached Cotton, 5 yards for 0.1c1 ' .iiijfham. Suit' 5 yards for !)." "turn Craiw, several shade, 5 jrttda for H.'f land Floss. 8 skeins for J)."C in h Dove, 4 balls for In n's Coveralls, Regular $1.8. Rale for Wif Silk Hose, SPECIAL Wtt in n's Socks. 3 pairs for Wit 'tit ton Jeraeys, Rvu. 75c, Sale 3 for Wtt ( i.tton Bathing Suits, Regular 75c. 2 for !)." ir u s Fleet Foot Slippers, siaes up to 2, Sale ..... Wtt an, Uejruiar 11.50, Sal . ...jSVf i:rn'H lialliritfiran Underwear, drawers only, 3 for .. Wtf Jabour Bros., Ltd. Prone G 15 3rd Ave. & 7th St. "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST HNKAKFAST POOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian psh & CM Storage (X Ltd. HEALTH FOLLOWS Prince UOpert, B.C. Phone Green 241 or Black 233 W. C. ASPINALL CHIHOPltACTOU WcffiL f "nA Uxchanno Block, Prince Itupcrt, ILL, Owing to" "bualneas conditions being rather quiet and a the rent of the tore 1 rather more than I can pay In my present location, Mr. Ourvtch has txn kind enough to allow me to break the lease which I now have with him. I am therefore moving to a imaller tore on Sixth Street, next door to Bryant & Oreer where I will confine myself more to the expert repairing of watches, etc.. than I have done In the past. But before moving, my entire tock goe on rale at what It cost me to land It In the store and you will get any article at this price. Everything. In the store rlU be offered at uost price. And remember, this stock Is new stock no old shop-worn or scratched Mood In the place. I have been here since the beginning 1908 and still believe there Is a great future for this town hence my determination to stay with It This actual Cost Sale Is now on and the stock coir prises all well known and standard makes of goods. Everything in th store is on sale now. Come while the choice Is good. R. W. CAMERON. Advt. 181, Pioneer Jeweller RAINFALL FOR MONTH OF JULY 4.62 INCHES Sunshine Kworil Was II7J Inrlies with y ; Little Detail from the Dlgby Island station of the weather during the .past month ore as follows: Highest barometer reading. 30.32 on July 33. Lowest barometer reading. 38.72 on July 8. i Miuclmum temperature. If degree on July 28. I Minimum temperature. 44 degree on July a. Mean temperature for month, 57.8 de- Bainfall for month. 468 lashes. Greatest rainfall. S inches on July as. Hows of sunshine. 117 J. Total wind mileage. 1344. Average velocity S.l with the greatest velocity 16 miles from 8.E. on July 7 and 11 H" 1 :H Man in the Moon The beat Government Is the one that governs least. That was O nought to be true In the old days before the Idea of marketing control. When you read the numerous mag sines you often And oks that have, bean going the mums of the new- papers for years. That shows bow difficult It la far a Joke to permeate the mind of a jockeater. When prominent people are bad tempered they are said to be tecnperatnen tal. When poor people are that way they get flrod promptly . The greatest ssernies to omocray are the stupid people jho can be feard-ed Ilka sbeap. It reminds one of polltlotans when the naa on a dog begin to bite each other. There's always sometfeing wrong. It, lyou don't go to ohareh ou are unfed-t Ly asag If you do gtu ,areia darned hy-n poerlte. Jaks had a bad odd and he did now know whether to atuff or starve It, b settled the matter by flooding It. II' doesn't know whether It was eftectl lor not beoausa he has not yet up. Who wouki be a public oSlelalt Theft are usually sworn In and then cuaHcdT out. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert There was a luU In the Allied advance yesterday, but artillery bombardment of the enemy posiUona continues. The Canadians are again In the trenches. v oow carrying four donkey engines, thirty thousand feet of lumber and the- latsst aoceasorias Is said to have turned turtl In Rwuunn Ttnv trui tht Aiiftflt - " " " l baa been lost. i ne post on ice entpioyees Who were ' on strike at Winnipeg have returned to J work. Though there has been no strike locally, buslnsM has been badly tied. up. There Is great activity on .Louise Is Innd, QO. Islands, where eight donkey engines are hauling out spruce for aero planes. F. W. Doherty, manager of the Roval iBank In (bis city haa been advised ot Ibis promotion to the position of supervisor of Dank Premises In the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Sankatche wan with iaadquarUrs at Winnipeg . Entire to the Considering; the unusual liberality as shown by the big prize list a Pontiac "G" 2-Door Sedan, Value $1,200; a Ford Tudor Sedan, value $860; one cash prize of $500 and