fAGE FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBD Pub'Jihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince .Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. uontraciti AHv-prfiaino nrf T,lf?r57nt1cn fclpnTinn r. Q3 Ed'tor and Reporters TfJeuhone 'i' 86" !ember of Audit Jiuteau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Thursday. Dec. 13, 1928 iTHE KING S ILLNESS M , It is a wonderful tribute" to the . Kirfg that sV gVeat Tins hpn th iritprftt in hfs illnpss rhnr. hnllprine lnava haon THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, December 13, 1923 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Big Developments in Ingenika District; Bright Prospects for Alice Arm Camp; Electrical Prospecting Incident tq the development of the famous Ferguson mine on the Tnirenika River, the Wilson interests propose the establishment of a hydro-electric plant at Black Canyon on the Omineca . River . and . already application is be- - m m i .11 mi ing made for the use 01 tne water ior tnis purpose, ine power may also be used for industrial and agricultural I T 1 f rnurposes. Power could De taKen irom macK canyon over a fifty-mile transmission line to aianson urees anu sev- sent out at least five or six times a day, not only to all ' JTtJS!! BENNETT AND VICTORIA parts of the British Empire, but to United States and group, the foture of this S EDMONTON SEES IT iimiy uuici vuutikxico. xwiu wic jwug a ciumieaa 15 sun remote section seems asureu. the subject on which this paper receives most inquiries. I Transportation is ita big probira , King George has been very close to death for some but Wi!"?n lnre8t8 are , v, r,f K,r ,,f t A daunted and have visions of mak- tiiiic aim 11c 10 nub uj aiij iiicaii uuv ui uaiigci jci. AIR MAIL ON PRAIRIES An air mail service was inaugurated this week when (Emonton Bulletin) Mr. Bennett succeeded in per- ing a great future for the dis- suading the voters of Victoria, trict B. C. to send a member to ut- tawa to-help Mm boost the tariff Snlotwlirf result obtained this on everything high enough to a great many fetters vjere carried between the cities .SZM-Vr Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg, saying 24 hpulg trainUVrjCt win unaueMionabiv re- iwyer to appear before the time. Prior to that an ainwane rht m&nminfr mall'... i . -..,. it th min. fcriff coaro-tsion at Ottawa and it is now suggested tna&an air mail service irom Kim-! "" " ""F-,V . ' r" " " t ur. Toimi was until three ouski to Vancouver My Be inaugurated, .which would bel ?" LZZ .1 imonttt. ago lieutenant of Mr. a real extension that, would be of more value than the 1 UMUDUbie for a small com-l8"11 lnT fieW4.of .fed.e"J Short flights. I firing winter opertlone'""- ,Ht ihe Jt While it may bd JJOsMBle that the air mail may lose inu Strict. The Tone Tiger, ulf". fjrt S money for the department, if the Dominion is to develop North Esperanza and .sD-jSunivan dled airmindedness and have a government air service for de-; rise a " T1 niri.W1n , operations. Every one is well fence it must expect a to lose i It ti. .is much i purposes money- fDced and every one i8 oper. WnnmVARn RlliiniNf, better to have the planes occupied in some useful occupa-ating a good property that should tion than flying only for military practice. develop into big tonnage pro- i ' , ducers. Three Toric, Esperanxa; T'HCiT OFFTfR ATWF.IiTKTVf! nd North Star are already pro-' The poit office department of Canada is self -sustain- ncentrsTodvH1' J ! VVA' ts vwu'aiw LARGE ADDITION TO HIS EDMONTON STORE ing. It IS a DeneVOlent monopoly operated lor the ben-!ael! easier to raise money fori wmux i&nc. it.-Mpan- efitof theDeoaleof the .COUntrv. Whatever the DOSt of-! the development of Alice Ann bus.ness oemanas. fice does it charges for. Yet When the pOStoffice. Wanjtg properties. The camp is becoming becoming publicity it expects the newspapers to giVeiU free. It TX&e SSrefil does not even advertise tor employees when tftev are ;w-rZ-S tk rAUv..,. the C- Woodward departmental. 