two cash prizes of $100 each coupled with the fact that every active participant who does not win one of the big prizes will be well paid on a basis of 10 per cent of every dollar he or she collects for subscriptions.. The Prince Rupert Daily News' $4,000 prize campaign should appeal to some ambitious member of every family in this entire territory. You should consider this campaign and th.3 advertisement as being directly addressed to YOU. Come in, write in, telephone tcday for full information.. In asking for detailed particulars, you obligate yourself in no way whatever. TO YOU MARRIED MEN ; Who are doing your utmost to give your families the best there is in life and who are continually looking for the money-making opportunities. TO YOU MARRIED WOMEN Who, although you may have household duties to take care of, still feel' you are a "partner" in the home and want to do your share in these days of financia"' stringency, - or want to own a home or a car of your own. TO YOU YOUNG MEN Who are constantly complaining that "itfs. hard to get a start nowadays" and that big opportunities that came into men's lives in i days (gone by, are not open. Jo the young men of todav. TO'YOITVOUNG WOMEN Who realize the women worth vfhile today are the ones who do things and are factors in the world instead of idlers. TO EVERYONE Who desires some of the better things of life a car, a start in business or anything else that money can buy may we not suggest that you consider the money-making opportunities that exist in the Prince Rupert Daily News' "Everybody Wins" $4,000 Gift Distribution. Send in your name today and make more money for yourself in the next few weeks than most of us make in a whole year. Campaign Jusf Starting In order to share in The Daily News' $4,000 Prize Campaign, simply fil1. out the nomination coupon, which appears on this page, and bring it or mail it to The Daily News' Campaign Department. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS For full and complete information call on, telephone or write CAMPAIGN MANAGER, The Prince Ruport Daily News. Campaign hcadquartors located on the second floor of The Daily News Building, 243 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, are opon each evening until 8 o'clock. PHONE 53-1. 'Nomination Illnnk in The Prince Rupert Dally News "Kveryody Wins" Campaign. Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby enter and cast 5,000 votes for 311m, Mr. or 'Mrs. ,sn,ra. na a cnmmiato In TIic l'rlncoper i rue winn muwuji. W .... UlliAl gws "i.veryuouMmnai Va I VAddreas , Phone Note Only one, nomination Mnnk will lie credited to each candidate Nominated. The List of Candidates- DISTRICTS. 1 District No. 1 includes only those participants residing within the city limits of Prince Rupert. One of the prize cars and as many cash awards as there are active participants will be awarded to candidates living in this district. The names of those entered in District No. 1 up to the present time, together with all votes cast for publication up until yesterday noon, are as follows: Antoncllo, Miss Muriel 5.10Q Bailey, Miss Jean M 267,800 Bradbury, Mrs. II. J 174,300 Collison, Mrs. J. M : 262,500 Dominato, A 251,300 Field, Mrs. J 121,900 Frizzell, Miss Laura 265,300 Gilker, Miss Edna L. 271,700 Jones, Miss Margaret 49,300 Krikcvsky, Miss Victoria 121,S00 Larson, Miss Agnes 156,900 Lisncy, Mrs. A. B 86,500 McAuley, Miss Helen 5,000 McCrea, Miss Alice K 157,200 Morgan, Miss Connie 263,700 Nickerson, Mrs. Chas. M 178,500 Postolu, Spcro 76,500 Pritchard, Mrs. J.' II. .251,700 Rood, John 5,000 Shea, Lloyd 5,000 Slaggard, Mrs. J. R 169,300 S.mith, Mrs. Hugh M 274,900 Stevens, John R 27,000 Stuart, Miss Sheila 185,400 Thompson, Miss May 103,500 Wermig, Mrs. F 129,400 Wilson, Miss Nellie 115,200 Ungcr, Miss Edna 167,300 Zarclli, Miss Ermy 272,500 DISTRICT No. 2 District No. 2 includes only those participants residing outside the city limits of the City of Prince Rupert. One of the prize cars and as many cash awards as there are. active participants will be awarded to candidates living in this district. The names of those entered in District No. 2, up to the present time, togcthor with all votes cast ' for publication up until yesterday noon, are as follows : Beavcn, II. R. Queen Charlotte City Wl rri ifirfAri nir 13.. "IVf n." ?m if .or. JSUtoG., Port Clements ...... rfj)f5lGlrs. George, Terrace Mcintosh, Miss Margaret, Massct McKenzic, R. G., Queen Charlotte City Ryan, Miss Kate, Stewart Taylor, Mrs. G. A., Port Essington Wilson, Mrs. L. C, Hazclton -5,000 -7700 5,00 72,400 5,000 .5,000 5,000 61,500 5,000