0e iirmjii ejeci ap extension needed. So intent are the'heads of the organization oh thiMattfc. v . ? --f 7 5reathi; ck?on- q"-n5: making a showing in the aniual report that it pares down !t i. considered probable that JJ ef fe.t ". u, fbe j everything to the lowest possible. , ,a number of properties in this 4ournal on Friday by Charle. We are of opinion that the post office and all other district may f itflize uswi0iwardi -m.l.a. of Vascon-governmental departments -ahoaW pay for their adver- "thod f"1' Vrtpectimr ver and pre,ident of ue firm,1 the airmail was inaugurated an appeal for supportas DSweii, Bayw .nd SLa! Btb . Lai Lw,ger; " sent out and the newspapers were asked to publish ityree. Hiddt Creek. j wm be. a three ' strey" Some did and others refused to do so. We are" arhoag " yf f f ibiwhf Jeip;f!we iny those who refused. We have had something to say in tfeel He-,-Deare, VB ju isjrjft ii t matt ft larger.-j past in regard to the marine department along thVsanle w -.. viiBovy "A iwrtenji line- There is no reason why any governmental depart- shT? ' 5". "IV7 ma"7 w1" ft"1", J.1 '""iS ' , , , , 1 J b rp, iT u you- Jck, but I shall always res- and inclusive of this coat, the, ments Should sponge -On the newspapers. They Should ,.t your gooA taste.-Montreal initial expenditure will be around pay their way just as 00 commercial organizations. star. .that stated. Fashion Fancks The Tweed Dress That is the Bread and Butter on Fashion Menu If you havent at least two well tailored tweed dresses for sports -i wear, lose no time in getting them. For they are, this season, almost more important than any other article of your wardrofc. 1 . . r Here is an especially popular one-piece model of tan tweed, with a narrow brown suede belt. Notice the subtle flare beginning at the. hips and extending down, and the clever line worked in below the belt. J The perfect complement for this type of dresn in a simple felt hat of dark brown with bug to match. The buttonhole flower it of burnt orange. GIFT SUGGESTIONS K Bf ' DAINTY HANDKERCHIEfSBp .... .v. 25CTO S1.50 NOVELTY HANDKEnCHpREISIRBgl Jq' ; SHOE TREE AND GARTER MrS$jfa $1.00 NOVELTY RUBBER AP$$KS ,...!.T. 51.00 ijpURE LINEN LUNCHEON SETS 2.95, Ss!95 aBd 'S4!95 TOWEL SETS -Boxed : . . 1,00, S1.25 aBd -.v S1.50 FRENCH HAND MlrlX GEORGETTE SCARFS . gl.95 t0 S2.95, 3.50 1-2 DOZEN IRISH LINEN HANDKEIICHIEFS HemstitcHodJ" i dozcn -4-li-vl-,.v81.50 , FOWNES WOOL LINED CAPE GLOVES Fur top. , Pfdr- .-m'...;..1. ,A..V.:$2.9i5 KAYSER KIP TONE GLOVES Pullover and one-button stylo; waihable. Pair . . - j a ; ; SI 50 'PURE WbOIi ANCY TOF$pdlTSrr-As6orW shades !! sizes. Pair.. : .. oZ' Fraser Sl Payne 3RD AVENUE AND, CT1I STREET Power Corporation of Canada Limited OWNED AND OPERATED BY Nesbitt, Thomson & Company Limited, Montreal TO THE CITIZENS OF PRINCE RUPERT:-Thjs company his submitted for your consideration an offer to purchase the fixed assets of your municipal light and power department, and takes this oppartunity of placing before you the following brief synopsis of their offer: PRICE $375,000 Approximately $25,000.00 more than the present book DOMESTIC RATES The present schedules to remain in force, but the com-pany is to be allowed to reduce rates if found to lie advisable. EXISTING CONTRACTS to be respect ed by the company in their entirety. POWER RATES to remain as at present in force, or, if city prefers in the alternative, the company has offered to institute the same schedule of rates and conditions as have been used in their operations in the East. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Company undertakes to commence immediately and complete within two years, subject to 6 months' grace for contingencies, further HYDRO-ELECTRIC development having capacity of not less than 5000 II. P. installed, and pledges itself to continue, when, and as, required, until 100,000 II. P- or more has been developed for thc;usc of industries located in the city. STREET LIGHTING Has undertaken to do this at rates, which,, on the now existing conditions, it is estimated, would save the city annually the sum of $1780.00 when compared with the existing rate. ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING The company undertakes upon demand of the city to install at its own expense system of modern ornamental street lighting in ALL the streets of the city and operate them at the same rates. TAXES The company DOES NOT ASK for exemption of municipal taxes. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT THE COMPANY PIECES AT THE DISPOSAL OF THE CITY OR ITS BOARD OF TRADE THE SERVICES OF ITS INDUSTRIAL BUREAU, WHOSE ACTIVITIES IN OTHER SECTIONS OF THE DOMINION HAVE PRODUCED RESULTS NOT EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER ORGANIZATION. The outstanding advantages to be derived from your acceptance of this offer would appear to be: (1). t 2). (3). (9). (10). THE COMPANY IS WHOLLY CANADIAN, with a record of accomp-lishment over jnany years seconillo noncin the Dominion. men of diversified interests an dWIDE INFLUENCE in Dominion af- lairs. The PROFITS derived from the operations of the company arc almost wholly DISPENSED IN CAN ADA for the benefit of the FURTHER lJJEVISLUrMENT OF CANADA. (1). By making a it'URTHfeRMft VESTMENT inTthe 1'rincc Rupert district estimated at ONtt AND-A HiVLP MILLION dollars the COMPANY will be economically COMPELLED to PROTECT the interests of its CLIENTS by FURTHER DEV ELOPMENT of the city, its INDUSTRIES and RESOURCES. (5). (6). (7). The alternative schedule of Eastern power rates offered arc to the highest advantage. The present city rates in some cases are as much as 50 per cent higher than those bcin g of fered. The RATES OFFERED arc the SAME as those operative in that section of the East where the greatest INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT of the Ibminion has taken place and which the company knows therefore arc RIGHT. Adequate and modem street lighting is considered as being one of the best advertising medidms and full provision has been made for this without capital cost to the city, ' The company places at the dispasd if UioCity of Prince Rupert, free of charge, the services of the same industrial department which has, in me past cigni 10 len years, located in one area n onov3Sv INDUSTRIES. havintr a total canitalization of nrmiml imifTV ahi i mv nni 1 uic with an ANNUAL PAYROLL of in excess of NINE 'MILLION 1)01 LARS to 9000 EMPOYEES, bringing in a contingent population estimated at from 50,000 to 75,000 i nhabitanls. EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST SCHOOL TO GRADUATE FROM (8). Besides its activities in the hydro-electric field, the principals of the company have financed from amongst many others the following notable industrial enterprises: Bathurst Paper Co., Bathurst, New Brunswick; St. Lawrence Paper Co., Three Rivers, Quebec; Canada Paper Co., Windsor Mills. Quebec; Canadian Cclaaesc Co., Drummondville, Que.; Eastern Dairies Co., .Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa; McColl Frontc- nac UU to.; Canada Steamships Co-, Montreal; Reliance Grain Co Winnipeg. .1 .... The men behind this company were the first in the Dominion to advocate and institute the principal af "employee" and "customer ownership," and can not, therefore, bo looked upon as monopolistic by nature or determination. The principals behind this company aro in a.posiiion to and can arrange to materially assist. in the financing of any local industry of merit, or the devclopmenl'ofUhc.rnatUraI .resources of the territory ' h" " a" as warranted. Your interest and vote in our favor is solicited. We arc not asking for your support on patriotic or sentimental reasons, but upon our established record and proven ability, and upon which your fullest investigation is invited. Power Corporation of Canada, Lid. H. E. PAWSON, Assistant Commercial .Manager.